API compatibility report for the libyang.so object between 1.9.19 and 2.0.0 versions on x86_64


Test Info

Module Namelibyang.so
Version #11.9.19
Version #22.0.0
GCC Version7.5.0
SubjectBinary Compatibility

Test Results

Total Header Files7
Total Source Files11
Total Objects1
Total Symbols / Types174 / 22
Compatibility 18.8%

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-153
Removed SymbolsHigh114
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with
Other Changes
in Data Types

Added Symbols  153 

context.h, libyang.so.2.0.0
ly_ctx_get_module_implemented ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* name )
ly_ctx_get_module_implemented_ns ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* ns )
ly_ctx_get_module_latest ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* name )
ly_ctx_get_module_latest_ns ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* ns )
ly_ctx_get_module_ns ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* ns, char const* revision )
ly_ctx_get_yanglib_data ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_node** root_p )
ly_ctx_get_yanglib_id ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )
ly_ctx_reset_latests ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_set_options ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, uint16_t option )
ly_ctx_unset_options ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, uint16_t option )
ly_ctx_unset_searchdir ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* value )
ly_ctx_unset_searchdir_last ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, uint32_t count )

in.h, libyang.so.2.0.0
ly_in_fd ( struct ly_in* in, int fd )
ly_in_file ( struct ly_in* in, FILE* f )
ly_in_filepath ( struct ly_in* in, char const* filepath, size_t len )
ly_in_free ( struct ly_in* in, ly_bool destroy )
ly_in_memory ( struct ly_in* in, char const* str )
ly_in_new_fd ( int fd, struct ly_in** in )
ly_in_new_file ( FILE* f, struct ly_in** in )
ly_in_new_filepath ( char const* filepath, size_t len, struct ly_in** in )
ly_in_new_memory ( char const* str, struct ly_in** in )
ly_in_parsed ( struct ly_in const* in )
ly_in_reset ( struct ly_in* in )
ly_in_type ( struct ly_in const* in )

log.h, libyang.so.2.0.0
ly_err_last ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )
ly_errcode ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )
ly_log_dbg_groups ( uint32_t dbg_groups )
ly_log_level ( enum LY_LOG_LEVEL level )

out.h, libyang.so.2.0.0
ly_out_clb ( struct ly_out* out, ly_write_clb writeclb )
ly_out_clb_arg ( struct ly_out* out, void* arg )
ly_out_fd ( struct ly_out* out, int fd )
ly_out_file ( struct ly_out* out, FILE* f )
ly_out_filepath ( struct ly_out* out, char const* filepath )
ly_out_free ( struct ly_out* out, void(*clb_arg_destructor)(void*), ly_bool destroy )
ly_out_new_clb ( ly_write_clb writeclb, void* user_data, struct ly_out** out )
ly_out_new_fd ( int fd, struct ly_out** out )
ly_out_new_file ( FILE* f, struct ly_out** out )
ly_out_new_filepath ( char const* filepath, struct ly_out** out )
ly_out_new_memory ( char** strp, size_t size, struct ly_out** out )
ly_out_printed ( struct ly_out const* out )
ly_out_reset ( struct ly_out* out )
ly_out_type ( struct ly_out const* out )
ly_print ( struct ly_out* out, char const* format, ... )
ly_print_flush ( struct ly_out* out )
ly_write ( struct ly_out* out, char const* buf, size_t len )

parser_data.h, libyang.so.2.0.0
lyd_parse_data ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct ly_in* in, enum LYD_FORMAT format, uint32_t parse_options, uint32_t validate_options, struct lyd_node** tree )
lyd_parse_data_fd ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, int fd, enum LYD_FORMAT format, uint32_t parse_options, uint32_t validate_options, struct lyd_node** tree )
lyd_parse_data_mem ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* data, enum LYD_FORMAT format, uint32_t parse_options, uint32_t validate_options, struct lyd_node** tree )
lyd_parse_data_path ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* path, enum LYD_FORMAT format, uint32_t parse_options, uint32_t validate_options, struct lyd_node** tree )
lyd_parse_notif ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct ly_in* in, enum LYD_FORMAT format, struct lyd_node** tree, struct lyd_node** ntf )
lyd_parse_reply ( struct lyd_node const* request, struct ly_in* in, enum LYD_FORMAT format, struct lyd_node** tree, struct lyd_node** op )
lyd_parse_rpc ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct ly_in* in, enum LYD_FORMAT format, struct lyd_node** tree, struct lyd_node** op )
lyd_validate_all ( struct lyd_node** tree, struct ly_ctx const* ctx, uint32_t val_opts, struct lyd_node** diff )
lyd_validate_module ( struct lyd_node** tree, struct lys_module const* module, uint32_t val_opts, struct lyd_node** diff )
lyd_validate_op ( struct lyd_node* op_tree, struct lyd_node const* tree, enum LYD_VALIDATE_OP op, struct lyd_node** diff )

parser_schema.h, libyang.so.2.0.0
lys_parse ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, struct ly_in* in, enum LYS_INFORMAT format, char const** features, struct lys_module const** module )

plugins_types.h, libyang.so.2.0.0
ly_err_free ( void* ptr )
ly_err_new ( enum LY_LOG_LEVEL level, enum LY_ERR no, enum LY_VECODE vecode, char* msg, char* path, char* apptag )
ly_type_identity_isderived ( struct lysc_ident* base, struct lysc_ident* der )
ly_type_parse_dec64 ( uint8_t fraction_digits, char const* value, size_t value_len, int64_t* ret, struct ly_err_item** err )
ly_type_parse_int ( char const* datatype, int base, int64_t min, int64_t max, char const* value, size_t value_len, int64_t* ret, struct ly_err_item** err )
ly_type_parse_uint ( char const* datatype, int base, uint64_t max, char const* value, size_t value_len, uint64_t* ret, struct ly_err_item** err )
ly_type_print_get_prefix ( struct lys_module const* mod, enum LY_PREFIX_FORMAT format, void* prefix_data )
ly_type_store_resolve_prefix ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* prefix, size_t prefix_len, enum LY_PREFIX_FORMAT format, void* prefix_data )
ly_type_validate_patterns ( struct lysc_pattern** patterns, char const* str, size_t str_len, struct ly_err_item** err )
ly_type_validate_range ( enum LY_DATA_TYPE basetype, struct lysc_range* range, int64_t value, char const* strval, struct ly_err_item** err )
lysc_prefixes_compile ( char const* str, size_t str_len, struct lysp_module const* prefix_mod, struct lysc_prefix** prefixes )
lysc_prefixes_dup ( struct lysc_prefix const* orig, struct lysc_prefix** dup )
lysc_prefixes_free ( struct lysc_prefix* prefixes )

printer_data.h, libyang.so.2.0.0
lyd_print_all ( struct ly_out* out, struct lyd_node const* root, enum LYD_FORMAT format, uint32_t options )
lyd_print_tree ( struct ly_out* out, struct lyd_node const* root, enum LYD_FORMAT format, uint32_t options )

printer_schema.h, libyang.so.2.0.0
lys_print_module ( struct ly_out* out, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, size_t UNUSED_line_length, uint32_t options )
lys_print_node ( struct ly_out* out, struct lysc_node const* node, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, size_t UNUSED_line_length, uint32_t options )
lys_print_submodule ( struct ly_out* out, struct lys_module const* module, struct lysp_submodule const* submodule, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, size_t UNUSED_line_length, uint32_t options )

set.h, libyang.so.2.0.0
ly_set_erase ( struct ly_set* set, void(*destructor)(void*) )

tree_data.h, libyang.so.2.0.0
lyd_any_copy_value ( struct lyd_node* trg, union lyd_any_value const* value, enum LYD_ANYDATA_VALUETYPE value_type )
lyd_change_meta ( struct lyd_meta* meta, char const* val_str )
lyd_change_term ( struct lyd_node* term, char const* val_str )
lyd_child ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_child_no_keys ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_compare_meta ( struct lyd_meta const* meta1, struct lyd_meta const* meta2 )
lyd_compare_siblings ( struct lyd_node const* node1, struct lyd_node const* node2, uint32_t options )
lyd_compare_single ( struct lyd_node const* node1, struct lyd_node const* node2, uint32_t options )
lyd_diff_apply_all ( struct lyd_node** data, struct lyd_node const* diff )
lyd_diff_apply_module ( struct lyd_node** data, struct lyd_node const* diff, struct lys_module const* mod, lyd_diff_cb diff_cb, void* cb_data )
lyd_diff_merge_all ( struct lyd_node** diff, struct lyd_node const* src_diff )
lyd_diff_merge_module ( struct lyd_node** diff, struct lyd_node const* src_diff, struct lys_module const* mod, lyd_diff_cb diff_cb, void* cb_data )
lyd_diff_merge_tree ( struct lyd_node** diff_first, struct lyd_node* diff_parent, struct lyd_node const* src_sibling, lyd_diff_cb diff_cb, void* cb_data )
lyd_diff_reverse_all ( struct lyd_node const* src_diff, struct lyd_node** diff )
lyd_diff_siblings ( struct lyd_node const* first, struct lyd_node const* second, uint16_t options, struct lyd_node** diff )
lyd_diff_tree ( struct lyd_node const* first, struct lyd_node const* second, uint16_t options, struct lyd_node** diff )
lyd_dup_meta_single ( struct lyd_meta const* meta, struct lyd_node* node, struct lyd_meta** dup )
lyd_dup_siblings ( struct lyd_node const* node, struct lyd_node_inner* parent, uint32_t options, struct lyd_node** dup )
lyd_dup_single ( struct lyd_node const* node, struct lyd_node_inner* parent, uint32_t options, struct lyd_node** dup )
lyd_find_meta ( struct lyd_meta const* first, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name )
lyd_find_sibling_first ( struct lyd_node const* siblings, struct lyd_node const* target, struct lyd_node** match )
lyd_find_xpath ( struct lyd_node const* ctx_node, char const* xpath, struct ly_set** set )
lyd_free_all ( struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_free_attr_siblings ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_attr* attr )
lyd_free_attr_single ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_attr* attr )
lyd_free_meta_siblings ( struct lyd_meta* meta )
lyd_free_meta_single ( struct lyd_meta* meta )
lyd_free_siblings ( struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_free_tree ( struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_insert_child ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_is_default ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_merge_siblings ( struct lyd_node** target, struct lyd_node const* source, uint16_t options )
lyd_merge_tree ( struct lyd_node** target, struct lyd_node const* source, uint16_t options )
lyd_new_any ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, void const* value, enum LYD_ANYDATA_VALUETYPE value_type, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_new_attr ( struct lyd_node* parent, char const* module_name, char const* name, char const* val_str, struct lyd_attr** attr )
lyd_new_implicit_all ( struct lyd_node** tree, struct ly_ctx const* ctx, uint32_t implicit_options, struct lyd_node** diff )
lyd_new_implicit_module ( struct lyd_node** tree, struct lys_module const* module, uint32_t implicit_options, struct lyd_node** diff )
lyd_new_implicit_tree ( struct lyd_node* tree, uint32_t implicit_options, struct lyd_node** diff )
lyd_new_inner ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_new_list ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node, ... )
lyd_new_list2 ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* keys, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_new_meta ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str, struct lyd_meta** meta )
lyd_new_opaq ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* name, char const* value, char const* module_name, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_new_path2 ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* path, void const* value, enum LYD_ANYDATA_VALUETYPE value_type, uint32_t options, struct lyd_node** new_parent, struct lyd_node** new_node )
lyd_new_term ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_owner_module ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_parent ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_target ( struct ly_path const* path, struct lyd_node const* tree )
lyd_unlink_tree ( struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_value_compare ( struct lyd_node_term const* node, char const* value, size_t value_len )
lyd_value_validate ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_node_term const* node, char const* value, size_t value_len, struct lyd_node const* tree, struct lysc_type const** realtype )

tree_schema.h, libyang.so.2.0.0
lyext_parent2str ( enum LYEXT_PARENT type )
lys_feature_value ( struct lys_module const* module, char const* feature )
lys_find_child ( struct lysc_node const* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, size_t name_len, uint16_t nodetype, uint32_t options )
lys_find_expr_atoms ( struct lysc_node const* ctx_node, struct lys_module const* cur_mod, struct lyxp_expr const* expr, struct lysc_prefix const* prefixes, uint32_t options, struct ly_set** set )
lys_find_lypath_atoms ( struct ly_path const* path, struct ly_set** set )
lys_find_path_atoms ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lysc_node const* ctx_node, char const* path, ly_bool output, struct ly_set** set )
lys_find_xpath ( struct lysc_node const* ctx_node, char const* xpath, uint32_t options, struct ly_set** set )
lys_find_xpath_atoms ( struct lysc_node const* ctx_node, char const* xpath, uint32_t options, struct ly_set** set )
lys_nodetype2str ( uint16_t nodetype )
lys_value_validate ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lysc_node const* node, char const* value, size_t value_len )
lysc_iffeature_value ( struct lysc_iffeature const* iff )
lysc_module_dfs_full ( struct lys_module const* mod, lysc_dfs_clb dfs_clb, void* data )
lysc_node_actions ( struct lysc_node const* node )
lysc_node_children ( struct lysc_node const* node, uint16_t flags )
lysc_node_children_full ( struct lysc_node const* node, uint16_t flags )
lysc_node_notifs ( struct lysc_node const* node )
lysc_node_parent_full ( struct lysc_node const* node )
lysc_path ( struct lysc_node const* node, enum LYSC_PATH_TYPE pathtype, char* buffer, size_t buflen )
lysc_set_private ( struct lysc_node const* node, void* priv, void** prev_priv_p )
lysc_tree_dfs_full ( struct lysc_node const* root, lysc_dfs_clb dfs_clb, void* data )
lysp_feature_next ( struct lysp_feature const* last, struct lysp_module const* pmod, uint32_t* idx )
lysp_node_actions ( struct lysp_node const* node )
lysp_node_children ( struct lysp_node const* node )
lysp_node_groupings ( struct lysp_node const* node )
lysp_node_notifs ( struct lysp_node const* node )
lysp_node_typedefs ( struct lysp_node const* node )
lyxp_get_expr ( struct lyxp_expr const* path )

to the top

Removed Symbols  114 

extensions.h, libyang.so.1.9.19
lyext_vlog ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, enum LY_VECODE vecode, char const* plugin, char const* function, enum LYEXT_VLOG_ELEM elem_type, void const* elem, char const* format, ... )
lys_iffeature_free ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, struct lys_iffeature* iffeature, uint8_t iffeature_size, int shallow, void(*private_destructor)(struct lys_node const*, void*) )

libyang.h, libyang.so.1.9.19
ly_ctx_clean ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, void(*private_destructor)(struct lys_node const*, void*) )
ly_ctx_find_path ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* path )
ly_ctx_get_disabled_module_iter ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, uint32_t* idx )
ly_ctx_get_module_by_ns ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* ns, char const* revision, int implemented )
ly_ctx_get_module_data_clb ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, void** user_data )
ly_ctx_get_module_older ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lys_module const* module )
ly_ctx_get_node ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lys_node const* start, char const* nodeid, int output )
ly_ctx_get_submodule ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* module, char const* revision, char const* submodule, char const* sub_revision )
ly_ctx_get_submodule2 ( struct lys_module const* main_module, char const* submodule )
ly_ctx_info ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_new_ylmem ( char const* search_dir, char const* data, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options )
ly_ctx_new_ylpath ( char const* search_dir, char const* path, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options )
ly_ctx_remove_module ( struct lys_module const* module, void(*private_destructor)(struct lys_node const*, void*) )
ly_ctx_set_allimplemented ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_set_disable_searchdir_cwd ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_set_disable_searchdirs ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_set_module_data_clb ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, ly_module_data_clb clb, void* user_data )
ly_ctx_set_prefer_searchdirs ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_set_trusted ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_unset_allimplemented ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_unset_disable_searchdir_cwd ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_unset_disable_searchdirs ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_unset_prefer_searchdirs ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_unset_searchdirs ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, int index )
ly_ctx_unset_trusted ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_errno_glob_address ( )
ly_path_data2schema ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* data_path )
ly_path_xml2json ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* xml_path, struct lyxml_elem* xml )
ly_verb ( enum LY_LOG_LEVEL level )
ly_verb_dbg ( int dbg_groups )

tree_data.h, libyang.so.1.9.19
lyd_change_leaf ( struct lyd_node_leaf_list* leaf, char const* val_str )
lyd_dec64_to_double ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_diff ( struct lyd_node* first, struct lyd_node* second, int options )
lyd_dup ( struct lyd_node const* node, int options )
lyd_dup_to_ctx ( struct lyd_node const* node, int options, struct ly_ctx* ctx )
lyd_dup_withsiblings ( struct lyd_node const* node, int options )
lyd_find_instance ( struct lyd_node const* data, struct lys_node const* schema )
lyd_find_path ( struct lyd_node const* ctx_node, char const* path )
lyd_find_sibling ( struct lyd_node const* siblings, struct lyd_node const* target, struct lyd_node** match )
lyd_find_sibling_set ( struct lyd_node const* siblings, struct lyd_node const* target, struct ly_set** set )
lyd_free ( struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_free_attr ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, struct lyd_node* parent, struct lyd_attr* attr, int recursive )
lyd_free_diff ( struct lyd_difflist* diff )
lyd_free_val_diff ( struct lyd_difflist* diff )
lyd_free_withsiblings ( struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_insert ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_insert_attr ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* mod, char const* name, char const* value )
lyd_leaf_type ( struct lyd_node_leaf_list const* leaf )
lyd_merge ( struct lyd_node* target, struct lyd_node const* source, int options )
lyd_merge_to_ctx ( struct lyd_node** trg, struct lyd_node const* src, int options, struct ly_ctx* ctx )
lyd_new ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name )
lyd_new_anydata ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, void* value, enum LYD_ANYDATA_VALUETYPE value_type )
lyd_new_leaf ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str )
lyd_new_output ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name )
lyd_new_output_anydata ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, void* value, enum LYD_ANYDATA_VALUETYPE value_type )
lyd_new_output_leaf ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str )
lyd_new_yangdata ( struct lys_module const* module, char const* name_template, char const* name )
lyd_node_module ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_node_should_print ( struct lyd_node const* node, int options )
lyd_parse_fd ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, int fd, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options, ... )
lyd_parse_mem ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* data, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options, ... )
lyd_parse_path ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* path, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options, ... )
lyd_parse_xml ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, struct lyxml_elem** root, int options, ... )
lyd_schema_sort ( struct lyd_node* sibling, int recursive )
lyd_unlink ( struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_validate ( struct lyd_node** node, int options, void* var_arg, ... )
lyd_validate_modules ( struct lyd_node** node, struct lys_module const** modules, int mod_count, int options, ... )
lyd_validate_value ( struct lys_node* node, char const* value )
lyd_value_type ( struct lys_node* node, char const* value, struct lys_type** type )
lyd_wd_default ( struct lyd_node_leaf_list* node )

tree_schema.h, libyang.so.1.9.19
ly_clean_plugins ( )
ly_get_loaded_plugins ( )
ly_load_plugins ( )
ly_register_exts ( struct lyext_plugin_list* plugin, char const* log_name )
ly_register_types ( struct lytype_plugin_list* plugin, char const* log_name )
lys_data_path ( struct lys_node const* node )
lys_data_path_pattern ( struct lys_node const* node, char const* placeholder )
lys_ext_complex_get_substmt ( enum LY_STMT stmt, struct lys_ext_instance_complex* ext, struct lyext_substmt** info )
lys_ext_instance_presence ( struct lys_ext* def, struct lys_ext_instance** ext, uint8_t ext_size )
lys_ext_instance_substmt ( struct lys_ext_instance const* ext )
lys_features_disable ( struct lys_module const* module, char const* feature )
lys_features_disable_force ( struct lys_module const* module, char const* feature )
lys_features_enable ( struct lys_module const* module, char const* feature )
lys_features_enable_force ( struct lys_module const* module, char const* feature )
lys_features_list ( struct lys_module const* module, uint8_t** states )
lys_features_state ( struct lys_module const* module, char const* feature )
lys_getnext_union_type ( struct lys_type const* last, struct lys_type const* type )
lys_iffeature_value ( struct lys_iffeature const* iff )
lys_implemented_module ( struct lys_module const* mod )
lys_is_disabled ( struct lys_node const* node, int recursive )
lys_is_key ( struct lys_node_leaf const* node, uint8_t* index )
lys_main_module ( struct lys_module const* module )
lys_node_module ( struct lys_node const* node )
lys_node_xpath_atomize ( struct lys_node const* node, int options )
lys_parent ( struct lys_node const* node )
lys_path ( struct lys_node const* node, int options )
lys_set_disabled ( struct lys_module const* module )
lys_set_enabled ( struct lys_module const* module )
lys_set_private ( struct lys_node const* node, void* priv )
lys_xpath_atomize ( struct lys_node const* ctx_node, enum lyxp_node_type ctx_node_type, char const* expr, int options )

xml.h, libyang.so.1.9.19
lyxml_dup ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, struct lyxml_elem* root )
lyxml_free ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, struct lyxml_elem* elem )
lyxml_free_withsiblings ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, struct lyxml_elem* elem )
lyxml_get_attr ( struct lyxml_elem const* elem, char const* name, char const* ns )
lyxml_get_ns ( struct lyxml_elem const* elem, char const* prefix )
lyxml_parse_mem ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* data, int options )
lyxml_parse_path ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* filename, int options )
lyxml_print_clb ( ssize_t(*writeclb)(void*, void const*, size_t), void* arg, struct lyxml_elem const* elem, int options )
lyxml_print_fd ( int fd, struct lyxml_elem const* elem, int options )
lyxml_print_file ( FILE* stream, struct lyxml_elem const* elem, int options )
lyxml_print_mem ( char** strp, struct lyxml_elem const* elem, int options )
lyxml_unlink ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, struct lyxml_elem* elem )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity  17 

[+] struct lys_module  17 

to the top

Problems with Symbols, High Severity  18 

libyang.h, libyang.so.1.9.19
[+] ly_ctx_new ( char const* search_dir, int options )  1 
[+] ly_set_add ( struct ly_set* set, void* node, int options )  1 
[+] ly_set_log_clb ( void(*clb)(LY_LOG_LEVEL, char const*, char const*), int path )  1 
[+] ly_set_merge ( struct ly_set* trg, struct ly_set* src, int options )  1 

tree_data.h, libyang.so.1.9.19
[+] lyd_find_sibling_val ( struct lyd_node const* siblings, struct lys_node const* schema, char const* key_or_value, struct lyd_node** match )  1 
[+] lyd_new_path ( struct lyd_node* data_tree, struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* path, void* value, enum LYD_ANYDATA_VALUETYPE value_type, int options )  2 

tree_schema.h, libyang.so.1.9.19
[+] lys_find_path ( struct lys_module const* cur_module, struct lys_node const* cur_node, char const* path )  4 
[+] lys_print_clb ( ssize_t(*writeclb)(void*, void const*, size_t), void* arg, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_fd ( int fd, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_file ( FILE* f, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_mem ( char** strp, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_path ( char const* path, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_search_localfile ( char const*const* searchpaths, int cwd, char const* name, char const* revision, char** localfile, LYS_INFORMAT* format )  1 
[+] lys_set_implemented ( struct lys_module const* module )  1 

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity  37 

[+] enum LY_ERR  3 

[+] struct lyd_node  11 

[+] enum LYS_INFORMAT  1 
[+] enum LYS_OUTFORMAT  2 
[+] struct lys_module  20 

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Medium Severity  57 

dict.h, libyang.so.1.9.19
[+] lydict_insert ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* value, size_t len )  3 
[+] lydict_insert_zc ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char* value )  3 

libyang.h, libyang.so.1.9.19
[+] ly_ctx_get_module ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* name, char const* revision, int implemented )  1 
[+] ly_ctx_get_options ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )  1 
[+] ly_ctx_load_module ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* name, char const* revision )  1 
[+] ly_ctx_new ( char const* search_dir, int options )  3 
[+] ly_set_add ( struct ly_set* set, void* node, int options )  1 
[+] ly_set_clean ( struct ly_set* set )  2 
[+] ly_set_contains ( struct ly_set const* set, void* node )  2 
[+] ly_set_dup ( struct ly_set const* set )  4 
[+] ly_set_free ( struct ly_set* set )  1 
[+] ly_set_merge ( struct ly_set* trg, struct ly_set* src, int options )  1 
[+] ly_set_new ( )  3 
[+] ly_set_rm ( struct ly_set* set, void* node )  1 
[+] ly_set_rm_index ( struct ly_set* set, unsigned int index )  1 

tree_data.h, libyang.so.1.9.19
[+] lyd_find_sibling_val ( struct lyd_node const* siblings, struct lys_node const* schema, char const* key_or_value, struct lyd_node** match )  1 
[+] lyd_insert_sibling ( struct lyd_node** sibling, struct lyd_node* node )  2 
[+] lyd_new_path ( struct lyd_node* data_tree, struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* path, void* value, enum LYD_ANYDATA_VALUETYPE value_type, int options )  2 
[+] lyd_path ( struct lyd_node const* node )  3 

tree_schema.h, libyang.so.1.9.19
[+] lys_find_path ( struct lys_module const* cur_module, struct lys_node const* cur_node, char const* path )  2 
[+] lys_getnext ( struct lys_node const* last, struct lys_node const* parent, struct lys_module const* module, int options )  4 
[+] lys_parse_fd ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, int fd, enum LYS_INFORMAT format )  3 
[+] lys_parse_mem ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* data, enum LYS_INFORMAT format )  3 
[+] lys_parse_path ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* path, enum LYS_INFORMAT format )  3 
[+] lys_print_clb ( ssize_t(*writeclb)(void*, void const*, size_t), void* arg, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_fd ( int fd, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_file ( FILE* f, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_mem ( char** strp, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_path ( char const* path, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_set_implemented ( struct lys_module const* module )  1 

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity  90 

[+] enum LY_VECODE  77 
[+] struct ly_set  3 
[+] typedef ly_module_imp_clb  1 

[+] struct lyd_node  5 

[+] enum LYS_OUTFORMAT  2 
[+] struct lys_module  2 

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Low Severity  57 

dict.h, libyang.so.1.9.19
[+] lydict_insert ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* value, size_t len )  1 
[+] lydict_insert_zc ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char* value )  1 
[+] lydict_remove ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* value )  1 

libyang.h, libyang.so.1.9.19
[+] ly_ctx_destroy ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, void(*private_destructor)(struct lys_node const*, void*) )  1 
[+] ly_ctx_get_module ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* name, char const* revision, int implemented )  1 
[+] ly_ctx_get_module_iter ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, uint32_t* idx )  1 
[+] ly_ctx_get_options ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )  1 
[+] ly_ctx_internal_modules_count ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )  2 
[+] ly_ctx_set_searchdir ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* search_dir )  1 
[+] ly_get_log_clb ( )  1 
[+] ly_log_options ( int opts )  2 
[+] ly_set_add ( struct ly_set* set, void* node, int options )  2 
[+] ly_set_contains ( struct ly_set const* set, void* node )  1 
[+] ly_set_log_clb ( void(*clb)(LY_LOG_LEVEL, char const*, char const*), int path )  1 
[+] ly_set_merge ( struct ly_set* trg, struct ly_set* src, int options )  1 
[+] ly_set_rm ( struct ly_set* set, void* node )  2 
[+] ly_set_rm_index ( struct ly_set* set, unsigned int index )  2 

tree_data.h, libyang.so.1.9.19
[+] lyd_find_sibling_val ( struct lyd_node const* siblings, struct lys_node const* schema, char const* key_or_value, struct lyd_node** match )  1 
[+] lyd_first_sibling ( struct lyd_node* node )  1 
[+] lyd_insert_after ( struct lyd_node* sibling, struct lyd_node* node )  1 
[+] lyd_insert_before ( struct lyd_node* sibling, struct lyd_node* node )  1 
[+] lyd_insert_sibling ( struct lyd_node** sibling, struct lyd_node* node )  2 
[+] lyd_list_pos ( struct lyd_node const* node )  2 
[+] lyd_new_path ( struct lyd_node* data_tree, struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* path, void* value, enum LYD_ANYDATA_VALUETYPE value_type, int options )  5 
[+] lyd_print_clb ( ssize_t(*writeclb)(void*, void const*, size_t), void* arg, struct lyd_node const* root, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options )  4 
[+] lyd_print_fd ( int fd, struct lyd_node const* root, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options )  2 
[+] lyd_print_file ( FILE* f, struct lyd_node const* root, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options )  2 
[+] lyd_print_mem ( char** strp, struct lyd_node const* root, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options )  2 
[+] lyd_print_path ( char const* path, struct lyd_node const* root, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options )  2 

tree_schema.h, libyang.so.1.9.19
[+] lys_getnext ( struct lys_node const* last, struct lys_node const* parent, struct lys_module const* module, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_clb ( ssize_t(*writeclb)(void*, void const*, size_t), void* arg, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  3 
[+] lys_print_fd ( int fd, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_file ( FILE* f, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_mem ( char** strp, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_path ( char const* path, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_search_localfile ( char const*const* searchpaths, int cwd, char const* name, char const* revision, char** localfile, LYS_INFORMAT* format )  1 
[+] lys_set_implemented ( struct lys_module const* module )  1 

to the top

Other Changes in Data Types  7 

[+] enum LY_ERR  6 

[+] enum LYS_OUTFORMAT  1 

to the top

Header Files  7 


to the top

Source Files  11 


to the top

Objects  1 


to the top

Test Info

Module Namelibyang.so
Version #11.9.19
Version #22.0.0
SubjectSource Compatibility

Test Results

Total Header Files7
Total Source Files11
Total Objects1
Total Symbols / Types174 / 22
Compatibility 14.1%

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-154
Removed SymbolsHigh114
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with
Other Changes
in Data Types
Other Changes
in Symbols

Added Symbols  154 

ly_ctx_get_module_implemented ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* name )
ly_ctx_get_module_implemented_ns ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* ns )
ly_ctx_get_module_latest ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* name )
ly_ctx_get_module_latest_ns ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* ns )
ly_ctx_get_module_ns ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* ns, char const* revision )
ly_ctx_get_yanglib_data ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_node** root_p )
ly_ctx_get_yanglib_id ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )
ly_ctx_reset_latests ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_set_options ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, uint16_t option )
ly_ctx_unset_options ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, uint16_t option )
ly_ctx_unset_searchdir ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* value )
ly_ctx_unset_searchdir_last ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, uint32_t count )

ly_in_fd ( struct ly_in* in, int fd )
ly_in_file ( struct ly_in* in, FILE* f )
ly_in_filepath ( struct ly_in* in, char const* filepath, size_t len )
ly_in_free ( struct ly_in* in, ly_bool destroy )
ly_in_memory ( struct ly_in* in, char const* str )
ly_in_new_fd ( int fd, struct ly_in** in )
ly_in_new_file ( FILE* f, struct ly_in** in )
ly_in_new_filepath ( char const* filepath, size_t len, struct ly_in** in )
ly_in_new_memory ( char const* str, struct ly_in** in )
ly_in_parsed ( struct ly_in const* in )
ly_in_reset ( struct ly_in* in )
ly_in_type ( struct ly_in const* in )

ly_err_last ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )
ly_errcode ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )
ly_log_dbg_groups ( uint32_t dbg_groups )
ly_log_level ( enum LY_LOG_LEVEL level )

ly_out_clb ( struct ly_out* out, ly_write_clb writeclb )
ly_out_clb_arg ( struct ly_out* out, void* arg )
ly_out_fd ( struct ly_out* out, int fd )
ly_out_file ( struct ly_out* out, FILE* f )
ly_out_filepath ( struct ly_out* out, char const* filepath )
ly_out_free ( struct ly_out* out, void(*clb_arg_destructor)(void*), ly_bool destroy )
ly_out_new_clb ( ly_write_clb writeclb, void* user_data, struct ly_out** out )
ly_out_new_fd ( int fd, struct ly_out** out )
ly_out_new_file ( FILE* f, struct ly_out** out )
ly_out_new_filepath ( char const* filepath, struct ly_out** out )
ly_out_new_memory ( char** strp, size_t size, struct ly_out** out )
ly_out_printed ( struct ly_out const* out )
ly_out_reset ( struct ly_out* out )
ly_out_type ( struct ly_out const* out )
ly_print ( struct ly_out* out, char const* format, ... )
ly_print_flush ( struct ly_out* out )
ly_write ( struct ly_out* out, char const* buf, size_t len )

lyd_parse_data ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct ly_in* in, enum LYD_FORMAT format, uint32_t parse_options, uint32_t validate_options, struct lyd_node** tree )
lyd_parse_data_fd ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, int fd, enum LYD_FORMAT format, uint32_t parse_options, uint32_t validate_options, struct lyd_node** tree )
lyd_parse_data_mem ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* data, enum LYD_FORMAT format, uint32_t parse_options, uint32_t validate_options, struct lyd_node** tree )
lyd_parse_data_path ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* path, enum LYD_FORMAT format, uint32_t parse_options, uint32_t validate_options, struct lyd_node** tree )
lyd_parse_notif ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct ly_in* in, enum LYD_FORMAT format, struct lyd_node** tree, struct lyd_node** ntf )
lyd_parse_reply ( struct lyd_node const* request, struct ly_in* in, enum LYD_FORMAT format, struct lyd_node** tree, struct lyd_node** op )
lyd_parse_rpc ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct ly_in* in, enum LYD_FORMAT format, struct lyd_node** tree, struct lyd_node** op )
lyd_validate_all ( struct lyd_node** tree, struct ly_ctx const* ctx, uint32_t val_opts, struct lyd_node** diff )
lyd_validate_module ( struct lyd_node** tree, struct lys_module const* module, uint32_t val_opts, struct lyd_node** diff )
lyd_validate_op ( struct lyd_node* op_tree, struct lyd_node const* tree, enum LYD_VALIDATE_OP op, struct lyd_node** diff )

lys_parse ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, struct ly_in* in, enum LYS_INFORMAT format, char const** features, struct lys_module const** module )

ly_builtin_type_plugins [data]
ly_err_free ( void* ptr )
ly_err_new ( enum LY_LOG_LEVEL level, enum LY_ERR no, enum LY_VECODE vecode, char* msg, char* path, char* apptag )
ly_type_identity_isderived ( struct lysc_ident* base, struct lysc_ident* der )
ly_type_parse_dec64 ( uint8_t fraction_digits, char const* value, size_t value_len, int64_t* ret, struct ly_err_item** err )
ly_type_parse_int ( char const* datatype, int base, int64_t min, int64_t max, char const* value, size_t value_len, int64_t* ret, struct ly_err_item** err )
ly_type_parse_uint ( char const* datatype, int base, uint64_t max, char const* value, size_t value_len, uint64_t* ret, struct ly_err_item** err )
ly_type_print_get_prefix ( struct lys_module const* mod, enum LY_PREFIX_FORMAT format, void* prefix_data )
ly_type_store_resolve_prefix ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* prefix, size_t prefix_len, enum LY_PREFIX_FORMAT format, void* prefix_data )
ly_type_validate_patterns ( struct lysc_pattern** patterns, char const* str, size_t str_len, struct ly_err_item** err )
ly_type_validate_range ( enum LY_DATA_TYPE basetype, struct lysc_range* range, int64_t value, char const* strval, struct ly_err_item** err )
lysc_prefixes_compile ( char const* str, size_t str_len, struct lysp_module const* prefix_mod, struct lysc_prefix** prefixes )
lysc_prefixes_dup ( struct lysc_prefix const* orig, struct lysc_prefix** dup )
lysc_prefixes_free ( struct lysc_prefix* prefixes )

lyd_print_all ( struct ly_out* out, struct lyd_node const* root, enum LYD_FORMAT format, uint32_t options )
lyd_print_tree ( struct ly_out* out, struct lyd_node const* root, enum LYD_FORMAT format, uint32_t options )

lys_print_module ( struct ly_out* out, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, size_t UNUSED_line_length, uint32_t options )
lys_print_node ( struct ly_out* out, struct lysc_node const* node, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, size_t UNUSED_line_length, uint32_t options )
lys_print_submodule ( struct ly_out* out, struct lys_module const* module, struct lysp_submodule const* submodule, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, size_t UNUSED_line_length, uint32_t options )

ly_set_erase ( struct ly_set* set, void(*destructor)(void*) )

lyd_any_copy_value ( struct lyd_node* trg, union lyd_any_value const* value, enum LYD_ANYDATA_VALUETYPE value_type )
lyd_change_meta ( struct lyd_meta* meta, char const* val_str )
lyd_change_term ( struct lyd_node* term, char const* val_str )
lyd_child ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_child_no_keys ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_compare_meta ( struct lyd_meta const* meta1, struct lyd_meta const* meta2 )
lyd_compare_siblings ( struct lyd_node const* node1, struct lyd_node const* node2, uint32_t options )
lyd_compare_single ( struct lyd_node const* node1, struct lyd_node const* node2, uint32_t options )
lyd_diff_apply_all ( struct lyd_node** data, struct lyd_node const* diff )
lyd_diff_apply_module ( struct lyd_node** data, struct lyd_node const* diff, struct lys_module const* mod, lyd_diff_cb diff_cb, void* cb_data )
lyd_diff_merge_all ( struct lyd_node** diff, struct lyd_node const* src_diff )
lyd_diff_merge_module ( struct lyd_node** diff, struct lyd_node const* src_diff, struct lys_module const* mod, lyd_diff_cb diff_cb, void* cb_data )
lyd_diff_merge_tree ( struct lyd_node** diff_first, struct lyd_node* diff_parent, struct lyd_node const* src_sibling, lyd_diff_cb diff_cb, void* cb_data )
lyd_diff_reverse_all ( struct lyd_node const* src_diff, struct lyd_node** diff )
lyd_diff_siblings ( struct lyd_node const* first, struct lyd_node const* second, uint16_t options, struct lyd_node** diff )
lyd_diff_tree ( struct lyd_node const* first, struct lyd_node const* second, uint16_t options, struct lyd_node** diff )
lyd_dup_meta_single ( struct lyd_meta const* meta, struct lyd_node* node, struct lyd_meta** dup )
lyd_dup_siblings ( struct lyd_node const* node, struct lyd_node_inner* parent, uint32_t options, struct lyd_node** dup )
lyd_dup_single ( struct lyd_node const* node, struct lyd_node_inner* parent, uint32_t options, struct lyd_node** dup )
lyd_find_meta ( struct lyd_meta const* first, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name )
lyd_find_sibling_first ( struct lyd_node const* siblings, struct lyd_node const* target, struct lyd_node** match )
lyd_find_xpath ( struct lyd_node const* ctx_node, char const* xpath, struct ly_set** set )
lyd_free_all ( struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_free_attr_siblings ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_attr* attr )
lyd_free_attr_single ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_attr* attr )
lyd_free_meta_siblings ( struct lyd_meta* meta )
lyd_free_meta_single ( struct lyd_meta* meta )
lyd_free_siblings ( struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_free_tree ( struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_insert_child ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_is_default ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_merge_siblings ( struct lyd_node** target, struct lyd_node const* source, uint16_t options )
lyd_merge_tree ( struct lyd_node** target, struct lyd_node const* source, uint16_t options )
lyd_new_any ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, void const* value, enum LYD_ANYDATA_VALUETYPE value_type, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_new_attr ( struct lyd_node* parent, char const* module_name, char const* name, char const* val_str, struct lyd_attr** attr )
lyd_new_implicit_all ( struct lyd_node** tree, struct ly_ctx const* ctx, uint32_t implicit_options, struct lyd_node** diff )
lyd_new_implicit_module ( struct lyd_node** tree, struct lys_module const* module, uint32_t implicit_options, struct lyd_node** diff )
lyd_new_implicit_tree ( struct lyd_node* tree, uint32_t implicit_options, struct lyd_node** diff )
lyd_new_inner ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_new_list ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node, ... )
lyd_new_list2 ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* keys, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_new_meta ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str, struct lyd_meta** meta )
lyd_new_opaq ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* name, char const* value, char const* module_name, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_new_path2 ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* path, void const* value, enum LYD_ANYDATA_VALUETYPE value_type, uint32_t options, struct lyd_node** new_parent, struct lyd_node** new_node )
lyd_new_term ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_owner_module ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_parent ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_target ( struct ly_path const* path, struct lyd_node const* tree )
lyd_unlink_tree ( struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_value_compare ( struct lyd_node_term const* node, char const* value, size_t value_len )
lyd_value_validate ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_node_term const* node, char const* value, size_t value_len, struct lyd_node const* tree, struct lysc_type const** realtype )

lyext_parent2str ( enum LYEXT_PARENT type )
lys_feature_value ( struct lys_module const* module, char const* feature )
lys_find_child ( struct lysc_node const* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, size_t name_len, uint16_t nodetype, uint32_t options )
lys_find_expr_atoms ( struct lysc_node const* ctx_node, struct lys_module const* cur_mod, struct lyxp_expr const* expr, struct lysc_prefix const* prefixes, uint32_t options, struct ly_set** set )
lys_find_lypath_atoms ( struct ly_path const* path, struct ly_set** set )
lys_find_path_atoms ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lysc_node const* ctx_node, char const* path, ly_bool output, struct ly_set** set )
lys_find_xpath ( struct lysc_node const* ctx_node, char const* xpath, uint32_t options, struct ly_set** set )
lys_find_xpath_atoms ( struct lysc_node const* ctx_node, char const* xpath, uint32_t options, struct ly_set** set )
lys_nodetype2str ( uint16_t nodetype )
lys_value_validate ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lysc_node const* node, char const* value, size_t value_len )
lysc_iffeature_value ( struct lysc_iffeature const* iff )
lysc_module_dfs_full ( struct lys_module const* mod, lysc_dfs_clb dfs_clb, void* data )
lysc_node_actions ( struct lysc_node const* node )
lysc_node_children ( struct lysc_node const* node, uint16_t flags )
lysc_node_children_full ( struct lysc_node const* node, uint16_t flags )
lysc_node_notifs ( struct lysc_node const* node )
lysc_node_parent_full ( struct lysc_node const* node )
lysc_path ( struct lysc_node const* node, enum LYSC_PATH_TYPE pathtype, char* buffer, size_t buflen )
lysc_set_private ( struct lysc_node const* node, void* priv, void** prev_priv_p )
lysc_tree_dfs_full ( struct lysc_node const* root, lysc_dfs_clb dfs_clb, void* data )
lysp_feature_next ( struct lysp_feature const* last, struct lysp_module const* pmod, uint32_t* idx )
lysp_node_actions ( struct lysp_node const* node )
lysp_node_children ( struct lysp_node const* node )
lysp_node_groupings ( struct lysp_node const* node )
lysp_node_notifs ( struct lysp_node const* node )
lysp_node_typedefs ( struct lysp_node const* node )
lyxp_get_expr ( struct lyxp_expr const* path )

to the top

Removed Symbols  114 

lyext_vlog ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, enum LY_VECODE vecode, char const* plugin, char const* function, enum LYEXT_VLOG_ELEM elem_type, void const* elem, char const* format, ... )
lys_iffeature_free ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, struct lys_iffeature* iffeature, uint8_t iffeature_size, int shallow, void(*private_destructor)(struct lys_node const*, void*) )

ly_ctx_clean ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, void(*private_destructor)(struct lys_node const*, void*) )
ly_ctx_find_path ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* path )
ly_ctx_get_disabled_module_iter ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, uint32_t* idx )
ly_ctx_get_module_by_ns ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* ns, char const* revision, int implemented )
ly_ctx_get_module_data_clb ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, void** user_data )
ly_ctx_get_module_older ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lys_module const* module )
ly_ctx_get_node ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lys_node const* start, char const* nodeid, int output )
ly_ctx_get_submodule ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* module, char const* revision, char const* submodule, char const* sub_revision )
ly_ctx_get_submodule2 ( struct lys_module const* main_module, char const* submodule )
ly_ctx_info ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_new_ylmem ( char const* search_dir, char const* data, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options )
ly_ctx_new_ylpath ( char const* search_dir, char const* path, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options )
ly_ctx_remove_module ( struct lys_module const* module, void(*private_destructor)(struct lys_node const*, void*) )
ly_ctx_set_allimplemented ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_set_disable_searchdir_cwd ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_set_disable_searchdirs ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_set_module_data_clb ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, ly_module_data_clb clb, void* user_data )
ly_ctx_set_prefer_searchdirs ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_set_trusted ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_unset_allimplemented ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_unset_disable_searchdir_cwd ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_unset_disable_searchdirs ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_unset_prefer_searchdirs ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_ctx_unset_searchdirs ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, int index )
ly_ctx_unset_trusted ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )
ly_errno_glob_address ( )
ly_path_data2schema ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* data_path )
ly_path_xml2json ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* xml_path, struct lyxml_elem* xml )
ly_verb ( enum LY_LOG_LEVEL level )
ly_verb_dbg ( int dbg_groups )

lyd_change_leaf ( struct lyd_node_leaf_list* leaf, char const* val_str )
lyd_dec64_to_double ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_diff ( struct lyd_node* first, struct lyd_node* second, int options )
lyd_dup ( struct lyd_node const* node, int options )
lyd_dup_to_ctx ( struct lyd_node const* node, int options, struct ly_ctx* ctx )
lyd_dup_withsiblings ( struct lyd_node const* node, int options )
lyd_find_instance ( struct lyd_node const* data, struct lys_node const* schema )
lyd_find_path ( struct lyd_node const* ctx_node, char const* path )
lyd_find_sibling ( struct lyd_node const* siblings, struct lyd_node const* target, struct lyd_node** match )
lyd_find_sibling_set ( struct lyd_node const* siblings, struct lyd_node const* target, struct ly_set** set )
lyd_free ( struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_free_attr ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, struct lyd_node* parent, struct lyd_attr* attr, int recursive )
lyd_free_diff ( struct lyd_difflist* diff )
lyd_free_val_diff ( struct lyd_difflist* diff )
lyd_free_withsiblings ( struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_insert ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_insert_attr ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* mod, char const* name, char const* value )
lyd_leaf_type ( struct lyd_node_leaf_list const* leaf )
lyd_merge ( struct lyd_node* target, struct lyd_node const* source, int options )
lyd_merge_to_ctx ( struct lyd_node** trg, struct lyd_node const* src, int options, struct ly_ctx* ctx )
lyd_new ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name )
lyd_new_anydata ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, void* value, enum LYD_ANYDATA_VALUETYPE value_type )
lyd_new_leaf ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str )
lyd_new_output ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name )
lyd_new_output_anydata ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, void* value, enum LYD_ANYDATA_VALUETYPE value_type )
lyd_new_output_leaf ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str )
lyd_new_yangdata ( struct lys_module const* module, char const* name_template, char const* name )
lyd_node_module ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_node_should_print ( struct lyd_node const* node, int options )
lyd_parse_fd ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, int fd, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options, ... )
lyd_parse_mem ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* data, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options, ... )
lyd_parse_path ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* path, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options, ... )
lyd_parse_xml ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, struct lyxml_elem** root, int options, ... )
lyd_schema_sort ( struct lyd_node* sibling, int recursive )
lyd_unlink ( struct lyd_node* node )
lyd_validate ( struct lyd_node** node, int options, void* var_arg, ... )
lyd_validate_modules ( struct lyd_node** node, struct lys_module const** modules, int mod_count, int options, ... )
lyd_validate_value ( struct lys_node* node, char const* value )
lyd_value_type ( struct lys_node* node, char const* value, struct lys_type** type )
lyd_wd_default ( struct lyd_node_leaf_list* node )

ly_clean_plugins ( )
ly_get_loaded_plugins ( )
ly_load_plugins ( )
ly_register_exts ( struct lyext_plugin_list* plugin, char const* log_name )
ly_register_types ( struct lytype_plugin_list* plugin, char const* log_name )
lys_data_path ( struct lys_node const* node )
lys_data_path_pattern ( struct lys_node const* node, char const* placeholder )
lys_ext_complex_get_substmt ( enum LY_STMT stmt, struct lys_ext_instance_complex* ext, struct lyext_substmt** info )
lys_ext_instance_presence ( struct lys_ext* def, struct lys_ext_instance** ext, uint8_t ext_size )
lys_ext_instance_substmt ( struct lys_ext_instance const* ext )
lys_features_disable ( struct lys_module const* module, char const* feature )
lys_features_disable_force ( struct lys_module const* module, char const* feature )
lys_features_enable ( struct lys_module const* module, char const* feature )
lys_features_enable_force ( struct lys_module const* module, char const* feature )
lys_features_list ( struct lys_module const* module, uint8_t** states )
lys_features_state ( struct lys_module const* module, char const* feature )
lys_getnext_union_type ( struct lys_type const* last, struct lys_type const* type )
lys_iffeature_value ( struct lys_iffeature const* iff )
lys_implemented_module ( struct lys_module const* mod )
lys_is_disabled ( struct lys_node const* node, int recursive )
lys_is_key ( struct lys_node_leaf const* node, uint8_t* index )
lys_main_module ( struct lys_module const* module )
lys_node_module ( struct lys_node const* node )
lys_node_xpath_atomize ( struct lys_node const* node, int options )
lys_parent ( struct lys_node const* node )
lys_path ( struct lys_node const* node, int options )
lys_set_disabled ( struct lys_module const* module )
lys_set_enabled ( struct lys_module const* module )
lys_set_private ( struct lys_node const* node, void* priv )
lys_xpath_atomize ( struct lys_node const* ctx_node, enum lyxp_node_type ctx_node_type, char const* expr, int options )

lyxml_dup ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, struct lyxml_elem* root )
lyxml_free ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, struct lyxml_elem* elem )
lyxml_free_withsiblings ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, struct lyxml_elem* elem )
lyxml_get_attr ( struct lyxml_elem const* elem, char const* name, char const* ns )
lyxml_get_ns ( struct lyxml_elem const* elem, char const* prefix )
lyxml_parse_mem ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* data, int options )
lyxml_parse_path ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* filename, int options )
lyxml_print_clb ( ssize_t(*writeclb)(void*, void const*, size_t), void* arg, struct lyxml_elem const* elem, int options )
lyxml_print_fd ( int fd, struct lyxml_elem const* elem, int options )
lyxml_print_file ( FILE* stream, struct lyxml_elem const* elem, int options )
lyxml_print_mem ( char** strp, struct lyxml_elem const* elem, int options )
lyxml_unlink ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, struct lyxml_elem* elem )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity  112 

[+] enum LY_VECODE  77 
[+] struct ly_set  2 

[+] struct lyd_node  6 

[+] enum LYS_OUTFORMAT  2 
[+] struct lys_module  25 

to the top

Problems with Symbols, High Severity  13 

[+] ly_set_add ( struct ly_set* set, void* node, int options )  1 
[+] ly_set_merge ( struct ly_set* trg, struct ly_set* src, int options )  1 

[+] lyd_find_sibling_val ( struct lyd_node const* siblings, struct lys_node const* schema, char const* key_or_value, struct lyd_node** match )  1 

[+] lys_find_path ( struct lys_module const* cur_module, struct lys_node const* cur_node, char const* path )  4 
[+] lys_print_clb ( ssize_t(*writeclb)(void*, void const*, size_t), void* arg, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_fd ( int fd, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_file ( FILE* f, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_mem ( char** strp, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_path ( char const* path, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_set_implemented ( struct lys_module const* module )  1 

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity  2 

[+] struct lyd_node  2 

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Medium Severity  47 

[+] lydict_insert ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* value, size_t len )  2 
[+] lydict_insert_zc ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char* value )  2 

[+] ly_ctx_get_module ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* name, char const* revision, int implemented )  1 
[+] ly_ctx_load_module ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* name, char const* revision )  1 
[+] ly_ctx_new ( char const* search_dir, int options )  2 
[+] ly_set_add ( struct ly_set* set, void* node, int options )  1 
[+] ly_set_clean ( struct ly_set* set )  2 
[+] ly_set_contains ( struct ly_set const* set, void* node )  1 
[+] ly_set_dup ( struct ly_set const* set )  3 
[+] ly_set_free ( struct ly_set* set )  1 
[+] ly_set_merge ( struct ly_set* trg, struct ly_set* src, int options )  1 
[+] ly_set_new ( )  2 
[+] ly_set_rm ( struct ly_set* set, void* node )  1 
[+] ly_set_rm_index ( struct ly_set* set, unsigned int index )  1 

[+] lyd_find_sibling_val ( struct lyd_node const* siblings, struct lys_node const* schema, char const* key_or_value, struct lyd_node** match )  1 
[+] lyd_insert_sibling ( struct lyd_node** sibling, struct lyd_node* node )  2 
[+] lyd_new_path ( struct lyd_node* data_tree, struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* path, void* value, enum LYD_ANYDATA_VALUETYPE value_type, int options )  2 
[+] lyd_path ( struct lyd_node const* node )  3 

[+] lys_find_path ( struct lys_module const* cur_module, struct lys_node const* cur_node, char const* path )  2 
[+] lys_getnext ( struct lys_node const* last, struct lys_node const* parent, struct lys_module const* module, int options )  4 
[+] lys_parse_fd ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, int fd, enum LYS_INFORMAT format )  2 
[+] lys_parse_mem ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* data, enum LYS_INFORMAT format )  2 
[+] lys_parse_path ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* path, enum LYS_INFORMAT format )  2 
[+] lys_print_clb ( ssize_t(*writeclb)(void*, void const*, size_t), void* arg, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_fd ( int fd, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_file ( FILE* f, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_mem ( char** strp, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_path ( char const* path, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_set_implemented ( struct lys_module const* module )  1 

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity  9 

[+] typedef ly_module_imp_clb  1 

[+] struct lyd_node  2 

[+] struct lys_module  6 

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Low Severity  52 

[+] lydict_insert ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* value, size_t len )  1 
[+] lydict_insert_zc ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char* value )  1 

[+] ly_ctx_destroy ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, void(*private_destructor)(struct lys_node const*, void*) )  1 
[+] ly_ctx_get_module ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* name, char const* revision, int implemented )  1 
[+] ly_ctx_get_options ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )  1 
[+] ly_ctx_internal_modules_count ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )  1 
[+] ly_ctx_new ( char const* search_dir, int options )  2 
[+] ly_ctx_set_searchdir ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* search_dir )  1 
[+] ly_get_log_clb ( )  1 
[+] ly_log_options ( int opts )  2 
[+] ly_set_add ( struct ly_set* set, void* node, int options )  1 
[+] ly_set_contains ( struct ly_set const* set, void* node )  1 
[+] ly_set_dup ( struct ly_set const* set )  1 
[+] ly_set_log_clb ( void(*clb)(LY_LOG_LEVEL, char const*, char const*), int path )  1 
[+] ly_set_merge ( struct ly_set* trg, struct ly_set* src, int options )  1 
[+] ly_set_new ( )  1 
[+] ly_set_rm ( struct ly_set* set, void* node )  1 
[+] ly_set_rm_index ( struct ly_set* set, unsigned int index )  1 

[+] lyd_find_sibling_val ( struct lyd_node const* siblings, struct lys_node const* schema, char const* key_or_value, struct lyd_node** match )  1 
[+] lyd_insert_after ( struct lyd_node* sibling, struct lyd_node* node )  1 
[+] lyd_insert_before ( struct lyd_node* sibling, struct lyd_node* node )  1 
[+] lyd_insert_sibling ( struct lyd_node** sibling, struct lyd_node* node )  2 
[+] lyd_list_pos ( struct lyd_node const* node )  1 
[+] lyd_new_path ( struct lyd_node* data_tree, struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* path, void* value, enum LYD_ANYDATA_VALUETYPE value_type, int options )  4 
[+] lyd_print_clb ( ssize_t(*writeclb)(void*, void const*, size_t), void* arg, struct lyd_node const* root, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options )  2 
[+] lyd_print_fd ( int fd, struct lyd_node const* root, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options )  2 
[+] lyd_print_file ( FILE* f, struct lyd_node const* root, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options )  2 
[+] lyd_print_mem ( char** strp, struct lyd_node const* root, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options )  2 
[+] lyd_print_path ( char const* path, struct lyd_node const* root, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options )  2 

[+] lys_getnext ( struct lys_node const* last, struct lys_node const* parent, struct lys_module const* module, int options )  1 
[+] lys_parse_fd ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, int fd, enum LYS_INFORMAT format )  1 
[+] lys_parse_mem ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* data, enum LYS_INFORMAT format )  1 
[+] lys_parse_path ( struct ly_ctx* ctx, char const* path, enum LYS_INFORMAT format )  1 
[+] lys_print_clb ( ssize_t(*writeclb)(void*, void const*, size_t), void* arg, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_fd ( int fd, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_file ( FILE* f, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_mem ( char** strp, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_print_path ( char const* path, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 
[+] lys_search_localfile ( char const*const* searchpaths, int cwd, char const* name, char const* revision, char** localfile, LYS_INFORMAT* format )  2 
[+] lys_set_implemented ( struct lys_module const* module )  1 

to the top

Other Changes in Data Types  24 

[+] enum LY_ERR  9 

[+] struct lyd_node  5 

[+] enum LYS_INFORMAT  1 
[+] enum LYS_OUTFORMAT  3 
[+] struct lys_module  6 

to the top

Other Changes in Symbols  10 

[+] ly_ctx_get_module_iter ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, uint32_t* idx )  1 
[+] ly_set_add ( struct ly_set* set, void* node, int options )  1 
[+] ly_set_contains ( struct ly_set const* set, void* node )  1 
[+] ly_set_rm ( struct ly_set* set, void* node )  1 

[+] lyd_list_pos ( struct lyd_node const* node )  1 
[+] lyd_new_path ( struct lyd_node* data_tree, struct ly_ctx const* ctx, char const* path, void* value, enum LYD_ANYDATA_VALUETYPE value_type, int options )  3 
[+] lyd_print_clb ( ssize_t(*writeclb)(void*, void const*, size_t), void* arg, struct lyd_node const* root, enum LYD_FORMAT format, int options )  1 

[+] lys_print_clb ( ssize_t(*writeclb)(void*, void const*, size_t), void* arg, struct lys_module const* module, enum LYS_OUTFORMAT format, char const* target_node, int line_length, int options )  1 

to the top

Header Files  7 


to the top

Source Files  11 


to the top

Objects  1 


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