False 6 Find and Replace False 0 0 dialog False vertical 6 False end _Help True True True True False True 1 True _Close True True True True False True 2 False True end 0 True False True vertical 6 True False True 0 none True False 12 6 True 6 12 True False center 6 True True False center True True True True True Enter the text that you want to find, or select a previous search from the list. 0 0 False True True Enter the text that you want to find, or select a previous search from the list. 0 1 1 0 2 True False start center _Find: True searchterm 0 0.5 0 0 False True True True end 0 0.5 1 2 True False 12 Ma_tch case True True False True True Distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase characters. False True 0 For_matted display True True False True True Includes number formatting characters in the search. False True 1 True False Whole wor_ds only True True False True True Searches for whole words or cells that are identical to the search text. False True 0 False True _Entire cells True False True 1 False True 2 All _sheets True False True True True False True 3 1 3 True False start True False center 6 3 3 3 vcl/res/infobox.png Search icon False True 0 True False True start 3 6 3 3 True True end 0 notification False True 1 1 4 False Search For True False True 0 True False True 0 none True False 12 True vertical 6 12 True False center 6 True True False center True True True True True Enter the replacement text, or select a recent replacement text or style from the list. 0 0 False True True Enter the replacement text, or select a recent replacement text or style from the list. 0 1 1 0 2 True False start center Re_place: True replaceterm 0 0 0 1 False True True True end 0 1 2 False Re_place With True False True 1 True False center 10 10 15 12 True Find _All True True True True Finds and selects all instances of the text or the format that you are searching for in the document (only in Writer and Calc documents). False True 0 Find Pre_vious True True True True Finds and selects the previous occurrence of the text or format that you are searching for in the document. False True 1 Find Ne_xt True True True True True True Finds and selects the next occurrence of the text or format that you are searching for in the document. False True 2 _Replace True True True True Replaces the selected text or format that you searched for, and then searches for the next occurrence. False True 3 Replace A_ll True True True True Replaces all of the occurrences of the text or format that you want to replace. False True 4 False True 2 False True 6 True 0 none True False 12 6 True 18 False Component Label True False True 1 True False 12 component button 1 True True True False True 0 component button 2 True True True False True 1 False True 2 False Component Label True False True 3 True False 10 True True True 6 1 1 True True True False 12 6 True vertical 12 True False True 6 12 True C_urrent selection only True False True True True Searches only the selected text or cells. 0 0 Re_gular expressions True False True True True 0 2 True False True 12 spread Attribut_es... True True True True False True 0 For_mat... True True True True Finds specific text formatting features, such as font types, font effects, and text flow characteristics. False True 1 _No Format True True True True False True 2 0 5 2 Search for st_yles True False True True True Searches for text formatted with the style that you specify. Select this checkbox, and then select a style from the Find list. To specify a replacement style, select a style from the Replace list. 1 1 Diacritic-_sensitive True True False True True 0 4 _Kashida-sensitive True True False True True 1 4 Match character _width True True False True True Distinguishes between half-width and full-width character forms. 1 2 True False 12 S_imilarity search True False True True True Find terms that are similar to the Find text. Select this checkbox, and then click the Similarities button to define the similarity options. False True 0 Similarities... True True True end True True Set the options for the similarity search. False True 1 0 3 True False 12 Sounds like (_Japanese) True False True True True Lets you specify the search options for similar notation used in Japanese text. Select this checkbox, and then click the Sounds button to specify the search options. False True 0 Sounds... True True True end True True Sets the search options for similar notation used in Japanese text. False True 1 1 3 True False Wil_dcards True False True True True False True 0 Comme_nts True True False True True In Writer, you can select to include the comment texts in your searches. False True 1 0 1 Replace _backwards True False True True True Search starts at the current cursor position and goes backwards to the beginning of the file. 1 0 False True 0 False True 6 12 True True False 15 False True Search i_n: True calcsearchin 0 False True 0 False True Formulas Values Comments False True 1 1 0 True False 4 15 False True Direction: True rows 0 False True 0 True False 15 Ro_ws True False True True True True False True 0 Colum_ns True False True True True rows False True 1 False True 1 0 0 False True 1 True False start Other _options True Shows more or fewer search options. Click this label again to hide the extended search options. 0 0 False True 4 False True 1 help close Finds or replaces text or formats in the current document. True