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module com { module sun { module star { module ucb {
/** A FTPContent provides an object representing either a (ftp-server-side)
directory object allowing listing of children or a content object providing
access to a (ftp-server-side) file.
@see com::sun::star::ucb::FTPContentProvider
@since OOo 1.1.2
published service FTPContent
/** This interface is implemented according to the specification of
service Content.
interface com::sun::star::lang::XComponent;
/** This interface is implemented according to the specification of
service Content.
interface com::sun::star::ucb::XContent;
/** This interface is implemented according to the specification of
service Content.
An object representing a directory in the file system is able
to create a new object, which in turn can become the representation
of a physical file/directory being contained in the initial directory.
The precise way is the following:
Let the parent folder create a new content by calling
XContentCreator::createNewContent() on it. The content
type to use for new directories is
"application/vnd.sun.staroffice.ftp-folder". To create a new file
use the type "application/vnd.sun.staroffice.ftp-file".
As return value you get a new file content object.
Set a title at the new object by letting it execute
the command "setPropertyValues", which sets at least the property
"Title" to a non-empty value ).
Let the new object ( not the parent! ) execute the command "insert".
This will create the corresponding physical file or directory.
For files, you need to supply the implementation of
a com::sun::star::io::XInputStream with the
command's parameters, that provides access to the stream data.
interface com::sun::star::ucb::XContentCreator;
/** This interface is implemented according to the specification of
service Content.
Supported Commands
Supported Properties
string ContentType ( read-only, either
"application/vnd.sun.staroffice.ftp-folder" or
"application/vnd.sun.staroffice.ftp-file" )
boolean IsDocument ( read-only, always `TRUE` for files, always
`FALSE` for directories )
boolean IsFolder ( read-only ), always `FALSE` for files, always
`TRUE` for directories )
boolean IsReadOnly ( read-only attribute )
string Title ( file name )
hyper Size ( file size )
string Title ( file name )
com::sun::star::util::DateTimeDateCreated ( read-only )
interface com::sun::star::ucb::XCommandProcessor;
/** This interface is implemented according to the specification of
service Content.
interface com::sun::star::beans::XPropertiesChangeNotifier;
/** This interface is implemented according to the specification of
service Content.
interface com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyContainer;
/** This interface is implemented according to the specification of
service Content.
interface com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySetInfoChangeNotifier;
/** This interface is implemented according to the specification of
service Content.
interface com::sun::star::ucb::XCommandInfoChangeNotifier;
/** This interface is implemented according to the specification of
service Content.
interface com::sun::star::container::XChild;
}; }; }; };
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