/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include #include #include #include "gtv-calc-header-bar.hxx" #include #include #include namespace { struct GtvCalcHeaderBarPrivateImpl { /// Stores size and content of a single row header. struct Header { int m_nSize; std::string m_aText; Header(int nSize, std::string aText) : m_nSize(nSize), m_aText(std::move(aText)) { } }; std::vector
m_aHeaders; CalcHeaderType m_eType; GtvCalcHeaderBarPrivateImpl() : m_eType(CalcHeaderType::NONE) { } }; struct GtvCalcHeaderBarPrivate { GtvCalcHeaderBarPrivateImpl* m_pImpl; GtvCalcHeaderBarPrivateImpl* operator->() { return m_pImpl; } }; } #if defined __clang__ #if __has_warning("-Wdeprecated-volatile") #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-volatile" #endif #endif G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE(GtvCalcHeaderBar, gtv_calc_header_bar, GTK_TYPE_DRAWING_AREA); #if defined __clang__ #if __has_warning("-Wdeprecated-volatile") #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif #endif const int ROW_HEADER_WIDTH = 50; const int COLUMN_HEADER_HEIGHT = 20; static GtvCalcHeaderBarPrivate& getPrivate(GtvCalcHeaderBar* headerbar) { return *static_cast(gtv_calc_header_bar_get_instance_private(headerbar)); } static void gtv_calc_header_bar_init(GtvCalcHeaderBar* bar) { GtvCalcHeaderBarPrivate& priv = getPrivate(bar); priv.m_pImpl = new GtvCalcHeaderBarPrivateImpl(); } static void gtv_calc_header_bar_finalize(GObject* object) { GtvCalcHeaderBarPrivate& priv = getPrivate(GTV_CALC_HEADER_BAR(object)); delete priv.m_pImpl; priv.m_pImpl = nullptr; G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtv_calc_header_bar_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void gtv_calc_header_bar_draw_text(cairo_t* pCairo, const GdkRectangle& rRectangle, const std::string& rText) { cairo_text_extents_t extents; cairo_text_extents(pCairo, rText.c_str(), &extents); // Cairo reference point for text is the bottom left corner. cairo_move_to(pCairo, rRectangle.x + rRectangle.width / 2 - extents.width / 2, rRectangle.y + rRectangle.height / 2 + extents.height / 2); cairo_show_text(pCairo, rText.c_str()); } static bool gtv_calc_header_bar_draw_impl(GtkWidget* pWidget, cairo_t* pCairo) { GtvCalcHeaderBar* self = GTV_CALC_HEADER_BAR(pWidget); GtvCalcHeaderBarPrivate& priv = getPrivate(GTV_CALC_HEADER_BAR(self)); cairo_set_source_rgb(pCairo, 0, 0, 0); int nPrevious = 0; for (const GtvCalcHeaderBarPrivateImpl::Header& rHeader : priv->m_aHeaders) { GdkRectangle aRectangle; if (priv->m_eType == CalcHeaderType::ROW) { aRectangle.x = 0; aRectangle.y = nPrevious; aRectangle.width = ROW_HEADER_WIDTH - 1; aRectangle.height = rHeader.m_nSize - nPrevious; // Left line. cairo_rectangle(pCairo, aRectangle.x, aRectangle.y, 1, aRectangle.height); cairo_fill(pCairo); // Bottom line. cairo_rectangle(pCairo, aRectangle.x, aRectangle.y + aRectangle.height, aRectangle.width, 1); cairo_fill(pCairo); // Right line. cairo_rectangle(pCairo, aRectangle.width, aRectangle.y, 1, aRectangle.height); cairo_fill(pCairo); } else if (priv->m_eType == CalcHeaderType::COLUMN) { aRectangle.x = nPrevious; aRectangle.y = 0; aRectangle.width = rHeader.m_nSize - nPrevious; aRectangle.height = COLUMN_HEADER_HEIGHT - 1; // Top line. cairo_rectangle(pCairo, aRectangle.x, aRectangle.y, aRectangle.width, 1); cairo_fill(pCairo); // Right line. cairo_rectangle(pCairo, aRectangle.x + aRectangle.width , aRectangle.y, 1, aRectangle.height); cairo_fill(pCairo); // Bottom line. cairo_rectangle(pCairo, aRectangle.x, aRectangle.height, aRectangle.width, 1); cairo_fill(pCairo); } else { O3TL_UNREACHABLE; // should never happen } gtv_calc_header_bar_draw_text(pCairo, aRectangle, rHeader.m_aText); nPrevious = rHeader.m_nSize; if (rHeader.m_nSize > self->m_nSizePixel) break; } if (priv->m_aHeaders.empty() && priv->m_eType == CalcHeaderType::CORNER) { GdkRectangle aRectangle; aRectangle.x = 0; aRectangle.y = 0; aRectangle.width = ROW_HEADER_WIDTH - 1; aRectangle.height = COLUMN_HEADER_HEIGHT - 1; cairo_rectangle(pCairo, aRectangle.x, aRectangle.y, aRectangle.width, aRectangle.height); cairo_stroke(pCairo); } return false; } static gboolean gtv_calc_header_bar_draw(GtkWidget* bar, cairo_t* pCairo) { return gtv_calc_header_bar_draw_impl(bar, pCairo); } static void gtv_calc_header_bar_class_init(GtvCalcHeaderBarClass* klass) { GTK_WIDGET_CLASS(klass)->draw = gtv_calc_header_bar_draw; G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->finalize = gtv_calc_header_bar_finalize; } void gtv_calc_header_bar_configure(GtvCalcHeaderBar* bar, const boost::property_tree::ptree* values) { GtvCalcHeaderBarPrivate& priv = getPrivate(bar); priv->m_aHeaders.clear(); if (values) { boost::property_tree::ptree val = *values; try { for (const boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type& rValue : val) { int nSize = std::round(std::atof(rValue.second.get("size").c_str())); if (nSize >= bar->m_nPositionPixel) { const int nScrolledSize = nSize - bar->m_nPositionPixel; GtvCalcHeaderBarPrivateImpl::Header aHeader(nScrolledSize, rValue.second.get("text")); priv->m_aHeaders.push_back(aHeader); } } } catch (boost::property_tree::ptree_bad_path& rException) { std::cerr << "gtv_calc_header_bar_configure: " << rException.what() << std::endl; } } gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(bar)); gtk_widget_queue_draw(GTK_WIDGET(bar)); } void gtv_calc_header_bar_set_type_and_width(GtvCalcHeaderBar* bar, CalcHeaderType eType) { // TODO: Install type property for this class GtvCalcHeaderBarPrivate& priv = getPrivate(bar); priv->m_eType = eType; if (eType == CalcHeaderType::ROW) gtk_widget_set_size_request(GTK_WIDGET(bar), ROW_HEADER_WIDTH, -1); else if (eType == CalcHeaderType::COLUMN) gtk_widget_set_size_request(GTK_WIDGET(bar), -1, COLUMN_HEADER_HEIGHT); } GtkWidget* gtv_calc_header_bar_new() { return GTK_WIDGET(g_object_new(GTV_TYPE_CALC_HEADER_BAR, nullptr)); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */