/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "ximpstyl.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ximpnote.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "layerimp.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::xml::sax; using namespace ::xmloff::token; namespace { class SdXMLDrawingPagePropertySetContext : public SvXMLPropertySetContext { public: SdXMLDrawingPagePropertySetContext( SvXMLImport& rImport, sal_Int32 nElement, const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& xAttrList, ::std::vector< XMLPropertyState > &rProps, const rtl::Reference < SvXMLImportPropertyMapper > &rMap ); using SvXMLPropertySetContext::createFastChildContext; virtual css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastContextHandler > createFastChildContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& xAttrList, ::std::vector< XMLPropertyState > &rProperties, const XMLPropertyState& rProp ) override; }; } // end anonymous namespace SdXMLDrawingPagePropertySetContext::SdXMLDrawingPagePropertySetContext( SvXMLImport& rImport, sal_Int32 nElement, const uno::Reference< xml::sax::XFastAttributeList > & xAttrList, ::std::vector< XMLPropertyState > &rProps, const rtl::Reference < SvXMLImportPropertyMapper > &rMap ) : SvXMLPropertySetContext( rImport, nElement, xAttrList, XML_TYPE_PROP_DRAWING_PAGE, rProps, rMap ) { } css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastContextHandler > SdXMLDrawingPagePropertySetContext::createFastChildContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& xAttrList, ::std::vector< XMLPropertyState > &rProperties, const XMLPropertyState& rProp ) { switch( mxMapper->getPropertySetMapper()->GetEntryContextId( rProp.mnIndex ) ) { case CTF_PAGE_SOUND_URL: { for (auto &aIter : sax_fastparser::castToFastAttributeList(xAttrList)) { if( aIter.getToken() == XML_ELEMENT(XLINK, XML_HREF) ) { uno::Any aAny( GetImport().GetAbsoluteReference( aIter.toString() ) ); XMLPropertyState aPropState( rProp.mnIndex, aAny ); rProperties.push_back( aPropState ); } else XMLOFF_WARN_UNKNOWN("xmloff", aIter); } break; } } return SvXMLPropertySetContext::createFastChildContext( nElement, xAttrList, rProperties, rProp ); } namespace { class SdXMLDrawingPageStyleContext : public XMLDrawingPageStyleContext { public: SdXMLDrawingPageStyleContext( SvXMLImport& rImport, SvXMLStylesContext& rStyles); virtual css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastContextHandler > SAL_CALL createFastChildContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& AttrList ) override; virtual void Finish( bool bOverwrite ) override; }; const sal_uInt16 MAX_SPECIAL_DRAW_STYLES = 7; ContextID_Index_Pair const g_ContextIDs[MAX_SPECIAL_DRAW_STYLES+1] = { { CTF_DASHNAME, -1, drawing::FillStyle::FillStyle_MAKE_FIXED_SIZE }, { CTF_LINESTARTNAME, -1, drawing::FillStyle::FillStyle_MAKE_FIXED_SIZE }, { CTF_LINEENDNAME, -1, drawing::FillStyle::FillStyle_MAKE_FIXED_SIZE }, { CTF_FILLGRADIENTNAME, -1, drawing::FillStyle::FillStyle_GRADIENT}, { CTF_FILLTRANSNAME, -1, drawing::FillStyle::FillStyle_MAKE_FIXED_SIZE }, { CTF_FILLHATCHNAME, -1, drawing::FillStyle::FillStyle_HATCH }, { CTF_FILLBITMAPNAME, -1, drawing::FillStyle::FillStyle_BITMAP }, { -1, -1, drawing::FillStyle::FillStyle_MAKE_FIXED_SIZE } }; XmlStyleFamily const g_Families[MAX_SPECIAL_DRAW_STYLES] = { XmlStyleFamily::SD_STROKE_DASH_ID, XmlStyleFamily::SD_MARKER_ID, XmlStyleFamily::SD_MARKER_ID, XmlStyleFamily::SD_GRADIENT_ID, XmlStyleFamily::SD_GRADIENT_ID, XmlStyleFamily::SD_HATCH_ID, XmlStyleFamily::SD_FILL_IMAGE_ID }; } XMLDrawingPageStyleContext::XMLDrawingPageStyleContext( SvXMLImport& rImport, SvXMLStylesContext& rStyles, ContextID_Index_Pair const pContextIDs[], XmlStyleFamily const pFamilies[]) : XMLPropStyleContext(rImport, rStyles, XmlStyleFamily::SD_DRAWINGPAGE_ID) , m_pFamilies(pFamilies) { size_t size(1); // for the -1 entry for (ContextID_Index_Pair const* pTemp(pContextIDs); pTemp->nContextID != -1; ++size, ++pTemp); m_pContextIDs.reset(new ContextID_Index_Pair[size]); std::memcpy(m_pContextIDs.get(), pContextIDs, size * sizeof(ContextID_Index_Pair)); } SdXMLDrawingPageStyleContext::SdXMLDrawingPageStyleContext( SvXMLImport& rImport, SvXMLStylesContext& rStyles) : XMLDrawingPageStyleContext(rImport, rStyles, g_ContextIDs, g_Families) { } css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastContextHandler > SdXMLDrawingPageStyleContext::createFastChildContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& xAttrList ) { if( nElement == XML_ELEMENT(STYLE, XML_DRAWING_PAGE_PROPERTIES) ) { rtl::Reference < SvXMLImportPropertyMapper > xImpPrMap = GetStyles()->GetImportPropertyMapper( GetFamily() ); if( xImpPrMap.is() ) return new SdXMLDrawingPagePropertySetContext( GetImport(), nElement, xAttrList, GetProperties(), xImpPrMap ); } return XMLPropStyleContext::createFastChildContext( nElement, xAttrList ); } void SdXMLDrawingPageStyleContext::Finish( bool bOverwrite ) { XMLPropStyleContext::Finish( bOverwrite ); ::std::vector< XMLPropertyState > &rProperties = GetProperties(); const rtl::Reference< XMLPropertySetMapper >& rImpPrMap = GetStyles()->GetImportPropertyMapper( GetFamily() )->getPropertySetMapper(); for(auto& property : rProperties) { if( property.mnIndex == -1 ) continue; sal_Int16 nContextID = rImpPrMap->GetEntryContextId(property.mnIndex); switch( nContextID ) { case CTF_DATE_TIME_FORMAT: { OUString sStyleName; property.maValue >>= sStyleName; sal_Int32 nStyle = 0; const SdXMLNumberFormatImportContext* pSdNumStyle = dynamic_cast< const SdXMLNumberFormatImportContext*> ( GetStyles()->FindStyleChildContext( XmlStyleFamily::DATA_STYLE, sStyleName, true ) ); if( pSdNumStyle ) nStyle = pSdNumStyle->GetDrawKey(); property.maValue <<= nStyle; } break; } } } // #i35918# void XMLDrawingPageStyleContext::FillPropertySet( const Reference< beans::XPropertySet > & rPropSet ) { rtl::Reference < SvXMLImportPropertyMapper > xImpPrMap = GetStyles()->GetImportPropertyMapper( GetFamily() ); SAL_WARN_IF( !xImpPrMap.is(), "xmloff", "There is the import prop mapper" ); if( xImpPrMap.is() ) xImpPrMap->FillPropertySet(GetProperties(), rPropSet, m_pContextIDs.get()); Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xInfo; for (size_t i=0; m_pContextIDs[i].nContextID != -1; ++i) { sal_Int32 nIndex = m_pContextIDs[i].nIndex; if( nIndex != -1 ) { struct XMLPropertyState& rState = GetProperties()[nIndex]; OUString sStyleName; rState.maValue >>= sStyleName; if (::xmloff::IsIgnoreFillStyleNamedItem(rPropSet, m_pContextIDs[i].nExpectedFillStyle)) { SAL_INFO("xmloff.style", "XMLDrawingPageStyleContext: dropping fill named item: " << sStyleName); break; // ignore it, it's not used } sStyleName = GetImport().GetStyleDisplayName( m_pFamilies[i], sStyleName ); // get property set mapper rtl::Reference rPropMapper = xImpPrMap->getPropertySetMapper(); // set property const OUString& rPropertyName = rPropMapper->GetEntryAPIName(rState.mnIndex); if( !xInfo.is() ) xInfo = rPropSet->getPropertySetInfo(); if ( xInfo->hasPropertyByName( rPropertyName ) ) { rPropSet->setPropertyValue( rPropertyName, Any( sStyleName ) ); } } } } SdXMLPageMasterStyleContext::SdXMLPageMasterStyleContext( SdXMLImport& rImport, sal_Int32 /*nElement*/, const uno::Reference< xml::sax::XFastAttributeList>& xAttrList) : SvXMLStyleContext(rImport, XmlStyleFamily::SD_PAGEMASTERSTYLECONTEXT_ID), mnBorderBottom( 0 ), mnBorderLeft( 0 ), mnBorderRight( 0 ), mnBorderTop( 0 ), mnWidth( 0 ), mnHeight( 0 ), meOrientation(GetSdImport().IsDraw() ? view::PaperOrientation_PORTRAIT : view::PaperOrientation_LANDSCAPE) { // set family to something special at SvXMLStyleContext // for differences in search-methods for (auto &aIter : sax_fastparser::castToFastAttributeList( xAttrList )) { switch(aIter.getToken()) { case XML_ELEMENT(FO, XML_MARGIN_TOP): case XML_ELEMENT(FO_COMPAT, XML_MARGIN_TOP): { GetSdImport().GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToCore( mnBorderTop, aIter.toView()); break; } case XML_ELEMENT(FO, XML_MARGIN_BOTTOM): case XML_ELEMENT(FO_COMPAT, XML_MARGIN_BOTTOM): { GetSdImport().GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToCore( mnBorderBottom, aIter.toView()); break; } case XML_ELEMENT(FO, XML_MARGIN_LEFT): case XML_ELEMENT(FO_COMPAT, XML_MARGIN_LEFT): { GetSdImport().GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToCore( mnBorderLeft, aIter.toView()); break; } case XML_ELEMENT(FO, XML_MARGIN_RIGHT): case XML_ELEMENT(FO_COMPAT, XML_MARGIN_RIGHT): { GetSdImport().GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToCore( mnBorderRight, aIter.toView()); break; } case XML_ELEMENT(FO, XML_PAGE_WIDTH): case XML_ELEMENT(FO_COMPAT, XML_PAGE_WIDTH): { GetSdImport().GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToCore( mnWidth, aIter.toView()); break; } case XML_ELEMENT(FO, XML_PAGE_HEIGHT): case XML_ELEMENT(FO_COMPAT, XML_PAGE_HEIGHT): { GetSdImport().GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToCore( mnHeight, aIter.toView()); break; } case XML_ELEMENT(STYLE, XML_PRINT_ORIENTATION): { if( IsXMLToken( aIter, XML_PORTRAIT ) ) meOrientation = view::PaperOrientation_PORTRAIT; else meOrientation = view::PaperOrientation_LANDSCAPE; break; } default: XMLOFF_WARN_UNKNOWN("xmloff", aIter); } } } SdXMLPageMasterStyleContext::~SdXMLPageMasterStyleContext() { } SdXMLPageMasterContext::SdXMLPageMasterContext( SdXMLImport& rImport, sal_Int32 /*nElement*/, const uno::Reference< xml::sax::XFastAttributeList>& /*xAttrList*/) : SvXMLStyleContext(rImport, XmlStyleFamily::SD_PAGEMASTERCONTEXT_ID) { // set family to something special at SvXMLStyleContext // for differences in search-methods } css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastContextHandler > SdXMLPageMasterContext::createFastChildContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& xAttrList ) { if(nElement == XML_ELEMENT(STYLE, XML_PAGE_LAYOUT_PROPERTIES)) { DBG_ASSERT(!mxPageMasterStyle.is(), "PageMasterStyle is set, there seem to be two of them (!)"); mxPageMasterStyle.set(new SdXMLPageMasterStyleContext(GetSdImport(), nElement, xAttrList)); return mxPageMasterStyle; } else XMLOFF_WARN_UNKNOWN_ELEMENT("xmloff", nElement); return nullptr; } SdXMLPresentationPageLayoutContext::SdXMLPresentationPageLayoutContext( SdXMLImport& rImport, sal_Int32 /*nElement*/, const uno::Reference< xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& /*xAttrList*/) : SvXMLStyleContext(rImport, XmlStyleFamily::SD_PRESENTATIONPAGELAYOUT_ID), mnTypeId( AUTOLAYOUT_NONE ) { // set family to something special at SvXMLStyleContext // for differences in search-methods } css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastContextHandler > SdXMLPresentationPageLayoutContext::createFastChildContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& xAttrList ) { SvXMLImportContextRef xContext; if(nElement == XML_ELEMENT(PRESENTATION, XML_PLACEHOLDER)) { const rtl::Reference< SdXMLPresentationPlaceholderContext > xLclContext{ new SdXMLPresentationPlaceholderContext(GetSdImport(), nElement, xAttrList)}; // presentation:placeholder inside style:presentation-page-layout context xContext = xLclContext.get(); // remember SdXMLPresentationPlaceholderContext for later evaluation maList.push_back(xLclContext); } else XMLOFF_WARN_UNKNOWN_ELEMENT("xmloff", nElement); return xContext; } void SdXMLPresentationPageLayoutContext::endFastElement(sal_Int32 ) { // build presentation page layout type here // calc mnTpeId due to content of maList // at the moment only use number of types used there if( maList.empty() ) return; SdXMLPresentationPlaceholderContext* pObj0 = maList[ 0 ].get(); if( pObj0->GetName() == "handout" ) { switch( maList.size() ) { case 1: mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT1; break; case 2: mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT2; break; case 3: mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT3; break; case 4: mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT4; break; case 9: mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT9; break; default: mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT6; } } else { switch( maList.size() ) { case 1: { if( pObj0->GetName() == "title" ) { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_ONLY; } else { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_ONLY_TEXT; } break; } case 2: { SdXMLPresentationPlaceholderContext* pObj1 = maList[ 1 ].get(); if( pObj1->GetName() == "subtitle" ) { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE; } else if( pObj1->GetName() == "outline" ) { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_CONTENT; } else if( pObj1->GetName() == "chart" ) { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_CHART; } else if( pObj1->GetName() == "table" ) { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_TAB; } else if( pObj1->GetName() == "object" ) { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_OBJ; } else if( pObj1->GetName() == "vertical_outline" ) { if( pObj0->GetName() == "vertical_title" ) { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_VTITLE_VCONTENT; } else { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_VCONTENT; } } else { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_NOTES; } break; } case 3: { SdXMLPresentationPlaceholderContext* pObj1 = maList[ 1 ].get(); SdXMLPresentationPlaceholderContext* pObj2 = maList[ 2 ].get(); if( pObj1->GetName() == "outline" ) { if( pObj2->GetName() == "outline" ) { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_2CONTENT; } else if( pObj2->GetName() == "chart" ) { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_TEXTCHART; } else if( pObj2->GetName() == "graphic" ) { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_TEXTCLIP; } else { if(pObj1->GetX() < pObj2->GetX()) { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_TEXTOBJ; // outline left, object right } else { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_TEXTOVEROBJ; // outline top, object right } } } else if( pObj1->GetName() == "chart" ) { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_CHARTTEXT; } else if( pObj1->GetName() == "graphic" ) { if( pObj2->GetName() == "vertical_outline" ) { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_2VTEXT; } else { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_CLIPTEXT; } } else if( pObj1->GetName() == "vertical_outline" ) { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_VTITLE_VCONTENT_OVER_VCONTENT; } else { if(pObj1->GetX() < pObj2->GetX()) { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_OBJTEXT; // left, right } else { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_CONTENT_OVER_CONTENT; // top, bottom } } break; } case 4: { SdXMLPresentationPlaceholderContext* pObj1 = maList[ 1 ].get(); SdXMLPresentationPlaceholderContext* pObj2 = maList[ 2 ].get(); if( pObj1->GetName() == "object" ) { if(pObj1->GetX() < pObj2->GetX()) { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_2CONTENT_OVER_CONTENT; } else { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_2CONTENT_CONTENT; } } else { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_CONTENT_2CONTENT; } break; } case 5: { SdXMLPresentationPlaceholderContext* pObj1 = maList[ 1 ].get(); if( pObj1->GetName() == "object" ) { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_4CONTENT; } else { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_4CLIPART; } break; } case 7: { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_6CONTENT; // tdf#141978: Apply 6content layout break; } default: { mnTypeId = AUTOLAYOUT_NONE; break; } } } // release remembered contexts, they are no longer needed maList.clear(); } SdXMLPresentationPlaceholderContext::SdXMLPresentationPlaceholderContext( SdXMLImport& rImport, sal_Int32 /*nElement*/, const uno::Reference< xml::sax::XFastAttributeList>& xAttrList) : SvXMLImportContext( rImport ), mnX(0) { for (auto &aIter : sax_fastparser::castToFastAttributeList( xAttrList )) { switch(aIter.getToken()) { case XML_ELEMENT(PRESENTATION, XML_OBJECT): { msName = aIter.toString(); break; } case XML_ELEMENT(SVG, XML_X): case XML_ELEMENT(SVG_COMPAT, XML_X): { GetSdImport().GetMM100UnitConverter().convertMeasureToCore( mnX, aIter.toView()); break; } case XML_ELEMENT(SVG, XML_Y): case XML_ELEMENT(SVG_COMPAT, XML_Y): { break; } case XML_ELEMENT(SVG, XML_WIDTH): case XML_ELEMENT(SVG_COMPAT, XML_WIDTH): { break; } case XML_ELEMENT(SVG, XML_HEIGHT): case XML_ELEMENT(SVG_COMPAT, XML_HEIGHT): { break; } default: XMLOFF_WARN_UNKNOWN("xmloff", aIter); } } } SdXMLPresentationPlaceholderContext::~SdXMLPresentationPlaceholderContext() { } SdXMLMasterPageContext::SdXMLMasterPageContext( SdXMLImport& rImport, sal_Int32 nElement, const uno::Reference< xml::sax::XFastAttributeList>& xAttrList, uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes > const & rShapes) : SdXMLGenericPageContext( rImport, xAttrList, rShapes ) { const bool bHandoutMaster = (nElement & TOKEN_MASK) == XML_HANDOUT_MASTER; OUString sStyleName, sPageMasterName; for (auto &aIter : sax_fastparser::castToFastAttributeList( xAttrList )) { const OUString sValue = aIter.toString(); switch(aIter.getToken()) { case XML_ELEMENT(STYLE, XML_NAME): { msName = sValue; break; } case XML_ELEMENT(STYLE, XML_DISPLAY_NAME): { msDisplayName = sValue; break; } case XML_ELEMENT(STYLE, XML_PAGE_LAYOUT_NAME): { sPageMasterName = sValue; break; } case XML_ELEMENT(DRAW, XML_STYLE_NAME): { sStyleName = sValue; break; } case XML_ELEMENT(PRESENTATION, XML_PRESENTATION_PAGE_LAYOUT_NAME): { maPageLayoutName = sValue; break; } case XML_ELEMENT(PRESENTATION, XML_USE_HEADER_NAME): { maUseHeaderDeclName = sValue; break; } case XML_ELEMENT(PRESENTATION, XML_USE_FOOTER_NAME): { maUseFooterDeclName = sValue; break; } case XML_ELEMENT(PRESENTATION, XML_USE_DATE_TIME_NAME): { maUseDateTimeDeclName = sValue; break; } default: XMLOFF_WARN_UNKNOWN("xmloff", aIter); } } if( msDisplayName.isEmpty() ) msDisplayName = msName; else if( msDisplayName != msName ) GetImport().AddStyleDisplayName( XmlStyleFamily::MASTER_PAGE, msName, msDisplayName ); GetImport().GetShapeImport()->startPage( GetLocalShapesContext() ); // set page name? if(!bHandoutMaster && !msDisplayName.isEmpty() && GetLocalShapesContext().is()) { uno::Reference < container::XNamed > xNamed(GetLocalShapesContext(), uno::UNO_QUERY); if(xNamed.is()) xNamed->setName(msDisplayName); } // set page-master? if(!sPageMasterName.isEmpty()) { SetPageMaster( sPageMasterName ); } SetStyle( sStyleName ); SetLayout(); DeleteAllShapes(); } SdXMLMasterPageContext::~SdXMLMasterPageContext() { } void SdXMLMasterPageContext::endFastElement(sal_Int32 nElement) { // set styles on master-page if(!msName.isEmpty() && GetSdImport().GetShapeImport()->GetStylesContext()) { SvXMLImportContext* pContext = GetSdImport().GetShapeImport()->GetStylesContext(); if (SdXMLStylesContext* pSdContext = dynamic_cast(pContext)) pSdContext->SetMasterPageStyles(*this); } SdXMLGenericPageContext::endFastElement(nElement); GetImport().GetShapeImport()->endPage(GetLocalShapesContext()); } css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastContextHandler > SdXMLMasterPageContext::createFastChildContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& xAttrList ) { switch (nElement) { // some special objects inside style:masterpage context case XML_ELEMENT(STYLE, XML_STYLE): { if(GetSdImport().GetShapeImport()->GetStylesContext()) { // style:style inside master-page context -> presentation style XMLShapeStyleContext* pNew = new XMLShapeStyleContext( GetSdImport(), *GetSdImport().GetShapeImport()->GetStylesContext(), XmlStyleFamily::SD_PRESENTATION_ID); // add this style to the outer StylesContext class for later processing GetSdImport().GetShapeImport()->GetStylesContext()->AddStyle(*pNew); return pNew; } break; } case XML_ELEMENT(PRESENTATION, XML_NOTES): { if( GetSdImport().IsImpress() ) { // get