0.01 10 1 0.20 1 1 99 2 1 10 1 50 1 10 180 5 10 90 5 10 0.01 10 0.20 1 1 99 1 10 True False 6 vertical 12 True False 0 none True False 12 6 True 6 _Snap to grid True True False True True Specifies whether to move frames, drawing elements, and controls only between grid points. 1 0 _Visible grid True True False True True Specifies whether to display the grid. 1 1 False True center center res/lock.png 0 0 False True center center res/lock.png 0 1 True False Grid False True 0 True False 18 True False True 0 none True False 12 6 True 6 12 True True True True adjustment1 2 Defines the unit of measure for the spacing between grid points on the X-axis. 2 0 True True True True adjustment6 2 Defines the grid points spacing in the currently selected unit of measurement on the Y-axis. 2 1 True False H_orizontal: True mtrflddrawx 0 1 0 True False _Vertical: True mtrflddrawy 0 1 1 Synchronize a_xes True True False 12 True True Specifies whether to change the current grid settings symmetrically. 1 2 2 False True center center res/lock.png 0 0 False True center center res/lock.png 0 1 False True center center res/lock.png 0 2 True False Resolution False True 0 True False True 0 none True False 12 6 True 6 12 True False 6 True True True True adjustment2 Specify the number of intermediate spaces between grid points on the X-axis. 0 0 True False space(s) 0 1 0 2 0 True False 6 True True True True adjustment7 Specify the number of intermediate spaces between grid points on the Y-axis. 0 0 True False space(s) 0 1 0 2 1 True False Horizont_al: True numflddivisionx 0 1 0 True False V_ertical: True numflddivisiony 0 1 1 False True center center res/lock.png 0 0 False True center center res/lock.png 0 1 True False Subdivision False True 1 False True 1 False True 18 True False True 0 none True False 12 6 6 To snap lines True True False True True Snaps the edge of a dragged object to the nearest snap line when you release the mouse. 1 0 To the _page margins True True False True True Specifies whether to align the contour of the graphic object to the nearest page margin. 1 1 To object _frame True True False True True Specifies whether to align the contour of the graphic object to the border of the nearest graphic object. 1 2 To obje_ct points True True False True True Specifies whether to align the contour of the graphic object to the points of the nearest graphic object. 1 3 True False 12 True True True True adjustment3 Defines the snap distance between the mouse pointer and the object contour. Impress snaps to a snap point if the mouse pointer is nearer than the distance selected in the Snap range control. 1 0 True False _Snap range: True mtrfldsnaparea 0 0 0 1 4 False True center center res/lock.png 0 0 False True center center res/lock.png 0 1 False True center center res/lock.png 0 2 False True center center res/lock.png 0 3 False True center center res/lock.png 0 4 True False Snap False True 0 True False True 0 none True False 12 6 6 12 _When creating or moving objects True True False True True Specifies that graphic objects are restricted vertically, horizontally or diagonally (45°) when creating or moving them. 1 0 _Extend edges True True False True True Specifies that a square is created based on the longer side of a rectangle when the Shift key is pressed before you release the mouse button. This also applies to an ellipse (a circle will be created based on the longest diameter of the ellipse). When the Extend edges box is not marked, a square or a circle will be created based on the shorter side or diameter. 1 1 True False 6 12 True True True adjustment4 2 Specifies that graphic objects can only be rotated within the rotation angle that you selected in the When rotating control. 3 0 When ro_tating: True True False True True Specifies that graphic objects can only be rotated within the rotation angle that you selected in the When rotating control. 1 0 True True True True adjustment5 2 Defines the angle for point reduction. 3 1 True False Point reducti_on: True mtrfldbezangle 0 1 1 False True center center res/lock.png 0 0 False True center center res/lock.png 0 1 False True center center res/lock.png 2 0 1 2 False True center center res/lock.png 0 0 False True center center res/lock.png 0 1 True False Constrain Objects False True 1 False True 2 Specifies the settings for the configurable grid on your document pages. This grid helps you determine the exact position of your objects. You can also set this grid in line with the "magnetic" snap grid. True True