Add Text Box 1 Remove Text Box 1 AutoTe~xt... 1 ~Normal View ~Normal 1 Insert Header 1 Insert Footer 1 Run AutoText Entry Field ~Hidden Paragraphs 8 S~cript... 1 Anchor to Character To ~Character Page Number He~ader and Footer 1 He~ader 1 Foote~r 1 Preview Zoom 1 ~Endnote Insert Endnote 1 Number Recognition Se~ction... 1 Table of Contents Insert Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography... 1 ~Bibliography Entry... 9 Toggle Direct Cursor Mode Direct Cursor Mode 9 AutoCorrect Font Color 1 Update All Indexes and ~Tables Update Indexes and ~Tables 1 Update Index Current ~Index Update ~Index 1 Delete index 1 Reject Reject Track Change Reject Change 1 Reject and Move to Next Reject Track Change and select the next one 1 Reject All Reject All Tracked Changes Reject All Changes 1 Accept Accept Track Change Accept Change 1 Accept and Move to Next Accept Track Change and select the next one 1 Accept All Accept All Tracked Changes Accept All Changes 1 Next Next Track Change 1 Pr~evious Previous Track Change 1 ~Links Update ~Links 1 ~Record Record Track Changes 1 Track Changes Functions Show Track Changes Functions 1 Show Track Changes Show Show track changes 1 Show Tracked ~Changes .uno:ShowTrackedChanges 1 T~ooltips Show change authorship in tooltips 1 Use header/footer menu Use the advanced popup menu to create header/footer on the fly 1 Show outline-folding buttons Shows a button next to headings and subheadings to help with outline folding. Even without the button, you can do outline folding with the Navigator. 1 Show Up to Outline Level... 1 Spotlight Character Direct Formatting Character Direct Formatting 1 Spotlight Paragraph Styles Paragraph Styles 1 Spotlight Character Styles Character Styles 1 Show tracked deletions in margin Show tracked deletions in margin 1 Go t~o Page... 1 ~Comment... Insert Track Change Comment 1 ~Update All 1 En~velope... 1 ~Manage... Manage Track Changes 1 Edit index 1 ~Bibliography Entry... 1 ~Charts Update ~Charts 1 Bookmar~k... Insert Bookmark 1 Content Control Properties Properties Content Control Properties 1 Set Reminder Set Reminder 1 Anc~hor... 1 .uno:InsertBookmark Insert Paragraph Manual ~Break... 1 Insert Column Break 1 ~More Fields... 7 Exchange Data~base... 1 Caption... Insert Caption Insert Caption... 1 F~ootnote or Endnote... Cross-~reference... Insert Cross-reference 1 Insert Hyperlink Insert Manual Row Break 1 Content Controls Rich Text Content Control Rich Text Insert Rich Text Content Control 1 Check Box Content Control Check Box Insert Check Box Content Control 1 Drop-Down List Content Control Drop-Down List Insert Drop-Down List Content Control 1 Picture Content Control Picture Insert Picture Content Control 1 Date Content Control Date Control Insert Date Content Control 1 Plain Text Content Control Plain Text Insert Plain Text Content Control 1 Combo Box Content Control Combo Box Insert Combo Box Content Control 1 Insert Other Objects 1 ~Page Break Insert Page Break 1 Table Insert ~Table... 1 Insert Frame Interactively ~Frame Interactively 1 Frame F~rame... Insert Frame 1 Unfloat Frame Content 1 Insert Index Entry ~Index Entry... Insert Index Entry 1 Insert single-column frame manually 1 Change Anchor 1 .uno:AnchorMenu Anchor To Page To P~age Anchor To Paragraph To ~Paragraph Show All Changes Inline All ~Changes Inline Show Deletions In Margin ~Deletions In Margin Show Insertions In Margin ~Insertions In Margin Change Position ~Mail Merge... 1 Mail Merge Wi~zard... 1 First Mail Merge Entry 1 Previous Mail Merge Entry 1 Current Mail Merge Entry 1 Next Mail Merge Entry 1 Last Mail Merge Entry 1 Exclude Mail Merge Entry 1 Edit Individual Documents 1 Save Merged Documents 1 Print Merged Documents 1 Send Email Messages 1 Anchor To Frame To ~Frame ~Formula Object... Insert Formula Object 1 Text Attributes... 1 Anchor as Character As C~haracter Insert 1 OLE Object Insert Menu Insert OLE Object 1 Text Box and Shap~e 1 Fiel~d Insert Field 9 ~Date (fix) 1 ~Date (variable) 1 Create Master ~Document 1 ~Time (fix) 1 ~Time (variable) 1 ~Page Number... Insert page number 1 ~Page Number Field ~Page Number Insert Page Number 1 Page ~Count 1 ~Subject 1 T~itle 1 First ~Author 1 ~Footnote Insert Footnote 1 Appl~y ~While Typing 8 Page Number Page Style Apply and Edit ~Changes Se~lection Mode Hyperlinks Active Superscript 9 Subscript 9 Select Character Left Select Character Right Select to Top Line Select Down Select to Begin of Line Select to End of Line Select to Document Begin Select to Document End Select to Begin of Next Page Select to End of Next Page Select to Begin of Previous Page Select to End of Previous Page Select to Page Begin Outline to ~Presentation Select to Page End Outline to ~Clipboard Rotate 90° ~Left 1 Rotate 90° ~Right 1 Rotate 1~80° 1 Reset R~otation 1 Create ~HTML Document 1 Select to Paragraph Begin Select to Paragraph End Select to End of Word Select to Begin of Word Select to Next Sentence Select to Previous Sentence Select to Previous Page Select to Next Page To Next Section To Previous Section Number Format... 1 ~Load Styles from Template 1 Create A~utoAbstract... AutoAbst~ract to Presentation... Borders 1 Page Columns 1 Page Columns 1 Background ~Page Style... 1 Title Page... 1 Translate... 1 Co~lumns... 1 Drop Caps Frame or Object Properties ~Properties... 1 Image Properties ~Properties... 1 Ta~ble Properties... ~Properties... ~Table Properties... 1 ~Footnote/Endnote Settings... 1 ~Footnotes and Endnotes... Clear Clear ~Direct Formatting Clear Direct Formatting 1 None 15 ~Parallel 7 Two Pages Preview 1 Single Page Preview 1 ~Through 7 Multiple Pages Preview 1 Print document 1 Align Left 1 Close Preview 1 Align Right 1 Center Horizontal 1 Align Top to Anchor 1 Align Bottom to Anchor 1 Align Middle to Anchor 1 Apply Page Style F~ields... Edit F~ields... 1 Update Selected Field 1 E~xternal Links... 1 Te~xt <-> Table... T~able to Text... 1 ~Text to Table... 1 Header Rows Repeat Across Pages 1 So~rt... 1 ~Rows... 1 Insert Rows Above Rows ~Above Insert rows above 1 Insert Rows Below Rows ~Below Insert rows below 1 ~Columns... 1 Insert Columns Before Columns B~efore Insert columns before 1 Insert Columns After Columns A~fter Insert columns after 1 Paste ~Special... ~More Options... 1 Paste as Nested Table ~Nested Table 1 Paste as Rows Above Rows ~Above 1 Paste as Columns Before Columns ~Before 1 Delete Rows ~Rows Delete selected rows 1 Delete Columns ~Columns Delete selected columns 1 Delete Table ~Table Delete table 1 Row Height... 1 ~Column Width... 1 Optimize Size 1 ~Bullets and Numbering... 7 To Character Left Edit Index Entry ~Index Entry... ~Edit Index Entry... 1 Go Right Select Row ~Row 1 Select Cell C~ell Select Cell 1 To Top Line Select Column ~Column 1 ~Fields Update ~Fields 1 Select Table ~Table Select Table 1 To Line Below To Line Begin Run Macro Field Protect Cells 1 To End of Line Edit Fo~rmula Insert or Edit Formulak 1 To Document Begin 1 Calculate Table Unprotect Cells 1 To Document End 1 Demote Outline Level 7 To Begin of Next Page Promote Outline Level 7 Optimal Column Width 1 To Previous Paragraph in Level 7 To End of Next Page To Begin of Previous Page To Next Paragraph in Level 7 Move Item Up 7 To End of Previous Page Move Item Down 7 To Page Begin To Page End Insert Unnumbered Entry 7 No List 7 Optimal Row Height 1 To Column Begin Demote Outline Level with Subpoints 7 To Column End Promote Outline Level with Subpoints 7 Move Item Up with Subpoints 7 To Paragraph Begin Move Item Down with Subpoints 7 To Paragraph End Update Input Fields To Word Right To Word Left To Next Sentence Numbering On/Off To Previous Sentence To Next Input Field Backspace To Previous Input Field Delete to End of Sentence Repeat Search Delete to Start of Sentence Delete to End of Word Delete to Start of Word Delete to End of Line Delete to Start of Line Delete to End of Paragraph Delete to Start of Paragraph Delete Row Previous Page 1 Jump To Specific Page Next Page 1 To Previous Page To Previous Page 1 To Next Page To Next Page 1 MultiSelection On Page Formatting Update Page Formatting 1 Extended Selection On ~Footnote or Endnote... 1 Cancel Shift+Backspace Select Word Select Sentence Number Format: Standard 1 ~Sections... 