#. extracted from swext/mediawiki/help msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-11 18:38+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-12-02 14:42+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Asier Sarasua Garmendia \n" "Language-Team: Basque \n" "Language: eu\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n" "X-Generator: Weblate 4.12.2\n" "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1546972344.000000\n" #. 7EFBE #: help.tree msgctxt "" "help.tree\n" "02\n" "help_section.text" msgid "MediaWiki" msgstr "MediaWiki" #. E2gyu #: help.tree msgctxt "" "help.tree\n" "0224\n" "node.text" msgid "MediaWiki" msgstr "MediaWiki" #. qUKTw #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Wiki Publisher" msgstr "Wiki Publisher" #. FJwZh #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "bm_id3154408\n" "help.text" msgid "Wiki;Wiki PublisherWiki Publisherextensions;MediaWiki" msgstr "Wiki;Wiki PublisherWiki Publisherhedapenak;MediaWiki" #. AQP9D #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "hd_id5993530\n" "help.text" msgid "Wiki Publisher" msgstr "Wiki Publisher" #. Cn2Za #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id9647511\n" "help.text" msgid "By using the Wiki Publisher you can upload your current Writer text document to a MediaWiki server. After uploading, all wiki users can read your document on the wiki." msgstr "Wiki Publisher erabiliz, uneko Writer testu-dokumentua MediaWiki zerbitzari batera igo ahal duzu. Igo ondoren, wikiko erabiltzaile guztiek irakur dezakete zure dokumentuan wikian." #. CJbT6 #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id6468703\n" "help.text" msgid "Choose File - Send - To MediaWiki to upload the current Writer document to a MediaWiki server." msgstr "Aukeratu Fitxategia - Bidali - MediaWikira uneko Writer dokumentua MediaWiki zerbitzarira igotzeko." #. GWuG5 #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "hd_id4554582\n" "help.text" msgid "System Requirements" msgstr "Sistemaren eskakizunak" #. Qu7zC #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id9340495\n" "help.text" msgid "Java Runtime Environment" msgstr "Java Runtime Environment 1.4" #. TpDDo #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id7387615\n" "help.text" msgid "A wiki account on a supported MediaWiki server" msgstr "Wiki kontua onartutako MediaWiki zerbitzari batean" #. XCFLj #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "hd_id8047120\n" "help.text" msgid "Installing Wiki Publisher" msgstr "Wiki Publisher instalatzea" #. a43c7 #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id4277169\n" "help.text" msgid "Before you use the Wiki Publisher, ensure that %PRODUCTNAME uses a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). To check the status of the JRE, choose Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME - Advanced. Ensure that “Use a Java runtime environment” is checked and that a Java runtime folder is selected in the big listbox. If no JRE was activated, then activate a JRE of version 1.4 or later and restart %PRODUCTNAME." msgstr "Wiki Publisher erabili baino lehen, ziurtatu %PRODUCTNAME(e)k Java Runtime Environment (JRE) erabiltzen duela. JREren egoera egiaztatzeko, hautatu Tresnak - Aukerak - %PRODUCTNAME - Aurreratua Ziurtatu \"Erabili Java runtime environment\" markatuta dagoela eta Java runtime karpeta bat hautatuta dagoela zerrendan. ez badago JRErik aktibatuta, aktibatu JRE 1.4 edo berriagoa eta berrabiarazi %PRODUCTNAME." #. AgmN5 #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "hd_id5316019\n" "help.text" msgid "To Connect to a Wiki" msgstr "Wikiarekin konektatzeko" #. v3JN9 #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id2381969\n" "help.text" msgid "Note: You can store your user name and password for all respective dialogs inside %PRODUCTNAME. The password will be stored in a secure way, where access is maintained by a master password. To enable the master password, choose Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME - Security." msgstr "Oharra: Zure erabiltzaile-izena eta pasahitza gorde ditzakezu %PRODUCTNAME barruko elkarrizketa-koadroetarako. Pasahitza modu seguruan gordeko da, pasahitz maisu batekin babestuta. Pasahitz maisua gaitzeko, hautatu Tresnak - Aukerak - %PRODUCTNAME - Segurtasuna." #. 5xi4b #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id3751640\n" "help.text" msgid "Note: If you connect to the web using a proxy server, enter the proxy information to Tools - Options - Internet - Proxy, and restart the software." msgstr "Oharra: proxy zerbitzari baten bitartez konektatzen bazara web batera, sartu proxy-aren informazioa Tresnak - Aukerak - Internet - Proxy menuan, eta berrabiarazi softwarea." #. CCnbF #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id9533677\n" "help.text" msgid "Open a Writer document, and choose Tools - Options - Internet - MediaWiki." msgstr "Ireki Writer dokumentu bat, eta aukeratu Tresnak - Aukerak - Internet - MediaWiki." #. fGcyZ #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id368968\n" "help.text" msgid "In the Options dialog, click Add." msgstr "Aukerak elkarrizketa-koadroan, sakatu Gehitu." #. pkAFV #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id6962187\n" "help.text" msgid "In the MediaWiki dialog, enter the account information for the wiki." msgstr "MediaWiki elkarrizketa-koadroan, sartu wikirako kontuaren informazioa." #. L5NjG #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id5328836\n" "help.text" msgid "In the URL text box, enter the address of a wiki that you want to connect to." msgstr "URL testu-koadroan, sartu konektatzea nahi duzun wikiaren helbidea." #. xc4AX #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id389416\n" "help.text" msgid "You can copy the URL from a web browser and paste it into the textbox." msgstr "Web arakatzaile batetik kopia dezakezu URLa eta testu-koadroan itsatsi." #. HKsED #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id5906552\n" "help.text" msgid "In the Username box, enter your user ID for your wiki account." msgstr "Erabiltzaile-izena koadroan, sartu wiki kontuaren erabiltzailearen identifikatzailea." #. RRpwP #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id9297158\n" "help.text" msgid "If the wiki allows anonymous write access, you can leave the Username and Password boxes empty." msgstr "Wikiak anonimoki idazteko sarbidea baimentzen badu, erabiltzaile-izena eta pasahitzaren eremuak hutsik utz ditzakezu." #. JvYgU #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id8869594\n" "help.text" msgid "In the Password box, enter the password for your wiki account, then click OK." msgstr "Pasahitzaren koadroan, sartu wiki kontuaren pasahitza, eta egin klik Ados botoian." #. 5c9bL #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id292062\n" "help.text" msgid "Optionally enable “Save password” to save the password between sessions. A master password is used to maintain access to all saved passwords. Choose Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME - Security to enable the master password. “Save password” is unavailable when the master password is not enabled." msgstr "Nahi izanez gero, gaitu \"Gorde pasahitza\" saioen artean pasahitza gordetzeko. Pasahitz maisua, gordetako pasahitz guztiak seguru mantentzeko erabiltzen da. Hautatu Tresnak - Aukerak - %PRODUCTNAME - Segurtasuna pasahitz maisua gaitzeko. \"Gorde pasahitza\" ez dago erabilgarri pasahitz maisua gaituta ez dagoenean." #. Afp56 #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "hd_id7044892\n" "help.text" msgid "To Create a New Wiki Page" msgstr "Wiki orri berria sortzeko" #. rWxKE #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id3514206\n" "help.text" msgid "Open a Writer document." msgstr "Ireki Writer dokumentua." #. VNAGB #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id944853\n" "help.text" msgid "Write the content of the wiki page. You can use formatting such as text formats, headings, footnotes, and more. See the list of supported formats." msgstr "Idatzi wiki orriaren edukia. Formatua erabil dezakezu: testu-formatua, izenburuak, oin-oharrak, eta gehiago. Ikus onartutako formatuen zerrenda." #. sqvcC #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id4566484\n" "help.text" msgid "Choose File - Send - To MediaWiki." msgstr "Aukeratu Fitxategia - Bidali - MediaWikira." #. 6jREj #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id228278\n" "help.text" msgid "In the Send to MediaWiki dialog, specify the settings for your entry." msgstr "Bidali MediaWikira elkarrizketa-koadroan, zehaztu zure sarreraren ezarpenak." #. i7MPF #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id2564165\n" "help.text" msgid "MediaWiki server: Select the wiki." msgstr "MediaWiki zerbitzaria: hautatu wikia." #. Vghfw #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id5566576\n" "help.text" msgid "Title: Type the title of your page. Type the title of an existing page to overwrite the page with your current text document. Type a new title to create a new page on the wiki." msgstr "Titulua: Idatzi zure orriaren titulua. Idatzi lehendik dagoen orri baten titulua orri hori zure uneko testu-dokumentuarekin gainidazteko. Idatzi titulu berria wikian orri berria sortzeko." #. AAS4F #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id9688711\n" "help.text" msgid "Summary: Enter an optional short summary of your page." msgstr "Laburpena: sartu orrialdearen aukerako laburpena." #. QidFi #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id4123661\n" "help.text" msgid "This is a minor edit: Check this box to mark the uploaded page as a minor edit of the already existing page with the same title." msgstr "Edizio lagungarria da.: aktibatu koadro hau igotako orrialdea titulu berdineko existitzen den orrialdea edizio lagungarri gisa markatzeko." #. 6qSqt #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id452284\n" "help.text" msgid "Show in web browser: Check this box to open your system web browser and show the uploaded wiki page." msgstr "Erakutsi web araktzailean: aktibatu koadro hau sistemako web arakatzailea irekitzeko eta igotako wiki orria erakusteko." #. Ehnz2 #: wiki.xhp msgctxt "" "wiki.xhp\n" "par_id8346812\n" "help.text" msgid "Click Send." msgstr "Sakatu Bidali." #. JoNcG #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "MediaWiki" msgstr "MediaWiki" #. MQ3NB #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "hd_id960722\n" "help.text" msgid "MediaWiki" msgstr "MediaWiki" #. kXBwS #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "par_id4571672\n" "help.text" msgid "Use the MediaWiki dialog to add or edit your MediaWiki account settings." msgstr "Erabili MediaWiki elkarrizketa-koadroa zure MediaWiki kontuaren ezarpenak gehitzeko edo editatzeko." #. F32QW #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "par_id7631458\n" "help.text" msgid "Enter the URL of a MediaWiki server, starting with \"https://\"." msgstr "Sartu MediaWiki zerbitzariaren URLa, hasieran 'https://' duela." #. PiGDX #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "par_id7862483\n" "help.text" msgid "Enter your user name on the MediaWiki server. Leave empty for anonymous access." msgstr "Sartu MediaWiki zerbitzarian duzun erabiltzaile-izena. Utzi hutsik sarbide anonimorako." #. FSKfy #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "par_id1113010\n" "help.text" msgid "Enter your password on the MediaWiki server. Leave empty for anonymous access." msgstr "Sartu MediaWiki zerbitzarian duzun pasahitza. Utzi hutsik sarbide anonimorako." #. zLCx7 #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "par_id656758\n" "help.text" msgid "Enable to store your password between sessions. The master password must be enabled; see Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME - Security." msgstr "Gaitu saioen artean zure pasahitza gordetzeko. Pasahitz maisuak gaituta egon behar du, ikus Tresnak - Aukerak - %PRODUCTNAME - Segurtasuna." #. EDeV9 #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "par_id3112582\n" "help.text" msgid "Enter the Internet address of a wiki server in a format like “https://wiki.documentfoundation.org” or copy the URL from a web browser." msgstr "Sartu wiki zerbitzari baten Interneteko helbidea 'https://wiki.documentfoundation.org' motako formatuan, edo kopiatu URLa web nabigatzaile batetik." #. boKaA #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "par_id628070\n" "help.text" msgid "If the wiki allows anonymous access, you can leave the account text boxes empty. Else enter your user name and password." msgstr "Wikiak sarbidea anonimoa baimentzen badu, kontuaren testu-koadroak hutsik utz ditzakezu. Bestela, sartu zure erabiltzaile-izena eta pasahitza." #. M6uYF #: wikiaccount.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiaccount.xhp\n" "par_id9046601\n" "help.text" msgid "If you have enabled the master password feature on the Security tab page of the Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME dialog, then the software can store your password and automatically insert the data where necessary. Enable the Save password checkbox to store your password." msgstr "Pasahitz maisua gaitu baduzu Tresnak - Aukerak - %PRODUCTNAME elkarrizketa-koadroko Segurtasuna fitxan, softwareak zure pasahitza gorde dezake eta automatikoki txerta ditzake datuak beharrezkoa den tokian. Gaitu Gorde pasahitza kontrol-laukia zure pasahitza gordetzeko." #. TpaPN #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "MediaWiki Formats" msgstr "MediaWiki formatuak" #. C6oUL #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id3743095\n" "help.text" msgid "MediaWiki Formats" msgstr "MediaWiki formatuak" #. sKvY6 #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id8654133\n" "help.text" msgid "The following list gives an overview of the text formats that the Wiki Publisher can upload to the wiki server." msgstr "Honako zerrendan Wiki Publisherrek wiki zerbitzarira igo ditzakeen testu-formatuen gainbegiraketa agertzen da." #. wC6T7 #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id5630664\n" "help.text" msgid "The OpenDocument format used by Writer and the MediaWiki format are quite different. Only a subset of all features can be transformed from one format to the other." msgstr "Writer aplikazioak erabilitako OpenDocument formatua eta MediaWiki formatua oso desberdinak dira. Ezaugarri guztien azpimultzo txiki bat besterik ezin da formatu batetik bestera bihurtu." #. R74Ai #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id7178868\n" "help.text" msgid "Headings" msgstr "Izenburuak" #. 5nuqC #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id508133\n" "help.text" msgid "Apply a heading paragraph style to the headings in your Writer document. The wiki will show the heading styles of the same outline level, formatted as defined by the wiki engine." msgstr "Aplikatu izenburuko paragrafo-estiloa zure Writer dokumentuko izenburuei. Wikiak eskema-maila bereko izenburu-estiloak erakutsiko ditu, wiki motorrak definituta duen formatuan." #. YAjYW #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id7217627\n" "help.text" msgid "Hyperlinks" msgstr "Hiperestekak" #. u3Gky #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id3735465\n" "help.text" msgid "Native OpenDocument hyperlinks are transformed into “external” wiki links. Therefore, the built-in linking facility of OpenDocument should only be used to create links that point to other sites outside the wiki web. For creating wiki links that point to other subjects of the same wiki domain, use wiki links." msgstr "OpenDocument hiperesteka natiboak \"kanpoko\" wiki esteka bihurtuko dira. Hortaz, estekak sortzeko OpenDocument formatuak duen ezaugarria ez da erabili behar wiki webgunetik kanpo dauden beste gune batzuekin lotzen duten estekak sortzeko. Wiki domeinu bereko beste subjektu batzuekin lotzen duten wiki estekak sortzeko, erabili wiki estekak." #. ULYGr #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id941190\n" "help.text" msgid "Lists" msgstr "Zerrendak" #. Cah9p #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id8942838\n" "help.text" msgid "Lists can be exported reliably when the whole list uses a consistent list style. Use the Numbering or Bullets icon to generate a list in Writer. If you need a list without numbering or bullets, use Format - Bullets and Numbering to define and apply the respective list style." msgstr "Zerrendak nahiko ongi esportatzen dira zerrenda osoak zerrenda-estilo koherentea erabiltzen duenean. Erabili zenbakiak edo bulet-ikonoak Writerren zerrendak sortzeko. Zenbakirik edo buletik gabeko zerrenda bat behar baduzu, erabili Formatua - Buletak eta zenbakitzea nahi duzun zerrenda-estiloa definitu eta aplikatzeko." #. GJaHG #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id7026886\n" "help.text" msgid "Paragraphs" msgstr "Paragrafoak" #. LBFtS #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id4436475\n" "help.text" msgid "Alignment" msgstr "Lerrokatzea" #. Gdu22 #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id376598\n" "help.text" msgid "Explicit text alignment should not be used in wiki articles. Nevertheless, text alignment is supported for left, centered, and right alignment of text." msgstr "Testu-lerrokatze esplizitua ez litzateke erabili beharko wiki artikuluetan. Hala ere, testu-lerrokatzea onartzen da ezkerra, zentratua eta eskuina denean." #. gUGmf #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id7486190\n" "help.text" msgid "Pre-formatted text" msgstr "Aurreformatua emandako testua" #. Luezz #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id1459395\n" "help.text" msgid "A paragraph style with a fixed-width font is transformed as pre-formatted text. Pre-formatted text is shown on the wiki with a border around the text." msgstr "Zabalera finkoko letra-tipoa duen paragrafo-estilo bat testu aurreformateatu bihurtzen da. Testu aurreformateatua testuaren inguruan ertz bat duela erakusten da wikian." #. 22nLD #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id4834131\n" "help.text" msgid "Character styles" msgstr "Karaktere-estiloak" #. fvYKL #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id6397595\n" "help.text" msgid "Character styles modify the appearance of parts of a paragraph. The transformation supports bold, italics, bold/italics, subscript and superscript. All fixed-width fonts are transformed into the wiki typewriter style." msgstr "Karaktere-estiloek paragrafo baten zatien itxura aldatzen dute. Transformazioak letra lodia, etzana, lodi/etzana, azpiindizea eta goi-indizea onartzen ditu. Zabalera finkoko letra-tipo guztiak wikiko idazmakina-estilo bihurtzen dira." #. uhHcL #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id9405499\n" "help.text" msgid "Images" msgstr "Irudiak" #. G3qA6 #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id3541673\n" "help.text" msgid "Images cannot be exported by a transformation producing a single file of wiki text. However, if the image is already uploaded to the target wiki domain (e. g., Wikimedia Commons), then the transformation produces a valid image tag that includes the image. Image captions are also supported." msgstr "Irudiak ezin dira esportatu wiki-testuko fitxategi bakarra sortzen duen transformazio baten bidez. Hala ere, irudia aurretik wiki domeinura igota badago (adibidez WikiMedia Commons), transformazioak irudia barne hartzen duen baliozko irudi-etiketa bat sortuko du. Irudi-epigrafeak ere onartzen dira." #. nGuGG #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id2162236\n" "help.text" msgid "Tables" msgstr "Taulak" #. w8BUf #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id3037202\n" "help.text" msgid "Simple tables are supported well. Table headers are translated into corresponding wiki-style table headers. However, custom formatting of table borders, column sizes and background colors is ignored." msgstr "Taula sinpleak ere onartzen dira. Taulen goiburukoak wiki estiloan dagozkien taulen goiburuko bihurtzen dira. Hala ere, taulen ertzen, zutabe-tamainen eta atzeko planoko koloreen formatuari ez ikusiarena egiten zaio." #. DF3o9 #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id2954496\n" "help.text" msgid "Joined Cells" msgstr "Elkartutako gelaxkak" #. b3CZe #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id8253730\n" "help.text" msgid "OpenDocument and especially LibreOffice represent tables that have joined cells that span rows as tables with nested tables. In contrast, the wiki model of table is to declare column and row spans for such joined cells." msgstr "OpenDocumentek eta bereziki LibreOfficek hainbat errenkadatan zabaltzen diren elkartutako gelaxkak dituzten taulak habiaratutako taula gisa erakusten dituzte. Taulen wiki ereduan, berriz, elkartutako gelaxka horietarako zutabe eta errenkaden zabaltzea deklaratzea da." #. vn3bR #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id8163090\n" "help.text" msgid "If only columns of the same row are joined, the result of the transformation resembles the source document very well." msgstr "Errenkada bereko zutabeak bakarrik elkartzen badira, eraldaketaren emaitza jatorriko dokumentuaren oso antzekoa izango da." #. DCjAG #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id425122\n" "help.text" msgid "Borders" msgstr "Ertzak" #. GXBsK #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id1831110\n" "help.text" msgid "Irrespective of custom table styles for border and background, a table is always exported as “prettytable,” which renders in the wiki engine with simple borders and bold header." msgstr "Ertzetarako eta atzeko planorako taula-estilo pertsonalizatuak eduki arren, taula bat beti esportatzen da \"prettytable\" gisa, alegia, wiki motorrak ertz sinpleekin eta goiburuko lodiarekin errendatzen duen estiloan." #. kDcRS #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "hd_id6255073\n" "help.text" msgid "Character set and special characters" msgstr "Karaktere-multzoa eta karaktere bereziak" #. zv83m #: wikiformats.xhp msgctxt "" "wikiformats.xhp\n" "par_id8216193\n" "help.text" msgid "The character set of the transformation result is fixed to UTF-8. Depending on your system, this might not be the default character set. This might cause “special characters” to look broken when viewed with default settings. However, you can switch your editor to UTF-8 encoding to fix this. If your editor does not support switching the encoding, you can display the result of the transformation in the Firefox browser and switch the encoding to UTF-8 there. Now, you can copy and paste the transformation result to your program of choice." msgstr "Transformazioaren emaitzaren karaktere-multzoa beti da UTF-8. Zure sistemaren arabera, hori beharbada ez da karaktere-multzo lehenetsia. Horren ondorioz, \"karaktere bereziak\" hondatuta daudela eman dezakete ezarpen lehenetsiak erabilita bistaratzen direnean. Hala ere, zure editorea UTF-8 kodeketara alda dezakezu auzi hori konpontzeko. Zure editorea kodeketa aldatzea onartzen ez badu, transformazioaren emaitza Firefox nabigatzailean ireki dezakezu eta bertan kodeketa UTF-8ra aldatu. Ondoren, transformazioaren emaitza ebaki eta itsats dezakezu zuk nahi duzun programan." #. CTEdB #: wikisend.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisend.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Send to MediaWiki" msgstr "Bidali MediaWikira" #. Uomdh #: wikisend.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisend.xhp\n" "hd_id108340\n" "help.text" msgid "Send to MediaWiki" msgstr "Bidali MediaWikira" #. F4YJF #: wikisend.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisend.xhp\n" "par_id1743827\n" "help.text" msgid "In the Send to MediaWiki dialog, specify the settings for your current wiki upload." msgstr "Bidali MediaWikira elkarrizketa-koadroan, zehaztu uneko zure wiki igoeraren ezarpenak." #. KmSsg #: wikisend.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisend.xhp\n" "par_id664082\n" "help.text" msgid "Select the MediaWiki server where you want to publish your document. Click Add to add a new server to the list." msgstr "Hautatu zure dokumentua argitaratuko den MediaWiki zerbitzaria. Sakatu Gehitu zerrendari beste zerbitzari bat gehitzeko." #. D9EhE #: wikisend.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisend.xhp\n" "par_id2794885\n" "help.text" msgid "Enter the title of your wiki entry. This is the top heading of your wiki entry. For a new entry, the title must be unique on this wiki. If you enter an existing title, your upload will overwrite the existing wiki entry." msgstr "Sartu zure wiki sarreraren titulua. Zure wiki sarreraren izenburua da hori. Sarrera berri bat sortu nahi bada, tituluak bakarra izan behar du wiki horretan. Lehendik dagoen titulu bat sartzen baduzu, kargak lehendik dagoen wiki sarrera gainidatziko du." #. ACh6X #: wikisend.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisend.xhp\n" "par_id2486342\n" "help.text" msgid "Enter an optional short summary or comment. See https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Edit_summary." msgstr "Idatzi aukerako laburpen edo iruzkina. Ikusi https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Edit_summary." #. 6dCeT #: wikisend.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisend.xhp\n" "par_id823999\n" "help.text" msgid "This is a minor edit: Check this box to mark the uploaded page as a minor edit of the already existing page with the same title." msgstr "Hau edizio lagungarri bat da: aktibatu kontrol-koadro hau eguneratutako orrialdea titulu bereko existitzen den orrialdearen edizio lagungarri gisa markatzeko." #. KF3qq #: wikisend.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisend.xhp\n" "par_id6592913\n" "help.text" msgid "Show in web browser: Check this box to open your system web browser and show the uploaded wiki page." msgstr "Erakutsi web nabigatzailean: aktibatu kontrol-koadro hau sistemako web nabigatzailea abiarazteko eta eguneratutako Wiki orrialdea erakusteko." #. rt8Df #: wikisettings.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisettings.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "MediaWiki Options" msgstr "MediaWiki aukerak" #. R7RVE #: wikisettings.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisettings.xhp\n" "hd_id6425672\n" "help.text" msgid "MediaWiki Options" msgstr "MediaWiki aukerak" #. 39jox #: wikisettings.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisettings.xhp\n" "par_id1188390\n" "help.text" msgid "You can add, edit and remove MediaWiki servers. Open the options dialog by going to Tools - Options - Internet - MediaWiki." msgstr "MediaWiki zerbitzariak gehitu, editatu eta kendu ditzakezu. Ireki Aukerak elkarrizketa-koadroa hona joz Tresnak - Aukerak - MediaWiki" #. 44myu #: wikisettings.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisettings.xhp\n" "par_id300607\n" "help.text" msgid "Click Add to add a new wiki server.
Select an entry and click Edit to edit the account settings.
Select an entry and click Remove to remove the entry from the list.
" msgstr "Egin klik 'Gehitu' botoian wiki zerbitzari berri bat gehitzeko.
Hautatu sarrera bat eta egin klik 'Editatu' botoian kontuaren ezarpenak editatzeko.
Hautatu sarrera bat eta egin klik 'Kendu' botoian sarrera zerrendatik kentzeko.
" #. 5JhsD #: wikisettings.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisettings.xhp\n" "par_id9786065\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens the MediaWiki dialog to add a new entry to the list." msgstr "MediaWiki elkarrizketa-koadroa irekitzen du sarrera berri bat gehitzeko zerrendari." #. Q2kSq #: wikisettings.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisettings.xhp\n" "par_id3386333\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens the MediaWiki dialog to edit the selected entry." msgstr "MediaWiki elkarrizketa-koadroa irekitzen du hautatutako sarrera editatzeko." #. GCH8n #: wikisettings.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisettings.xhp\n" "par_id7285073\n" "help.text" msgid "Removes the selected entry from the list." msgstr "Hautatutako sarrera zerrendatik kentzen du." #. mi2NR #: wikisettings.xhp msgctxt "" "wikisettings.xhp\n" "par_id1029084\n" "help.text" msgid "When you click Add or Edit, the MediaWiki dialog opens." msgstr "'Gehitu' edo 'Editatu' sakatzean, MediaWiki elkarrizketa-koadroa irekiko da."