/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: IBM Corporation * * Copyright: 2008 by IBM Corporation * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ /** * @file * For LWP filter architecture prototype - table cell numerics format */ #include "lwptblcell.hxx" #include "lwppara.hxx" #include "lwptblformula.hxx" #include "lwptablelayout.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include LwpFormulaArg::~LwpFormulaArg() { } LwpFormulaInfo::LwpFormulaInfo(LwpObjectHeader const &objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm) : LwpCellList(objHdr, pStrm) , m_bSupported(true) , m_nFormulaRow(0) {} LwpFormulaInfo::~LwpFormulaInfo() { } void LwpFormulaInfo::ReadConst() { double Constant = m_pObjStrm->QuickReadDouble(); m_aStack.push_back( std::make_unique(Constant) ); } /** * Need more effort for unicode. */ void LwpFormulaInfo::ReadText() { m_pObjStrm->QuickReadInt16(); //Disk Size sal_uInt16 nStrLen = m_pObjStrm->QuickReadInt16(); std::vector aBuf(nStrLen + 1); m_pObjStrm->QuickRead(aBuf.data(), nStrLen); aBuf[nStrLen]= '\0'; OUString aText = "\"" + OUString(aBuf.data(), nStrLen, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()) + "\""; m_aStack.push_back(std::make_unique(aText)); } void LwpFormulaInfo::ReadCellID() { LwpRowSpecifier RowSpecifier; LwpColumnSpecifier ColumnSpecifier; RowSpecifier.QuickRead(m_pObjStrm.get()); ColumnSpecifier.QuickRead(m_pObjStrm.get()); m_aStack.push_back( std::make_unique(ColumnSpecifier.ColumnID(cColumn), RowSpecifier.RowID(m_nFormulaRow)) ); } void LwpFormulaInfo::ReadCellRange() { ReadCellID( ); // start std::unique_ptr pStartCellAddr( static_cast(m_aStack.back().release())); m_aStack.pop_back(); ReadCellID(); // end std::unique_ptr pEndCellAddr(static_cast(m_aStack.back().release())); m_aStack.pop_back(); m_aStack.push_back( std::make_unique(pStartCellAddr->GetCol(), pStartCellAddr->GetRow(), pEndCellAddr->GetCol(), pEndCellAddr->GetRow()) ); } /** * Read expression from wordpro file */ void LwpFormulaInfo::ReadExpression() { sal_uInt16 TokenType, DiskLength; /* Read the compiled expression length */ m_pObjStrm->SeekRel(2); bool bError = false; while ((TokenType = m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt16(&bError)) != TK_END) { if (bError) throw std::runtime_error("error reading expression"); // Get the disk length of this token DiskLength = m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt16(); switch (TokenType) { case TK_CONSTANT: { ReadConst(); break; } case TK_CELLID: ReadCellID(); break; case TK_CELLRANGE: ReadCellRange(); break; case TK_SUM: case TK_IF: case TK_COUNT: case TK_MINIMUM: case TK_MAXIMUM: case TK_AVERAGE: { std::unique_ptr xFunc(new LwpFormulaFunc(TokenType)); ReadArguments(*xFunc); m_aStack.push_back(std::move(xFunc)); } break; case TK_ADD://7 case TK_SUBTRACT: case TK_MULTIPLY: case TK_DIVIDE: case TK_LESS: case TK_LESS_OR_EQUAL: case TK_GREATER: case TK_GREATER_OR_EQUAL: case TK_EQUAL: case TK_NOT_EQUAL: case TK_AND: case TK_OR: case TK_NOT: m_pObjStrm->SeekRel(DiskLength); // extensible for future if (m_aStack.size() >= 2) {//binary operator std::unique_ptr pOp(new LwpFormulaOp(TokenType)); pOp->AddArg(std::move(m_aStack.back())); m_aStack.pop_back(); pOp->AddArg(std::move(m_aStack.back())); m_aStack.pop_back(); m_aStack.push_back(std::move(pOp)); } break; case TK_UNARY_MINUS: if (!m_aStack.empty()) { std::unique_ptr pOp(new LwpFormulaUnaryOp(TokenType)); pOp->AddArg(std::move(m_aStack.back())); m_aStack.pop_back(); m_aStack.push_back(std::move(pOp)); } break; default: // We don't know what to do with this token, so eat it. m_pObjStrm->SeekRel(DiskLength); break; } MarkUnsupported(TokenType); } } void LwpFormulaInfo::MarkUnsupported(sal_uInt16 TokenType) { switch(TokenType) { case TK_IF: case TK_COUNT: case TK_NOT: { m_bSupported = false;//Not supported formulas } break; default: break; } } /** * Read arguments of functions from wordpro file * @param LwpFormulaFunc& aFunc, functions object */ void LwpFormulaInfo::ReadArguments(LwpFormulaFunc& aFunc) { sal_uInt16 NumberOfArguments = m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt16(); for (sal_uInt16 Count = 0; Count < NumberOfArguments; Count++) { sal_uInt8 ArgumentType = static_cast(m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt16()); // written as lushort sal_uInt16 ArgumentDiskLength = m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt16(); bool bArgument = true; switch(ArgumentType) { case TK_CELLID: ReadCellID(); break; case TK_CELLRANGE: ReadCellRange(); break; case TK_CONSTANT: ReadConst(); break; case TK_TEXT: ReadText(); break; case TK_EXPRESSION: ReadExpression(); break; default: bArgument = false; m_pObjStrm->SeekRel(ArgumentDiskLength); break; } if (bArgument && !m_aStack.empty()) { aFunc.AddArg(std::move(m_aStack.back())); m_aStack.pop_back(); } } } void LwpFormulaInfo::Read() { LwpCellList::Read(); { LwpRowList* pRowList = dynamic_cast(cParent.obj().get()); if (pRowList) { m_nFormulaRow = pRowList->GetRowID(); } else { SAL_WARN("lwp", "missing row list"); } } m_pObjStrm->SeekRel(2);//flags, size in file: sal_uInt16 LwpNotifyListPersistent cNotifyList; cNotifyList.Read(m_pObjStrm.get()); ReadExpression(); m_pObjStrm->SkipExtra(); } /** * Make the formula string. */ OUString LwpFormulaInfo::Convert(LwpTableLayout* pCellsMap) { OUString aFormula; if (m_bSupported) { if(1==m_aStack.size()) { aFormula = m_aStack[0]->ToString(pCellsMap); } else { assert(false); } } return aFormula; } /** * Fill the XFCell content */ void LwpFormulaInfo::Convert(XFCell * pCell,LwpTableLayout* pCellsMap) { OUString aFormula = Convert(pCellsMap); if (!aFormula.isEmpty()) { pCell->SetFormula(aFormula); } LwpCellList::Convert(pCell); } LwpFormulaConst::LwpFormulaConst(double dVal) { m_dVal = dVal; } OUString LwpFormulaConst::ToString(LwpTableLayout* /*pCellsMap*/) { return OUString::number(m_dVal); } LwpFormulaText::LwpFormulaText( OUString aText) : m_aText(std::move(aText)) { } LwpFormulaCellAddr::LwpFormulaCellAddr(sal_Int16 aCol, sal_Int16 aRow) : m_aCol(aCol), m_aRow(aRow) { } OUString LwpFormulaCellAddr::ToString(LwpTableLayout* pCellsMap) { OUString aCellAddr = "<" + LwpFormulaTools::GetCellAddr(m_aRow,m_aCol,pCellsMap) + ">"; return aCellAddr; } LwpFormulaCellRangeAddr::LwpFormulaCellRangeAddr(sal_Int16 aStartCol, sal_Int16 aStartRow, sal_Int16 aEndCol, sal_Int16 aEndRow) : m_aStartCol(aStartCol), m_aStartRow(aStartRow), m_aEndCol(aEndCol), m_aEndRow(aEndRow) { } /** * Convert the cell range into a string */ OUString