Position (List Styles - Legacy) /text/swriter/01/legacynumbering.xhp numbering;OpenOffice.org OpenOffice.org legacy numbering

Position (List Styles - Legacy)

%PRODUCTNAME Writer uses the position controls shown here when opening documents that use a different method for positioning and spacing. For default controls see Position (List Styles).see http://specs.openoffice.org/writer/numbering/NewListLevelAttrs.odt


Enter the amount of space to leave between the left page margin (or the left edge of the text object) and the left edge of the numbering area. If the current paragraph style uses an indent, the amount you enter here is added to the indent.


Indents the current level relative to the previous level in the list hierarchy.

Width of numberingi85347

Enter the width of the numbering area. The numbering symbol can be left, center or right in this area.UFI: fixed #i31282#

Minimum space between numbering and text.

The alignment of the numbering symbol is adjusted to get the desired minimum space. If it is not possible because the numbering area is not wide enough, then the start of the text is adjusted.
provides heading "Number Alignment Aligns the numbering symbol left, center, or right in the numbering area. The position might be adjusted to maintain the minimum space. provides note about "Number Alignment provides Apply control help
Position (List Styles) Paragraph alignment Indenting Paragraphs