Formula /text/swriter/02/14020000.xhp
formulas; in text documents table formulas; in text documents operators; in table formulas statistical functions in tables mathematical functions in tables trigonometric functions in tables pages;number of pages in table formulas variables;document properties in table formulas arithmetical operators in formulas


Opens a submenu, from which you can insert a formula into the cell of a table. Place the cursor in a cell in the table or at the position in the document where you want the result to appear. Click the Formula icon and choose the desired formula from the submenu.
The formula appears in the input line. To specify a range of cells in a table, select the desired cells with the mouse. The corresponding cell references also appear in the input line. Enter additional parameters, as necessary, and click Apply to confirm your entry. You can also enter the formula directly if you know the appropriate syntax. This is necessary, for example, in the Insert Fields and Edit Fields dialogs.
Go to Table - Edit Formula. In the Table toolbar, press the Insert or Edit Formula icon. In a text document, press F2.
Formula icon in Table toolbar Formula

Summary of Formula Options

Basic Calculation Functions

Operation Name Example Addition + Calculates the total. Example: <A1> + 8 Subtraction - Calculates the difference. Example: 10 - <B5> Multiplication MUL or * Calculates the product. Example: 7 MUL 9 displays 63 Division DIV or / Calculates the quotient. Example: 100 DIV 15 displays 6.67

Basic Functions in the Submenu

Function Name Example Sum SUM Calculates the sum of the selected cells. Example: SUM <A2:C2> displays the sum of the values in cells A2 to C2 Round ROUND Rounds a number to the specified decimal places. Example: 15.678 ROUND 2 displays 15.68 Percent PHD Calculates a percentage. Example: 10 + 15 PHD displays 10.15 Square Root SQRT Calculates the square root. Example: SQRT 25 displays 5 Power POW Calculates the power of a number. Example: 2 POW 8 displays 256


You can insert various operators in your formula. Choose from the following functions: Operator Name Example List Separator | Separates the elements in a list. Example of using a list: MIN 10|20|50|<C6>|<A2:B6>|20 Equal EQ or == Checks if selected values are equal. If they are unequal, the result is zero, otherwise 1 (true) appears. Example: <A1> EQ 2 displays 1, if the content of A1 equals 2 Not Equal NEQ or != Tests for inequality between selected values. Example: <A1> NEQ 2 displays 0 (wrong), if the content of A1 equals 2 Less than or Equal LEQ Tests for values less than or equal to a specified value. Example: <A1> LEQ 2 displays 1 (true), if the content of A1 is less than or equal to 2 Greater than or Equal GEQ Tests for values greater than or equal to a specified value. Example: <A1> GEQ 2 displays 1 (true), if the content of A1 is greater than or equal to 2 Less L Tests for values less than a specified value. Example: <A1> L 2 displays 1 (true), if the content of A1 is less than 2 Greater G Tests for values greater than a specified value. Example: <A1> G 2 displays 1 (true), if the content of A1 is greater than 2 Boolean Or OR Tests for values matching the Boolean OR. Example: 0 OR 0 displays 0 (false), anything else results in 1 (true) Boolean X Or XOR Tests for values matching the Boolean exclusive OR. Example: 1 XOR 0 displays 1 (true) Boolean And AND Tests for values matching the Boolean AND. Example: 1 AND 2 displays 1 (true) Boolean Not NOT Tests for values matching the Boolean NOT. Example: NOT 1 (true) displays 0 (false)

Statistical Functions

You can choose from the following statistical functions: Function Name Example Mean MEAN Calculates the arithmetic mean of the values in an area or a list. Example: MEAN 10|30|20 displays 20 Minimum Value MIN Calculates the minimum value in an area or a list. Example: MIN 10|30|20 displays 10 Maximum Value MAX Calculates the maximum value in an area or a list. Example: MAX 10|30|20 displays 30 Product PRODUCT Calculates the product of the selected cells. Example: PRODUCT <A2:C2> displays the product of the values in cells A2 to C2 Count COUNT Counts the number of non empty cells. Example: COUNT <A2:C2> displays the number of non empty cells in A2 to C2


You can choose from the following functions: Function Name Example Sine SIN Calculates the sine in radians. Example: SIN (PI/2) displays 1 Cosine COS Calculates the cosine in radians. Example: COS 1 displays 0.54 Tangent TAN Calculates the tangent in radians. Example: TAN <A1> Arc Sine ASIN Calculates the arc sine in radians. Example: ASIN 1 Arc Cosine ACOS Calculates the arc cosine in radians. Example: ACOS 1 Arc Tangent ATAN Calculates the arc tangent in radians. Example: ATAN 1 Absolute value ABS Returns the absolute value of the number. Example: ABS -34 returns 34 Sign SIGN Returns the algebraic sign of the number. Example: SIGN -23 returns -1

Variables for document properties

The following document properties are also found under File - Properties - Statistics. Name Description CHAR Number of characters in the document WORD Number of words in the document PARA Number of paragraphs in the document GRAPH Number of graphics in the document TABLES Number of tables in the document OLE Number of OLE objects in the document PAGE Total number of pages in the document

More Defined Values

Description Name Value PI PI 3.1415... Euler's constant E 2.71828... True TRUE not equal to 0 False FALSE 0