LwpFormulaCellRangeAddr::ToString(LwpTableLayout* pCellsMap) { OUString aCellAddr = "<" + LwpFormulaTools::GetCellAddr(m_aStartRow,m_aStartCol,pCellsMap) + ":" + LwpFormulaTools::GetCellAddr(m_aEndRow,m_aEndCol,pCellsMap) + ">"; return aCellAddr; } LwpFormulaFunc::LwpFormulaFunc(sal_uInt16 nTokenType) : m_nTokenType(nTokenType) { } LwpFormulaFunc::~LwpFormulaFunc() { } void LwpFormulaFunc::AddArg(std::unique_ptr pArg) { m_aArgs.push_back(std::move(pArg)); } /** * Convert the functions to a string, which is an argument of other formula */ OUString LwpFormulaFunc::ToArgString(LwpTableLayout* pCellsMap) { return "(" + ToString(pCellsMap) + ")"; } /** * Convert the function to a formula string. */ OUString LwpFormulaFunc::ToString(LwpTableLayout* pCellsMap) { OUStringBuffer aFormula; OUString aFuncName = LwpFormulaTools::GetName(m_nTokenType); aFormula.append(aFuncName + " ");//Append a blank space //Append args for (auto const& elem : m_aArgs) { aFormula.append(elem->ToArgString(pCellsMap) + "|"); //separator } //erase the last "|" if (!m_aArgs.empty()) { aFormula.setLength(aFormula.getLength()-1); } else { assert(false); } return aFormula.makeStringAndClear(); } /** * Convert the formula in operators to a string : e.g. 1+2+3 */ OUString LwpFormulaOp::ToString(LwpTableLayout* pCellsMap) { OUString aFormula; if (2==m_aArgs.size()) { aFormula += m_aArgs[1]->ToArgString(pCellsMap) + " "; OUString aFuncName = LwpFormulaTools::GetName(m_nTokenType); aFormula += aFuncName + " " + m_aArgs[0]->ToArgString(pCellsMap); } else { assert(false); } return aFormula; } /** * convert the formula in unary operators into string : e.g. -2 */ OUString LwpFormulaUnaryOp::ToString(LwpTableLayout* pCellsMap) { OUString aFormula; if (1==m_aArgs.size()) { OUString aFuncName = LwpFormulaTools::GetName(m_nTokenType); aFormula += aFuncName + m_aArgs[0]->ToArgString(pCellsMap); } else { assert(false); } return aFormula; } /** * Get token name */ OUString LwpFormulaTools::GetName(sal_uInt16 nTokenType) { OUString aName; switch(nTokenType) { case TK_SUM: aName = "SUM"; break; case TK_IF: aName = "IF";//Not supported by SODC break; case TK_COUNT: aName = "COUNT";//Not supported by SODC break; case TK_MINIMUM: aName = "MIN"; break; case TK_MAXIMUM: aName = "MAX"; break; case TK_AVERAGE: aName = "MEAN"; break; case TK_ADD: aName = "+"; break; case TK_SUBTRACT: aName = "-"; break; case TK_MULTIPLY: aName = "*"; break; case TK_DIVIDE: aName = "/"; break; case TK_UNARY_MINUS: aName = "-"; break; case TK_LESS: aName = "L"; break; case TK_LESS_OR_EQUAL: aName = "LEQ"; break; case TK_GREATER: aName = "G"; break; case TK_GREATER_OR_EQUAL: aName = "GEQ"; break; case TK_EQUAL: aName = "EQ"; break; case TK_NOT_EQUAL: aName = "NEQ"; break; case TK_NOT: aName = "NOT"; break; case TK_AND: aName = "AND"; break; case TK_OR: aName = "OR"; break; default: assert(false); break; } return aName; } /** * Get cell address in String */ OUString LwpFormulaTools::GetCellAddr(sal_Int16 nRow, sal_Int16 nCol, LwpTableLayout* pCellsMap) { OUString aCellAddr; XFCell* pCell = pCellsMap->GetCellsMap(nRow,static_cast(nCol)); if (pCell) { aCellAddr = pCell->GetCellName(); } else { assert( -1==nRow || -1==static_cast(nCol)); } return aCellAddr; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */