This filter is used when the "HTML (StarWriter)" filter is invoked. Import options: - FilterOptions: string - xhtmlns=reqif-xhtml: actives the ReqIF mode - AllowedRTFOLEMimeTypes: sequence In case an (UNO) client wants to limit the accepted set of MIME types for OLE objects in ReqIF mode, that's possible via this parameter. Any MIME type is accepted by default. Export options: - FilterOptions: string - SkipImages: skips images - SkipHeaderFooter: skips the header and footer - EmbedImages: inlines images - XHTML: activates the XHTML mode - xhtmlns=reqif-xhtml: actives the ReqIF mode - RTFOLEMimeType: string Defines what MIME type to use for OLE objects in ReqIF mode, defaults to text/rtf. - ExportImagesAsOLE: boolean Defines if images should be exported as OLE objects or bitmaps, defaults to false. - ShapeDPI: long (32bit signed int) Defines a custom DPI when converting vector shapes to bitmaps, defaults to the system DPI (96 when not on HiDPI).