/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "objectformattertxtfrm.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; namespace { // little helper class to forbid follow formatting for the given text frame class SwForbidFollowFormat { private: SwTextFrame& mrTextFrame; const bool bOldFollowFormatAllowed; public: explicit SwForbidFollowFormat( SwTextFrame& _rTextFrame ) : mrTextFrame( _rTextFrame ), bOldFollowFormatAllowed( _rTextFrame.FollowFormatAllowed() ) { mrTextFrame.ForbidFollowFormat(); } ~SwForbidFollowFormat() { if ( bOldFollowFormatAllowed ) { mrTextFrame.AllowFollowFormat(); } } }; } SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::SwObjectFormatterTextFrame( SwTextFrame& _rAnchorTextFrame, const SwPageFrame& _rPageFrame, SwTextFrame* _pMasterAnchorTextFrame, SwLayAction* _pLayAction ) : SwObjectFormatter( _rPageFrame, _pLayAction, true ), mrAnchorTextFrame( _rAnchorTextFrame ), mpMasterAnchorTextFrame( _pMasterAnchorTextFrame ) { } SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::~SwObjectFormatterTextFrame() { } std::unique_ptr SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::CreateObjFormatter( SwTextFrame& _rAnchorTextFrame, const SwPageFrame& _rPageFrame, SwLayAction* _pLayAction ) { std::unique_ptr pObjFormatter; // determine 'master' of <_rAnchorTextFrame>, if anchor frame is a follow text frame. SwTextFrame* pMasterOfAnchorFrame = nullptr; if ( _rAnchorTextFrame.IsFollow() ) { pMasterOfAnchorFrame = _rAnchorTextFrame.FindMaster(); while ( pMasterOfAnchorFrame && pMasterOfAnchorFrame->IsFollow() ) { pMasterOfAnchorFrame = pMasterOfAnchorFrame->FindMaster(); } } // create object formatter, if floating screen objects are registered // at anchor frame (or at 'master' anchor frame) if ( _rAnchorTextFrame.GetDrawObjs() || ( pMasterOfAnchorFrame && pMasterOfAnchorFrame->GetDrawObjs() ) ) { pObjFormatter.reset( new SwObjectFormatterTextFrame( _rAnchorTextFrame, _rPageFrame, pMasterOfAnchorFrame, _pLayAction )); } return pObjFormatter; } SwFrame& SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::GetAnchorFrame() { return mrAnchorTextFrame; } // #i40147# - add parameter <_bCheckForMovedFwd>. bool SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::DoFormatObj( SwAnchoredObject& _rAnchoredObj, const bool _bCheckForMovedFwd ) { // consider, if the layout action has to be // restarted due to a delete of a page frame. if ( GetLayAction() && GetLayAction()->IsAgain() ) { return false; } bool bSuccess( true ); if ( _rAnchoredObj.IsFormatPossible() ) { _rAnchoredObj.SetRestartLayoutProcess( false ); FormatObj_( _rAnchoredObj ); // consider, if the layout action has to be // restarted due to a delete of a page frame. if ( GetLayAction() && GetLayAction()->IsAgain() ) { return false; } // check, if layout process has to be restarted. // if yes, perform needed invalidations. // no restart of layout process, // if anchored object is anchored inside a Writer fly frame, // its position is already locked, and it follows the text flow. const bool bRestart = _rAnchoredObj.RestartLayoutProcess() && !( _rAnchoredObj.PositionLocked() && _rAnchoredObj.GetAnchorFrame()->IsInFly() && _rAnchoredObj.GetFrameFormat()->GetFollowTextFlow().GetValue() ); if ( bRestart ) { bSuccess = false; InvalidatePrevObjs( _rAnchoredObj ); InvalidateFollowObjs( _rAnchoredObj ); } // format anchor text frame, if wrapping style influence of the object // has to be considered and it's // #i3317# - consider also anchored objects, whose // wrapping style influence is temporarily considered. // #i40147# - consider also anchored objects, for // whose the check of a moved forward anchor frame is requested. // revise decision made for i3317: // anchored objects, whose wrapping style influence is temporarily considered, // have to be considered in method if ( bSuccess && _rAnchoredObj.ConsiderObjWrapInfluenceOnObjPos() && ( _bCheckForMovedFwd || _rAnchoredObj.GetFrameFormat()->GetWrapInfluenceOnObjPos(). // #i35017# - handle ITERATIVE as ONCE_SUCCESSIVE GetWrapInfluenceOnObjPos( true ) == // #i35017# - constant name has changed text::WrapInfluenceOnPosition::ONCE_SUCCESSIVE ) ) { // #i26945# - check conditions for move forward of // anchor text frame // determine, if anchor text frame has previous frame const bool bDoesAnchorHadPrev = ( mrAnchorTextFrame.GetIndPrev() != nullptr ); // #i40141# - use new method - it also formats the // section the anchor frame is in. FormatAnchorFrameForCheckMoveFwd(); // #i35911# if ( _rAnchoredObj.HasClearedEnvironment() ) { _rAnchoredObj.SetClearedEnvironment( true ); // #i44049# - consider, that anchor frame // could already been marked to move forward. SwPageFrame* pAnchorPageFrame( mrAnchorTextFrame.FindPageFrame() ); if ( pAnchorPageFrame != _rAnchoredObj.GetPageFrame() ) { bool bInsert( true ); sal_uInt32 nToPageNum( 0 ); const SwDoc& rDoc = *(GetPageFrame().GetFormat()->GetDoc()); if ( SwLayouter::FrameMovedFwdByObjPos( rDoc, mrAnchorTextFrame, nToPageNum ) ) { if ( nToPageNum < pAnchorPageFrame->GetPhyPageNum() ) SwLayouter::RemoveMovedFwdFrame( rDoc, mrAnchorTextFrame ); else bInsert = false; } if ( bInsert ) { SwLayouter::InsertMovedFwdFrame( rDoc, mrAnchorTextFrame, pAnchorPageFrame->GetPhyPageNum() ); mrAnchorTextFrame.InvalidatePos(); bSuccess = false; InvalidatePrevObjs( _rAnchoredObj ); InvalidateFollowObjs( _rAnchoredObj ); } else { OSL_FAIL( " - anchor frame not marked to move forward" ); } } } else if ( !mrAnchorTextFrame.IsFollow() && bDoesAnchorHadPrev ) { // index of anchored object in collection of page numbers and // anchor types sal_uInt32 nIdx( CountOfCollected() ); OSL_ENSURE( nIdx > 0, " - anchored object not collected!?" ); --nIdx; sal_uInt32 nToPageNum( 0 ); // #i43913# bool bDummy( false ); bool bPageHasFlysAnchoredBelowThis(false); // see how SwObjectFormatter::FormatObjsAtFrame_() checks // "pPageFrameOfAnchor == &mrPageFrame" - only caller relevant for // this subclass assert(GetPageFrame().GetPhyPageNum() == GetPgNumOfCollected(nIdx)); if ( SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::CheckMovedFwdCondition( *GetCollectedObj( nIdx ), GetPageFrame(), IsCollectedAnchoredAtMaster( nIdx ), nToPageNum, bDummy, bPageHasFlysAnchoredBelowThis)) { // #i49987# - consider, that anchor frame // could already been marked to move forward. bool bInsert( true ); sal_uInt32 nMovedFwdToPageNum( 0 ); const SwDoc& rDoc = *(GetPageFrame().GetFormat()->GetDoc()); if ( SwLayouter::FrameMovedFwdByObjPos( rDoc, mrAnchorTextFrame, nMovedFwdToPageNum ) ) { if ( nMovedFwdToPageNum < nToPageNum ) { if (!bPageHasFlysAnchoredBelowThis) { SwLayouter::RemoveMovedFwdFrame(rDoc, mrAnchorTextFrame); } } else bInsert = false; } if ( bInsert ) { // Indicate that anchor text frame has to move forward and // invalidate its position to force a re-format. if (!bPageHasFlysAnchoredBelowThis) { SwLayouter::InsertMovedFwdFrame(rDoc, mrAnchorTextFrame, nToPageNum); } mrAnchorTextFrame.InvalidatePos(); // Indicate restart of the layout process bSuccess = false; // If needed, invalidate previous objects anchored at same anchor // text frame. InvalidatePrevObjs( _rAnchoredObj ); // Invalidate object and following objects for the restart of the // layout process InvalidateFollowObjs( _rAnchoredObj ); } else { OSL_FAIL( " - anchor frame not marked to move forward" ); } } } // i40155# - mark anchor frame not to wrap around // objects under the condition, that its follow contains all its text. else if ( !mrAnchorTextFrame.IsFollow() && mrAnchorTextFrame.GetFollow() && mrAnchorTextFrame.GetFollow()->GetOffset() == TextFrameIndex(0)) { SwLayouter::RemoveMovedFwdFrame( *(mrAnchorTextFrame.FindPageFrame()->GetFormat()->GetDoc()), mrAnchorTextFrame ); } } } return bSuccess; } bool SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::DoFormatObjs() { if ( !mrAnchorTextFrame.isFrameAreaDefinitionValid() ) { if ( GetLayAction() && mrAnchorTextFrame.FindPageFrame() != &GetPageFrame() ) { // notify layout action, thus is can restart the layout process on // a previous page. GetLayAction()->SetAgain(true); } else { // the anchor text frame has to be valid, thus assert. OSL_FAIL( " called for invalidate anchor text frame." ); } return false; } bool bSuccess( true ); if ( mrAnchorTextFrame.IsFollow() ) { // Only floating screen objects anchored as-character are directly // registered at a follow text frame. The other floating screen objects // are registered at the 'master' anchor text frame. // Thus, format the other floating screen objects through the 'master' // anchor text frame OSL_ENSURE( mpMasterAnchorTextFrame, "SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::DoFormatObjs() - missing 'master' anchor text frame" ); bSuccess = FormatObjsAtFrame_( mpMasterAnchorTextFrame ); if ( bSuccess ) { // format of as-character anchored floating screen objects - no failure // expected on the format of these objects. bSuccess = FormatObjsAtFrame_(); } } else { bSuccess = FormatObjsAtFrame_(); } // consider anchored objects, whose wrapping style influence are temporarily // considered. if ( bSuccess && ( ConsiderWrapOnObjPos() || ( !mrAnchorTextFrame.IsFollow() && AtLeastOneObjIsTmpConsiderWrapInfluence() ) ) ) { const bool bDoesAnchorHadPrev = ( mrAnchorTextFrame.GetIndPrev() != nullptr ); // Format anchor text frame after its objects are formatted. // Note: The format of the anchor frame also formats the invalid // previous frames of the anchor frame. The format of the previous // frames is needed to get a correct result of format of the // anchor frame for the following check for moved forward anchors // #i40141# - use new method - it also formats the // section the anchor frame is in. FormatAnchorFrameForCheckMoveFwd(); sal_uInt32 nToPageNum( 0 ); // #i43913# bool bInFollow( false ); bool bPageHasFlysAnchoredBelowThis(false); SwAnchoredObject* pObj = nullptr; if ( !mrAnchorTextFrame.IsFollow() ) { pObj = GetFirstObjWithMovedFwdAnchor( // #i35017# - constant name has changed text::WrapInfluenceOnPosition::ONCE_CONCURRENT, nToPageNum, bInFollow, bPageHasFlysAnchoredBelowThis ); } // #i35911# if ( pObj && pObj->HasClearedEnvironment() ) { pObj->SetClearedEnvironment( true ); // #i44049# - consider, that anchor frame // could already been marked to move forward. SwPageFrame* pAnchorPageFrame( mrAnchorTextFrame.FindPageFrame() ); // #i43913# - consider, that anchor frame // is a follow or is in a follow row, which will move forward. if ( pAnchorPageFrame != pObj->GetPageFrame() || bInFollow ) { bool bInsert( true ); sal_uInt32 nTmpToPageNum( 0 ); const SwDoc& rDoc = *(GetPageFrame().GetFormat()->GetDoc()); if ( SwLayouter::FrameMovedFwdByObjPos( rDoc, mrAnchorTextFrame, nTmpToPageNum ) ) { if ( nTmpToPageNum < pAnchorPageFrame->GetPhyPageNum() ) { if (!bPageHasFlysAnchoredBelowThis) { SwLayouter::RemoveMovedFwdFrame(rDoc, mrAnchorTextFrame); } } else bInsert = false; } if ( bInsert ) { if (!bPageHasFlysAnchoredBelowThis) { SwLayouter::InsertMovedFwdFrame(rDoc, mrAnchorTextFrame, pAnchorPageFrame->GetPhyPageNum()); } mrAnchorTextFrame.InvalidatePos(); bSuccess = false; InvalidatePrevObjs( *pObj ); InvalidateFollowObjs( *pObj ); } else { OSL_FAIL( " - anchor frame not marked to move forward" ); } } } else if ( pObj && bDoesAnchorHadPrev ) { // Object found, whose anchor is moved forward // #i49987# - consider, that anchor frame // could already been marked to move forward. bool bInsert( true ); sal_uInt32 nMovedFwdToPageNum( 0 ); const SwDoc& rDoc = *(GetPageFrame().GetFormat()->GetDoc()); if ( SwLayouter::FrameMovedFwdByObjPos( rDoc, mrAnchorTextFrame, nMovedFwdToPageNum ) ) { if ( nMovedFwdToPageNum < nToPageNum ) SwLayouter::RemoveMovedFwdFrame( rDoc, mrAnchorTextFrame ); else bInsert = false; } if ( bInsert ) { // Indicate that anchor text frame has to move forward and // invalidate its position to force a re-format. SwLayouter::InsertMovedFwdFrame( rDoc, mrAnchorTextFrame, nToPageNum ); mrAnchorTextFrame.InvalidatePos(); // Indicate restart of the layout process bSuccess = false; // If needed, invalidate previous objects anchored at same anchor // text frame. InvalidatePrevObjs( *pObj ); // Invalidate object and following objects for the restart of the // layout process InvalidateFollowObjs( *pObj ); } else { OSL_FAIL( " - anchor frame not marked to move forward" ); } } // #i40155# - mark anchor frame not to wrap around // objects under the condition, that its follow contains all its text. else if ( !mrAnchorTextFrame.IsFollow() && mrAnchorTextFrame.GetFollow() && mrAnchorTextFrame.GetFollow()->GetOffset() == TextFrameIndex(0)) { SwLayouter::RemoveMovedFwdFrame( *(mrAnchorTextFrame.FindPageFrame()->GetFormat()->GetDoc()), mrAnchorTextFrame ); } } return bSuccess; } void SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::InvalidatePrevObjs( SwAnchoredObject& _rAnchoredObj ) { const SwFrameFormat* pObjFormat = _rAnchoredObj.GetFrameFormat(); // invalidate all previous objects, whose wrapping influence on the object // positioning is . // Note: list of objects at anchor frame is sorted by this property. if (pObjFormat->GetWrapInfluenceOnObjPos(). // #i35017# - handle ITERATIVE as ONCE_SUCCESSIVE GetWrapInfluenceOnObjPos( true ) != // #i35017# - constant name has changed text::WrapInfluenceOnPosition::ONCE_CONCURRENT ) return; const SwSortedObjs* pObjs = GetAnchorFrame().GetDrawObjs(); if ( !pObjs ) return; // determine start index size_t i = pObjs->ListPosOf( _rAnchoredObj ); while (i > 0) { --i; SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = (*pObjs)[i]; if (pObjFormat->GetWrapInfluenceOnObjPos(). // #i35017# - handle ITERATIVE as ONCE_SUCCESSIVE GetWrapInfluenceOnObjPos( true ) == // #i35017# - constant name has changed text::WrapInfluenceOnPosition::ONCE_CONCURRENT ) { pAnchoredObj->InvalidateObjPosForConsiderWrapInfluence(); } } } void SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::InvalidateFollowObjs( SwAnchoredObject& _rAnchoredObj ) { _rAnchoredObj.InvalidateObjPosForConsiderWrapInfluence(); const SwSortedObjs* pObjs = GetPageFrame().GetSortedObjs(); if ( pObjs ) { // determine start index for ( size_t i = pObjs->ListPosOf( _rAnchoredObj ) + 1; i < pObjs->size(); ++i ) { SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = (*pObjs)[i]; pAnchoredObj->InvalidateObjPosForConsiderWrapInfluence(); } } } SwAnchoredObject* SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::GetFirstObjWithMovedFwdAnchor( const sal_Int16 _nWrapInfluenceOnPosition, sal_uInt32& _noToPageNum, bool& _boInFollow, bool& o_rbPageHasFlysAnchoredBelowThis) { // #i35017# - constant names have changed OSL_ENSURE( _nWrapInfluenceOnPosition == text::WrapInfluenceOnPosition::ONCE_SUCCESSIVE || _nWrapInfluenceOnPosition == text::WrapInfluenceOnPosition::ONCE_CONCURRENT, " - invalid value for parameter <_nWrapInfluenceOnPosition>" ); SwAnchoredObject* pRetAnchoredObj = nullptr; sal_uInt32 i = 0; for ( ; i < CountOfCollected(); ++i ) { SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = GetCollectedObj(i); if ( pAnchoredObj->ConsiderObjWrapInfluenceOnObjPos() && pAnchoredObj->GetFrameFormat()->GetWrapInfluenceOnObjPos(). // #i35017# - handle ITERATIVE as ONCE_SUCCESSIVE GetWrapInfluenceOnObjPos( true ) == _nWrapInfluenceOnPosition ) { // see how SwObjectFormatter::FormatObjsAtFrame_() checks // "pPageFrameOfAnchor == &mrPageFrame" - only caller relevant for // this subclass assert(GetPageFrame().GetPhyPageNum() == GetPgNumOfCollected(i)); // #i26945# - use new method <_CheckMovedFwdCondition(..)> // #i43913# if ( SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::CheckMovedFwdCondition( *GetCollectedObj( i ), GetPageFrame(), IsCollectedAnchoredAtMaster( i ), _noToPageNum, _boInFollow, o_rbPageHasFlysAnchoredBelowThis) ) { pRetAnchoredObj = pAnchoredObj; break; } } } return pRetAnchoredObj; } static SwRowFrame const* FindTopLevelRowFrame(SwFrame const*const pFrame) { SwRowFrame * pRow = const_cast(pFrame)->FindRowFrame(); // looks like SwTabFrame has mbInfTab = true so go up 2 levels while (pRow->GetUpper()->GetUpper()->IsInTab()) { pRow = pRow->GetUpper()->GetUpper()->FindRowFrame(); } return pRow; } static SwContentFrame const* FindFrameInBody(SwAnchoredObject const& rAnchored) { SwFrame const*const pAnchor(rAnchored.GetAnchorFrame()); assert(pAnchor); if (pAnchor->IsPageFrame() || pAnchor->FindFooterOrHeader()) { return nullptr; } if (pAnchor->IsInFly()) { return FindFrameInBody(*pAnchor->FindFlyFrame()); } if (pAnchor->IsInFootnote()) { return pAnchor->FindFootnoteFrame()->GetRef(); } assert(pAnchor->IsInDocBody()); assert(pAnchor->IsContentFrame()); return static_cast(pAnchor); } // #i58182# // - replace private method by corresponding static public method bool SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::CheckMovedFwdCondition( SwAnchoredObject& _rAnchoredObj, SwPageFrame const& rFromPageFrame, const bool _bAnchoredAtMasterBeforeFormatAnchor, sal_uInt32& _noToPageNum, bool& _boInFollow, bool& o_rbPageHasFlysAnchoredBelowThis) { const sal_uInt32 _nFromPageNum(rFromPageFrame.GetPhyPageNum()); bool bAnchorIsMovedForward( false ); SwPageFrame* pPageFrameOfAnchor = _rAnchoredObj.FindPageFrameOfAnchor(); if ( pPageFrameOfAnchor ) { const sal_uInt32 nPageNum = pPageFrameOfAnchor->GetPhyPageNum(); if ( nPageNum > _nFromPageNum ) { _noToPageNum = nPageNum; // Handling of special case: // If anchor frame is move forward into a follow flow row, // <_noToPageNum> is set to <_nFromPageNum + 1>, because it is // possible that the anchor page frame isn't valid, because the // page distance between master row and follow flow row is greater // than 1. if ( _noToPageNum > (_nFromPageNum + 1) ) { SwFrame* pAnchorFrame = _rAnchoredObj.GetAnchorFrameContainingAnchPos(); if ( pAnchorFrame->IsInTab() && pAnchorFrame->IsInFollowFlowRow() ) { _noToPageNum = _nFromPageNum + 1; } } bAnchorIsMovedForward = true; } } // #i26945# - check, if an at-paragraph|at-character // anchored object is now anchored at a follow text frame, which will be // on the next page. Also check, if an at-character anchored object // is now anchored at a text frame, which is in a follow flow row, // which will be on the next page. if ( !bAnchorIsMovedForward && _bAnchoredAtMasterBeforeFormatAnchor && ((_rAnchoredObj.GetFrameFormat()->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId() == RndStdIds::FLY_AT_CHAR) || (_rAnchoredObj.GetFrameFormat()->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId() == RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PARA))) { SwFrame* pAnchorFrame = _rAnchoredObj.GetAnchorFrameContainingAnchPos(); OSL_ENSURE( pAnchorFrame->IsTextFrame(), "" ); SwTextFrame* pAnchorTextFrame = static_cast(pAnchorFrame); bool bCheck( false ); if ( pAnchorTextFrame->IsFollow() ) { bCheck = true; } else if( pAnchorTextFrame->IsInTab() ) { const SwRowFrame* pMasterRow = pAnchorTextFrame->IsInFollowFlowRow(); if ( pMasterRow && pMasterRow->FindPageFrame() == pPageFrameOfAnchor ) { bCheck = true; } } if ( bCheck ) { // check, if found text frame will be on the next page // by checking, if it's in a column, which has no next. SwFrame* pColFrame = pAnchorTextFrame->FindColFrame(); while ( pColFrame && !pColFrame->GetNext() ) { pColFrame = pColFrame->FindColFrame(); } if ( !pColFrame || !pColFrame->GetNext() ) { _noToPageNum = _nFromPageNum + 1; bAnchorIsMovedForward = true; // #i43913# _boInFollow = true; } } } if (bAnchorIsMovedForward) { // tdf#138518 try to determine if there is a fly on page rFromPageFrame // which is anchored in a frame that is "below" the anchor frame // of _rAnchoredObj, such that it should move to the next page before // _rAnchoredObj does if (auto * pObjs = rFromPageFrame.GetSortedObjs()) { for (SwAnchoredObject *const pObj : *pObjs) { SwPageFrame const*const pObjAnchorPage(pObj->FindPageFrameOfAnchor()); assert(pObjAnchorPage); if ((pObjAnchorPage == &rFromPageFrame ? _boInFollow // same-page but will move forward : rFromPageFrame.GetPhyPageNum() < pObjAnchorPage->GetPhyPageNum()) && pObj->GetFrameFormat()->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId() != RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR) { if (pPageFrameOfAnchor->GetPhyPageNum() < pObjAnchorPage->GetPhyPageNum()) { SAL_INFO("sw.layout", "SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::CheckMovedFwdCondition(): o_rbPageHasFlysAnchoredBelowThis because next page"); o_rbPageHasFlysAnchoredBelowThis = true; break; } // on same page: check if it's in next-chain in the document body // (in case both are in the same fly the flag must not be // set because the whole fly moves at once) SwContentFrame const*const pInBodyFrameObj(FindFrameInBody(*pObj)); SwContentFrame const*const pInBodyFrameAnchoredObj(FindFrameInBody(_rAnchoredObj)); if (pInBodyFrameObj && pInBodyFrameAnchoredObj) { bool isBreakMore(false); // currently this ignores index of at-char flys for (SwContentFrame const* pContentFrame = pInBodyFrameAnchoredObj->FindNextCnt(); pContentFrame; pContentFrame = pContentFrame->FindNextCnt()) { if (pInBodyFrameObj == pContentFrame) { // subsequent cells in a row are not automatically // "below" and the row could potentially be split // TODO refine check if needed if (!pInBodyFrameAnchoredObj->IsInTab() || FindTopLevelRowFrame(pInBodyFrameAnchoredObj) != FindTopLevelRowFrame(pInBodyFrameAnchoredObj)) { // anchored in next chain on same page SAL_INFO("sw.layout", "SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::CheckMovedFwdCondition(): o_rbPageHasFlysAnchoredBelowThis because next chain on same page"); o_rbPageHasFlysAnchoredBelowThis = true; isBreakMore = true; } break; } } if (isBreakMore) { break; } } } } } } return bAnchorIsMovedForward; } static void CleanupEmptyFootnoteFrame(SwFrame* pLowerFrame) { // Calc on a SwTextFrame in a footnote can move it to the next page - // deletion of the SwFootnoteFrame was disabled with SwFrameDeleteGuard // but now we have to clean up empty footnote frames to prevent crashes. // Note: check it at this level, not lower: both container and footnote // can be deleted at the same time! if (!pLowerFrame->IsFootnoteContFrame()) return; for (SwFrame * pFootnote = pLowerFrame->GetLower(); pFootnote; ) { assert(pFootnote->IsFootnoteFrame()); SwFrame *const pNextNote = pFootnote->GetNext(); if (!pFootnote->IsDeleteForbidden() && !pFootnote->GetLower() && !pFootnote->IsColLocked() && !static_cast(pFootnote)->IsBackMoveLocked()) { pFootnote->Cut(); SwFrame::DestroyFrame(pFootnote); } pFootnote = pNextNote; } } // #i40140# - helper method to format layout frames used by // method // #i44049# - format till a certain lower frame, if provided. static void lcl_FormatContentOfLayoutFrame( SwLayoutFrame* pLayFrame, SwFrame* pLastLowerFrame = nullptr ) { SwFrame* pLowerFrame = pLayFrame->GetLower(); while ( pLowerFrame ) { // #i44049# if ( pLastLowerFrame && pLowerFrame == pLastLowerFrame ) { break; } if ( pLowerFrame->IsLayoutFrame() ) { SwFrameDeleteGuard aCrudeHack(pLowerFrame); // ??? any issue setting this for non-footnote frames? lcl_FormatContentOfLayoutFrame( static_cast(pLowerFrame), pLastLowerFrame ); } else pLowerFrame->Calc(pLowerFrame->getRootFrame()->GetCurrShell()->GetOut()); // Calc on a SwTextFrame in a footnote can move it to the next page - // deletion of the SwFootnoteFrame was disabled with SwFrameDeleteGuard // but now we have to clean up empty footnote frames to prevent crashes. // Note: check it at this level, not lower: both container and footnote // can be deleted at the same time! SwFrame *const pNext = pLowerFrame->GetNext(); CleanupEmptyFootnoteFrame(pLowerFrame); pLowerFrame = pNext; } } /** method to format given anchor text frame and its previous frames #i56300# Usage: Needed to check, if the anchor text frame is moved forward due to the positioning and wrapping of its anchored objects, and to format the frames, which have become invalid due to the anchored object formatting in the iterative object positioning algorithm */ void SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::FormatAnchorFrameAndItsPrevs( SwTextFrame& _rAnchorTextFrame ) { // #i47014# - no format of section and previous columns // for follow text frames. if ( !_rAnchorTextFrame.IsFollow() ) { // In case the anchor frame is in a column or section, format its // previous frames first - but don't jump out of the current layout // environment, e.g. from footnotes into the footnote boss. SwFrame * pSectFrame(nullptr); SwFrame * pColFrameOfAnchor(nullptr); for (SwFrame* pUpper = _rAnchorTextFrame.GetUpper(); pUpper != nullptr; pUpper = pUpper->GetUpper()) { if (pUpper->IsCellFrame()) { break; // apparently nothing to be done? } if (pUpper->IsFootnoteFrame()) { SAL_INFO_IF(pColFrameOfAnchor == nullptr && pUpper->FindColFrame(), "sw.layout", "tdf#122894 skipping column for footnote in column"); break; // stop: prevent crash in case footnotes are being moved } if (pUpper->IsSctFrame()) { pColFrameOfAnchor = nullptr; pSectFrame = pUpper; break; } if (pColFrameOfAnchor != nullptr) { // parent of column not a section frame => column not in section break; } if (pUpper->IsColumnFrame()) { pColFrameOfAnchor = pUpper; } } // if anchor frame is directly inside a section, format this section and // its previous frames. // Note: It's a very simple format without formatting objects. if (pSectFrame) { assert(pSectFrame->IsSctFrame()); { SwFrameDeleteGuard aDeleteGuard(&_rAnchorTextFrame); // #i44049# _rAnchorTextFrame.LockJoin(); SwFrame* pFrame = pSectFrame->GetUpper()->GetLower(); // #i49605# - section frame could move forward // by the format of its previous frame. // Thus, check for valid . while ( pFrame && pFrame != pSectFrame ) { SwFrameDeleteGuard aDeleteFrameGuard(pFrame); if ( pFrame->IsLayoutFrame() ) lcl_FormatContentOfLayoutFrame( static_cast(pFrame) ); else pFrame->Calc(pFrame->getRootFrame()->GetCurrShell()->GetOut()); pFrame = pFrame->GetNext(); } lcl_FormatContentOfLayoutFrame( static_cast(pSectFrame), &_rAnchorTextFrame ); // #i44049# _rAnchorTextFrame.UnlockJoin(); } } // #i40140# - if anchor frame is inside a column, // format the content of the previous columns. // Note: It's a very simple format without formatting objects. if (pColFrameOfAnchor) { assert(pColFrameOfAnchor->IsColumnFrame()); // #i44049# _rAnchorTextFrame.LockJoin(); SwFrameDeleteGuard aDeleteGuard(&_rAnchorTextFrame); SwFrame* pColFrame = pColFrameOfAnchor->GetUpper()->GetLower(); while ( pColFrame != pColFrameOfAnchor ) { SwFrame* pFrame = pColFrame->GetLower(); while ( pFrame ) { if ( pFrame->IsLayoutFrame() ) lcl_FormatContentOfLayoutFrame( static_cast(pFrame) ); else pFrame->Calc(pFrame->getRootFrame()->GetCurrShell()->GetOut()); pFrame = pFrame->GetNext(); } pColFrame = pColFrame->GetNext(); } // #i44049# _rAnchorTextFrame.UnlockJoin(); } } // format anchor frame - format of its follow not needed // #i43255# - forbid follow format, only if anchor text // frame is in table if ( _rAnchorTextFrame.IsInTab() ) { SwForbidFollowFormat aForbidFollowFormat( _rAnchorTextFrame ); _rAnchorTextFrame.Calc(_rAnchorTextFrame.getRootFrame()->GetCurrShell()->GetOut()); } else { _rAnchorTextFrame.Calc(_rAnchorTextFrame.getRootFrame()->GetCurrShell()->GetOut()); } } /** method to format the anchor frame for checking of the move forward condition #i40141# */ void SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::FormatAnchorFrameForCheckMoveFwd() { SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::FormatAnchorFrameAndItsPrevs( mrAnchorTextFrame ); } /** method to determine if at least one anchored object has state set. */ bool SwObjectFormatterTextFrame::AtLeastOneObjIsTmpConsiderWrapInfluence() { bool bRet( false ); const SwSortedObjs* pObjs = GetAnchorFrame().GetDrawObjs(); if ( pObjs && pObjs->size() > 1 ) { for (SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj : *pObjs) { if ( pAnchoredObj->ConsiderObjWrapInfluenceOnObjPos() ) { bRet = true; break; } } } return bRet; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */