- $ $( ) $- £ - £ £ - £ £ - £ £ - £ £ - £ ( ) ( ) £ - £ £ - £ - - - - - - - - - - - - € - - - - : : : : $ ($ ) $ ($ ) $ ($ ) $ ($ ) ( ) - $ $ ( ) $ - ( ) - $ $ ( ) $ - Yes Yes No True True False On On Off ( ) \ \- \ \- \ \- \ \- \ \ - \ - - - \ \ - \ - - - - - - - - - - . / - $ - $ ( ) - $ $( ) $- ( ) - $ - . . WAHR WAHR FALSCH - / / - - - - : : : : : : / / : ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) - ( ) - ( ) - ( ) - . . : : : . . : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : : : : : : - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - % : : : : : : - $ - $ ??? Page 1 ??? (???) 00/00/0000, 00:00:00 Page 1 / 99 CEILING Function Result TRUE Sheet Result Description 1 TRUE Simple CEILING formulas with local references and values Function Expected Correct FunctionString Comment -10 -10 TRUE =CEILING(-11,-2) -10 -10 TRUE =CEILING(-11,-2,0) 25 -12 -12 TRUE =CEILING(-11,-2,1) 3 3 TRUE =CEILING(2.5, 1) -2 -2 TRUE =CEILING(-2.5, -2) Chyba:502 error TRUE =CEILING(-2.5, 2) Constraints: Both N and significance shall be numeric and have the same sign if not 0.or. 1.5 1.5 TRUE =CEILING(1.5, 0.1) 0.24 0.24 TRUE =CEILING(0.234, 0.01) 24 24 TRUE =CEILING(J$10) 23.5 -23.5 1 24 24 TRUE =CEILING(J$10,$L10) 0 0 0 TRUE =CEILING(J$10,$L11) -1 24 24 TRUE =CEILING(J$10,$L10,0) 0 0 TRUE =CEILING(J$10,$L11,0) 24 24 TRUE =CEILING(J$10,$L10,1) 0 0 TRUE =CEILING(J$10,$L11,1) -23 -23 TRUE =CEILING(K$10) 0 0 TRUE =CEILING(K$10,$L11) -23 -23 TRUE =CEILING(K$10,$L12) 0 0 TRUE =CEILING(K$10,$L11,0) -23 -23 TRUE =CEILING(K$10,$L12,0) 0 0 TRUE =CEILING(K$10,$L11,1) -24 -24 TRUE =CEILING(K$10,$L12,1) Chyba:502 error TRUE =CEILING(K$10,$L10,1) Chyba:502 error TRUE =CEILING(K$10,$L10,0) Chyba:502 error TRUE =CEILING(K$10,$L10) Chyba:502 error TRUE =CEILING(J$10,$L12,1) Chyba:502 error TRUE =CEILING(J$10,$L12,0) Chyba:502 error TRUE =CEILING(J$10,$L12) CEILINGSummary: Round a number N up to the nearest multiple of the second parameter, significance.Syntax: CEILING( Number N [ ; [ Number significance ] [ ; Number mode ] ] )Returns: NumberConstraints: Both N and significance shall be numeric and have the same sign if not 0.Semantics: Rounds a number up to a multiple of the second number. If significance is omitted or an empty parameter (two consecutive ;; semicolons) it is assumed to be -1 if N is negative and +1 if N is non-negative, making the function act like the normal mathematical ceiling function if mode is not given or zero. If mode is given and not equal to zero, the absolute value of N is rounded away from zero to a multiple of the absolute value of significance and then the sign applied . If mode is omitted or zero, rounding is toward positive infinity; the number is rounded to the smallest multiple of significance that is equal-to or greater than N. If any of the two parameters N or significance is zero, the result is zero.Note: Many application user interfaces have a CEILING function with only two parameters, and somewhat different semantics than given here (e.g., they operate as if there was a non-zero mode value). These CEILING functions are inconsistent with the standard mathematical definition of CEILING. 4 O5