/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #ifndef INCLUDED_EDITENG_OUTLINER_HXX #define INCLUDED_EDITENG_OUTLINER_HXX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class OutlinerEditEng; class Outliner; class EditView; class EditUndo; class EditUndoManager; class ParagraphList; class OutlinerParaObject; class SvStream; class SvxSearchItem; class SvxFieldItem; namespace vcl { class Window; } namespace weld { class Widget; } class KeyEvent; class MouseEvent; class CommandEvent; class MapMode; class SfxStyleSheetPool; class SfxStyleSheet; class SfxItemPool; class SfxItemSet; class SvxNumberFormat; class EditEngine; class SvKeyValueIterator; class SvxForbiddenCharactersTable; class OutlinerViewShell; enum class CharCompressType; enum class TransliterationFlags; class SvxFieldData; enum class PointerStyle; class SvxNumRule; enum class TextRotation; enum class SdrCompatibilityFlag; namespace com::sun::star::linguistic2 { class XSpellChecker1; class XHyphenator; } namespace svx{ struct SpellPortion; typedef std::vector SpellPortions; } namespace basegfx { class B2DPolyPolygon; } namespace com::sun::star::lang { struct Locale; } // internal use only! enum class ParaFlag { NONE = 0x0000, HOLDDEPTH = 0x4000, ISPAGE = 0x0100, }; namespace o3tl { template<> struct typed_flags : is_typed_flags {}; } // Undo-Action-Ids #define OLUNDO_DEPTH EDITUNDO_USER // #define OLUNDO_HEIGHT EDITUNDO_USER+1 #define OLUNDO_EXPAND EDITUNDO_USER+2 #define OLUNDO_COLLAPSE EDITUNDO_USER+3 // #define OLUNDO_REMOVE EDITUNDO_USER+4 #define OLUNDO_ATTR EDITUNDO_USER+5 #define OLUNDO_INSERT EDITUNDO_USER+6 // #define OLUNDO_MOVEPARAGRAPHS EDITUNDO_USER+7 class Paragraph : protected ParagraphData { private: friend class Outliner; friend class ParagraphList; friend class OutlinerView; friend class OutlinerParaObject; friend class OutlinerEditEng; friend class OutlinerUndoCheckPara; friend class OutlinerUndoChangeParaFlags; Paragraph& operator=(const Paragraph& rPara ) = delete; OUString aBulText; Size aBulSize; ParaFlag nFlags; bool bVisible; bool IsVisible() const { return bVisible; } void SetText( const OUString& rText ) { aBulText = rText; aBulSize.setWidth(-1); } void Invalidate() { aBulSize.setWidth(-1); } void SetDepth( sal_Int16 nNewDepth ) { nDepth = nNewDepth; aBulSize.setWidth(-1); } const OUString& GetText() const { return aBulText; } Paragraph( sal_Int16 nDepth ); Paragraph( const Paragraph& ) = delete; Paragraph( const ParagraphData& ); sal_Int16 GetDepth() const { return nDepth; } sal_Int16 GetNumberingStartValue() const { return mnNumberingStartValue; } void SetNumberingStartValue( sal_Int16 nNumberingStartValue ); bool IsParaIsNumberingRestart() const { return mbParaIsNumberingRestart; } void SetParaIsNumberingRestart( bool bParaIsNumberingRestart ); void SetFlag( ParaFlag nFlag ) { nFlags |= nFlag; } void RemoveFlag( ParaFlag nFlag ) { nFlags &= ~nFlag; } bool HasFlag( ParaFlag nFlag ) const { return bool(nFlags & nFlag); } public: ~Paragraph(); void dumpAsXml(xmlTextWriterPtr pWriter) const; }; struct ParaRange { sal_Int32 nStartPara; sal_Int32 nEndPara; ParaRange( sal_Int32 nS, sal_Int32 nE ) : nStartPara(nS), nEndPara(nE) {} void Adjust(); }; inline void ParaRange::Adjust() { if ( nStartPara > nEndPara ) { std::swap(nStartPara, nEndPara); } } class EDITENG_DLLPUBLIC OutlinerView final { friend class Outliner; Outliner* pOwner; std::unique_ptr pEditView; enum class MouseTarget { Text = 0, Bullet = 1, Hypertext = 2, // Outside OutputArea Outside = 3 // Outside OutputArea }; EDITENG_DLLPRIVATE void ImplExpandOrCollaps( sal_Int32 nStartPara, sal_Int32 nEndPara, bool bExpand ); EDITENG_DLLPRIVATE sal_Int32 ImpCheckMousePos( const Point& rPosPixel, MouseTarget& reTarget); EDITENG_DLLPRIVATE void ImpToggleExpand( Paragraph const * pParentPara ); EDITENG_DLLPRIVATE