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module com {  module sun {  module star {  module inspection {

interface XPropertyControl;

/** a factory for XPropertyControls

    @since OOo 2.0.3
interface XPropertyControlFactory
    /** creates a XPropertyControl

        <p>A XPropertyControlFactory can create any of the control types denoted by
        the PropertyControlType constants.</p>

        @param ControlType
            the type of the requested control

        @param CreateReadOnly
            determines whether the newly created control should be readonly.

            <p>If this argument is `TRUE`, this does not necessarily mean that the property cannot be
            changed at all in the ObjectInspector. Instead, an XPropertyHandler
            can still decide that there is a dedicated UI for entering the property value,
            which is usually triggered by a LineDescriptor::PrimaryButton.</p>

            <p>Note that this parameter might be ignored if the XObjectInspectorModel::IsReadOnly
            attribute is `TRUE`, in which case all created property controls must be readonly.</p>

            a control of the given type.

        @throws com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException
            if the given ControlType is not a value PropertyControlType
    XPropertyControl    createPropertyControl( [in] short ControlType, [in] boolean CreateReadOnly )
        raises ( com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

}; }; }; };

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