# -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4 -*- # # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # from uitest.framework import UITestCase from uitest.uihelper.common import get_state_as_dict, get_url_for_data_file from libreoffice.uno.propertyvalue import mkPropertyValues from libreoffice.linguistic.linguservice import get_lingu_service_manager from com.sun.star.lang import Locale # handle tdf#119908 smart justify with automatic hyphenation class tdf159102(UITestCase): def is_supported_locale(self, language, country): xLinguServiceManager = get_lingu_service_manager(self.ui_test._xContext) xHyphenator = xLinguServiceManager.getHyphenator() locales = xHyphenator.getLocales() for locale in locales: if language != None: if locale.Language != language: continue if country != None: if locale.Country != country: continue # we found the correct combination return True def set_custom_hyphenation(self): with self.ui_test.execute_dialog_through_command(".uno:OptionsTreeDialog") as xDialog: xPages = xDialog.getChild("pages") xLanguageEntry = xPages.getChild('2') # Language Settings xLanguageEntry.executeAction("EXPAND", tuple()) xxLanguageEntryWritingAidsEntry = xLanguageEntry.getChild('1') xxLanguageEntryWritingAidsEntry.executeAction("SELECT", tuple()) # Writing Aids # add hyphenation "cur=sus" and "ege=stas" to the custom dictionary # to solve the non-accessible hyphenation patterns for the test # Select an editable dictionary (list of Ignored words) dictionaries = xDialog.getChild("lingudicts") hasEditableDictionary = False for i in dictionaries.getChildren(): entry = dictionaries.getChild(i) entry_label = get_state_as_dict(entry)["Text"] if entry_label == "List of Ignored Words [All]": hasEditableDictionary = True entry.executeAction("SELECT", tuple()) # an editable user dictionary break self.assertEqual(True, hasEditableDictionary) # open Edit dialog window edit = xDialog.getChild("lingudictsedit") with self.ui_test.execute_blocking_action(edit.executeAction, args=('CLICK', ()), close_button="close") as xEdit: # write cur=sus into the input box inputbox = xEdit.getChild("word") inputbox.executeAction("TYPE", mkPropertyValues({"TEXT": "cur=sus"})) add = xEdit.getChild("newreplace") add.executeAction("CLICK", tuple()) inputbox.executeAction("TYPE", mkPropertyValues({"TEXT": "ege=stas"})) add.executeAction("CLICK", tuple()) def test_tdf159102_smart_justify_with_automatic_hyphenation(self): supported_locale = self.is_supported_locale("en", "US") if not supported_locale: self.skipTest("no hyphenation patterns for en_US available") xToolkit = self.xContext.ServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit') with self.ui_test.load_file(get_url_for_data_file("tdf159102.fodt")) as writer_doc: # we must not depend on the installed hyphenation patterns, # so extend user dictionary temporarily with the hyphenation cur=sus and ege=stas self.set_custom_hyphenation() xToolkit.processEventsToIdle() # delete the text of the first line self.xUITest.executeCommand(".uno:GoToEndOfLine") self.xUITest.executeCommand('.uno:StartOfDocumentSel') self.xUITest.executeCommand('.uno:Delete') paragraphs = writer_doc.Text.createEnumeration() para1 = paragraphs.nextElement() # This was "stas.", i.e. too much shrinking self.assertEqual("sus egestas.", para1.String) # check next paragraph (containing different text portions) self.xUITest.executeCommand(".uno:GoDown") self.xUITest.executeCommand(".uno:GoToEndOfLine") self.xUITest.executeCommand('.uno:StartOfDocumentSel') self.xUITest.executeCommand('.uno:Delete') paragraphs = writer_doc.Text.createEnumeration() para1 = paragraphs.nextElement() self.assertEqual("sus egestas.", para1.String)