TrueFalseTrueTrue6TrueFalseTrueTrue36TrueFalseDocumentActive WindowLists currently open documents.02TrueTrueTrueTruein-1TrueTrueTrueTrueTrueliststore2FalseTrue1601Page TreeLists available slides. Double-click a slide to make it the active slide.01TrueTrueTrueicons2TrueFirst Slidesd/res/nv03.pngJumps to the first page.FalseFalseTruePrevious Slidesd/res/nv04.pngMoves back one page.FalseFalseTrueNext Slidesd/res/nv05.pngMove forward one page.FalseFalseTrueLast Slidesd/res/nv06.pngJumps to the last page.FalseFalseTrueFalseendTrueTrueFalseTrueDrag Modesd/res/nv09.pngDrag and drop slides and named objects into the active slide.FalseTrueTrueShow Shapessd/res/graphic.pngIn the submenu you can choose to display a list of all shapes or only the named shapes. Use drag-and-drop in the list to reorder the shapes. When you set the focus to a slide and press the Tab key, the next shape in the defined order is selected.FalseTrue0000Opens the Navigator, where you can quickly jump to other slides or move between open files.TrueFalseTrueFalseNamed shapesTrueTrueallTrueFalseAll shapesTrueTruenamedTrueFalseTrueFalseFront to backTrueTruebacktofrontTrueFalseBack to frontTrueTruefronttoback