1 Edit Section... To Reference To Next Object Number Format: Decimal 1 To Previous Object Number Format: Exponential 1 To Next Bookmark Number Format: Date 1 To Previous Bookmark To Table Begin 1 Unprotect sheet Number Format: Time To Table End 1 Number Format: Currency 1 To Next Table Number Format: Percent 1 To Previous Table To Begin of Next Column ~Optimal 1 To End of Next Column In ~Background In ~Background To Begin of Previous Column To Previous Column Align to Top of Line To Footnote Anchor Align to Bottom of Line To Next Footnote Align to Vertical Center of Line To Previous Footnote Align to Top of Character To Next Frame Link Frames 9 Align to Bottom of Character Unlink Frames 1 Set Cursor To Anchor Align to Vertical Center of Character Restart Numbering Toggle Restart Numbering 15 To Header Before 1 To Footer After 1 Mirror Object on Even Pages Index Entry to Index Edit Footnote/Endnote Flip Images on Even Pages Split Table... 1 Wrap First Paragraph ~First Paragraph Minimal Column Width Minimal Column Width: Adjust width of selected columns to fit content 1 ~Distribute Columns Evenly 1 Increment Indent Value Minimal Row Height Minimal Row Height: Adjust height of selected rows to fit content 1 Distribute Rows Evenly 1 Wrap Contour On ~Contour 7 Decrement Indent Value Merge Table 1 To Previous Paragraph Row to ~Break Across Pages 8 Select Paragraph Select Cycle 1 To Next Paragraph To Next Placeholder To Previous Placeholder Table: Fixed 1 Directly to Document Begin Table: Fixed, Proportional 1 Directly to Document End Table: Variable 1 Text Wrap... ~Edit... Go to Next Index Entry Go to Previous Index Entry Go to next table formula Go to previous table formula Go to next faulty table formula Go to previous faulty table formula Select Text 1 ~Rulers 1 ~Line Numbering... 1 Show resolved comme~nts Resolved Comments 1 View Images and Charts ~Images and Charts 1 Font Color Fill 8 Te~xt Boundaries 1 Sec~tion Boundaries 1 ~Thesaurus... 1 Character Highlighting Color Character Highlighting Color (deprecated - use CharBackColor) 1 Fields 1 Vertical Ruler 1 ~Hyphenation... 9 Vertical Scroll Bar 1 Add Unknown Words Horizontal Scroll Bar 1 Heading ~Numbering... Set Heading Numbering 1 Formatting Marks For~matting Marks Toggle Formatting Marks 9 Hide Whitespac~e Whitespac~e Hide whitespace between pages 1 Show Whitespac~e Whitespac~e Show whitespace between pages 1 So~rt... 1 Fie~ld Shadings 1 Calculat~e 1 ~Field Names 1 Table Boundaries 1 Book Preview 9 Remove Direct Character Formats Email as ~Microsoft Word... Email as ~OpenDocument Text... ~Standard 8 ~Block Area 8 ~Open... 1 Smart ~Tag Options... Clone Clone Formatting Clone Formatting (double click and Ctrl or Cmd to alter behavior) 9 Zoom .uno:Zoom 1 Manage Track Changes .uno:AcceptTrackedChanges 1 Character .uno:FontDialog 1 Paragraph .uno:ParagraphDialog 1 Table Properties .uno:TableDialog 1 Position and Size .uno:TransformDialog 1 Image Properties .uno:GraphicDialog 1 Frame Properties .uno:FrameDialog 1 OLE Object Properties .uno:FrameDialog 1 Text Wrap .uno:TextWrap 1 Borders .uno:BorderDialog 1 Borders Area .uno:FormatArea 1 Area Line .uno:FormatLine 1 Line|$goforward?language=Python&location=share 1|$gobackward?language=Python&location=share 1|$left?language=Python&location=share 1|$right?language=Python&location=share 1|$run?language=Python&location=share 1|$stop?language=Python&location=share 1|$home?language=Python&location=share 1|$clearscreen?language=Python&location=share 1|$__translate__?language=Python&location=share 1 C~haracter 1 P~aragraph 1 ~List 1 ~Select 1 ~Convert 1 ~Update 1 Table of Contents and Inde~x 1 Comments... ~Format All Comments... ~Word Count... 1 ~Accessibility Check... 1 .uno:SidebarDeck.A11yCheckDeck Styl~es ~Wrap 1 Arrange 1 AutoCorr~ect 1 Page Settings - Paper format Selection Mode 1 ~Add to List “Add to List” adds selected paragraphs to an immediately preceding list. 1 Navigate By Previous Element 1 Next Element 1 Back 1 Forward 1 Horizontal ~Line Horizontal ~Line .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Horizontal Line&FamilyName:string=ParagraphStyles 9 Default ~Paragraph Default ~Paragraph Default Paragraph Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Standard&FamilyName:string=ParagraphStyles 9 ~Title ~Title Title Paragraph Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Title&FamilyName:string=ParagraphStyles 9 Su~btitle Su~btitle Subtitle Paragraph Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Subtitle&FamilyName:string=ParagraphStyles 9 Heading ~1 Heading ~1 Heading 1 Paragraph Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Heading 1&FamilyName:string=ParagraphStyles 1 Heading ~2 Heading ~2 Heading 2 Paragraph Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Heading 2&FamilyName:string=ParagraphStyles 9 Heading ~3 Heading ~3 Heading 3 Paragraph Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Heading 3&FamilyName:string=ParagraphStyles 9 Heading ~4 Heading ~4 Heading 4 Paragraph Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Heading 4&FamilyName:string=ParagraphStyles 9 Heading ~5 Heading ~5 Heading 5 Paragraph Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Heading 5&FamilyName:string=ParagraphStyles 9 Heading ~6 Heading ~6 Heading 6 Paragraph Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Heading 6&FamilyName:string=ParagraphStyles 9 ~Block Quotation ~Block Quotation Block Quotation Paragraph Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Quotations&FamilyName:string=ParagraphStyles 9 Pre~formatted Text Pre~formatted Text Preformatted Text Paragraph Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Preformatted Text&FamilyName:string=ParagraphStyles 9 Body Text Body Text Body Text Paragraph Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Text body&FamilyName:string=ParagraphStyles 9 Default ~Character No ~Character Style Remove applied character style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Standard&FamilyName:string=CharacterStyles 9 E~mphasis E~mphasis Emphasis Character Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Emphasis&FamilyName:string=CharacterStyles 9 ~Strong Emphasis Strong Emphasis Character Style ~Strong Emphasis Strong Emphasis Character Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Strong Emphasis&FamilyName:string=CharacterStyles 9 Qu~otation Quotation Character Style Qu~otation Quotation Character Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Citation&FamilyName:string=CharacterStyles 9 Sou~rce Text Sou~rce Text Source Text Character Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Source Text&FamilyName:string=CharacterStyles 9 Bullet • List Style Bullet • List Style Bullet • List Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=List 1&FamilyName:string=NumberingStyles 11 Numbering 123 List Style Numbering 123 List Style Numbering 123 List Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Numbering 123&FamilyName:string=NumberingStyles 11 Numbering ABC List Style Numbering ABC List Style Numbering ABC List Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Numbering ABC&FamilyName:string=NumberingStyles 11 Numbering abc List Style Numbering abc List Style Numbering abc List Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Numbering abc&FamilyName:string=NumberingStyles 11 Numbering IVX List Style Numbering IVX List Style Numbering IVX List Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Numbering IVX&FamilyName:string=NumberingStyles 11 Numbering ivx List Style Numbering ivx List Style .uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Numbering ivx&FamilyName:string=NumberingStyles 11 Numbering ivx List Style Default Table Style Academic Elegant Financial Box List Blue Box List Green Box List Red Box List Yellow Paragraph Style Set Paragraph Style 1 Orientation 1 Page Size 1 Page Margins 1 Hanging Indent 1 Watermark... 1 Table Cell Background Color 1 ActiveX Controls Legacy Form Fields Content Controls ~Protect Document 1 Protect Fields Protect fields in current document 1 Protect Bookmarks Protect bookmarks in current document 1 Toggle Outline Folding Fold or unfold outline content in document 1 Open the Page Deck Open the Style Inspector Deck Open the Manage Changes Deck Open the Accessibility Check Deck Spotlight 1