/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #ifndef INCLUDED_OOX_DRAWINGML_CHART_SERIESMODEL_HXX #define INCLUDED_OOX_DRAWINGML_CHART_SERIESMODEL_HXX #include #include namespace oox::drawingml::chart { struct DataLabelModelBase { typedef ModelRef< Shape > ShapeRef; typedef ModelRef< TextBody > TextBodyRef; ShapeRef mxShapeProp; /// Data label frame formatting. TextBodyRef mxTextProp; /// Data label text formatting. NumberFormat maNumberFormat; /// Number format for numeric data labels. std::optional< OUString > moaSeparator;/// Separator between label components. std::optional< sal_Int32 > monLabelPos; /// Data label position. std::optional< bool > mobShowBubbleSize; /// True = show size of bubbles in bubble charts. std::optional< bool > mobShowCatName; /// True = show category name of data points. std::optional< bool > mobShowLegendKey; /// True = show legend key of data series. std::optional< bool > mobShowPercent; /// True = show percentual value in pie/doughnut charts. std::optional< bool > mobShowSerName; /// True = show series name. std::optional< bool > mobShowVal; /// True = show data point value. /// True = the value from the corresponding to the /// index of this label is used as the label text. std::optional< bool > mobShowDataLabelsRange; bool mbDeleted; /// True = data label(s) deleted. explicit DataLabelModelBase(bool bMSO2007Doc); ~DataLabelModelBase(); }; struct DataLabelsModel; struct DataLabelModel : public DataLabelModelBase { typedef ModelRef< LayoutModel > LayoutRef; typedef ModelRef< TextModel > TextRef; LayoutRef mxLayout; /// Layout/position of the data point label frame. TextRef mxText; /// Manual or linked text for this data point label. const DataLabelsModel& mrParent; /// Reference to the labels container. sal_Int32 mnIndex; /// Data point index for this data label. explicit DataLabelModel(const DataLabelsModel& rParent, bool bMSO2007Doc); ~DataLabelModel(); }; struct DataLabelsModel : public DataLabelModelBase { typedef ModelVector< DataLabelModel > DataLabelVector; typedef ModelRef< Shape > ShapeRef; DataLabelVector maPointLabels; /// Settings for individual data point labels. ShapeRef mxLeaderLines; /// Formatting of connector lines between data points and labels. /// Labels source (owned by SeriesModel's DataSourceMap) const DataSourceModel* mpLabelsSource; bool mbShowLeaderLines; /// True = show connector lines between data points and labels. explicit DataLabelsModel(bool bMSO2007Doc); ~DataLabelsModel(); }; struct PictureOptionsModel { double mfStackUnit; /// Bitmap stacking unit. sal_Int32 mnPictureFormat; /// Bitmap mode (stretch/tile). bool mbApplyToFront; /// True = draw picture at front/back side of 3D data points. bool mbApplyToSides; /// True = draw picture at left/right side of 3D data points. bool mbApplyToEnd; /// True = draw picture at top/bottom side of 3D data points. explicit PictureOptionsModel(bool bMSO2007Doc); }; struct ErrorBarModel { enum SourceType { PLUS, /// Plus error bar values. MINUS /// Minus error bar values. }; typedef ModelMap< SourceType, DataSourceModel > DataSourceMap; typedef ModelRef< Shape > ShapeRef; DataSourceMap maSources; /// Source ranges for manual error bar values. ShapeRef mxShapeProp; /// Error line formatting. double mfValue; /// Fixed value for several error bar types. sal_Int32 mnDirection; /// Direction of the error bars (x/y). sal_Int32 mnTypeId; /// Type of the error bars (plus/minus/both). sal_Int32 mnValueType; /// Type of the values. bool mbNoEndCap; /// True = no end cap at error bar lines. explicit ErrorBarModel(bool bMSO2007Doc); ~ErrorBarModel(); }; struct TrendlineLabelModel { typedef ModelRef< Shape > ShapeRef; typedef ModelRef< TextBody > TextBodyRef; typedef ModelRef< LayoutModel > LayoutRef; typedef ModelRef< TextModel > TextRef; ShapeRef mxShapeProp; /// Label frame formatting. TextBodyRef mxTextProp; /// Label text formatting. LayoutRef mxLayout; /// Layout/position of the frame. TextRef mxText; /// Text source of the label. NumberFormat maNumberFormat; /// Number format for coefficients. explicit TrendlineLabelModel(); ~TrendlineLabelModel(); }; struct TrendlineModel { typedef ModelRef< Shape > ShapeRef; typedef ModelRef< TrendlineLabelModel > TrendlineLabelRef; ShapeRef mxShapeProp; /// Trendline formatting. TrendlineLabelRef mxLabel; /// Trendline label text object. OUString maName; /// User-defined name of the trendline. std::optional< double > mfBackward; /// Size of trendline before first data point. std::optional< double > mfForward; /// Size of trendline behind last data point. std::optional< double > mfIntercept; /// Crossing point with Y axis. sal_Int32 mnOrder; /// Polynomial order in range [2, 6]. sal_Int32 mnPeriod; /// Moving average period in range [2, 255]. sal_Int32 mnTypeId; /// Type of the trendline. bool mbDispEquation; /// True = show equation of the trendline. bool mbDispRSquared; /// True = show R-squared of the trendline. explicit TrendlineModel(bool bMSO2007Doc); ~TrendlineModel(); }; struct DataPointModel { typedef ModelRef< Shape > ShapeRef; typedef ModelRef< PictureOptionsModel > PictureOptionsRef; ShapeRef mxShapeProp; /// Data point formatting. PictureOptionsRef mxPicOptions; /// Fill bitmap settings. ShapeRef mxMarkerProp; /// Data point marker formatting. std::optional< sal_Int32 > monExplosion; /// Pie slice moved from pie center. std::optional< sal_Int32 > monMarkerSize; /// Size of the series line marker (2...72). std::optional< sal_Int32 > monMarkerSymbol; /// Series line marker symbol. std::optional< bool > mobBubble3d; /// True = show bubbles with 3D shade. sal_Int32 mnIndex; /// Unique data point index. bool mbInvertNeg; /// True = invert negative data points (not derived from series!). explicit DataPointModel(bool bMSO2007Doc); ~DataPointModel(); }; struct SeriesModel { enum SourceType { CATEGORIES, /// Data point categories. VALUES, /// Data point values. POINTS, /// Data point size (e.g. bubble size in bubble charts). DATALABELS, /// Data point labels. }; typedef ModelMap< SourceType, DataSourceModel > DataSourceMap; typedef ModelVector< ErrorBarModel > ErrorBarVector; typedef ModelVector< TrendlineModel > TrendlineVector; typedef ModelVector< DataPointModel > DataPointVector; typedef ModelRef< Shape > ShapeRef; typedef ModelRef< PictureOptionsModel > PictureOptionsRef; typedef ModelRef< TextModel > TextRef; typedef ModelRef< DataLabelsModel > DataLabelsRef; DataSourceMap maSources; /// Series source ranges. ErrorBarVector maErrorBars; /// All error bars of this series. TrendlineVector maTrendlines; /// All trendlines of this series. DataPointVector maPoints; /// Explicit formatted data points. ShapeRef mxShapeProp; /// Series formatting. PictureOptionsRef mxPicOptions; /// Fill bitmap settings. ShapeRef mxMarkerProp; /// Data point marker formatting. TextRef mxText; /// Series title source. DataLabelsRef mxLabels; /// Data point label settings for all points. std::optional< sal_Int32 > monShape; /// 3D bar shape type. sal_Int32 mnExplosion; /// Pie slice moved from pie center. sal_Int32 mnIndex; /// Series index used for automatic formatting. sal_Int32 mnMarkerSize; /// Size of the series line marker (2...72). sal_Int32 mnMarkerSymbol; /// Series line marker symbol. sal_Int32 mnOrder; /// Series order. bool mbBubble3d; /// True = show bubbles with 3D shade. bool mbInvertNeg; /// True = invert negative data points. bool mbSmooth; /// True = smooth series line. explicit SeriesModel(bool bMSO2007Doc); ~SeriesModel(); }; } // namespace oox::drawingml::chart #endif /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */