4 127 1 10 5 200 1 10 5 200 1 10 5 200 1 10 5 200 1 10 5 200 1 10 False 6 Font Sizes False True 0 0 dialog False vertical 12 False end _Default True True True True Click this button to save your changes as a default for all new formulas. False True 0 _OK True True True True True True False True 1 _Cancel True True True True False True 2 _Help True True True True False True 3 True False True end 0 True False True vertical 12 True False True 12 12 True False Base _size: True spinB_baseSize 0 False True 0 True True True True adjustmentBaseSize True All elements of a formula are proportionally scaled to the base size. To change the base size, select or type in the desired point (pt) size. You can also use other units of measure or other metrics, which are then automatically converted to points. False True 1 False True 0 True False True 0 none True False True 6 12 12 6 True True True True adjustmentRelativeSizes1 True Select the relative size for names and other function elements in a formula in proportion to the base size. 1 2 True False _Operators: True spinB_operator 0 0 3 True False _Limits: True spinB_limit 0 0 4 True True True True adjustmentRelativeSizes2 True Select the relative size of the mathematical operators in a formula in proportion to the base size. 1 3 True True True True adjustmentRelativeSizes3 True Select the relative size for the limits in a formula in proportion to the base size. 1 4 True False _Text: True spinB_text 0 0 0 True False _Functions: True spinB_function 0 0 2 True False _Indexes: True spinB_index 0 0 1 True True True True adjustmentRelativeSizes4 True Select the size for text in a formula relative to the base size. 1 0 True True True True adjustmentRelativeSizes5 True Select the relative size for the indexes in a formula in proportion to the base size. 1 1 True False Relative Sizes False True 1 False True 1 ok cancel help Use this dialog to specify the font sizes for your formula. Select a base size and all elements of the formula will be scaled in relation to this base.