' ' This file is part of the LibreOffice project. ' ' This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public ' License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this ' file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ' ' This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: ' ' Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more ' contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed ' with this work for additional information regarding copyright ' ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache ' License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file ' except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of ' the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . ' Option Explicit On Option Strict On imports System imports uno imports uno.util imports unoidl.com.sun.star.lang imports unoidl.com.sun.star.uno 'imports unoidl.com.sun.star.test.bridge imports unoidl.test.testtools.bridgetest imports System.Windows.Forms imports System.Diagnostics imports System.Reflection Class CONSTANTS Friend Shared STRING_TEST_CONSTANT As String = """ paco\' chorizo\\\' ""\'" End Class Namespace foo Public Interface MyInterface End Interface End Namespace Namespace vb_bridetest Class ORecursiveCall Inherits WeakBase Implements XRecursiveCall Overridable Sub callRecursivly(xCall As XRecursiveCall, nToCall As Integer) _ Implements XRecursiveCall.callRecursivly SyncLock Me If nToCall > 0 nToCall = nToCall - 1 xCall.callRecursivly(Me, nToCall) End If End SyncLock End Sub End Class Public Class BridgeTest Inherits uno.util.WeakBase Implements XMain Private m_xContext As XComponentContext Public Sub New( xContext As unoidl.com.sun.star.uno.XComponentContext ) mybase.New() m_xContext = xContext End Sub Private Shared Function check( b As Boolean , message As String ) As Boolean If Not b Console.WriteLine("{0} failed\n" , message) End If Return b End Function Private Shared Sub assign( rData As TestElement, bBool As Boolean, _ aChar As Char, nByte As Byte, nShort As Short, nUShort As UInt16, _ nLong As Integer, nULong As UInt32, nHyper As Long, _ UHyper As UInt64, fFloat As Single, fDouble As Double, _ eEnum As TestEnum, rStr As String, _ nByte2 As Byte, nShort2 As Short, _ xTest As Object, _ rAny As Any) rData.Bool = bBool rData.Char = aChar rData.Byte = nByte rData.Short = nShort rData.UShort = nUShort rData.Long = nLong rData.ULong = nULong rData.Hyper = nHyper rData.UHyper = nUHyper rData.Float = fFloat rData.Double = fDouble rData.Enum = eEnum rData.String = rStr rData.Byte2 = nByte2 rData.Short2 = nShort2 rData.Interface = xTest rData.Any = rAny End Sub Private Shared Sub assign( rData As TestDataElements, bBool As Boolean, _ aChar As Char, nByte As Byte, nShort As Short, nUShort As UInt16, _ nLong As Integer, nULong As UInt32, nHyper As Long, _ nUHyper As UInt64, fFloat As Single, fDouble As Double, _ eEnum As TestEnum, rStr As String, _ nByte2 As Byte, nShort2 As Short, _ xTest As Object, _ rAny As Any, rSequence() As TestElement) assign( DirectCast( rData,TestElement), _ bBool, aChar, nByte, nShort, nUShort, nLong, nULong, nHyper, _ nUHyper, fFloat, fDouble, eEnum, rStr, nByte2, nShort2, xTest, rAny ) rData.Sequence = rSequence End Sub Private Shared Function compareData(val1 As Object, val2 As Object) As Boolean If val1 Is Nothing And val2 Is Nothing OrElse _ val1 Is val2 Return True End If If val1 Is Nothing And Not(val2 Is Nothing) OrElse _ Not (val1 Is Nothing) And val2 Is Nothing OrElse _ Not val1.GetType().Equals( val2.GetType()) Return False End If Dim ret As Boolean = False Dim t1 As Type = val1.GetType() 'Sequence If t1.IsArray() ret = compareSequence(DirectCast( val1, Array), _ DirectCast( val2, Array)) 'String ElseIf TypeOf val1 Is String ret = DirectCast( val1, string) = DirectCast( val2, string) ' Interface implementation ElseIf t1.GetInterfaces().Length > 0 And Not t1.IsValueType ret = val1 Is val2 ' Struct ElseIf Not t1.IsValueType ret = compareStruct(val1, val2) ElseIf TypeOf val1 Is Any Dim a1 As Any = DirectCast( val1, Any) Dim a2 As Any = DirectCast( val2, Any) ret = a1.Type.Equals( a2.Type ) And compareData( a1.Value, a2.Value ) ElseIf t1.IsValueType 'Any, enum, int, bool char, float, double etc. ret = val1.Equals(val2) Else Debug.Assert(False) End If Return ret End Function ' Arrays have only one dimension Private Shared Function compareSequence( ar1 As Array, ar2 As Array) As Boolean Debug.Assert( Not (ar1 Is Nothing) And Not (ar2 Is Nothing) ) Dim t1 As Type = ar1.GetType() Dim t2 As Type = ar2.GetType() if ( Not(ar1.Rank = 1 And ar2.Rank = 1 _ And ar1.Length = ar2.Length And t1.GetElementType().Equals(t2.GetElementType()))) return False End If 'arrays have same rank and size and element type. Dim len As Integer = ar1.Length Dim elemType As Type = t1.GetElementType() Dim ret As Boolean = True Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To len - 1 If (compareData(ar1.GetValue(i), ar2.GetValue(i)) = False) ret = False Exit For End If Next i Return ret End Function Private Shared Function compareStruct( val1 As Object, val2 As Object) As Boolean Debug.Assert( Not(val1 Is Nothing) And Not(val2 Is Nothing)) Dim t1 As Type = val1.GetType() Dim t2 As Type = val2.GetType() If Not t1.Equals(t2) Return False End If Dim fields() As FieldInfo = t1.GetFields() Dim cFields As Integer = fields.Length Dim ret As Boolean = True Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To cFields - 1 Dim fieldVal1 As Object = fields(i).GetValue(val1) Dim fieldVal2 As Object = fields(i).GetValue(val2) If Not compareData(fieldVal1, fieldVal2) ret = False Exit For End If Next i Return ret End Function Private Shared Function performSequenceTest(xBT As XBridgeTest) As Boolean Dim bRet As Boolean = True 'Automati cast ?? like with COM objects Dim xBT2 As XBridgeTest2 Try xBT2 = DirectCast(xBT,XBridgeTest2) Catch e As InvalidCastException Return False End Try ' perform sequence tests (XBridgeTest2) 'create the sequence which are compared with the results Dim arBool() As Boolean = {True, False, True} Dim arChar() As Char = {"A"C,"B"C,"C"C} Dim arByte() As Byte = { 1, 2, &Hff} Dim arShort() As Short = {Int16.MinValue, 1, Int16.MaxValue} Dim arUShort() As UInt16 = {Convert.ToUInt16(0), Convert.ToUInt16(1), _ Convert.ToUInt16(&Hffff)} Dim arLong() As Integer = {Int32.MinValue, 1, Int32.MaxValue} Dim arULong() As UInt32 = {Convert.ToUInt32(0), Convert.ToUInt32(1), _ Convert.ToUInt32(&HffffffffL)} Dim arHyper() As Long = {Int64.MinValue, 1, Int64.MaxValue} Dim arUHyper() As UInt64 = {Convert.ToUInt64(0), Convert.ToUInt64(1), _ Convert.ToUInt64(&Hffffffff5L)} Dim arFloat() As Single = {1.1f, 2.2f, 3.3f} Dim arDouble() As Double = {1.11, 2.22, 3.33} Dim arString() As String = {"String 1", "String 2", "String 3"} Dim arAny() As Any = {New Any(True), New Any(11111), New Any(3.14)} Dim arObject() As Object = {New WeakBase(), New WeakBase(), New WeakBase()} Dim arEnum() As TestEnum = {TestEnum.ONE, TestEnum.TWO, TestEnum.CHECK} Dim arStruct() As TestElement = {New TestElement(), New TestElement(), _ New TestElement()} assign( arStruct(0), True, "@"C, 17, &H1234, Convert.ToUInt16(&Hfedc), _ &H12345678, Convert.ToUInt32(&H123456), &H123456789abcdef0, _ Convert.ToUInt64(123456788), 17.03125F, 3.1415926359, _ TestEnum.LOLA, CONSTANTS.STRING_TEST_CONSTANT, 18, &H5678, arObject(0), _ New Any(GetType(System.Object), arObject(0))) assign( arStruct(1), True, "A"C, 17, &H1234, Convert.ToUInt16(&Hfedc), _ &H12345678, Convert.ToUInt32(&H123456), &H123456789abcdef0, _ Convert.ToUInt64(12345678), 17.03125F, 3.1415926359, _ TestEnum.TWO, CONSTANTS.STRING_TEST_CONSTANT, 18, &H5678, arObject(1), _ New Any(GetType(System.Object), arObject(1)) ) assign( arStruct(2), True, "B"C, 17, &H1234, Convert.ToUInt16(&Hfedc), _ &H12345678, Convert.ToUInt32(654321), &H123456789abcdef0, _ Convert.ToUInt64(87654321), 17.03125F, 3.1415926359, _ TestEnum.CHECK, Constants.STRING_TEST_CONSTANT, 18, &H5678, arObject(2), _ New Any(GetType(System.Object), arObject(2))) Dim arLong3()()() As Integer = New Integer()()() { _ New Integer()(){New Integer(){1,2,3},New Integer(){4,5,6}, New Integer(){7,8,9} }, _ New Integer ()(){New Integer(){1,2,3},New Integer(){4,5,6}, New Integer(){7,8,9}}, _ New Integer()(){New Integer(){1,2,3},New Integer(){4,5,6}, New Integer(){7,8,9}}} Dim seqSeqRet()() As Integer = xBT2.setDim2(arLong3(0)) bRet = check( compareData(seqSeqRet, arLong3(0)), "sequence test") _ And bRet Dim seqSeqRet2()()() As Integer = xBT2.setDim3(arLong3) bRet = check( compareData(seqSeqRet2, arLong3), "sequence test") _ And bRet Dim seqAnyRet() As Any = xBT2.setSequenceAny(arAny) bRet = check( compareData(seqAnyRet, arAny), "sequence test") And bRet Dim seqBoolRet() As Boolean = xBT2.setSequenceBool(arBool) bRet = check( compareData(seqBoolRet, arBool), "sequence test") _ And bRet Dim seqByteRet() As Byte = xBT2.setSequenceByte(arByte) bRet = check( compareData(seqByteRet, arByte), "sequence test") _ And bRet Dim seqCharRet() As Char = xBT2.setSequenceChar(arChar) bRet = check( compareData(seqCharRet, arChar), "sequence test") _ And bRet Dim seqShortRet() As Short = xBT2.setSequenceShort(arShort) bRet = check( compareData(seqShortRet, arShort), "sequence test") _ And bRet Dim seqLongRet() As Integer = xBT2.setSequenceLong(arLong) bRet = check( compareData(seqLongRet, arLong), "sequence test") _ And bRet Dim seqHyperRet() As Long = xBT2.setSequenceHyper(arHyper) bRet = check( compareData(seqHyperRet,arHyper), "sequence test") _ And bRet Dim seqFloatRet() As Single = xBT2.setSequenceFloat(arFloat) bRet = check( compareData(seqFloatRet, arFloat), "sequence test") _ And bRet Dim seqDoubleRet() As Double= xBT2.setSequenceDouble(arDouble) bRet = check( compareData(seqDoubleRet, arDouble), "sequence test") _ And bRet Dim seqEnumRet() As TestEnum = xBT2.setSequenceEnum(arEnum) bRet = check( compareData(seqEnumRet, arEnum), "sequence test") _ And bRet Dim seqUShortRet() As UInt16 = xBT2.setSequenceUShort(arUShort) bRet = check( compareData(seqUShortRet, arUShort), "sequence test") _ And bRet Dim seqULongRet() As UInt32 = xBT2.setSequenceULong(arULong) bRet = check( compareData(seqULongRet, arULong), "sequence test") _ And bRet Dim seqUHyperRet() As UInt64 = xBT2.setSequenceUHyper(arUHyper) bRet = check( compareData(seqUHyperRet, arUHyper), "sequence test") _ And bRet Dim seqObjectRet() As Object = xBT2.setSequenceXInterface(arObject) bRet = check( compareData(seqObjectRet, arObject), "sequence test") _ And bRet Dim seqStringRet() As String = xBT2.setSequenceString(arString) bRet = check( compareData(seqStringRet, arString), "sequence test") _ And bRet Dim seqStructRet() As TestElement = xBT2.setSequenceStruct(arStruct) bRet = check( compareData(seqStructRet, arStruct), "sequence test") _ And bRet Dim arBoolTemp() As Boolean = DirectCast(arBool.Clone(), Boolean()) Dim arCharTemp() As Char = DirectCast(arChar.Clone(), Char()) Dim arByteTemp() As Byte = DirectCast(arByte.Clone(), Byte()) Dim arShortTemp() As Short = DirectCast(arShort.Clone(), Short()) Dim arUShortTemp() As UInt16 = DirectCast(arUShort.Clone(), UInt16()) Dim arLongTemp() As Integer= DirectCast(arLong.Clone(), Integer()) Dim arULongTemp() As UInt32 = DirectCast(arULong.Clone(), UInt32()) Dim arHyperTemp() As Long = DirectCast(arHyper.Clone(), Long()) Dim arUHyperTemp() As UInt64 = DirectCast(arUHyper.Clone(), UInt64()) Dim arFloatTemp() As Single = DirectCast(arFloat.Clone(), Single()) Dim arDoubleTemp() As Double = DirectCast(arDouble.Clone(), Double()) Dim arEnumTemp() As TestEnum = DirectCast(arEnum.Clone(), TestEnum()) Dim arStringTemp() As String = DirectCast(arString.Clone(), String()) Dim arObjectTemp() As Object = DirectCast(arObject.Clone(), Object()) Dim arAnyTemp() As Any = DirectCast(arAny.Clone(), Any()) ' make sure this are has the same contents as arLong3(0) Dim arLong2Temp()() As Integer = New Integer()(){New Integer(){1,2,3}, _ New Integer(){4,5,6}, New Integer(){7,8,9} } ' make sure this are has the same contents as arLong3 Dim arLong3Temp()()() As Integer = New Integer()()(){ _ New Integer()(){New Integer(){1,2,3},New Integer(){4,5,6}, New Integer(){7,8,9} }, _ New Integer ()(){New Integer(){1,2,3},New Integer(){4,5,6}, New Integer(){7,8,9}}, _ New Integer()(){New Integer(){1,2,3},New Integer(){4,5,6}, New Integer(){7,8,9}}} xBT2.setSequencesInOut( arBoolTemp, arCharTemp, arByteTemp, _ arShortTemp, arUShortTemp, arLongTemp, _ arULongTemp, arHyperTemp, arUHyperTemp, _ arFloatTemp, arDoubleTemp, arEnumTemp, _ arStringTemp, arObjectTemp, _ arAnyTemp, arLong2Temp, arLong3Temp) bRet = check( _ compareData(arBoolTemp, arBool) And _ compareData(arCharTemp , arChar) And _ compareData(arByteTemp , arByte) And _ compareData(arShortTemp , arShort) And _ compareData(arUShortTemp , arUShort) And _ compareData(arLongTemp , arLong) And _ compareData(arULongTemp , arULong) And _ compareData(arHyperTemp , arHyper) And _ compareData(arUHyperTemp , arUHyper) And _ compareData(arFloatTemp , arFloat) And _ compareData(arDoubleTemp , arDouble) And _ compareData(arEnumTemp , arEnum) And _ compareData(arStringTemp , arString) And _ compareData(arObjectTemp , arObject) And _ compareData(arAnyTemp , arAny) And _ compareData(arLong2Temp , arLong3(0)) And _ compareData(arLong3Temp , arLong3), "sequence test") And bRet Dim arBoolOut() As Boolean Dim arCharOut() As Char Dim arByteOut() As Byte Dim arShortOut() As Short Dim arUShortOut() As UInt16 Dim arLongOut() As Integer Dim arULongOut() As UInt32 Dim arHyperOut() As Long Dim arUHyperOut() As UInt64 Dim arFloatOut() As Single Dim arDoubleOut() As Double Dim arEnumOut() As TestEnum Dim arStringOut() As String Dim arObjectOut() As Object Dim arAnyOut() As Any Dim arLong2Out()() As Integer Dim arLong3Out()()() As Integer xBT2.setSequencesOut( arBoolOut, arCharOut, arByteOut, _ arShortOut, arUShortOut, arLongOut, _ arULongOut, arHyperOut, arUHyperOut, _ arFloatOut, arDoubleOut, arEnumOut, _ arStringOut, arObjectOut, arAnyOut, _ arLong2Out, arLong3Out) bRet = check( _ compareData(arBoolOut, arBool) And _ compareData(arCharOut, arChar) And _ compareData(arByteOut, arByte) And _ compareData(arShortOut, arShort) And _ compareData(arUShortOut, arUShort) And _ compareData(arLongOut, arLong) And _ compareData(arULongOut, arULong) And _ compareData(arHyperOut, arHyper) And _ compareData(arUHyperOut, arUHyper) And _ compareData(arFloatOut, arFloat) And _ compareData(arDoubleOut, arDouble) And _ compareData(arEnumOut, arEnum) And _ compareData(arStringOut, arString) And _ compareData(arObjectOut, arObject) And _ compareData(arAnyOut, arAny) And _ compareData(arLong2Out, arLong3(0)) And _ compareData(arLong3Out, arLong3), "sequence test") And bRet 'test with empty sequences Dim _arLong2()() As Integer = New Integer()(){} seqSeqRet = xBT2.setDim2(_arLong2) bRet = check( compareData(seqSeqRet, _arLong2), "sequence test") And bRet Dim _arLong3()()() As Integer = New Integer()()(){} seqSeqRet2 = xBT2.setDim3(_arLong3) bRet = check( compareData(seqSeqRet2, _arLong3), "sequence test") And bRet Dim _arAny() As Any = New Any(){} seqAnyRet = xBT2.setSequenceAny(_arAny) bRet = check( compareData(seqAnyRet, _arAny), "sequence test") And bRet Dim _arBool() As Boolean = New Boolean() {} seqBoolRet = xBT2.setSequenceBool(_arBool) bRet = check( compareData(seqBoolRet, _arBool), "sequence test") And bRet Dim _arByte() As Byte = New Byte() {} seqByteRet = xBT2.setSequenceByte(_arByte) bRet = check( compareData(seqByteRet, _arByte), "sequence test") And bRet Dim _arChar() As Char = New Char() {} seqCharRet = xBT2.setSequenceChar(_arChar) bRet = check( compareData(seqCharRet, _arChar), "sequence test") And bRet Dim _arShort() As Short = New Short() {} seqShortRet = xBT2.setSequenceShort(_arShort) bRet = check( compareData(seqShortRet, _arShort), "sequence test") And bRet Dim _arLong() As Integer = New Integer() {} seqLongRet = xBT2.setSequenceLong(_arLong) bRet = check( compareData(seqLongRet, _arLong), "sequence test") And bRet Dim _arHyper() As Long = New Long(){} seqHyperRet = xBT2.setSequenceHyper(_arHyper) bRet = check( compareData(seqHyperRet, _arHyper), "sequence test") And bRet Dim _arFloat() As Single = New Single(){} seqFloatRet = xBT2.setSequenceFloat(_arFloat) bRet = check( compareData(seqFloatRet, _arFloat), "sequence test") And bRet Dim _arDouble() As Double = New Double(){} seqDoubleRet = xBT2.setSequenceDouble(_arDouble) bRet = check( compareData(seqDoubleRet, _arDouble), "sequence test") And bRet Dim _arEnum() As TestEnum = New TestEnum(){} seqEnumRet = xBT2.setSequenceEnum(_arEnum) bRet = check( compareData(seqEnumRet, _arEnum), "sequence test") And bRet Dim _arUShort() As UInt16 = New UInt16(){} seqUShortRet = xBT2.setSequenceUShort(_arUShort) bRet = check( compareData(seqUShortRet, _arUShort), "sequence test") And bRet Dim _arULong() As UInt32 = New UInt32(){} seqULongRet = xBT2.setSequenceULong(_arULong) bRet = check( compareData(seqULongRet, _arULong), "sequence test") And bRet Dim _arUHyper() As UInt64 = New UInt64(){} seqUHyperRet = xBT2.setSequenceUHyper(_arUHyper) bRet = check( compareData(seqUHyperRet, _arUHyper), "sequence test") And bRet Dim _arObject() As Object = New Object(){} seqObjectRet = xBT2.setSequenceXInterface(_arObject) bRet = check( compareData(seqObjectRet, _arObject), "sequence test") And bRet Dim _arString() As String = New String(){} seqStringRet = xBT2.setSequenceString(_arString) bRet = check( compareData(seqStringRet, _arString), "sequence test") And bRet Dim _arStruct() As TestElement = New TestElement(){} seqStructRet = xBT2.setSequenceStruct(_arStruct) bRet = check( compareData(seqStructRet, _arStruct), "sequence test") And bRet Return bRet End Function Private Shared Function testAny(typ As Type, value As Object, _ xLBT As XBridgeTest ) As Boolean Dim any As Any If (typ Is Nothing) any = New Any(value.GetType(), value) Else any = New Any(typ, value) End If Dim any2 As Any = xLBT.transportAny(any) Dim ret As Boolean = compareData(any, any2) If ret = False Console.WriteLine("any is different after roundtrip: in {0}, " _ & "out {1}\n", _ any.Type.FullName, any2.Type.FullName) End If Return ret End Function Private Shared Function performAnyTest(xLBT As XBridgeTest, _ data As TestDataElements) As Boolean Dim bReturn As Boolean = True bReturn = testAny( Nothing, data.Byte ,xLBT ) And bReturn bReturn = testAny( Nothing, data.Short,xLBT ) And bReturn bReturn = testAny( Nothing, data.UShort,xLBT ) And bReturn bReturn = testAny( Nothing, data.Long,xLBT ) And bReturn bReturn = testAny( Nothing, data.ULong,xLBT ) And bReturn bReturn = testAny( Nothing, data.Hyper,xLBT ) And bReturn bReturn = testAny( Nothing,data.UHyper,xLBT ) And bReturn bReturn = testAny( Nothing, data.Float,xLBT ) And bReturn bReturn = testAny( Nothing, data.Double,xLBT ) And bReturn bReturn = testAny( Nothing, data.Enum,xLBT ) And bReturn bReturn = testAny( Nothing, data.String,xLBT ) And bReturn bReturn = testAny( Nothing, data.Byte2 ,xLBT ) And bReturn bReturn = testAny( Nothing, data.Short2,xLBT ) And bReturn bReturn = testAny(GetType(unoidl.com.sun.star.uno.XWeak), _ data.Interface,xLBT ) And bReturn bReturn = testAny(Nothing, data, xLBT ) And bReturn Dim a1 As Any = New Any(True) Dim a2 As Any = xLBT.transportAny( a1 ) bReturn = compareData(a2, a1) And bReturn Dim a3 As Any = New Any("A"C) Dim a4 As Any = xLBT.transportAny(a3) bReturn = compareData(a4, a3) And bReturn Return bReturn End Function Private Shared Function performSequenceOfCallTest(xLBT As XBridgeTest) As Boolean Dim i, nRounds As Integer Dim nGlobalIndex As Integer = 0 const nWaitTimeSpanMUSec As Integer = 10000 For nRounds = 0 To 9 For i = 0 To nRounds - 1 ' fire oneways xLBT.callOneway(nGlobalIndex, nWaitTimeSpanMUSec) nGlobalIndex = nGlobalIndex + 1 Next ' call synchron xLBT.call(nGlobalIndex, nWaitTimeSpanMUSec) nGlobalIndex = nGlobalIndex + 1 Next Return xLBT.sequenceOfCallTestPassed() End Function Private Shared Function performRecursiveCallTest(xLBT As XBridgeTest) As Boolean xLBT.startRecursiveCall(new ORecursiveCall(), 50) ' on failure, the test would lock up or crash Return True End Function Private Shared Function performTest(xLBT As XBridgeTest) As Boolean check( Not xLBT Is Nothing, "### no test interface!" ) Dim bRet As Boolean = True If xLBT Is Nothing Return False End If 'this data is never ever granted access to by calls other than equals(), assign()! Dim aData As New TestDataElements' test against this data Dim xI As New WeakBase Dim aAny As New Any(GetType(System.Object), xI) assign( DirectCast(aData, TestElement), _ True, "@"C, 17, &H1234, Convert.ToUInt16(&HdcS), &H12345678, _ Convert.ToUInt32(4294967294), _ &H123456789abcdef0, Convert.ToUInt64(14294967294), _ 17.03125f, 3.1415926359, TestEnum.LOLA, _ CONSTANTS.STRING_TEST_CONSTANT, xI, _ aAny) bRet = check( aData.Any.Value Is xI, "### unexpected any!" ) And bRet aData.Sequence = New TestElement(1){} aData.Sequence(0) = New TestElement( _ aData.Bool, aData.Char, aData.Byte, aData.Short, _ aData.UShort, aData.Long, aData.ULong, _ aData.Hyper, aData.UHyper, aData.Float, _ aData.Double, aData.Enum, aData.String, _ aData.Interface, aData.Any) aData.Sequence(1) = New TestElement 'is empty ' aData complete ' ' this is a manually copy of aData for first setting... Dim aSetData As New TestDataElements Dim aAnySet As New Any(GetType(System.Object), xI) assign( DirectCast(aSetData, TestElement), _ aData.Bool, aData.Char, aData.Byte, aData.Short, aData.UShort, _ aData.Long, aData.ULong, aData.Hyper, aData.UHyper, aData.Float, _ aData.Double, aData.Enum, aData.String, xI, aAnySet) aSetData.Sequence = New TestElement(1){} aSetData.Sequence(0) = New TestElement( _ aSetData.Bool, aSetData.Char, aSetData.Byte, aSetData.Short, _ aSetData.UShort, aSetData.Long, aSetData.ULong, _ aSetData.Hyper, aSetData.UHyper, aSetData.Float, _ aSetData.Double, aSetData.Enum, aSetData.String, _ aSetData.Byte2, aSetData.Short2, _ aSetData.Interface, aSetData.Any) aSetData.Sequence(1) = New TestElement ' empty struct xLBT.setValues( _ aSetData.Bool, _ aSetData.Char, _ aSetData.Byte, _ aSetData.Short, _ aSetData.UShort, _ aSetData.Long, _ aSetData.ULong, _ aSetData.Hyper, _ aSetData.UHyper, _ aSetData.Float, _ aSetData.Double, _ aSetData.Enum, _ aSetData.String, _ aSetData.Byte2, _ aSetData.Short2, _ aSetData.Interface, _ aSetData.Any, _ aSetData.Sequence, _ aSetData ) Dim aRet As New TestDataElements Dim aRet2 As New TestDataElements xLBT.getValues( _ aRet.Bool, _ aRet.Char, _ aRet.Byte, _ aRet.Short, _ aRet.UShort, _ aRet.Long, _ aRet.ULong, _ aRet.Hyper, _ aRet.UHyper, _ aRet.Float, _ aRet.Double, _ aRet.Enum, _ aRet.String, _ aRet.Byte2, _ aRet.Short2, _ aRet.Interface, _ aRet.Any, _ aRet.Sequence, _ aRet2 ) bRet = check( compareData( aData, aRet ) And _ compareData( aData, aRet2 ) , "getValues test") And bRet ' set last retrieved values Dim aSV2ret As TestDataElements= xLBT.setValues2( _ aRet.Bool, _ aRet.Char, _ aRet.Byte, _ aRet.Short, _ aRet.UShort, _ aRet.Long, _ aRet.ULong, _ aRet.Hyper, _ aRet.UHyper, _ aRet.Float, _ aRet.Double, _ aRet.Enum, _ aRet.String, _ aRet.Byte2, _ aRet.Short2, _ aRet.Interface, _ aRet.Any, _ aRet.Sequence, _ aRet2 ) ' check inout sequence order ' => inout sequence parameter was switched by test objects Dim temp As TestElement = aRet.Sequence( 0 ) aRet.Sequence( 0 ) = aRet.Sequence( 1 ) aRet.Sequence( 1 ) = temp bRet = check( _ compareData( aData, aSV2ret ) And compareData( aData, aRet2 ), _ "getValues2 test") And bRet aRet = New TestDataElements aRet2 = New TestDataElements Dim aGVret As TestDataElements= xLBT.getValues( _ aRet.Bool, _ aRet.Char, _ aRet.Byte, _ aRet.Short, _ aRet.UShort, _ aRet.Long, _ aRet.ULong, _ aRet.Hyper, _ aRet.UHyper, _ aRet.Float, _ aRet.Double, _ aRet.Enum, _ aRet.String, _ aRet.Byte2, _ aRet.Short2, _ aRet.Interface, _ aRet.Any, _ aRet.Sequence, _ aRet2 ) bRet = check( compareData( aData, aRet ) And _ compareData( aData, aRet2 ) And _ compareData( aData, aGVret ), "getValues test" ) And bRet ' set last retrieved values xLBT.Bool = aRet.Bool xLBT.Char = aRet.Char xLBT.Byte = aRet.Byte xLBT.Short = aRet.Short xLBT.UShort = aRet.UShort xLBT.Long = aRet.Long xLBT.ULong = aRet.ULong xLBT.Hyper = aRet.Hyper xLBT.UHyper = aRet.UHyper xLBT.Float = aRet.Float xLBT.Double = aRet.Double xLBT.Enum = aRet.Enum xLBT.String = aRet.String xLBT.Byte2 = aRet.Byte2 xLBT.Short2 = aRet.Short2 xLBT.Interface = aRet.Interface xLBT.Any = aRet.Any xLBT.Sequence = aRet.Sequence xLBT.Struct = aRet2 aRet = New TestDataElements aRet2 = New TestDataElements aRet.Hyper = xLBT.Hyper aRet.UHyper = xLBT.UHyper aRet.Float = xLBT.Float aRet.Double = xLBT.Double aRet.Byte = xLBT.Byte aRet.Char = xLBT.Char aRet.Bool = xLBT.Bool aRet.Short = xLBT.Short aRet.UShort = xLBT.UShort aRet.Long = xLBT.Long aRet.ULong = xLBT.ULong aRet.Enum = xLBT.Enum aRet.String = xLBT.String aRet.Byte2 = xLBT.Byte2 aRet.Short2 = xLBT.Short2 aRet.Interface = xLBT.Interface aRet.Any = xLBT.Any aRet.Sequence = xLBT.Sequence aRet2 = xLBT.Struct bRet = check( compareData( aData, aRet ) And _ compareData( aData, aRet2 ) , "struct comparison test") _ And bRet bRet = check(performSequenceTest(xLBT), "sequence test") And bRet ' any test bRet = check( performAnyTest( xLBT , aData ) , "any test" ) And bRet 'sequence of call test bRet = check( performSequenceOfCallTest( xLBT ) , _ "sequence of call test" ) And bRet ' recursive call test bRet = check( performRecursiveCallTest( xLBT ) , "recursive test" ) _ And bRet bRet = (compareData( aData, aRet ) And compareData( aData, aRet2 )) _ And bRet ' check setting of null reference xLBT.Interface = Nothing aRet.Interface = xLBT.Interface bRet = (aRet.Interface Is Nothing) And bRet Return bRet End Function Private Shared Function raiseException(xLBT As XBridgeTest) As Boolean Dim nCount As Integer = 0 Try Try Try Dim aRet As TestDataElements = New TestDataElements Dim aRet2 As TestDataElements = New TestDataElements xLBT.raiseException( _ 5, CONSTANTS.STRING_TEST_CONSTANT, xLBT.Interface ) Catch rExc As unoidl.com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException If rExc.ArgumentPosition = 5 And _ rExc.Context Is xLBT.Interface nCount = nCount + 1 Else check( False, "### unexpected exception content!" ) End If 'it is certain, that the RuntimeException testing will fail, ' if no xLBT.RuntimeException = 0 End Try Catch rExc As unoidl.com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException If rExc.Context Is xLBT.Interface nCount = nCount + 1 Else check( False, "### unexpected exception content!" ) End If xLBT.RuntimeException = CType(&Hcafebabe, Integer) End Try Catch rExc As unoidl.com.sun.star.uno.Exception If rExc.Context Is xLBT.Interface nCount = nCount + 1 Else check( False, "### unexpected exception content!" ) End If Return nCount = 3 End Try Return False End Function Private Shared Function raiseOnewayException(xLBT As XBridgeTest) As Boolean Dim bReturn As Boolean= True Dim sCompare As String = CONSTANTS.STRING_TEST_CONSTANT Try ' Note : the exception may fly or not (e.g. remote scenario). ' When it flies, it must contain the correct elements. xLBT.raiseRuntimeExceptionOneway(sCompare, xLBT.Interface ) Catch e As RuntimeException bReturn = xLBT.Interface Is e.Context End Try Return bReturn End Function 'Test the System::Object method on the proxy object ' Private Shared Function testObjectMethodsImplementation(xLBT As XBridgeTest) As Boolean Dim ret As Boolean = False Dim obj As Object = New Object Dim xInt As Object = DirectCast(xLBT, Object) Dim xBase As XBridgeTestBase = DirectCast(xLBT, XBridgeTestBase) ' Object.Equals ret = DirectCast(xLBT, Object).Equals(obj) = False ret = DirectCast(xLBT, Object).Equals(xLBT) And ret ret = Object.Equals(obj, obj) And ret ret = Object.Equals(xLBT, xBase) And ret 'Object.GetHashCode ' Don't know how to verify this. Currently it is not possible to get the object id from a proxy Dim nHash As Integer = DirectCast(xLBT, Object).GetHashCode() ret = nHash = DirectCast(xBase, Object).GetHashCode() And ret 'Object.ToString ' Don't know how to verify this automatically. Dim s As String = DirectCast(xLBT, Object).ToString() ret = (s.Length > 0) And ret Return ret End Function Private Shared Function performQueryForUnknownType(xLBT As XBridgeTest) As Boolean Dim bRet As Boolean = False ' test queryInterface for an unknown type Try Dim a As foo.MyInterface = DirectCast(xLBT, foo.MyInterface) Catch e As System.InvalidCastException bRet = True End Try Return bRet End Function Private Shared Sub perform_test( xLBT As XBridgeTest) Dim bRet As Boolean = True bRet = check( performTest( xLBT ), "standard test" ) And bRet bRet = check( raiseException( xLBT ) , "exception test" ) And bRet bRet = check( raiseOnewayException( xLBT ), "oneway exception test" ) _ And bRet bRet = check( testObjectMethodsImplementation(xLBT), _ "object methods test") And bRet bRet = performQueryForUnknownType( xLBT ) And bRet If Not bRet Throw New unoidl.com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException( "error: test failed!", Nothing) End If End Sub Public Overridable Function run(args() As String) As Integer _ Implements XMain.run Try If (args.Length < 1) Throw New RuntimeException( _ "missing argument for bridgetest!", Me ) End If Dim test_obj As Object = _ m_xContext.getServiceManager().createInstanceWithContext( _ args( 0 ), m_xContext ) Debug.WriteLine( _ "cli target bridgetest obj: {0}", test_obj.ToString() ) Dim xTest As XBridgeTest = DirectCast(test_obj, XBridgeTest) perform_test( xTest ) Console.WriteLine("### cli_uno VB bridgetest succeeded.") return 0 Catch e as unoidl.com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException Throw Catch e as System.Exception Throw New unoidl.com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException( _ "cli_vb_bridgetest.vb: unexpected exception occurred in XMain::run. " _ & "Original exception: " + e.GetType().Name + "\n Message: " _ & e.Message , Nothing) End Try End Function End Class End Namespace