/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #ifdef _WIN32 #if !defined WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #include #include #undef min #endif #include "osl_Security_Const.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace osl; using namespace rtl; /** print a UNICODE String. */ static void printUString( const OUString & str ) { //t_print("#printUString_u# " ); OString aString = OUStringToOString( str, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); t_print("%s\n", aString.getStr( ) ); } // test code start here namespace osl_Security { /** testing the method: Security() */ class ctors : public CppUnit::TestFixture { public: bool bRes, bRes1; void ctors_001( ) { ::osl::Security aSec; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: create a security its handle should not be NULL.", aSec.getHandle( ) != nullptr ); } CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( ctors ); CPPUNIT_TEST( ctors_001 ); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END( ); }; // class ctors /** testing the methods: inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL logonUser(const OUString& strName, const OUString& strPasswd); inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL logonUser(const OUString & strName, const OUString & strPasswd, const OUString & strFileServer); */ class logonUser : public CppUnit::TestFixture { public: bool bRes; void logonUser_user_pwd( ) { ::osl::Security aSec; bRes = aSec.logonUser( aLogonUser, aLogonPasswd ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: check logon user through forwarded user name, pwd, passed in (UNX), failed in (W32).", bRes ); } void logonUser_user_pwd_server( ) { ::osl::Security aSec; bRes = aSec.logonUser( aLogonUser, aLogonPasswd, aFileServer ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: check logon user through forwarded user name, pwd and server name, failed in (UNX)(W32).", bRes ); } CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( logonUser ); if ( !aStringForward.isEmpty() && aStringForward.indexOf( ' ' ) != -1 && ( aStringForward.indexOf( ' ' ) == aStringForward.lastIndexOf( ' ' ) ) ) /// if user name and passwd are forwarded { CPPUNIT_TEST( logonUser_user_pwd ); } if ( !aStringForward.isEmpty() && aStringForward.indexOf( ' ' ) != -1 && ( aStringForward.indexOf( ' ' ) != aStringForward.lastIndexOf( ' ' ) ) ) /// if user name and passwd and file server are forwarded { CPPUNIT_TEST( logonUser_user_pwd_server ); } CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END( ); }; // class logonUser /** testing the method: inline sal_Bool Security::getUserIdent( OUString& strIdent) const */ class getUserIdent : public CppUnit::TestFixture { public: bool bRes, bRes1; void getUserIdent_001( ) { ::osl::Security aSec; OUString strID; bRes = aSec.getUserIdent( strID ); OString aMessage = "strUserID: " + OUStringToOString(strUserID, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()) + ", strID: " + OUStringToOString(strID, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()) + ", bRes: " + OString::boolean(bRes); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE( aMessage.getStr(), strUserID, strID ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( aMessage.getStr(), bRes ); } CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getUserIdent ); CPPUNIT_TEST( getUserIdent_001 ); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END( ); }; // class getUserIdent /** testing the method: inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL getUserName( OUString& strName) const; */ class getUserName : public CppUnit::TestFixture { public: bool bRes, bRes1; void getUserName_001( ) { ::osl::Security aSec; #ifdef _WIN32 OUString strName( strUserName ), strGetName; #else OUString strName( strUserName ), strGetName; #endif bRes = aSec.getUserName( strGetName ); sal_Int32 nPos = -1; if (!strName.isEmpty()) { nPos = strGetName.indexOf(strName); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: get UserName and compare it with names got at the beginning of the test.", ( nPos >= 0 ) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: get UserName and compare it with names got at the beginning of the test.", bRes ); } CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getUserName ); CPPUNIT_TEST( getUserName_001 ); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END( ); }; // class getUserName /** testing the method: inline sal_Bool Security::getConfigDir( OUString& strDirectory ) const */ class getConfigDir : public CppUnit::TestFixture { public: bool bRes, bRes1; void getConfigDir_001( ) { ::osl::Security aSec; OUString strConfig; bRes = aSec.getConfigDir( strConfig ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "failed to find a ConfigDir!", bRes ); } CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getConfigDir ); CPPUNIT_TEST( getConfigDir_001 ); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END( ); }; // class getConfigDir /** testing the method: inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL isAdministrator() const; */ class isAdministrator : public CppUnit::TestFixture { public: bool bRes; void isAdministrator_001( ) { ::osl::Security aSec; bRes = aSec.isAdministrator( ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: check if the user is administrator at beginning, compare here.", isAdmin, bRes ); } CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( isAdministrator ); CPPUNIT_TEST( isAdministrator_001 ); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END( ); }; // class isAdministrator /** testing the method: inline oslSecurity getHandle() const; */ class getHandle : public CppUnit::TestFixture { public: bool bRes; void getHandle_001( ) { ::osl::Security aSec; bRes = aSec.isAdministrator( ) == bool(osl_isAdministrator( aSec.getHandle( ) )); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: use getHandle function to call C API.", bRes ); } CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getHandle ); CPPUNIT_TEST( getHandle_001 ); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END( ); }; // class getHandle class UserProfile : public CppUnit::TestFixture { public: void loadUserProfile( ) { ::osl::Security aSec; bool bValue = osl_loadUserProfile(aSec.getHandle()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "empty function.", !bValue ); } void unloadUserProfile( ) { ::osl::Security aSec; osl_unloadUserProfile(aSec.getHandle()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "empty function.", true ); } CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( UserProfile ); CPPUNIT_TEST( loadUserProfile ); CPPUNIT_TEST( unloadUserProfile ); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END( ); }; // class UserProfile class loginUserOnFileServer : public CppUnit::TestFixture { public: void loginUserOnFileServer_001( ) { OUString suUserName; OUString suPassword; OUString suFileServer; ::osl::Security aSec; oslSecurity pSec = aSec.getHandle(); oslSecurityError erg = osl_loginUserOnFileServer(suUserName.pData, suPassword.pData, suFileServer.pData, &pSec); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE( "empty function.", osl_Security_E_UserUnknown, erg ); } CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( loginUserOnFileServer ); CPPUNIT_TEST( loginUserOnFileServer_001 ); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END( ); }; // class loginUserOnFileServer CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(osl_Security::ctors); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(osl_Security::logonUser); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(osl_Security::getUserIdent); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(osl_Security::getUserName); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(osl_Security::getConfigDir); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(osl_Security::isAdministrator); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(osl_Security::getHandle); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(osl_Security::UserProfile); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(osl_Security::loginUserOnFileServer); } // namespace osl_Security /* This defines an own TestPlugIn implementation with an own initialize() method that will be called after loading the PlugIn */ #include namespace { class MyTestPlugInImpl: public CPPUNIT_NS::TestPlugInDefaultImpl { public: MyTestPlugInImpl() {}; void initialize( CPPUNIT_NS::TestFactoryRegistry *registry, const CPPUNIT_NS::PlugInParameters ¶meters ) override; }; } void MyTestPlugInImpl::initialize( CPPUNIT_NS::TestFactoryRegistry *, const CPPUNIT_NS::PlugInParameters & ) { /// start message t_print("#Initializing ...\n" ); t_print("#\n#logonUser function need root/Administrator account to test.\n" ); t_print("#You can test by login with root/Administrator, and execute:\n" ); t_print("#testshl2 -forward \"username password\" ../../../wntmsci9/bin/Security.dll\n" ); t_print("# where username and password are forwarded account info.\n" ); t_print("#if no text forwarded, this function will be skipped.\n" ); /// get system information #if ( defined UNX ) /// some initialization work for UNIX OS struct passwd* pw; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "getpwuid: no password entry\n",( pw = getpwuid( getuid() ) ) != nullptr ); /// get user ID; strUserID = OUString::number( getuid( ) ); /// get user Name; strUserName = OUString::createFromAscii( pw->pw_name ); /// get home directory; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE( "#Convert from system path to URL failed.", ::osl::File::E_None, ::osl::File::getFileURLFromSystemPath( OUString::createFromAscii( pw->pw_dir ), strHomeDirectory ) ); /// get config directory; strConfigDirectory = strHomeDirectory.copy(0); /// is administrator; if( !getuid( ) ) isAdmin = true; #endif #if defined(_WIN32) /// some initialization work for Windows OS /// Get the user name, computer name, user home directory. LPWSTR lpszSystemInfo; // pointer to system information string DWORD cchBuff = BUFSIZE; // size of computer or user name WCHAR wchBuffer[BUFSIZE]; // buffer for string lpszSystemInfo = wchBuffer; if( GetUserNameW(lpszSystemInfo, &cchBuff) ) strUserName = o3tl::toU(lpszSystemInfo); cchBuff = BUFSIZE; if( GetComputerNameW(lpszSystemInfo, &cchBuff) ) strComputerName = o3tl::toU(lpszSystemInfo); /// Get user home directory. HKEY hRegKey; if (RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", &hRegKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { sal_Unicode PathW[_MAX_PATH]; LSTATUS lRet; DWORD lSize = sizeof(PathW); DWORD Type; lRet = RegQueryValueExW(hRegKey, L"AppData", nullptr, &Type, reinterpret_cast(PathW), &lSize); if ( ( lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( Type == REG_SZ ) && ( _waccess( o3tl::toW(PathW), 0 ) == 0 ) ) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE( "#Convert from system path to URL failed.", ::osl::File::E_None, ::osl::File::getFileURLFromSystemPath( OUString(PathW), strConfigDirectory ) ); } lSize = sizeof(PathW); lRet = RegQueryValueExW(hRegKey, L"Personal", nullptr, &Type, reinterpret_cast(PathW), &lSize); if ( ( lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( Type == REG_SZ ) && ( _waccess( o3tl::toW(PathW), 0 ) == 0 ) ) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE( "#Convert from system path to URL failed.", ::osl::File::E_None, ::osl::File::getFileURLFromSystemPath( OUString(PathW), strHomeDirectory ) ); } RegCloseKey(hRegKey); } /// Get user Security ID: // Create buffers that may be large enough. If a buffer is too small, the count parameter will be set to the size needed. const DWORD INITIAL_SIZE = 32; DWORD cbSid = 0; DWORD dwSidBufferSize = INITIAL_SIZE; DWORD cchDomainName = 0; DWORD dwDomainBufferSize = INITIAL_SIZE; WCHAR * wszDomainName = nullptr; SID_NAME_USE eSidType; DWORD dwErrorCode = 0; OUString sLookupUserName = strUserName; LPCWSTR wszAccName = o3tl::toW(sLookupUserName.getStr( )); // Create buffers for the SID and the domain name. PSID pSid = static_cast(new BYTE[dwSidBufferSize]); memset( pSid, 0, dwSidBufferSize); wszDomainName = new WCHAR[dwDomainBufferSize]; memset(wszDomainName, 0, dwDomainBufferSize*sizeof(WCHAR)); // Obtain the SID for the account name passed. for ( ; ; ) { // Set the count variables to the buffer sizes and retrieve the SID. cbSid = dwSidBufferSize; cchDomainName = dwDomainBufferSize; if (LookupAccountNameW( nullptr, // Computer name. NULL for the local computer wszAccName, pSid, // Pointer to the SID buffer. Use NULL to get the size needed, &cbSid, // Size of the SID buffer needed. wszDomainName, // wszDomainName, &cchDomainName, &eSidType )) { if (eSidType == SID_NAME_USE::SidTypeDomain) { // LookupAccountNameW returned SID of a domain; likely the hostname is the same as // username (case-insensitive): something like "JOHNSMITH\JohnSmith", so looking up // for "JohnSmith" without domain returns domain itself. Try getting the SID of the // user using fully qualified name (the case of user of another domain having name // identical this hostname is not handled). sLookupUserName = OUString::Concat(o3tl::toU(wszDomainName)) + u"\\" + strUserName; wszAccName = o3tl::toW(sLookupUserName.getStr()); continue; } if (IsValidSid( pSid) == FALSE) wprintf(L"# The SID for %s is invalid.\n", wszAccName); break; } dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); // Check if one of the buffers was too small. if (dwErrorCode == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { if (cbSid > dwSidBufferSize) { // Reallocate memory for the SID buffer. wprintf(L"# The SID buffer was too small. It will be reallocated.\n"); delete[] static_cast(pSid); pSid = static_cast(new BYTE[cbSid]); memset( pSid, 0, cbSid); dwSidBufferSize = cbSid; } if (cchDomainName > dwDomainBufferSize) { // Reallocate memory for the domain name buffer. wprintf(L"# The domain name buffer was too small. It will be reallocated.\n"); delete [] wszDomainName; wszDomainName = new WCHAR[cchDomainName]; memset(wszDomainName, 0, cchDomainName*sizeof(WCHAR)); dwDomainBufferSize = cchDomainName; } } else { wprintf(L"# LookupAccountNameW failed. GetLastError returned: %d\n", dwErrorCode); break; } } LPWSTR pSidStr = nullptr; if (ConvertSidToStringSidW(pSid, &pSidStr)) { strUserID = o3tl::toU(pSidStr); LocalFree(pSidStr); } else { wprintf(L"# ConvertSidToStringSidW failed. GetLastError returned: %d\n", GetLastError()); } delete [] static_cast(pSid); delete [] wszDomainName; /// check if logged in user is administrator: BOOL b; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY NtAuthority = { SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY }; PSID AdministratorsGroup; b = AllocateAndInitializeSid( &NtAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &AdministratorsGroup); if(b) { if (!CheckTokenMembership( nullptr, AdministratorsGroup, &b)) { b = FALSE; } FreeSid(AdministratorsGroup); } isAdmin = b; #endif /// print the information. t_print("#\n#Retrieved system information is below:\n"); t_print("Computer Name: "); if ( strComputerName.isEmpty()) t_print("Not retrieved\n" ); else printUString( strComputerName ); t_print("Current User Name: "); if ( strUserName.isEmpty()) t_print("Not retrieved\n" ); else printUString( strUserName ); t_print("Current User Home Directory:"); if ( strHomeDirectory.isEmpty()) t_print("Not retrieved\n" ); else printUString( strHomeDirectory ); t_print("Current Config Directory: "); if ( strConfigDirectory.isEmpty()) t_print("Not retrieved\n" ); else printUString( strConfigDirectory ); t_print("Current UserID: "); if ( strUserID.isEmpty()) t_print("Not retrieved\n" ); else printUString( strUserID ); t_print("Current User is: "); if ( !isAdmin ) t_print("NOT Administrator.\n" ); else t_print("Administrator.\n" ); /// get and display forwarded text if available. OUString args[ 3 ]; int argsCount = 0; sal_uInt32 n = rtl_getAppCommandArgCount(); for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < n; ++i) { OUString arg; rtl_getAppCommandArg(i, &arg.pData); if( arg.startsWith("-") ) continue; if( argsCount >= 3 ) { SAL_WARN( "sal.osl", "Too many test arguments" ); continue; } args[ argsCount++ ] = arg; } /// only forwarded two parameters, username and password. if( argsCount == 2 ) { aLogonUser = args[ 0 ]; t_print("\n#Forwarded username: "); printUString( aLogonUser); aLogonPasswd = args[ 1 ]; t_print("#Forwarded password: "); for (int i = 0; i < aLogonPasswd.getLength(); ++i) t_print("*"); t_print("\n" ); } else if( argsCount == 3 ) /// forwarded three parameters, username, password and fileserver. { aLogonUser = args[ 0 ]; t_print("#Forwarded username: "); printUString( aLogonUser); aLogonPasswd = args[ 1 ]; t_print("#Forwarded password: "); for (int i = 0; i < aLogonPasswd.getLength(); ++i) t_print("*"); t_print("\n" ); aFileServer = args[ 2 ]; t_print("#Forwarded FileServer: "); printUString( aFileServer ); } t_print("#\n#Initialization Done.\n" ); } /* Instantiate and register the own TestPlugIn and instantiate the default main() function. (This is done by CPPUNIT_PLUGIN_IMPLEMENT() for TestPlugInDefaultImpl) */ CPPUNIT_PLUGIN_EXPORTED_FUNCTION_IMPL( MyTestPlugInImpl ); CPPUNIT_PLUGIN_IMPLEMENT_MAIN(); /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */