/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include #include BOX2D_HEADER #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BOX2D_SLIDE_SIZE_IN_METERS 100.00f constexpr double fDefaultStaticBodyBounciness(0.1); namespace box2d::utils { namespace { double calculateScaleFactor(const ::basegfx::B2DVector& rSlideSize) { double fWidth = rSlideSize.getX(); double fHeight = rSlideSize.getY(); // Scale factor is based on whatever is the larger // value between slide width and height if (fWidth > fHeight) return BOX2D_SLIDE_SIZE_IN_METERS / fWidth; else return BOX2D_SLIDE_SIZE_IN_METERS / fHeight; } b2BodyType getBox2DInternalBodyType(const box2DBodyType eType) { switch (eType) { default: case BOX2D_STATIC_BODY: return b2_staticBody; case BOX2D_KINEMATIC_BODY: return b2_kinematicBody; case BOX2D_DYNAMIC_BODY: return b2_dynamicBody; } } box2DBodyType getBox2DLOBodyType(const b2BodyType eType) { switch (eType) { default: case b2_staticBody: return BOX2D_STATIC_BODY; case b2_kinematicBody: return BOX2D_KINEMATIC_BODY; case b2_dynamicBody: return BOX2D_DYNAMIC_BODY; } } b2Vec2 convertB2DPointToBox2DVec2(const basegfx::B2DPoint& aPoint, const double fScaleFactor) { return { static_cast(aPoint.getX() * fScaleFactor), static_cast(aPoint.getY() * -fScaleFactor) }; } // expects rTriangleVector to have coordinates relative to the shape's bounding box center void addTriangleVectorToBody(const basegfx::triangulator::B2DTriangleVector& rTriangleVector, b2Body* aBody, const float fDensity, const float fFriction, const float fRestitution, const double fScaleFactor) { for (const basegfx::triangulator::B2DTriangle& aTriangle : rTriangleVector) { b2FixtureDef aFixture; b2PolygonShape aPolygonShape; b2Vec2 aTriangleVertices[3] = { convertB2DPointToBox2DVec2(aTriangle.getA(), fScaleFactor), convertB2DPointToBox2DVec2(aTriangle.getB(), fScaleFactor), convertB2DPointToBox2DVec2(aTriangle.getC(), fScaleFactor) }; bool bValidPointDistance = true; // check whether the triangle has degenerately close points for (int nPointIndexA = 0; nPointIndexA < 3; nPointIndexA++) { for (int nPointIndexB = 0; nPointIndexB < 3; nPointIndexB++) { if (nPointIndexA == nPointIndexB) continue; if (b2DistanceSquared(aTriangleVertices[nPointIndexA], aTriangleVertices[nPointIndexB]) < 0.003f) { bValidPointDistance = false; } } } if (bValidPointDistance) { // create a fixture that represents the triangle aPolygonShape.Set(aTriangleVertices, 3); aFixture.shape = &aPolygonShape; aFixture.density = fDensity; aFixture.friction = fFriction; aFixture.restitution = fRestitution; aBody->CreateFixture(&aFixture); } } } // expects rPolygon to have coordinates relative to it's center void addEdgeShapeToBody(const basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPolygon, b2Body* aBody, const float fDensity, const float fFriction, const float fRestitution, const double fScaleFactor) { // make sure there's no bezier curves on the polygon assert(!rPolygon.areControlPointsUsed()); basegfx::B2DPolygon aPolygon = basegfx::utils::removeNeutralPoints(rPolygon); // value that somewhat defines half width of the quadrilateral // that will be representing edge segment in the box2d world const float fHalfWidth = 0.1f; bool bHasPreviousQuadrilateralEdge = false; b2Vec2 aQuadrilateralVertices[4]; for (sal_uInt32 nIndex = 0; nIndex < aPolygon.count(); nIndex++) { b2FixtureDef aFixture; b2PolygonShape aPolygonShape; basegfx::B2DPoint aPointA; basegfx::B2DPoint aPointB; if (nIndex != 0) { // get two adjacent points to create an edge out of aPointA = aPolygon.getB2DPoint(nIndex - 1); aPointB = aPolygon.getB2DPoint(nIndex); } else if (aPolygon.isClosed()) { // start by connecting the last point to the first one aPointA = aPolygon.getB2DPoint(aPolygon.count() - 1); aPointB = aPolygon.getB2DPoint(nIndex); } else // the polygon isn't closed, won't connect last and first points { continue; } // create a vector that represents the direction of the edge // and make it a unit vector b2Vec2 aEdgeUnitVec(convertB2DPointToBox2DVec2(aPointB, fScaleFactor) - convertB2DPointToBox2DVec2(aPointA, fScaleFactor)); aEdgeUnitVec.Normalize(); // create a unit vector that represents Normal of the edge b2Vec2 aEdgeNormal(-aEdgeUnitVec.y, aEdgeUnitVec.x); // if there was an edge previously created it should just connect // using it's ending points so that there are no empty spots // between edge segments, if not use wherever aPointA is at if (!bHasPreviousQuadrilateralEdge) { // the point is translated along the edge normal both directions by // fHalfWidth to create a quadrilateral edge aQuadrilateralVertices[0] = convertB2DPointToBox2DVec2(aPointA, fScaleFactor) + fHalfWidth * aEdgeNormal; aQuadrilateralVertices[1] = convertB2DPointToBox2DVec2(aPointA, fScaleFactor) + -fHalfWidth * aEdgeNormal; bHasPreviousQuadrilateralEdge = true; } aQuadrilateralVertices[2] = convertB2DPointToBox2DVec2(aPointB, fScaleFactor) + fHalfWidth * aEdgeNormal; aQuadrilateralVertices[3] = convertB2DPointToBox2DVec2(aPointB, fScaleFactor) + -fHalfWidth * aEdgeNormal; // check whether the edge would have degenerately close points bool bValidPointDistance = b2DistanceSquared(aQuadrilateralVertices[0], aQuadrilateralVertices[2]) > 0.003f; if (bValidPointDistance) { // create a quadrilateral shaped fixture to represent the edge aPolygonShape.Set(aQuadrilateralVertices, 4); aFixture.shape = &aPolygonShape; aFixture.density = fDensity; aFixture.friction = fFriction; aFixture.restitution = fRestitution; aBody->CreateFixture(&aFixture); // prepare the quadrilateral edge for next connection aQuadrilateralVertices[0] = aQuadrilateralVertices[2]; aQuadrilateralVertices[1] = aQuadrilateralVertices[3]; } } } void addEdgeShapeToBody(const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon, b2Body* aBody, const float fDensity, const float fFriction, const float fRestitution, const double fScaleFactor) { for (const basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPolygon : rPolyPolygon) { addEdgeShapeToBody(rPolygon, aBody, fDensity, fFriction, fRestitution, fScaleFactor); } } } box2DWorld::box2DWorld(const ::basegfx::B2DVector& rSlideSize) : mpBox2DWorld() , mfScaleFactor(calculateScaleFactor(rSlideSize)) , mbShapesInitialized(false) , mbHasWorldStepper(false) , mbAlreadyStepped(false) , mnPhysicsAnimationCounter(0) , mpXShapeToBodyMap() , maShapeParallelUpdateQueue() { } box2DWorld::~box2DWorld() = default; bool box2DWorld::initiateWorld(const ::basegfx::B2DVector& rSlideSize) { if (!mpBox2DWorld) { mpBox2DWorld = std::make_unique(b2Vec2(0.0f, -30.0f)); createStaticFrameAroundSlide(rSlideSize); return false; } else { return true; } } void box2DWorld::createStaticFrameAroundSlide(const ::basegfx::B2DVector& rSlideSize) { assert(mpBox2DWorld); float fWidth = static_cast(rSlideSize.getX() * mfScaleFactor); float fHeight = static_cast(rSlideSize.getY() * mfScaleFactor); // static body for creating the frame around the slide b2BodyDef aBodyDef; aBodyDef.type = b2_staticBody; aBodyDef.position.Set(0, 0); // not going to be stored anywhere, will live // as long as the Box2DWorld does b2Body* pStaticBody = mpBox2DWorld->CreateBody(&aBodyDef); // create an edge loop that represents slide frame b2Vec2 aEdgePoints[4]; aEdgePoints[0].Set(0, 0); aEdgePoints[1].Set(0, -fHeight); aEdgePoints[2].Set(fWidth, -fHeight); aEdgePoints[3].Set(fWidth, 0); b2ChainShape aEdgesChainShape; aEdgesChainShape.CreateLoop(aEdgePoints, 4); // create the fixture for the shape b2FixtureDef aFixtureDef; aFixtureDef.shape = &aEdgesChainShape; pStaticBody->CreateFixture(&aFixtureDef); } void box2DWorld::setShapePosition(const css::uno::Reference xShape, const basegfx::B2DPoint& rOutPos) { const auto iter = mpXShapeToBodyMap.find(xShape); assert(iter != mpXShapeToBodyMap.end()); Box2DBodySharedPtr pBox2DBody = iter->second; pBox2DBody->setPosition(rOutPos); } void box2DWorld::setShapePositionByLinearVelocity( const css::uno::Reference xShape, const basegfx::B2DPoint& rOutPos, const double fPassedTime) { assert(mpBox2DWorld); if (fPassedTime > 0) // this only makes sense if there was an advance in time { const auto iter = mpXShapeToBodyMap.find(xShape); assert(iter != mpXShapeToBodyMap.end()); Box2DBodySharedPtr pBox2DBody = iter->second; pBox2DBody->setPositionByLinearVelocity(rOutPos, fPassedTime); } } void box2DWorld::setShapeLinearVelocity( const css::uno::Reference xShape, const basegfx::B2DVector& rVelocity) { assert(mpBox2DWorld); const auto iter = mpXShapeToBodyMap.find(xShape); assert(iter != mpXShapeToBodyMap.end()); Box2DBodySharedPtr pBox2DBody = iter->second; pBox2DBody->setLinearVelocity(rVelocity); } void box2DWorld::setShapeAngle(const css::uno::Reference xShape, const double fAngle) { const auto iter = mpXShapeToBodyMap.find(xShape); assert(iter != mpXShapeToBodyMap.end()); Box2DBodySharedPtr pBox2DBody = iter->second; pBox2DBody->setAngle(fAngle); } void box2DWorld::setShapeAngleByAngularVelocity( const css::uno::Reference xShape, const double fAngle, const double fPassedTime) { assert(mpBox2DWorld); if (fPassedTime > 0) // this only makes sense if there was an advance in time { const auto iter = mpXShapeToBodyMap.find(xShape); assert(iter != mpXShapeToBodyMap.end()); Box2DBodySharedPtr pBox2DBody = iter->second; pBox2DBody->setAngleByAngularVelocity(fAngle, fPassedTime); } } void box2DWorld::setShapeAngularVelocity( const css::uno::Reference xShape, const double fAngularVelocity) { assert(mpBox2DWorld); const auto iter = mpXShapeToBodyMap.find(xShape); assert(iter != mpXShapeToBodyMap.end()); Box2DBodySharedPtr pBox2DBody = iter->second; pBox2DBody->setAngularVelocity(fAngularVelocity); } void box2DWorld::setShapeCollision( const css::uno::Reference xShape, bool bCanCollide) { assert(mpBox2DWorld); const auto iter = mpXShapeToBodyMap.find(xShape); assert(iter != mpXShapeToBodyMap.end()); Box2DBodySharedPtr pBox2DBody = iter->second; pBox2DBody->setCollision(bCanCollide); } void box2DWorld::processUpdateQueue(const double fPassedTime) { while (!maShapeParallelUpdateQueue.empty()) { Box2DDynamicUpdateInformation& aQueueElement = maShapeParallelUpdateQueue.front(); if (aQueueElement.mnDelayForSteps > 0) { // it was queued as a delayed action, skip it, don't pop aQueueElement.mnDelayForSteps--; } else { switch (aQueueElement.meUpdateType) { default: case BOX2D_UPDATE_POSITION_CHANGE: setShapePositionByLinearVelocity(aQueueElement.mxShape, aQueueElement.maPosition, fPassedTime); break; case BOX2D_UPDATE_POSITION: setShapePosition(aQueueElement.mxShape, aQueueElement.maPosition); break; case BOX2D_UPDATE_ANGLE: setShapeAngleByAngularVelocity(aQueueElement.mxShape, aQueueElement.mfAngle, fPassedTime); break; case BOX2D_UPDATE_SIZE: break; case BOX2D_UPDATE_VISIBILITY: setShapeCollision(aQueueElement.mxShape, aQueueElement.mbVisibility); break; case BOX2D_UPDATE_LINEAR_VELOCITY: setShapeLinearVelocity(aQueueElement.mxShape, aQueueElement.maVelocity); break; case BOX2D_UPDATE_ANGULAR_VELOCITY: setShapeAngularVelocity(aQueueElement.mxShape, aQueueElement.mfAngularVelocity); } maShapeParallelUpdateQueue.pop(); } } } void box2DWorld::initiateAllShapesAsStaticBodies( const slideshow::internal::ShapeManagerSharedPtr& pShapeManager) { assert(mpBox2DWorld); mbShapesInitialized = true; auto aXShapeToShapeMap = pShapeManager->getXShapeToShapeMap(); std::unordered_map, bool> aXShapeBelongsToAGroup; // iterate over the shapes in the current slide and flag them if they belong to a group // will flag the only ones that are belong to a group since std::unordered_map operator[] // defaults the value to false if the key doesn't have a corresponding value for (auto aIt = aXShapeToShapeMap.begin(); aIt != aXShapeToShapeMap.end(); aIt++) { slideshow::internal::ShapeSharedPtr pShape = aIt->second; if (pShape->isForeground()) { SdrObject* pTemp = SdrObject::getSdrObjectFromXShape(pShape->getXShape()); if (pTemp && pTemp->IsGroupObject()) { // if it is a group object iterate over its children and flag them SdrObjList* aObjList = pTemp->GetSubList(); for (const rtl::Reference& pGroupMember : *aObjList) { aXShapeBelongsToAGroup.insert( std::make_pair(GetXShapeForSdrObject(pGroupMember.get()), true)); } } } } // iterate over shapes in the current slide for (auto aIt = aXShapeToShapeMap.begin(); aIt != aXShapeToShapeMap.end(); aIt++) { slideshow::internal::ShapeSharedPtr pShape = aIt->second; // only create static bodies for the shapes that do not belong to a group // groups themselves will have one body that represents the whole shape // collection if (pShape->isForeground() && !aXShapeBelongsToAGroup[pShape->getXShape()]) { Box2DBodySharedPtr pBox2DBody = createStaticBody(pShape); mpXShapeToBodyMap.insert(std::make_pair(pShape->getXShape(), pBox2DBody)); if (!pShape->isVisible()) { // if the shape isn't visible, queue an update for it queueShapeVisibilityUpdate(pShape->getXShape(), false); } } } } bool box2DWorld::hasWorldStepper() const { return mbHasWorldStepper; } void box2DWorld::setHasWorldStepper(const bool bHasWorldStepper) { mbHasWorldStepper = bHasWorldStepper; } void box2DWorld::queueDynamicPositionUpdate( const css::uno::Reference& xShape, const basegfx::B2DPoint& rOutPos) { Box2DDynamicUpdateInformation aQueueElement = { xShape, {}, BOX2D_UPDATE_POSITION_CHANGE }; aQueueElement.maPosition = rOutPos; maShapeParallelUpdateQueue.push(aQueueElement); } void box2DWorld::queueLinearVelocityUpdate( const css::uno::Reference& xShape, const basegfx::B2DVector& rVelocity, const int nDelayForSteps) { Box2DDynamicUpdateInformation aQueueElement = { xShape, {}, BOX2D_UPDATE_LINEAR_VELOCITY, nDelayForSteps }; aQueueElement.maVelocity = rVelocity; maShapeParallelUpdateQueue.push(aQueueElement); } void box2DWorld::queueDynamicRotationUpdate( const css::uno::Reference& xShape, const double fAngle) { Box2DDynamicUpdateInformation aQueueElement = { xShape, {}, BOX2D_UPDATE_ANGLE }; aQueueElement.mfAngle = fAngle; maShapeParallelUpdateQueue.push(aQueueElement); } void box2DWorld::queueAngularVelocityUpdate( const css::uno::Reference& xShape, const double fAngularVelocity, const int nDelayForSteps) { Box2DDynamicUpdateInformation aQueueElement = { xShape, {}, BOX2D_UPDATE_ANGULAR_VELOCITY, nDelayForSteps }; aQueueElement.mfAngularVelocity = fAngularVelocity; maShapeParallelUpdateQueue.push(aQueueElement); } void box2DWorld::queueShapeVisibilityUpdate( const css::uno::Reference& xShape, const bool bVisibility) { Box2DDynamicUpdateInformation aQueueElement = { xShape, {}, BOX2D_UPDATE_VISIBILITY }; aQueueElement.mbVisibility = bVisibility; maShapeParallelUpdateQueue.push(aQueueElement); } void box2DWorld::queueShapePositionUpdate( const css::uno::Reference& xShape, const basegfx::B2DPoint& rOutPos) { Box2DDynamicUpdateInformation aQueueElement = { xShape, {}, BOX2D_UPDATE_POSITION }; aQueueElement.maPosition = rOutPos; maShapeParallelUpdateQueue.push(aQueueElement); } void box2DWorld::queueShapePathAnimationUpdate( const css::uno::Reference& xShape, const slideshow::internal::ShapeAttributeLayerSharedPtr& pAttrLayer, const bool bIsFirstUpdate) { // Workaround for PathAnimations since they do not have their own AttributeType // - using PosX makes it register a DynamicPositionUpdate - queueShapeAnimationUpdate(xShape, pAttrLayer, slideshow::internal::AttributeType::PosX, bIsFirstUpdate); } void box2DWorld::queueShapeAnimationUpdate( const css::uno::Reference& xShape, const slideshow::internal::ShapeAttributeLayerSharedPtr& pAttrLayer, const slideshow::internal::AttributeType eAttrType, const bool bIsFirstUpdate) { switch (eAttrType) { case slideshow::internal::AttributeType::Visibility: queueShapeVisibilityUpdate(xShape, pAttrLayer->getVisibility()); return; case slideshow::internal::AttributeType::Rotate: queueDynamicRotationUpdate(xShape, pAttrLayer->getRotationAngle()); return; case slideshow::internal::AttributeType::PosX: case slideshow::internal::AttributeType::PosY: if (bIsFirstUpdate) // if it is the first update shape should _teleport_ to the position queueShapePositionUpdate(xShape, { pAttrLayer->getPosX(), pAttrLayer->getPosY() }); else queueDynamicPositionUpdate(xShape, { pAttrLayer->getPosX(), pAttrLayer->getPosY() }); return; default: return; } } void box2DWorld::queueShapeAnimationEndUpdate( const css::uno::Reference& xShape, const slideshow::internal::AttributeType eAttrType) { switch (eAttrType) { // end updates that change the velocity are delayed for a step // since we do not want them to override the last position/angle case slideshow::internal::AttributeType::Rotate: queueAngularVelocityUpdate(xShape, 0.0, 1); return; case slideshow::internal::AttributeType::PosX: case slideshow::internal::AttributeType::PosY: queueLinearVelocityUpdate(xShape, { 0, 0 }, 1); return; default: return; } } void box2DWorld::alertPhysicsAnimationEnd(const slideshow::internal::ShapeSharedPtr& pShape) { const auto iter = mpXShapeToBodyMap.find(pShape->getXShape()); assert(iter != mpXShapeToBodyMap.end()); Box2DBodySharedPtr pBox2DBody = iter->second; // since the animation ended make the body static makeBodyStatic(pBox2DBody); pBox2DBody->setRestitution(fDefaultStaticBodyBounciness); if (--mnPhysicsAnimationCounter == 0) { // if there are no more physics animation effects going on clean up maShapeParallelUpdateQueue = {}; mbShapesInitialized = false; // clearing the map will make the box2d bodies get // destroyed if there's nothing else that owns them mpXShapeToBodyMap.clear(); } else { // the physics animation that will take over the lock after this one // shouldn't step the world for an update cycle - since it was already // stepped. mbAlreadyStepped = true; } } void box2DWorld::alertPhysicsAnimationStart( const ::basegfx::B2DVector& rSlideSize, const slideshow::internal::ShapeManagerSharedPtr& pShapeManager) { if (!mpBox2DWorld) initiateWorld(rSlideSize); if (!mbShapesInitialized) initiateAllShapesAsStaticBodies(pShapeManager); mnPhysicsAnimationCounter++; } void box2DWorld::step(const float fTimeStep, const int nVelocityIterations, const int nPositionIterations) { assert(mpBox2DWorld); mpBox2DWorld->Step(fTimeStep, nVelocityIterations, nPositionIterations); } double box2DWorld::stepAmount(const double fPassedTime, const float fTimeStep, const int nVelocityIterations, const int nPositionIterations) { assert(mpBox2DWorld); unsigned int nStepAmount = static_cast(std::round(fPassedTime / fTimeStep)); // find the actual time that will be stepped through so // that the updates can be processed using that value double fTimeSteppedThrough = fTimeStep * nStepAmount; // do the updates required to simulate other animation effects going in parallel processUpdateQueue(fTimeSteppedThrough); if (!mbAlreadyStepped) { for (unsigned int nStepCounter = 0; nStepCounter < nStepAmount; nStepCounter++) { step(fTimeStep, nVelocityIterations, nPositionIterations); } } else { // just got the step lock from another physics animation // so skipping stepping the world for an update cycle mbAlreadyStepped = false; } return fTimeSteppedThrough; } bool box2DWorld::shapesInitialized() { return mbShapesInitialized; } bool box2DWorld::isInitialized() const { if (mpBox2DWorld) return true; else return false; } Box2DBodySharedPtr box2DWorld::makeShapeDynamic(const css::uno::Reference& xShape, const basegfx::B2DVector& rStartVelocity, const double fDensity, const double fBounciness) { assert(mpBox2DWorld); Box2DBodySharedPtr pBox2DBody = mpXShapeToBodyMap.find(xShape)->second; pBox2DBody->setDensityAndRestitution(fDensity, fBounciness); queueLinearVelocityUpdate(xShape, rStartVelocity, 1); return makeBodyDynamic(pBox2DBody); } Box2DBodySharedPtr makeBodyDynamic(const Box2DBodySharedPtr& pBox2DBody) { if (pBox2DBody->getType() != BOX2D_DYNAMIC_BODY) { pBox2DBody->setType(BOX2D_DYNAMIC_BODY); } return pBox2DBody; } Box2DBodySharedPtr box2DWorld::makeShapeStatic(const slideshow::internal::ShapeSharedPtr& pShape) { assert(mpBox2DWorld); assert(pShape && pShape->getXShape()); const auto iter = mpXShapeToBodyMap.find(pShape->getXShape()); assert(iter != mpXShapeToBodyMap.end()); Box2DBodySharedPtr pBox2DBody = iter->second; return makeBodyStatic(pBox2DBody); } Box2DBodySharedPtr makeBodyStatic(const Box2DBodySharedPtr& pBox2DBody) { if (pBox2DBody->getType() != BOX2D_STATIC_BODY) { pBox2DBody->setType(BOX2D_STATIC_BODY); } return pBox2DBody; } Box2DBodySharedPtr box2DWorld::createStaticBody(const slideshow::internal::ShapeSharedPtr& rShape, const float fDensity, const float fFriction) { assert(mpBox2DWorld); ::basegfx::B2DRectangle aShapeBounds = rShape->getBounds(); b2BodyDef aBodyDef; aBodyDef.type = b2_staticBody; aBodyDef.position = convertB2DPointToBox2DVec2(aShapeBounds.getCenter(), mfScaleFactor); slideshow::internal::ShapeAttributeLayerSharedPtr pShapeAttributeLayer = static_cast(rShape.get()) ->getTopmostAttributeLayer(); if (pShapeAttributeLayer && pShapeAttributeLayer->isRotationAngleValid()) { // if the shape's rotation value was altered by another animation effect set it. aBodyDef.angle = ::basegfx::deg2rad(-pShapeAttributeLayer->getRotationAngle()); } // create a shared pointer with a destructor so that the body will be properly destroyed std::shared_ptr pBody(mpBox2DWorld->CreateBody(&aBodyDef), [](b2Body* pB2Body) { pB2Body->GetWorld()->DestroyBody(pB2Body); }); SdrObject* pSdrObject = SdrObject::getSdrObjectFromXShape(rShape->getXShape()); rtl::OUString aShapeType = rShape->getXShape()->getShapeType(); basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPolyPolygon; // workaround: // TakeXorPoly() doesn't return beziers for CustomShapes and we want the beziers // so that we can decide the complexity of the polygons generated from them if (aShapeType == "com.sun.star.drawing.CustomShape") { aPolyPolygon = static_cast(pSdrObject)->GetLineGeometry(true); } else { aPolyPolygon = pSdrObject->TakeXorPoly(); } // make beziers into polygons, using a high degree angle as fAngleBound in // adaptiveSubdivideByAngle reduces complexity of the resulting polygon shapes aPolyPolygon = aPolyPolygon.areControlPointsUsed() ? basegfx::utils::adaptiveSubdivideByAngle(aPolyPolygon, 20) : aPolyPolygon; aPolyPolygon.removeDoublePoints(); // make polygon coordinates relative to the center of the shape instead of top left of the slide // since box2d shapes are expressed this way aPolyPolygon = basegfx::utils::distort(aPolyPolygon, aPolyPolygon.getB2DRange(), { -aShapeBounds.getWidth() / 2, -aShapeBounds.getHeight() / 2 }, { aShapeBounds.getWidth() / 2, -aShapeBounds.getHeight() / 2 }, { -aShapeBounds.getWidth() / 2, aShapeBounds.getHeight() / 2 }, { aShapeBounds.getWidth() / 2, aShapeBounds.getHeight() / 2 }); if (pSdrObject->IsClosedObj() && !pSdrObject->IsEdgeObj() && pSdrObject->HasFillStyle()) { basegfx::triangulator::B2DTriangleVector aTriangleVector; // iterate over the polygons of the shape and create representations for them for (const auto& rPolygon : std::as_const(aPolyPolygon)) { // if the polygon is closed it will be represented by triangles if (rPolygon.isClosed()) { basegfx::triangulator::B2DTriangleVector aTempTriangleVector( basegfx::triangulator::triangulate(rPolygon)); aTriangleVector.insert(aTriangleVector.end(), aTempTriangleVector.begin(), aTempTriangleVector.end()); } else // otherwise it will be an edge representation (example: smile line of the smiley shape) { addEdgeShapeToBody(rPolygon, pBody.get(), fDensity, fFriction, static_cast(fDefaultStaticBodyBounciness), mfScaleFactor); } } addTriangleVectorToBody(aTriangleVector, pBody.get(), fDensity, fFriction, static_cast(fDefaultStaticBodyBounciness), mfScaleFactor); } else { addEdgeShapeToBody(aPolyPolygon, pBody.get(), fDensity, fFriction, static_cast(fDefaultStaticBodyBounciness), mfScaleFactor); } return std::make_shared(pBody, mfScaleFactor); } box2DBody::box2DBody(std::shared_ptr pBox2DBody, double fScaleFactor) : mpBox2DBody(std::move(pBox2DBody)) , mfScaleFactor(fScaleFactor) { } ::basegfx::B2DPoint box2DBody::getPosition() const { b2Vec2 aPosition = mpBox2DBody->GetPosition(); double fX = static_cast(aPosition.x) / mfScaleFactor; double fY = static_cast(aPosition.y) / -mfScaleFactor; return ::basegfx::B2DPoint(fX, fY); } void box2DBody::setPosition(const basegfx::B2DPoint& rPos) { mpBox2DBody->SetTransform(convertB2DPointToBox2DVec2(rPos, mfScaleFactor), mpBox2DBody->GetAngle()); } void box2DBody::setPositionByLinearVelocity(const basegfx::B2DPoint& rDesiredPos, const double fPassedTime) { // kinematic bodies are not affected by other bodies, but unlike static ones can still have velocity if (mpBox2DBody->GetType() != b2_kinematicBody) mpBox2DBody->SetType(b2_kinematicBody); ::basegfx::B2DPoint aCurrentPos = getPosition(); // calculate the velocity needed to reach the rDesiredPos in the given time frame ::basegfx::B2DVector aVelocity = (rDesiredPos - aCurrentPos) / fPassedTime; setLinearVelocity(aVelocity); } void box2DBody::setAngleByAngularVelocity(const double fDesiredAngle, const double fPassedTime) { // kinematic bodies are not affected by other bodies, but unlike static ones can still have velocity if (mpBox2DBody->GetType() != b2_kinematicBody) mpBox2DBody->SetType(b2_kinematicBody); double fDeltaAngle = fDesiredAngle - getAngle(); // temporary hack for repeating animation effects while (fDeltaAngle > 180 || fDeltaAngle < -180) // if it is bigger than 180 opposite rotation is actually closer fDeltaAngle += fDeltaAngle > 0 ? -360 : +360; double fAngularVelocity = fDeltaAngle / fPassedTime; setAngularVelocity(fAngularVelocity); } void box2DBody::setLinearVelocity(const ::basegfx::B2DVector& rVelocity) { b2Vec2 aVelocity = { static_cast(rVelocity.getX() * mfScaleFactor), static_cast(rVelocity.getY() * -mfScaleFactor) }; mpBox2DBody->SetLinearVelocity(aVelocity); } void box2DBody::setAngularVelocity(const double fAngularVelocity) { float fBox2DAngularVelocity = static_cast(basegfx::deg2rad(-fAngularVelocity)); mpBox2DBody->SetAngularVelocity(fBox2DAngularVelocity); } void box2DBody::setCollision(const bool bCanCollide) { // collision have to be set for each fixture of the body individually for (b2Fixture* pFixture = mpBox2DBody->GetFixtureList(); pFixture; pFixture = pFixture->GetNext()) { b2Filter aFilter = pFixture->GetFilterData(); // 0xFFFF means collides with everything // 0x0000 means collides with nothing aFilter.maskBits = bCanCollide ? 0xFFFF : 0x0000; pFixture->SetFilterData(aFilter); } } double box2DBody::getAngle() const { double fAngle = static_cast(mpBox2DBody->GetAngle()); return ::basegfx::rad2deg(-fAngle); } void box2DBody::setAngle(const double fAngle) { mpBox2DBody->SetTransform(mpBox2DBody->GetPosition(), ::basegfx::deg2rad(-fAngle)); } void box2DBody::setDensityAndRestitution(const double fDensity, const double fRestitution) { // density and restitution have to be set for each fixture of the body individually for (b2Fixture* pFixture = mpBox2DBody->GetFixtureList(); pFixture; pFixture = pFixture->GetNext()) { pFixture->SetDensity(static_cast(fDensity)); pFixture->SetRestitution(static_cast(fRestitution)); } // without resetting the massdata of the body, density change won't take effect mpBox2DBody->ResetMassData(); } void box2DBody::setRestitution(const double fRestitution) { for (b2Fixture* pFixture = mpBox2DBody->GetFixtureList(); pFixture; pFixture = pFixture->GetNext()) { pFixture->SetRestitution(static_cast(fRestitution)); } } void box2DBody::setType(box2DBodyType eType) { mpBox2DBody->SetType(getBox2DInternalBodyType(eType)); } box2DBodyType box2DBody::getType() const { return getBox2DLOBodyType(mpBox2DBody->GetType()); } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab cinoptions=b1,g0,N-s cinkeys+=0=break: */