ParaRange ImpGetSelectedParagraphs( bool bIncludeHiddenChildren ); EDITENG_DLLPRIVATE sal_Int32 ImpInitPaste( sal_Int32& rStart ); EDITENG_DLLPRIVATE void ImpPasted( sal_Int32 nStart, sal_Int32 nPrevParaCount, sal_Int32 nSize); EDITENG_DLLPRIVATE sal_Int32 ImpCalcSelectedPages( bool bIncludeFirstSelected ); Link aEndCutPasteLink; public: OutlinerView( Outliner* pOut, vcl::Window* pWindow ); ~OutlinerView(); EditView& GetEditView() const { return *pEditView; } void Scroll( tools::Long nHorzScroll, tools::Long nVertScroll ); void Paint( const tools::Rectangle& rRect, OutputDevice* pTargetDevice = nullptr ); bool PostKeyEvent( const KeyEvent& rKEvt, vcl::Window const * pFrameWin = nullptr ); bool MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& ); bool MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& ); void ReleaseMouse(); bool MouseMove( const MouseEvent& ); void ShowCursor( bool bGotoCursor = true, bool bActivate = false ); void HideCursor( bool bDeactivate = false ); Outliner* GetOutliner() const { return pOwner; } void SetWindow( vcl::Window* pWindow ); vcl::Window* GetWindow() const; void SetReadOnly( bool bReadOnly ); bool IsReadOnly() const; void SetOutputArea( const tools::Rectangle& rRect ); tools::Rectangle const & GetOutputArea() const; tools::Rectangle GetVisArea() const; void CreateSelectionList (std::vector &aSelList) ; void Select( Paragraph const * pParagraph, bool bSelect = true); OUString GetSelected() const; void SelectRange( sal_Int32 nFirst, sal_Int32 nCount ); void SetAttribs( const SfxItemSet& ); void Indent( short nDiff ); void AdjustDepth( short nDX ); // Later replace with Indent! void AdjustHeight( tools::Long nDY ); void Read( SvStream& rInput, EETextFormat eFormat, SvKeyValueIterator* pHTTPHeaderAttrs ); void InsertText( const OUString& rNew, bool bSelect = false ); void InsertText( const OutlinerParaObject& rParaObj ); void Expand(); void Collapse(); void ExpandAll(); void CollapseAll(); void SetBackgroundColor( const Color& rColor ); Color const & GetBackgroundColor() const; /// Informs this edit view about which view shell contains it. void RegisterViewShell(OutlinerViewShell* pViewShell); SfxItemSet GetAttribs(); void Cut(); void Copy(); void Paste( bool bUseSpecial = false, SotClipboardFormatId format = SotClipboardFormatId::NONE ); void PasteSpecial(SotClipboardFormatId format = SotClipboardFormatId::NONE); void SetStyleSheet(const OUString& rStyleName); const SfxStyleSheet* GetStyleSheet() const; SfxStyleSheet* GetStyleSheet(); void SetControlWord( EVControlBits nWord ); EVControlBits GetControlWord() const; void SetAnchorMode( EEAnchorMode eMode ); EEAnchorMode GetAnchorMode() const; PointerStyle GetPointer( const Point& rPosPixel ); bool Command(const CommandEvent& rCEvt); void StartSpeller(weld::Widget* pDialogParent); EESpellState StartThesaurus(weld::Widget* pDialogParent); sal_Int32 StartSearchAndReplace( const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem ); // for text conversion void StartTextConversion(weld::Widget* pDialogParent, LanguageType nSrcLang, LanguageType nDestLang, const vcl::Font *pDestFont, sal_Int32 nOptions, bool bIsInteractive, bool bMultipleDoc); void TransliterateText( TransliterationFlags nTransliterationMode ); ESelection GetSelection() const; SvtScriptType GetSelectedScriptType() const; void SetVisArea( const tools::Rectangle& rRect ); void SetSelection( const ESelection& ); void GetSelectionRectangles(std::vector& rLogicRects) const; void RemoveAttribs( bool bRemoveParaAttribs, bool bKeepLanguages = false ); void RemoveAttribsKeepLanguages( bool bRemoveParaAttribs ); bool HasSelection() const; void InsertField( const SvxFieldItem& rFld ); const SvxFieldItem* GetFieldUnderMousePointer() const; const SvxFieldItem* GetFieldAtSelection(bool bAlsoCheckBeforeCursor = false) const; /// if no selection, select the field immediately after or before the current cursor void SelectFieldAtCursor(); /** enables bullets for the selected paragraphs if the bullets/numbering of the first paragraph is off or disables bullets/numbering for the selected paragraphs if the bullets/numbering of the first paragraph is on */ void ToggleBullets(); void ToggleBulletsNumbering( const bool bToggle, const bool bHandleBullets, const SvxNumRule* pNumRule ); /** apply bullets/numbering for paragraphs @param boolean bHandleBullets true: handle bullets false: handle numbering @param pNewNumRule numbering rule which needs to be applied. can be 0. @param boolean bAtSelection true: apply bullets/numbering at selected paragraphs false: apply bullets/numbering at all paragraphs */ void ApplyBulletsNumbering( const bool bHandleBullets, const SvxNumRule* pNewNumRule, const bool bCheckCurrentNumRuleBeforeApplyingNewNumRule, const bool bAtSelection = false ); /** switch off bullets/numbering for paragraphs @param boolean bAtSelection true: switch off bullets/numbering at selected paragraphs false: switch off bullets/numbering at all paragraphs */ void SwitchOffBulletsNumbering( const bool bAtSelection = false ); /** enables numbering for the selected paragraphs that are not enabled and ignore all selected paragraphs that already have numbering enabled. */ void EnsureNumberingIsOn(); bool IsCursorAtWrongSpelledWord(); bool IsWrongSpelledWordAtPos( const Point& rPosPixel ); void ExecuteSpellPopup(const Point& rPosPixel, const Link& rCallBack); void SetInvalidateMore( sal_uInt16 nPixel ); sal_uInt16 GetInvalidateMore() const; OUString GetSurroundingText() const; Selection GetSurroundingTextSelection() const; bool DeleteSurroundingText(const Selection& rRange); void SetEndCutPasteLinkHdl(const Link &rLink) { aEndCutPasteLink = rLink; } }; /// Interface class to not depend on SfxViewShell in editeng. class SAL_NO_VTABLE SAL_DLLPUBLIC_RTTI OutlinerViewShell { public: virtual void libreOfficeKitViewCallback(int nType, const OString& pPayload) const = 0; virtual void libreOfficeKitViewCallbackWithViewId(int nType, const OString& pPayload, int nViewId) const = 0; virtual void libreOfficeKitViewInvalidateTilesCallback(const tools::Rectangle* pRect, int nPart, int nMode) const = 0; virtual void libreOfficeKitViewUpdatedCallback(int nType) const = 0; virtual void libreOfficeKitViewUpdatedCallbackPerViewId(int nType, int nViewId, int nSourceViewId) const = 0; virtual void libreOfficeKitViewAddPendingInvalidateTiles() = 0; virtual ViewShellId GetViewShellId() const = 0; virtual ViewShellDocId GetDocId() const = 0; /// Wrapper around SfxLokHelper::notifyOtherViews(). virtual void NotifyOtherViews(int nType, const OString& rKey, const OString& rPayload) = 0; /// Wrapper around SfxLokHelper::notifyOtherView(). virtual void NotifyOtherView(OutlinerViewShell* pOtherShell, int nType, const OString& rKey, const OString& rPayload) = 0; virtual vcl::Window* GetEditWindowForActiveOLEObj() const = 0; protected: ~OutlinerViewShell() noexcept {} }; // some thesaurus functionality to avoid code duplication in different projects... bool EDITENG_DLLPUBLIC GetStatusValueForThesaurusFromContext( OUString &rStatusVal, LanguageType &rLang, const EditView &rEditView ); void EDITENG_DLLPUBLIC ReplaceTextWithSynonym( EditView &rEditView, const OUString &rSynonmText ); typedef ::std::vector< OutlinerView* > ViewList; class EDITENG_DLLPUBLIC DrawPortionInfo { public: const Point& mrStartPos; const OUString maText; sal_Int32 mnTextStart; sal_Int32 mnTextLen; sal_Int32 mnPara; const SvxFont& mrFont; std::span mpDXArray; std::span mpKashidaArray; const EEngineData::WrongSpellVector* mpWrongSpellVector; const SvxFieldData* mpFieldData; const css::lang::Locale* mpLocale; const Color maOverlineColor; const Color maTextLineColor; sal_uInt8 mnBiDiLevel; bool mbFilled; tools::Long mnWidthToFill; bool mbEndOfLine : 1; bool mbEndOfParagraph : 1; bool mbEndOfBullet : 1; bool IsRTL() const { return mnBiDiLevel % 2 == 1; } DrawPortionInfo( const Point& rPos, OUString aTxt, sal_Int32 nTxtStart, sal_Int32 nTxtLen, const SvxFont& rFnt, sal_Int32 nPar, std::span pDXArr, std::span pKashidaArr, const EEngineData::WrongSpellVector* pWrongSpellVector, const SvxFieldData* pFieldData, const css::lang::Locale* pLocale, const Color& rOverlineColor, const Color& rTextLineColor, sal_uInt8 nBiDiLevel, bool bFilled, tools::Long nWidthToFill, bool bEndOfLine, bool bEndOfParagraph, bool bEndOfBullet) : mrStartPos(rPos), maText(std::move(aTxt)), mnTextStart(nTxtStart), mnTextLen(nTxtLen), mnPara(nPar), mrFont(rFnt), mpDXArray(pDXArr), mpKashidaArray(pKashidaArr), mpWrongSpellVector(pWrongSpellVector), mpFieldData(pFieldData), mpLocale(pLocale), maOverlineColor(rOverlineColor), maTextLineColor(rTextLineColor), mnBiDiLevel(nBiDiLevel), mbFilled( bFilled ), mnWidthToFill( nWidthToFill ), mbEndOfLine(bEndOfLine), mbEndOfParagraph(bEndOfParagraph), mbEndOfBullet(bEndOfBullet) {} }; class EDITENG_DLLPUBLIC DrawBulletInfo { public: const GraphicObject maBulletGraphicObject; Point maBulletPosition; Size maBulletSize; DrawBulletInfo( const GraphicObject& rBulletGraphicObject, const Point& rBulletPosition, const Size& rBulletSize) : maBulletGraphicObject(rBulletGraphicObject), maBulletPosition(rBulletPosition), maBulletSize(rBulletSize) {} }; struct EDITENG_DLLPUBLIC PaintFirstLineInfo { sal_Int32 mnPara; const Point& mrStartPos; VclPtr mpOutDev; PaintFirstLineInfo( sal_Int32 nPara, const Point& rStartPos, OutputDevice* pOutDev ) : mnPara( nPara ), mrStartPos( rStartPos ), mpOutDev( pOutDev ) {} }; class SdrPage; class EditFieldInfo { private: Outliner* pOutliner; const SvxFieldItem& rFldItem; std::optional mxTxtColor; std::optional mxFldColor; std::optional mxFldLineStyle; OUString aRepresentation; sal_Int32 nPara; sal_Int32 nPos; EditFieldInfo( const EditFieldInfo& ) = delete; SdrPage* mpSdrPage; public: EditFieldInfo( Outliner* pOutl, const SvxFieldItem& rFItem, sal_Int32 nPa, sal_Int32 nPo ) : rFldItem( rFItem ) { pOutliner = pOutl; nPara = nPa; nPos = nPo; mpSdrPage = nullptr; } Outliner* GetOutliner() const { return pOutliner; } const SvxFieldItem& GetField() const { return rFldItem; } std::optional const & GetTextColor() const { return mxTxtColor; } void SetTextColor( std::optional xCol ) { mxTxtColor = xCol; } std::optional const & GetFieldColor() const { return mxFldColor; } void SetFieldColor( std::optional xCol ) { mxFldColor = xCol; } std::optional const& GetFontLineStyle() const { return mxFldLineStyle; } void SetFontLineStyle( std::optional xLineStyle ) { mxFldLineStyle = xLineStyle; } sal_Int32 GetPara() const { return nPara; } sal_Int32 GetPos() const { return nPos; } const OUString& GetRepresentation() const { return aRepresentation; } OUString& GetRepresentation() { return aRepresentation; } void SetRepresentation( const OUString& rStr ){ aRepresentation = rStr; } void SetSdrPage( SdrPage* pPage ) { mpSdrPage = pPage; } SdrPage* GetSdrPage() const { return mpSdrPage; } }; struct EBulletInfo { SvxFont aFont; tools::Rectangle aBounds; OUString aText; sal_Int32 nParagraph; sal_uInt16 nType; // see SvxNumberType bool bVisible; EBulletInfo() : nParagraph( EE_PARA_NOT_FOUND ), nType( 0 ), bVisible( false ) {} }; enum class OutlinerMode { DontKnow = 0x0000, TextObject = 0x0001, TitleObject = 0x0002, OutlineObject = 0x0003, OutlineView = 0x0004 }; class EDITENG_DLLPUBLIC Outliner : public SfxBroadcaster { public: struct ParagraphHdlParam { Outliner* pOutliner; Paragraph* pPara; }; struct DepthChangeHdlParam { Outliner* pOutliner; Paragraph* pPara; ParaFlag nPrevFlags; }; private: friend class OutlinerView; friend class OutlinerEditEng; friend class OutlinerParaObject; friend class OLUndoExpand; friend class OutlinerUndoChangeDepth; friend class OutlinerUndoCheckPara; friend class OutlinerUndoChangeParaFlags; friend class TextChainingUtils; std::unique_ptr pEditEngine; std::unique_ptr pParaList; ViewList aViewList; sal_Int32 mnFirstSelPage; Link aDrawPortionHdl; Link aDrawBulletHdl; Link aParaInsertedHdl; Link aParaRemovingHdl; Link aDepthChangedHdl; Link aBeginMovingHdl; Link aEndMovingHdl; Link aIndentingPagesHdl; Link aRemovingPagesHdl; Link aCalcFieldValueHdl; Link maPaintFirstLineHdl; Link maBeginPasteOrDropHdl; Link maEndPasteOrDropHdl; sal_Int32 nDepthChangedHdlPrevDepth; sal_Int16 nMaxDepth; static constexpr sal_Int16 gnMinDepth = -1; OutlinerMode nOutlinerMode; bool bFirstParaIsEmpty; sal_uInt8 nBlockInsCallback; bool bStrippingPortions; bool bPasting; DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK( ParaVisibleStateChangedHdl, Paragraph&, void ); DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK( BeginMovingParagraphsHdl, MoveParagraphsInfo&, void ); DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK( EndMovingParagraphsHdl, MoveParagraphsInfo&, void ); DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK( BeginPasteOrDropHdl, PasteOrDropInfos&, void ); DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK( EndPasteOrDropHdl, PasteOrDropInfos&, void ); DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK( EditEngineNotifyHdl, EENotify&, void ); void ImplCheckParagraphs( sal_Int32 nStart, sal_Int32 nEnd ); bool ImplHasNumberFormat( sal_Int32 nPara ) const; Size ImplGetBulletSize( sal_Int32 nPara ); sal_uInt16 ImplGetNumbering( sal_Int32 nPara, const SvxNumberFormat* pParaFmt ); void ImplCalcBulletText( sal_Int32 nPara, bool bRecalcLevel, bool bRecalcChildren ); OUString ImplGetBulletText( sal_Int32 nPara ); void ImplCheckNumBulletItem( sal_Int32 nPara ); void ImplInitDepth( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int16 nDepth, bool bCreateUndo ); void ImplSetLevelDependentStyleSheet( sal_Int32 nPara ); void ImplBlockInsertionCallbacks( bool b ); void ImpFilterIndents( sal_Int32 nFirstPara, sal_Int32 nLastPara ); bool ImpConvertEdtToOut( sal_Int32 nPara ); void ImpTextPasted( sal_Int32 nStartPara, sal_Int32 nCount ); vcl::Font ImpCalcBulletFont( sal_Int32 nPara ) const; tools::Rectangle ImpCalcBulletArea( sal_Int32 nPara, bool bAdjust, bool bReturnPaperPos ); bool ImpCanIndentSelectedPages( OutlinerView* pCurView ); bool ImpCanDeleteSelectedPages( OutlinerView* pCurView ); bool ImpCanDeleteSelectedPages( OutlinerView* pCurView, sal_Int32 nFirstPage, sal_Int32 nPages ); void ImplCheckDepth( sal_Int16& rnDepth ) const; protected: void ParagraphInserted( sal_Int32 nParagraph ); void ParagraphDeleted( sal_Int32 nParagraph ); void ParaAttribsChanged( sal_Int32 nParagraph ); void StyleSheetChanged( SfxStyleSheet const * pStyle ); void InvalidateBullet(sal_Int32 nPara); void PaintBullet(sal_Int32 nPara, const Point& rStartPos, const Point& rOrigin, Degree10 nOrientation, OutputDevice& rOutDev); // used by OutlinerEditEng. Allows Outliner objects to provide // bullet access to the EditEngine. const SvxNumberFormat* GetNumberFormat( sal_Int32 nPara ) const; public: Outliner( SfxItemPool* pPool, OutlinerMode nMode ); virtual ~Outliner() override; void dumpAsXml(xmlTextWriterPtr pWriter) const; void Init( OutlinerMode nMode ); void SetVertical( bool bVertical); void SetRotation(TextRotation nRotation); bool IsVertical() const; bool IsTopToBottom() const; void SetTextColumns(sal_Int16 nColumns, sal_Int32 nSpacing); void SetFixedCellHeight( bool bUseFixedCellHeight ); void SetDefaultHorizontalTextDirection( EEHorizontalTextDirection eHTextDir ); EEHorizontalTextDirection GetDefaultHorizontalTextDirection() const; LanguageType GetLanguage( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nPos ) const; void SetAsianCompressionMode( CharCompressType nCompressionMode ); void SetKernAsianPunctuation( bool bEnabled ); void SetAddExtLeading( bool b ); size_t InsertView( OutlinerView* pView, size_t nIndex = size_t(-1) ); void RemoveView( OutlinerView const * pView ); void RemoveView( size_t nIndex ); OutlinerView* GetView( size_t nIndex ) const; size_t GetViewCount() const; Paragraph* Insert( const OUString& rText, sal_Int32 nAbsPos = EE_PARA_APPEND, sal_Int16 nDepth = 0 ); void SetText( const OutlinerParaObject& ); void AddText( const OutlinerParaObject&, bool bAppend = false ); void SetText( const OUString& rText, Paragraph* pParagraph ); OUString GetText( Paragraph const * pPara, sal_Int32 nParaCount=1 ) const; void SetToEmptyText(); std::optional CreateParaObject( sal_Int32 nStartPara = 0, sal_Int32 nParaCount = EE_PARA_ALL ) const; const SfxItemSet& GetEmptyItemSet() const; void SetRefMapMode( const MapMode& ); MapMode const & GetRefMapMode() const; void SetBackgroundColor( const Color& rColor ); Color const & GetBackgroundColor() const; void SetMaxDepth( sal_Int16 nDepth ); sal_Int16 GetMaxDepth() const { return nMaxDepth; } /// @return previous value of bUpdateLayout state bool SetUpdateLayout( bool bUpdate ); bool IsUpdateLayout() const; void Clear(); void RemoveAttribs( const ESelection& rSelection, bool bRemoveParaAttribs, sal_uInt16 nWhich ); sal_Int32 GetParagraphCount() const; Paragraph* GetParagraph( sal_Int32 nAbsPos ) const; bool HasChildren( Paragraph const * pParagraph ) const; sal_Int32 GetChildCount( Paragraph const * pParent ) const; bool IsExpanded( Paragraph const * pPara ) const; Paragraph* GetParent( Paragraph const * pParagraph ) const; sal_Int32 GetAbsPos( Paragraph const * pPara ) const; sal_Int16 GetDepth( sal_Int32 nPara ) const; void SetDepth( Paragraph* pParagraph, sal_Int16 nNewDepth ); void EnableUndo( bool bEnable ); bool IsUndoEnabled() const; void UndoActionStart( sal_uInt16 nId ); void UndoActionEnd(); void InsertUndo( std::unique_ptr pUndo ); bool IsInUndo() const; void ClearModifyFlag(); bool IsModified() const; void ParagraphInsertedHdl(Paragraph*); void SetParaInsertedHdl(const Link& rLink){aParaInsertedHdl=rLink;} const Link& GetParaInsertedHdl() const { return aParaInsertedHdl; } void SetParaRemovingHdl(const Link& rLink){aParaRemovingHdl=rLink;} const Link& GetParaRemovingHdl() const { return aParaRemovingHdl; } std::optional GetNonOverflowingText() const; std::optional GetOverflowingText() const; void ClearOverflowingParaNum(); bool IsPageOverflow(); OutlinerParaObject GetEmptyParaObject() const; void DepthChangedHdl(Paragraph*, ParaFlag nPrevFlags); void SetDepthChangedHdl(const Link& rLink){aDepthChangedHdl=rLink;} const Link& GetDepthChangedHdl() const { return aDepthChangedHdl; } sal_Int16 GetPrevDepth() const { return static_cast(nDepthChangedHdlPrevDepth); } bool RemovingPagesHdl( OutlinerView* ); void SetRemovingPagesHdl(const Link& rLink){aRemovingPagesHdl=rLink;} bool IndentingPagesHdl( OutlinerView* ); void SetIndentingPagesHdl(const Link& rLink){aIndentingPagesHdl=rLink;} // valid only in the two upper handlers sal_Int32 GetSelPageCount() const { return nDepthChangedHdlPrevDepth; } void SetCalcFieldValueHdl(const Link& rLink ) { aCalcFieldValueHdl= rLink; } const Link& GetCalcFieldValueHdl() const { return aCalcFieldValueHdl; } void SetDrawPortionHdl(const Link& rLink){aDrawPortionHdl=rLink;} void SetDrawBulletHdl(const Link& rLink){aDrawBulletHdl=rLink;} void SetPaintFirstLineHdl(const Link& rLink) { maPaintFirstLineHdl = rLink; } void SetModifyHdl( const Link& rLink ); void SetNotifyHdl( const Link& rLink ); void SetStatusEventHdl( const Link& rLink ); Link const & GetStatusEventHdl() const; void Draw( OutputDevice& rOutDev, const tools::Rectangle& rOutRect ); void Draw( OutputDevice& rOutDev, const Point& rStartPos ); const Size& GetPaperSize() const; void SetPaperSize( const Size& rSize ); void SetPolygon( const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon ); void SetPolygon( const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon, const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon* pLinePolyPolygon); void ClearPolygon(); const Size& GetMinAutoPaperSize() const; void SetMinAutoPaperSize( const Size& rSz ); const Size& GetMaxAutoPaperSize() const; void SetMaxAutoPaperSize( const Size& rSz ); void SetMinColumnWrapHeight(tools::Long nVal); void SetDefTab( sal_uInt16 nTab ); bool IsFlatMode() const; void SetFlatMode( bool bFlat ); void EnableAutoColor( bool b ); void ForceAutoColor( bool b ); bool IsForceAutoColor() const; EBulletInfo GetBulletInfo( sal_Int32 nPara ); void SetWordDelimiters( const OUString& rDelimiters ); OUString const & GetWordDelimiters() const; OUString GetWord( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nIndex ); void StripPortions(); void DrawingText( const Point& rStartPos, const OUString& rText, sal_Int32 nTextStart, sal_Int32 nTextLen, std::span pDXArray, std::span pKashidaArray, const SvxFont& rFont, sal_Int32 nPara, sal_uInt8 nRightToLeft, const EEngineData::WrongSpellVector* pWrongSpellVector, const SvxFieldData* pFieldData, bool bEndOfLine, bool bEndOfParagraph, bool bEndOfBullet, const css::lang::Locale* pLocale, const Color& rOverlineColor, const Color& rTextLineColor); void DrawingTab( const Point& rStartPos, tools::Long nWidth, const OUString& rChar, const SvxFont& rFont, sal_Int32 nPara, sal_uInt8 nRightToLeft, bool bEndOfLine, bool bEndOfParagraph, const Color& rOverlineColor, const Color& rTextLineColor); Size CalcTextSize(); Size CalcTextSizeNTP(); void SetStyleSheetPool( SfxStyleSheetPool* pSPool ); SfxStyleSheetPool* GetStyleSheetPool(); bool IsInSelectionMode() const; void SetStyleSheet( sal_Int32 nPara, SfxStyleSheet* pStyle ); SfxStyleSheet* GetStyleSheet( sal_Int32 nPara ); void SetParaAttribs( sal_Int32 nPara, const SfxItemSet& ); SfxItemSet const & GetParaAttribs( sal_Int32 nPara ) const; void Remove( Paragraph const * pPara, sal_Int32 nParaCount ); bool Expand( Paragraph const * ); bool Collapse( Paragraph const * ); void SetParaFlag( Paragraph* pPara, ParaFlag nFlag ); static bool HasParaFlag( const Paragraph* pPara, ParaFlag nFlag ); void SetControlWord( EEControlBits nWord ); EEControlBits GetControlWord() const; const Link& GetBeginMovingHdl() const { return aBeginMovingHdl; } void SetBeginMovingHdl(const Link& rLink) {aBeginMovingHdl=rLink;} const Link& GetEndMovingHdl() const {return aEndMovingHdl;} void SetEndMovingHdl( const Link& rLink){aEndMovingHdl=rLink;} sal_uInt32 GetLineCount( sal_Int32 nParagraph ) const; sal_Int32 GetLineLen( sal_Int32 nParagraph, sal_Int32 nLine ) const; sal_uInt32 GetLineHeight( sal_Int32 nParagraph ); ErrCode Read( SvStream& rInput, const OUString& rBaseURL, EETextFormat, SvKeyValueIterator* pHTTPHeaderAttrs = nullptr ); EditUndoManager& GetUndoManager(); EditUndoManager* SetUndoManager(EditUndoManager* pNew); void QuickSetAttribs( const SfxItemSet& rSet, const ESelection& rSel ); void QuickInsertField( const SvxFieldItem& rFld, const ESelection& rSel ); void QuickInsertLineBreak( const ESelection& rSel ); // Only for EditEngine mode void QuickInsertText( const OUString& rText, const ESelection& rSel ); void QuickDelete( const ESelection& rSel ); /// Set attributes from rSet an all characters of nPara. void SetCharAttribs(sal_Int32 nPara, const SfxItemSet& rSet); void RemoveCharAttribs( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_uInt16 nWhich = 0 ); void QuickFormatDoc(); bool UpdateFields(); void RemoveFields( const std::function& isFieldData = [] (const SvxFieldData* ){return true;} ); virtual OUString CalcFieldValue( const SvxFieldItem& rField, sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nPos, std::optional& rTxtColor, std::optional& rFldColor, std::optional& rFldLineStyle ); void SetSpeller( css::uno::Reference< css::linguistic2::XSpellChecker1 > const &xSpeller ); css::uno::Reference< css::linguistic2::XSpellChecker1 > const & GetSpeller(); void SetHyphenator( css::uno::Reference< css::linguistic2::XHyphenator > const & xHyph ); static void SetForbiddenCharsTable(const std::shared_ptr& xForbiddenChars); // Deprecated void SetDefaultLanguage( LanguageType eLang ); void CompleteOnlineSpelling(); EESpellState HasSpellErrors(); bool HasText( const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem ); virtual bool SpellNextDocument(); // for text conversion bool HasConvertibleTextPortion( LanguageType nLang ); virtual bool ConvertNextDocument(); void SetEditTextObjectPool( SfxItemPool* pPool ); SfxItemPool* GetEditTextObjectPool() const; void SetRefDevice( OutputDevice* pRefDev ); OutputDevice* GetRefDevice() const; sal_uInt32 GetTextHeight() const; tools::Rectangle GetParaBounds( sal_Int32 nParagraph ) const; Point GetDocPos( const Point& rPaperPos ) const; bool IsTextPos( const Point& rPaperPos, sal_uInt16 nBorder ); bool IsTextPos( const Point& rPaperPos, sal_uInt16 nBorder, bool* pbBulletPos ); void setGlobalScale(double rFontX = 100.0, double rFontY = 100.0, double rSpacingX = 100.0, double rSpacingY = 100.0); void getGlobalScale(double& rFontX, double& rFontY, double& rSpacingX, double& rSpacingY) const; void setRoundFontSizeToPt(bool bRound) const; void EraseVirtualDevice(); bool ShouldCreateBigTextObject() const; const EditEngine& GetEditEngine() const; // this is needed for StarOffice Api void SetLevelDependentStyleSheet( sal_Int32 nPara ); OutlinerMode GetOutlinerMode() const { return nOutlinerMode; } // spell and return a sentence bool SpellSentence(EditView const & rEditView, svx::SpellPortions& rToFill ); // put spell position to start of current sentence void PutSpellingToSentenceStart( EditView const & rEditView ); // applies a changed sentence void ApplyChangedSentence(EditView const & rEditView, const svx::SpellPortions& rNewPortions, bool bRecheck ); /** sets a link that is called at the beginning of a drag operation at an edit view */ void SetBeginDropHdl( const Link& rLink ); /** sets a link that is called at the end of a drag operation at an edit view */ void SetEndDropHdl( const Link& rLink ); /** sets a link that is called before a drop or paste operation. */ void SetBeginPasteOrDropHdl( const Link& rLink ); /** sets a link that is called after a drop or paste operation. */ void SetEndPasteOrDropHdl( const Link& rLink ); sal_Int16 GetNumberingStartValue( sal_Int32 nPara ) const; void SetNumberingStartValue( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int16 nNumberingStartValue ); bool IsParaIsNumberingRestart( sal_Int32 nPara ) const; void SetParaIsNumberingRestart( sal_Int32 nPara, bool bParaIsNumberingRestart ); /** determine the bullets/numbering status of the given paragraphs @param nParaStart index of paragraph at which the check starts @param nParaEnd index of paragraph at which the check ends @returns 0 : all paragraphs have bullets 1 : all paragraphs have numbering 2 : otherwise */ sal_Int32 GetBulletsNumberingStatus( const sal_Int32 nParaStart, const sal_Int32 nParaEnd ) const; // convenient method to determine the bullets/numbering status for all paragraphs sal_Int32 GetBulletsNumberingStatus() const; // overridden in SdrOutliner virtual std::optional GetCompatFlag(SdrCompatibilityFlag /*eFlag*/) const { return {}; }; }; #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */