/* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ package ifc.sdb; import lib.MultiMethodTest; import lib.Status; import lib.StatusException; import com.sun.star.lang.EventObject; import com.sun.star.sdb.RowChangeEvent; import com.sun.star.sdb.XRowSetApproveBroadcaster; import com.sun.star.sdb.XRowSetApproveListener; /** * <code>com.sun.star.sdb.XRowSetApproveBroadcaster</code> interface test. <p> * Required object relations : * <ul> * <li> <code>'XRowSetApproveBroadcaster.ApproveChecker'</code>: * implementation of inner interface <code>RowSetApproveChecker</code> * which can move cursor within a rowset, change row, and change the * whole rowset. </li> * </ul> <p> * It is better to recreate the object after test, because of unknown * actions made by <code>RowSetApproveChecker</code> interface implementation. * * @see com.sun.star.sdb.XRowSetApproveBroadcaster * @see _XRowSetApproveBroadcaster.RowSetApproveChecker */ public class _XRowSetApproveBroadcaster extends MultiMethodTest { // oObj filled by MultiMethodTest public XRowSetApproveBroadcaster oObj = null ; /** * The purpose of this interface is to pass to this test * relation which can make some operations with row set * on which <code>XRowSetApproveListener</code>s can react. * @see com.sun.star.sdb.XRowSetApproveListener */ public interface RowSetApproveChecker { /** * Moves cursor within row set. Method <code>approveCursorMove</code> * of <code>XRowSetApproveListener</code> must be called. */ void moveCursor() ; /** * Change rows in row set. Method <code>approveRowChange</code> * of <code>XRowSetApproveListener</code> must be called. * @return <code>RowChangeEvent</code> structure which contains * what type of change was made and how many rows it affected. * @see com.sun.star.sdb.RowChangeEvent */ RowChangeEvent changeRow() ; /** * Change the whole row set. Method <code>approveRowSetChange</code> * of <code>XRowSetApproveListener</code> must be called. */ void changeRowSet() ; } /** * Implementation of <code>XRowSetApproveListener</code> interface * which just detects and stores approve requirements. They are checked * later. */ private static class TestListener implements XRowSetApproveListener { public boolean approveRequests = true ; public boolean approveCursorMoveCalled = false ; public boolean approveRowChangeCalled = false ; public RowChangeEvent approveRowChangeEvent = null ; public boolean approveRowSetChangeCalled = false ; public TestListener(boolean approve) { approveRequests = approve ; } public void reset() { approveCursorMoveCalled = false ; approveRowChangeCalled = false ; approveRowSetChangeCalled = false ; } public boolean approveCursorMove(EventObject ev) { approveCursorMoveCalled = true ; return approveRequests ; } public boolean approveRowChange(RowChangeEvent ev) { approveRowChangeCalled = true ; approveRowChangeEvent = ev ; return approveRequests ; } public boolean approveRowSetChange(EventObject ev) { approveRowSetChangeCalled = true ; return approveRequests ; } public void disposing(EventObject ev) {} } private TestListener listener1 = null ; private RowSetApproveChecker checker = null ; /** * Tries to retrieve object relation. */ @Override public void before() { checker = (RowSetApproveChecker) tEnv.getObjRelation ("XRowSetApproveBroadcaster.ApproveChecker") ; if (checker == null) { log.println("!!! Relation for test not found !!!") ; throw new StatusException(Status.failed ("!!! Relation for test not found !!!")) ; } } /** * Creates and adds listener, then call <code>RowSetApproveChecker</code> * methods for listener methods to be called. Then checks if * listener methods were called on appropriate actions. <p> * Has OK status : If and only if appropriate listener methods called, * and listener <code>approveRowChange</code> method has write parameter, * i.e. type and rows number expected. */ public void _addRowSetApproveListener() { listener1 = new TestListener(true) ; oObj.addRowSetApproveListener(listener1) ; log.println("Listener added.") ; boolean result = true ; checker.moveCursor() ; log.println("Cursor moved.") ; result &= listener1.approveCursorMoveCalled ; listener1.reset() ; RowChangeEvent actualEvent = checker.changeRow() ; log.println("Row changed.") ; RowChangeEvent event = listener1.approveRowChangeEvent ; result &= listener1.approveRowChangeCalled ; boolean eventOK = event.Action == actualEvent.Action && event.Rows == actualEvent.Rows ; result &= eventOK ; listener1.reset() ; checker.changeRowSet(); log.println("Row set changed.") ; result &= listener1.approveRowSetChangeCalled ; tRes.tested("addRowSetApproveListener()", result) ; } /** * Removes listener inserted before, then perform all actions * on which listener must react. <p> * Has OK status if no listener methods were called. <p> * Methods required to pass before : * <ul> * <li> <code>_addRowSetApproveListener</code> </li> * </ul> */ public void _removeRowSetApproveListener() { requiredMethod("addRowSetApproveListener()") ; listener1.reset() ; oObj.removeRowSetApproveListener(listener1) ; checker.moveCursor() ; checker.changeRow() ; checker.changeRowSet() ; tRes.tested("removeRowSetApproveListener()", !listener1.approveCursorMoveCalled && !listener1.approveRowChangeCalled && !listener1.approveRowSetChangeCalled) ; } /** * Disposes object environment. */ @Override public void after() { disposeEnvironment() ; } } // finish class _XRowSetApproveBroadcaster