The CSV filter accepts an option string containing five to fifteen tokens, separated by commas. Tokens 6 to 15 are optional.Import from UTF-8, Language German, Comma separated, Text delimiter ", Quoted field as text. CSV file has columns formatted as date, number, number, number:soffice --infilter="Text - txt - csv (StarCalc):44,34,76,1,1/5/2/1/3/1/4/1,1031,true,true" test.csvExport to Windows-1252, Field delimiter : comma, Text delimiter : quote, Save cell contents as shown:soffice --convert-to "csv:Text - txt - csv (StarCalc):44,34,ANSI,1,,0,false,true,true" --outdir=/home/user test.ods
Token PositionDefinitionMeaning and Example of Token1Field SeparatorField separator(s) as ASCII values. Multiple values are separated by the slash sign ("/"), that is, if the values are separated by semicolons and horizontal tabulators, the token would be 59/9. To treat several consecutive separators as one, then append '/MRG' to the token. If the file contains fixed width fields, then use 'FIX'. Example: 44 (,)2Text DelimiterThe text delimiter as ASCII value, like 34 for double quotes and 39 for single quotes. Example: 34 (").3Character SetThe character set code used in the file as described in the table below. Example: 0 (System).4Line number to start reading.CSV ImportN: line number to start reading. Example: 3 (start from third line).5Cell Format Codes for Each ColumnCSV ImportA sequence of column/formatting code, where the formatting code is given in the table below. Example: "1/5/2/1/3/1/4/1".If value separators are used, the form of this token is column/format[/column/format/…] where column is the number of the column, with 1 being the leftmost column. The format code is detailed below.If the first token is FIX it has the form start/format[/start/format/…], where start is the number of the first character for this field, with 0 being the leftmost character in a line. The format is explained below.6Language identifierString expressed in decimal notation. This token is the equivalent of the "Language" listbox in the user interface for CSV import. If the value is 0 or omitted, the language identifier of the user interface is used. The language identifier is based on the Microsoft language identifiers.7Quoted field as textString, either false or true. Default value: false. This token is the equivalent of the check box "Quoted field as text".8Detect special numbersImport: String, either false or true. Default value: false. This token is the equivalent of the check box "Detect special numbers".Export: String, either false or true. Default value: true. This token has no UI equivalent. If true, the number cells are stored as numbers. If false, the numbers are stored as text, with text delimiters.9Save cell contents as shownCSV ExportString, either false or true. Default value:true. This token is the equivalent of the check box "Save cell contents as shown".10Export cell formulasCSV ExportString, either false or true. Default value: false. Export cell formulas.11Remove spacesCSV ImportString, either false or true. Default value: false. Remove spaces. Trim leading and trailing spaces, when reading the file.12Export sheetsCSV ExportExport the entire document to individual sheets .csv files or a specified sheet.0 or absent: means the default behaviour, first sheet from command line, or current sheet in macro filter options, exported to sample.csv-1: for all sheets, each sheet is exported to an individual file of the base file name concatenated with the sheet name, for example sample-Sheet1.csv, sample-Sheet2.csv and sample-Sheet3.csvN: export the N-th sheet within the range of number of sheets. Example: to export the second sheet, set 2 here to get sample-Sheet2.csv13Import as formulasCSV ImportString, either false or true. Default value: false. Determines whether formula expressions starting with a = equal sign character are to be evaluated as formulas or imported as textual data. If true evaluate formulas on input. If false formulas are input as text. If omitted (not present at all), the default value is true to keep the behaviour of old versions' options string that didn't have this token at all. If present and empty (or any other value than true) the default value is false.14Include a byte-order-mark (BOM)String, either false or true. Default value: false. If true include a byte-order-mark (BOM) in the export. If false the export does not include a BOM. If omitted (not present at all), the default value is false to keep the behaviour of old versions' options string that didn't have this token at all. If present and empty (or any other value than true) the default value is false. Automatically detected during the import.15Detect numbers in scientific notationString, either false or true. Default value: true. If true detect if a cell content containing an 'E' or 'e' is a number in scientific notation. If false do not try to detect numbers in scientific notation. Token can be false only if token 8 (Detect special numbers) is false. If omitted, the default value is true to keep the behaviour of old versions' options string that didn't have this token at all.
Special case of CSV files with separator defined in the first line
CSV import and export support a sep= and "sep=" field separator setting. When reading a CSV document, the separator is taken from the initial sep= or "sep=" single field, if that is the only line content. When reading a CSV file, the quoted form is preserved as (unquoted) cell content. You see sep=| when | is the separator in the first line. In the unquoted form, the separator is discarded because it is a real field separator in the context. You see sep= in the first line.When writing a CSV file, the existing single top left cell's content such as sep=| is adapted to the current separator with the quoted form of "sep=|" (if quotes / text delimiters aren't set empty and | is the separator) and always uses the ASCII " double quote character.If the line containing the sep=| is not to be imported as data, remember to set the From row number in the dialog to 2. Note that this line will not be preserved when re-saving.sep=|"LETTER"|"ANIMAL""a"|"aardvark""b"|"bear""c"|"cow"
Formatting Codes for Token 5
MeaningCodeStandard1Text2MM/DD/YY3DD/MM/YY4YY/MM/DD5-6-7-8Ignore field (do not import)9US-English10