source [expr {[info exists ::env(TESTS_DIR)] ? "$env(TESTS_DIR)/interactive/ly.tcl" : "ly.tcl"}] test load_basic {} { -setup $ly_setup -cleanup $ly_cleanup -body { ly_cmd "load modleafref" ly_cmd "list" "I modleafref\r.*I modleaf" }} test load_with_feature {Load module with feature} { -setup $ly_setup -cleanup $ly_cleanup -body { ly_cmd "load --feature modfeature:ftr2 modfeature" ly_cmd "feature -a" "modfeature:\r\n\tftr1 \\(off\\)\r\n\tftr2 \\(on\\)" }} test load_make_implemented_once {load --make-implemented} { -setup $ly_setup -cleanup $ly_cleanup -body { ly_ignore "load modmust" ly_cmd "list" "I modmust\r.*i modleaf" ly_cmd "clear" ly_cmd "searchpath $::env(YANG_MODULES_DIR)" ly_cmd "load -i modmust" ly_cmd "list" "I modmust\r.*I modleaf" }} test load_make_implemented_twice {load -i -i} { -setup $ly_setup -cleanup $ly_cleanup -body { ly_cmd "load modimp-type" ly_cmd "list" "I modimp-type\r.*i modtypedef" ly_cmd "clear" ly_cmd "searchpath $::env(YANG_MODULES_DIR)" ly_cmd "load -i -i modimp-type" ly_cmd "list" "I modimp-type\r.*I modtypedef" }} test load_extended_leafref_enabled {Valid module with --extended-leafref option} { -setup $ly_setup -cleanup $ly_cleanup -body { ly_cmd "load -X modextleafref" }} test load_extended_leafref_disabled {Expected error if --extended-leafref is not set} { -setup $ly_setup -cleanup $ly_cleanup -body { ly_cmd_err "load modextleafref" "Unexpected XPath token \"FunctionName\"" }} cleanupTests