notes page uno::Reference< presentation::XPresentationPage > xPresPage(GetLocalShapesContext(), uno::UNO_QUERY); if(xPresPage.is()) { uno::Reference< drawing::XDrawPage > xNotesDrawPage = xPresPage->getNotesPage(); if(xNotesDrawPage.is()) { // presentation:notes inside master-page context return new SdXMLNotesContext( GetSdImport(), xAttrList, xNotesDrawPage); } } } break; } case XML_ELEMENT(LO_EXT, XML_THEME): { uno::Reference xMasterPage(GetLocalShapesContext(), uno::UNO_QUERY); return new XMLThemeContext(GetSdImport(), xAttrList, xMasterPage); break; } } return SdXMLGenericPageContext::createFastChildContext(nElement, xAttrList); } SdXMLStylesContext::SdXMLStylesContext( SdXMLImport& rImport, bool bIsAutoStyle) : SvXMLStylesContext(rImport), mbIsAutoStyle(bIsAutoStyle) { Reference< uno::XComponentContext > xContext = rImport.GetComponentContext(); mpNumFormatter = std::make_unique( xContext, LANGUAGE_SYSTEM ); mpNumFmtHelper = std::make_unique( mpNumFormatter.get(), xContext ); } SvXMLStyleContext* SdXMLStylesContext::CreateStyleChildContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const uno::Reference< xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& xAttrList) { switch (nElement) { case XML_ELEMENT(TABLE, XML_TABLE_TEMPLATE): { auto pContext = GetImport().GetShapeImport()->GetShapeTableImport()->CreateTableTemplateContext(nElement, xAttrList ); if (pContext) return pContext; break; } case XML_ELEMENT(STYLE, XML_PAGE_LAYOUT): // style:page-master inside office:styles context return new SdXMLPageMasterContext(GetSdImport(), nElement, xAttrList); case XML_ELEMENT(STYLE, XML_PRESENTATION_PAGE_LAYOUT): // style:presentation-page-layout inside office:styles context return new SdXMLPresentationPageLayoutContext(GetSdImport(), nElement, xAttrList); case XML_ELEMENT(NUMBER, XML_DATE_STYLE): // number:date-style or number:time-style return new SdXMLNumberFormatImportContext( GetSdImport(), nElement, mpNumFmtHelper->getData(), SvXMLStylesTokens::DATE_STYLE, xAttrList, *this ); case XML_ELEMENT(NUMBER, XML_TIME_STYLE): // number:date-style or number:time-style return new SdXMLNumberFormatImportContext( GetSdImport(), nElement, mpNumFmtHelper->getData(), SvXMLStylesTokens::TIME_STYLE, xAttrList, *this ); case XML_ELEMENT(NUMBER, XML_NUMBER_STYLE): return new SvXMLNumFormatContext( GetSdImport(), nElement, mpNumFmtHelper->getData(), SvXMLStylesTokens::NUMBER_STYLE, xAttrList, *this ); case XML_ELEMENT(NUMBER, XML_CURRENCY_STYLE): return new SvXMLNumFormatContext( GetSdImport(), nElement, mpNumFmtHelper->getData(), SvXMLStylesTokens::CURRENCY_STYLE, xAttrList, *this ); case XML_ELEMENT(NUMBER, XML_PERCENTAGE_STYLE): return new SvXMLNumFormatContext( GetSdImport(), nElement, mpNumFmtHelper->getData(), SvXMLStylesTokens::PERCENTAGE_STYLE, xAttrList, *this ); case XML_ELEMENT(NUMBER, XML_BOOLEAN_STYLE): return new SvXMLNumFormatContext( GetSdImport(), nElement, mpNumFmtHelper->getData(), SvXMLStylesTokens::BOOLEAN_STYLE, xAttrList, *this ); case XML_ELEMENT(NUMBER, XML_TEXT_STYLE): return new SvXMLNumFormatContext( GetSdImport(), nElement, mpNumFmtHelper->getData(), SvXMLStylesTokens::TEXT_STYLE, xAttrList, *this ); case XML_ELEMENT(PRESENTATION, XML_HEADER_DECL): case XML_ELEMENT(PRESENTATION, XML_FOOTER_DECL): case XML_ELEMENT(PRESENTATION, XML_DATE_TIME_DECL): return new SdXMLHeaderFooterDeclContext( GetImport(), xAttrList ); case XML_ELEMENT(STYLE, XML_STYLE): break; // ignore default: XMLOFF_INFO_UNKNOWN_ELEMENT("xmloff", nElement); } // call base class return SvXMLStylesContext::CreateStyleChildContext(nElement, xAttrList); } SvXMLStyleContext* SdXMLStylesContext::CreateStyleStyleChildContext( XmlStyleFamily nFamily, sal_Int32 nElement, const uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& xAttrList) { switch( nFamily ) { case XmlStyleFamily::SD_DRAWINGPAGE_ID: return new SdXMLDrawingPageStyleContext(GetSdImport(), *this ); case XmlStyleFamily::TABLE_CELL: case XmlStyleFamily::TABLE_COLUMN: case XmlStyleFamily::TABLE_ROW: return new XMLShapeStyleContext( GetSdImport(), *this, nFamily ); default: break; } // call base class return SvXMLStylesContext::CreateStyleStyleChildContext(nFamily, nElement, xAttrList); } SvXMLStyleContext* SdXMLStylesContext::CreateDefaultStyleStyleChildContext( XmlStyleFamily nFamily, sal_Int32 nElement, const Reference< XFastAttributeList > & xAttrList ) { switch( nFamily ) { case XmlStyleFamily::SD_GRAPHICS_ID: return new XMLGraphicsDefaultStyle(GetSdImport(), *this ); default: break; } // call base class return SvXMLStylesContext::CreateDefaultStyleStyleChildContext(nFamily, nElement, xAttrList); } rtl::Reference< SvXMLImportPropertyMapper > SdXMLStylesContext::GetImportPropertyMapper( XmlStyleFamily nFamily) const { rtl::Reference < SvXMLImportPropertyMapper > xMapper; switch( nFamily ) { case XmlStyleFamily::SD_DRAWINGPAGE_ID: { if(!xPresImpPropMapper.is()) { rtl::Reference< XMLShapeImportHelper > aImpHelper = const_cast(GetImport()).GetShapeImport(); const_cast(this)->xPresImpPropMapper = aImpHelper->GetPresPagePropsMapper(); } xMapper = xPresImpPropMapper; break; } case XmlStyleFamily::TABLE_COLUMN: case XmlStyleFamily::TABLE_ROW: case XmlStyleFamily::TABLE_CELL: { const rtl::Reference< XMLTableImport >& xTableImport( const_cast< SvXMLImport& >( GetImport() ).GetShapeImport()->GetShapeTableImport() ); switch( nFamily ) { case XmlStyleFamily::TABLE_COLUMN: xMapper = xTableImport->GetColumnImportPropertySetMapper().get(); break; case XmlStyleFamily::TABLE_ROW: xMapper = xTableImport->GetRowImportPropertySetMapper().get(); break; case XmlStyleFamily::TABLE_CELL: xMapper = xTableImport->GetCellImportPropertySetMapper().get(); break; default: break; } break; } default: break; } // call base class if( !xMapper.is() ) xMapper = SvXMLStylesContext::GetImportPropertyMapper(nFamily); return xMapper; } // Process all style and object info void SdXMLStylesContext::endFastElement(sal_Int32 ) { if(mbIsAutoStyle) { // AutoStyles for text import GetImport().GetTextImport()->SetAutoStyles( this ); // AutoStyles for chart GetImport().GetChartImport()->SetAutoStylesContext( this ); // AutoStyles for forms GetImport().GetFormImport()->setAutoStyleContext( this ); // associate AutoStyles with styles in preparation to setting Styles on shapes for(sal_uInt32 a(0); a < GetStyleCount(); a++) { const SvXMLStyleContext* pStyle = GetStyle(a); if (const XMLShapeStyleContext* pDocStyle = dynamic_cast(pStyle)) { SvXMLStylesContext* pStylesContext = GetSdImport().GetShapeImport()->GetStylesContext(); if (pStylesContext) { pStyle = pStylesContext->FindStyleChildContext(pStyle->GetFamily(), pStyle->GetParentName()); if (const XMLShapeStyleContext* pParentStyle = dynamic_cast(pStyle)) { if(pParentStyle->GetStyle().is()) { const_cast(pDocStyle)->SetStyle(pParentStyle->GetStyle()); } } } } } FinishStyles( false ); } else { // Process styles list ImpSetGraphicStyles(); ImpSetCellStyles(); GetImport().GetShapeImport()->GetShapeTableImport()->finishStyles(); // put style infos in the info set for other components ( content import f.e. ) uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xInfoSet( GetImport().getImportInfo() ); if( xInfoSet.is() ) { uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xInfoSetInfo( xInfoSet->getPropertySetInfo() ); if( xInfoSetInfo->hasPropertyByName("PageLayouts") ) xInfoSet->setPropertyValue("PageLayouts", uno::Any( getPageLayouts() ) ); } } } // set master-page styles (all with family="presentation" and a special // prefix) on given master-page. void SdXMLStylesContext::SetMasterPageStyles(SdXMLMasterPageContext const & rMaster) const { const uno::Reference& rStyleFamilies = GetSdImport().GetLocalDocStyleFamilies(); if (!rStyleFamilies.is()) return; if (!rStyleFamilies->hasByName(rMaster.GetDisplayName())) return; try { uno::Reference< container::XNameAccess > xMasterPageStyles( rStyleFamilies->getByName(rMaster.GetDisplayName()), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); OUString sPrefix(rMaster.GetDisplayName() + "-"); ImpSetGraphicStyles(xMasterPageStyles, XmlStyleFamily::SD_PRESENTATION_ID, sPrefix); } catch (const uno::Exception&) { TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("xmloff.draw", ""); } } // Process styles list: // set graphic styles (all with family="graphics"). Remember xStyle at list element. void SdXMLStylesContext::ImpSetGraphicStyles() const { if(GetSdImport().GetLocalDocStyleFamilies().is()) try { uno::Reference< container::XNameAccess > xGraphicPageStyles( GetSdImport().GetLocalDocStyleFamilies()->getByName("graphics"), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); ImpSetGraphicStyles(xGraphicPageStyles, XmlStyleFamily::SD_GRAPHICS_ID, u""); } catch( uno::Exception& ) { TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("xmloff.draw", ""); } } void SdXMLStylesContext::ImpSetCellStyles() const { if(GetSdImport().GetLocalDocStyleFamilies().is()) try { uno::Reference< container::XNameAccess > xGraphicPageStyles( GetSdImport().GetLocalDocStyleFamilies()->getByName("cell"), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); ImpSetGraphicStyles(xGraphicPageStyles, XmlStyleFamily::TABLE_CELL, u""); } catch( uno::Exception& ) { TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("xmloff.draw", ""); } } //Resolves: fdo#34987 if the style's auto height before and after is the same //then don't reset it back to the underlying default of true for the small //period before it's going to be reset to false again. Doing this avoids the //master page shapes from resizing themselves due to autoheight becoming //enabled before having autoheight turned off again and getting stuck on that //autosized height static bool canSkipReset(std::u16string_view rName, const XMLPropStyleContext* pPropStyle, const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > &rPropSet, const rtl::Reference < XMLPropertySetMapper >& rPrMap) { bool bCanSkipReset = false; if (pPropStyle && rName == u"TextAutoGrowHeight") { bool bOldStyleTextAutoGrowHeight(false); rPropSet->getPropertyValue("TextAutoGrowHeight") >>= bOldStyleTextAutoGrowHeight; sal_Int32 nIndexStyle = rPrMap->GetEntryIndex(XML_NAMESPACE_DRAW, u"auto-grow-height", 0); if (nIndexStyle != -1) { const ::std::vector< XMLPropertyState > &rProperties = pPropStyle->GetProperties(); auto property = std::find_if(rProperties.cbegin(), rProperties.cend(), [nIndexStyle](const XMLPropertyState& rProp) { return rProp.mnIndex == nIndexStyle; }); if (property != rProperties.cend()) { bool bNewStyleTextAutoGrowHeight(false); property->maValue >>= bNewStyleTextAutoGrowHeight; bCanSkipReset = (bNewStyleTextAutoGrowHeight == bOldStyleTextAutoGrowHeight); } } } return bCanSkipReset; } // help function used by ImpSetGraphicStyles() and ImpSetMasterPageStyles() void SdXMLStylesContext::ImpSetGraphicStyles( uno::Reference< container::XNameAccess > const & xPageStyles, XmlStyleFamily nFamily, std::u16string_view rPrefix) const { sal_Int32 nPrefLen(rPrefix.size()); sal_uInt32 a; // set defaults for( a = 0; a < GetStyleCount(); a++) { const SvXMLStyleContext* pStyle = GetStyle(a); if(nFamily == pStyle->GetFamily() && pStyle->IsDefaultStyle()) { const_cast(pStyle)->SetDefaults(); } } // create all styles and set properties for( a = 0; a < GetStyleCount(); a++) { try { const SvXMLStyleContext* pStyle = GetStyle(a); if(nFamily == pStyle->GetFamily() && !pStyle->IsDefaultStyle()) { OUString aStyleName(pStyle->GetDisplayName()); if( nPrefLen ) { sal_Int32 nStylePrefLen = aStyleName.lastIndexOf( '-' ) + 1; if( (nPrefLen != nStylePrefLen) || !aStyleName.startsWith(rPrefix) ) continue; aStyleName = aStyleName.copy( nPrefLen ); } XMLPropStyleContext* pPropStyle = dynamic_cast< XMLPropStyleContext* >(const_cast< SvXMLStyleContext* >( pStyle ) ); uno::Reference< style::XStyle > xStyle; if(xPageStyles->hasByName(aStyleName)) { xPageStyles->getByName(aStyleName) >>= xStyle; // set properties of existing styles to default uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet( xStyle, uno::UNO_QUERY ); uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xPropSetInfo; if( xPropSet.is() ) xPropSetInfo = xPropSet->getPropertySetInfo(); uno::Reference< beans::XPropertyState > xPropState( xStyle, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xPropState.is() ) { rtl::Reference < XMLPropertySetMapper > xPrMap; rtl::Reference < SvXMLImportPropertyMapper > xImpPrMap = GetImportPropertyMapper( nFamily ); SAL_WARN_IF( !xImpPrMap.is(), "xmloff", "There is the import prop mapper" ); if( xImpPrMap.is() ) xPrMap = xImpPrMap->getPropertySetMapper(); if( xPrMap.is() ) { const sal_Int32 nCount = xPrMap->GetEntryCount(); for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { const OUString& rName = xPrMap->GetEntryAPIName( i ); if( xPropSetInfo->hasPropertyByName( rName ) && beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE == xPropState->getPropertyState( rName ) ) { bool bCanSkipReset = canSkipReset(rName, pPropStyle, xPropSet, xPrMap); if (bCanSkipReset) continue; xPropState->setPropertyToDefault( rName ); } } } } } else { // graphics style does not exist, create and add it uno::Reference< lang::XSingleServiceFactory > xServiceFact(xPageStyles, uno::UNO_QUERY); if(xServiceFact.is()) { uno::Reference< style::XStyle > xNewStyle( xServiceFact->createInstance(), uno::UNO_QUERY); if(xNewStyle.is()) { // remember style xStyle = xNewStyle; // add new style to graphics style pool uno::Reference< container::XNameContainer > xInsertContainer(xPageStyles, uno::UNO_QUERY); if(xInsertContainer.is()) xInsertContainer->insertByName(aStyleName, uno::Any( xStyle ) ); } } } if(xStyle.is()) { // set properties at style uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet(xStyle, uno::UNO_QUERY); if(xPropSet.is() && pPropStyle) { pPropStyle->FillPropertySet(xPropSet); pPropStyle->SetStyle(xStyle); } } } } catch(const Exception& e) { const_cast(&GetSdImport())->SetError( XMLERROR_FLAG_WARNING | XMLERROR_API, {}, e.Message, nullptr ); } } // now set parents for all styles (when necessary) for(a = 0; a < GetStyleCount(); a++) { const SvXMLStyleContext* pStyle = GetStyle(a); if(pStyle && !pStyle->GetDisplayName().isEmpty() && (nFamily == pStyle->GetFamily())) try { OUString aStyleName(pStyle->GetDisplayName()); if( nPrefLen ) { sal_Int32 nStylePrefLen = aStyleName.lastIndexOf( '-' ) + 1; if( (nPrefLen != nStylePrefLen) || !aStyleName.startsWith( rPrefix ) ) continue; aStyleName = aStyleName.copy( nPrefLen ); } uno::Reference< style::XStyle > xStyle( xPageStyles->getByName(aStyleName), UNO_QUERY ); if(xStyle.is()) { // set parent style name OUString sParentStyleDisplayName( GetImport().GetStyleDisplayName( pStyle->GetFamily(), pStyle->GetParentName() ) ); if( nPrefLen ) { sal_Int32 nStylePrefLen = sParentStyleDisplayName.lastIndexOf( '-' ) + 1; if( (nPrefLen != nStylePrefLen) || !sParentStyleDisplayName.startsWith( rPrefix ) ) continue; sParentStyleDisplayName = sParentStyleDisplayName.copy( nPrefLen ); } xStyle->setParentStyle( sParentStyleDisplayName ); } } catch( const Exception& e ) { const_cast(&GetSdImport())->SetError( XMLERROR_FLAG_WARNING | XMLERROR_API, {}, e.Message, nullptr ); } } } // helper function to create the uno component that hold the mappings from // xml auto layout name to internal autolayout id uno::Reference< container::XNameAccess > SdXMLStylesContext::getPageLayouts() const { uno::Reference< container::XNameContainer > xLayouts( comphelper::NameContainer_createInstance( ::cppu::UnoType::get()) ); for(sal_uInt32 a(0); a < GetStyleCount(); a++) { const SvXMLStyleContext* pStyle = GetStyle(a); if (const SdXMLPresentationPageLayoutContext* pContext = dynamic_cast(pStyle)) { xLayouts->insertByName(pStyle->GetName(), uno::Any(static_cast(pContext->GetTypeId()))); } } return xLayouts; } SdXMLMasterStylesContext::SdXMLMasterStylesContext( SdXMLImport& rImport) : SvXMLImportContext( rImport ) { } css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastContextHandler > SdXMLMasterStylesContext::createFastChildContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& xAttrList ) { if( nElement == XML_ELEMENT(DRAW, XML_LAYER_SET) ) { return new SdXMLLayerSetContext( GetImport() ); } else if( nElement == XML_ELEMENT(STYLE, XML_MASTER_PAGE) ) { // style:masterpage inside office:styles context uno::Reference< drawing::XDrawPage > xNewMasterPage; uno::Reference< drawing::XDrawPages > xMasterPages(GetSdImport().GetLocalMasterPages(), uno::UNO_QUERY); if( xMasterPages.is() ) { sal_Int32 nNewMasterPageCount = GetSdImport().GetNewMasterPageCount(); sal_Int32 nMasterPageCount = xMasterPages->getCount(); if (nNewMasterPageCount + 1 > nMasterPageCount) { // arbitrary limit to master pages when fuzzing to avoid deadend timeouts if (nMasterPageCount >= 64 && utl::ConfigManager::IsFuzzing()) return nullptr; // new page, create and insert xNewMasterPage = xMasterPages->insertNewByIndex(nMasterPageCount); } else { // existing page, use it xMasterPages->getByIndex(nNewMasterPageCount) >>= xNewMasterPage; } // increment global import page counter GetSdImport().IncrementNewMasterPageCount(); if(xNewMasterPage.is()) { if(GetSdImport().GetShapeImport()->GetStylesContext()) { const rtl::Reference xLclContext{ new SdXMLMasterPageContext(GetSdImport(), nElement, xAttrList, xNewMasterPage)}; maMasterPageList.push_back(xLclContext); return xLclContext; } } } } else if( nElement == XML_ELEMENT(STYLE, XML_HANDOUT_MASTER) ) { uno::Reference< presentation::XHandoutMasterSupplier > xHandoutSupp( GetSdImport().GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xHandoutSupp.is() ) { uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes > xHandoutPage = xHandoutSupp->getHandoutMasterPage(); if(xHandoutPage.is() && GetSdImport().GetShapeImport()->GetStylesContext()) { return new SdXMLMasterPageContext(GetSdImport(), nElement, xAttrList, xHandoutPage); } } } else XMLOFF_WARN_UNKNOWN_ELEMENT("xmloff", nElement); return nullptr; } SdXMLHeaderFooterDeclContext::SdXMLHeaderFooterDeclContext(SvXMLImport& rImport, const css::uno::Reference< css::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList >& xAttrList) : SvXMLStyleContext( rImport ) , mbFixed(false) { for (auto &aIter : sax_fastparser::castToFastAttributeList( xAttrList )) { if( aIter.getToken() == XML_ELEMENT(PRESENTATION, XML_NAME) ) { maStrName = aIter.toString(); } else if( aIter.getToken() == XML_ELEMENT(PRESENTATION, XML_SOURCE) ) { mbFixed = IsXMLToken( aIter, XML_FIXED ); } else if( aIter.getToken() == XML_ELEMENT(STYLE, XML_DATA_STYLE_NAME) ) { maStrDateTimeFormat = aIter.toString(); } else { XMLOFF_WARN_UNKNOWN("xmloff", aIter); } } } bool SdXMLHeaderFooterDeclContext::IsTransient() const { return true; } void SdXMLHeaderFooterDeclContext::endFastElement(sal_Int32 nToken) { SdXMLImport& rImport = dynamic_cast(GetImport()); auto nElement = nToken & TOKEN_MASK; if( nElement == XML_HEADER_DECL ) { rImport.AddHeaderDecl( maStrName, maStrText ); } else if( nElement == XML_FOOTER_DECL ) { rImport.AddFooterDecl( maStrName, maStrText ); } else if( nElement == XML_DATE_TIME_DECL ) { rImport.AddDateTimeDecl( maStrName, maStrText, mbFixed, maStrDateTimeFormat ); } else { XMLOFF_WARN_UNKNOWN_ELEMENT("xmloff", nToken); } } void SdXMLHeaderFooterDeclContext::characters( const OUString& rChars ) { maStrText += rChars; } namespace xmloff { bool IsIgnoreFillStyleNamedItem( css::uno::Reference const& xProps, drawing::FillStyle const nExpectedFillStyle) { assert(xProps.is()); if (nExpectedFillStyle == drawing::FillStyle::FillStyle_MAKE_FIXED_SIZE) { return false; } // note: the caller must have called FillPropertySet() previously drawing::FillStyle fillStyle{drawing::FillStyle_NONE}; xProps->getPropertyValue("FillStyle") >>= fillStyle; return fillStyle != nExpectedFillStyle; } } // namespace xmloff /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */