true The operation 'Send to MediaWiki' could not be completed successfully. The MediaWiki export filter cannot be found. Choose 'Tools-XML Filter Settings' to install the filter, or use the setup to install the component. A connection to the MediaWiki system at '$ARG1' could not be created. User name or password is incorrect. Please try again, or leave the fields blank for an anonymous connection. A connection could not be created because the URL is invalid. Specify a MediaWiki server by providing a URL. The transfer has been interrupted. Please check the integrity of the wiki article. U~RL ~Username ~Password Send to MediaWiki Wiki article No OK Yes ~Add... ~Edit... ~Send ~Remove A wiki article with the title '$ARG1' does not exist yet. Do you want to create a new article with that name? Media~Wiki Server ~Title S~ummary This is a ~minor edit Show in web ~browser The certificate of the selected site is unknown. MediaWiki Account MediaWiki Server ~Save password Wiki Publisher A wiki article with the title '$ARG1' already exists. Do you want to replace the current article with your article?