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module com { module sun { module star { module linguistic2 {
Interface for LinguProperties service.
@since LibreOffice 4.1
published interface XLinguProperties
/** Gives access to the properties.
Among those properties are:
- boolean IsSpellClosedCompound defines whether spell checking should be accept
rule-based closed compounding of dictionary words. Since LibreOffice 7.6.
- boolean IsSpellHyphenatedCompound defines whether spell checking should be accept
rule-based hyphenated compounding of dictionary words. Since LibreOffice 7.6.
interface com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet;
/** defines if the dictionary-list should be used for spell checking
and hyphenation or not.
[attribute] boolean IsUseDictionaryList;
/** defines if control characters should be ignored or not, by the linguistic
(i.e., spell checker, hyphenator and thesaurus).
[attribute] boolean IsIgnoreControlCharacters;
/** defines if words with only uppercase letters should be
subject to spell checking or not.
[attribute] boolean IsSpellUpperCase;
/** defines if words containing digits (or numbers) should be
subject to spell checking or not.
[attribute] boolean IsSpellWithDigits;
/** defines if the capitalization of words should be checked or not.
[attribute] boolean IsSpellCapitalization;
/** the minimum number of characters of a word to remain before the
hyphen when doing hyphenation.
[attribute] short HyphMinLeading;
/** the minimum number of characters of a word to remain after the
hyphen when doing hyphenation.
[attribute] short HyphMinTrailing;
/** the minimum length of a word in order to be hyphenated.
[attribute] short HyphMinWordLength;
/** the default western language for new documents.
[attribute] com::sun::star::lang::Locale DefaultLocale;
/** defines whether interactive hyphenation should be performed without
requiring the user to select every hyphenation position after the user
has triggered the hyphenation.
[attribute] boolean IsHyphAuto;
/** defines whether hyphenation should be done in special regions of
documents or not.
[attribute] boolean IsHyphSpecial;
/** indicates whether spell checking should be done automatically or not.
[attribute] boolean IsSpellAuto;
/** defines whether spell checking should be done in special regions of
documents or not.
[attribute] boolean IsSpellSpecial;
/** defines whether spell checking should be done in reverse
direction or not.
[attribute] boolean IsWrapReverse;
/** the default language for CJK languages.
[attribute] com::sun::star::lang::Locale DefaultLocale_CJK;
/** the default language for CTL languages.
[attribute] com::sun::star::lang::Locale DefaultLocale_CTL;
}; }; }; };
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