path: root/commands/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-14 13:42:30 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-14 13:42:30 +0000
commit75808db17caf8b960b351e3408e74142f4c85aac (patch)
tree7989e9c09a4240248bf4658a22208a0a52d991c4 /commands/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 2.117.0.upstream/2.117.0upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'commands/')
1 files changed, 1262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/commands/ b/commands/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2505538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,1262 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Lintian HTML reporting tool -- Create Lintian web reports
+# Copyright (C) 1998 Christian Schwarz and Richard Braakman
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Russ Allbery
+# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Chris Lamb <>
+# This program is free software. It is distributed under the terms of
+# the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, you can find it on the World Wide
+# Web at, or write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1301, USA.
+package reporting_html_reports;
+use v5.20;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use autodie;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+use File::Copy qw(copy);
+use Fcntl qw(SEEK_SET);
+use List::Util qw(first);
+use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
+use Path::Tiny;
+use Text::Template ();
+use URI::Escape;
+use YAML::XS ();
+use Lintian::Data;
+use Lintian::Deb822::Parser qw(read_dpkg_control_lc);
+use Lintian::IO::Async qw(safe_qx);
+use Lintian::Profile;
+use Lintian::Relation::Version qw(versions_comparator);
+use Lintian::Reporting::ResourceManager;
+use Lintian::Reporting::Util qw(load_state_cache find_backlog);
+use Lintian::Util qw(copy_dir run_cmd locate_executable);
+my $CONFIG;
+my %OPT;
+my %OPT_HASH = ('reporting-config=s'=> \$OPT{'reporting-config'},);
+# ------------------------------
+# Global variables and configuration
+# Some globals initialised in init_global()
+my (
+# FIXME: Should become obsolete if gnuplot is replaced by R like piuparts.d.o /
+# reproducible.d.n is using
+# ------------------------------
+# Initialize templates
+# This only has to be done once, so do it at the start and then reuse the same
+# templates throughout.
+our %templates;
+# %statistics accumulates global statistics. For tags: errors, warnings,
+# experimental, overridden, and info are the keys holding the count of tags of
+# that sort. For packages: binary, udeb, and source are the number of
+# packages of each type with Lintian errors or warnings. For maintainers:
+# maintainers is the number of maintainers with Lintian errors or warnings.
+# %tag_statistics holds a hash of tag-specific statistics. Each tag name is a
+# key, and its value is a hash with the following keys: count and overrides
+# (number of times the tag has been detected and overridden, respectively), and
+# packages (number of packages with at least one such tag).
+my (%statistics, %tag_statistics);
+# %by_maint holds a hash of maintainer names to packages and tags. Each
+# maintainer is a key. The value is a hash of package names to hashes. Each
+# package hash is in turn a hash of versions to an anonymous array of hashes,
+# with each hash having keys code, package, type, tag, severity,
+# extra, and xref. xref gets the partial URL of the maintainer page for that
+# source package.
+# In other words, the lintian output line:
+# W: gnubg source: substvar-source-version-is-deprecated gnubg-data
+# for gnubg 0.15~20061120-1 maintained by Russ Allbery <> is
+# turned into the following structure:
+# { 'gnubg' => {
+# '0.15~20061120-1' => [
+# { code => 'W', # Either 'O' or same as $tag_info->code
+# pkg_info => {
+# package => 'gnubg',
+# version => '0.15~20061120-1',
+# component => 'main',
+# type => 'source',
+# anchor => 'gnubg_0.15~20061120-1',
+# xref => ''
+# },
+# tag_info => $tag_info, # an instance of Lintian::Tag::Info
+# archs => {
+# # Architectures we have seen this tag for
+# 'amd64' => 1,
+# 'i386' => 1,
+# },
+# extra => 'gnubg-data'
+# } ] } }
+# and then stored under the key 'Russ Allbery <>'
+# %by_uploader holds the same thing except for packages for which the person
+# is only an uploader.
+# %by_tag is a hash of tag names to an anonymous array of tag information
+# hashes just like the inside-most data structure above.
+my (%by_maint, %by_uploader, %by_tag, %maintainer_table, %delta);
+my @attrs = qw(maintainers source-packages binary-packages udeb-packages
+ errors warnings info experimental pedantic overridden groups-known
+ groups-backlog classifications groups-with-errors);
+sub load_profile {
+ my ($profile_name, $options) = @_;
+ my %opt = (
+ 'restricted-search-dirs' => \@RESTRICTED_CONFIG_DIRS,
+ %{$options // {}},
+ );
+ require Lintian::Profile;
+ my $profile = Lintian::Profile->new;
+ $profile->load($profile_name, \@CONFIG_DIRS, \%opt);
+ return $profile;
+sub required_cfg_value {
+ my (@keys) = @_;
+ my $v = $CONFIG;
+ for my $key (@keys) {
+ if (not exists($v->{$key})) {
+ my $k = join('.', @keys);
+ die("Missing required config parameter: ${k}\n");
+ }
+ $v = $v->{$key};
+ }
+ return $v;
+sub required_cfg_non_empty_list_value {
+ my (@keys) = @_;
+ my $v = required_cfg_value(@keys);
+ if (not defined($v) or ref($v) ne 'ARRAY' or scalar(@{$v}) < 1) {
+ my $k = join('.', @keys);
+ die("Invalid configuration: ${k} must be a non-empty list\n");
+ }
+ return $v;
+# ------------------------------
+# Main routine
+sub main {
+ my $profile = init_globals();
+ setup_output_dir(
+ 'output_dir' => $HTML_TMP_DIR,
+ 'lintian_manual' => "${LINTIAN_BASE}/doc/lintian.html",
+ 'lintian_api_docs' => "${LINTIAN_BASE}/doc/api.html",
+ 'lintian_log_file' => $ARGV[0],
+ 'resource_dirs' =>
+ [map { "${LINTIAN_BASE}/reporting/$_"} qw(images resources)],
+ );
+ load_templates("$LINTIAN_BASE/reporting/templates");
+ # Create lintian.css from a template, install the output file as a resource
+ # and discard the original output file. We do this after installing all
+ # resources, so the .css file can refer to resources.
+ output_template(
+ 'lintian.css',
+ $templates{'lintian.css'},
+ { 'path_prefix' => '../' });
+ $RESOURCE_MANAGER->install_resource("$HTML_TMP_DIR/lintian.css");
+ my $state_cache = load_state_cache($HARNESS_STATE_DIR);
+ print "Parsing lintian log...\n";
+ parse_lintian_log($profile, $state_cache);
+ process_data($profile, $state_cache);
+ exit(0);
+# ------------------------------
+# Utility functions
+sub init_globals {
+ Getopt::Long::config('bundling', 'no_getopt_compat', 'no_auto_abbrev');
+ Getopt::Long::GetOptions(%OPT_HASH) or die("error parsing options\n");
+ if (not $OPT{'reporting-config'} or not -f $OPT{'reporting-config'}) {
+ die("The --reporting-config parameter must point to an existing file\n"
+ );
+ }
+ $CONFIG = YAML::XS::LoadFile($OPT{'reporting-config'});
+ $HARNESS_STATE_DIR = required_cfg_value('storage', 'state-cache');
+ $HTML_TMP_DIR = required_cfg_value('storage', 'reports-work-dir');
+ my $history_key = 'storage.historical-data-dir';
+ if (exists($CONFIG->{'storage'}{'historical-data-dir'})) {
+ $HISTORY = 1;
+ $HISTORY_DIR = required_cfg_value('storage', 'historical-data-dir');
+ print "Enabling history tracking as ${history_key} is set\n";
+ if (length locate_executable('gnuplot')) {
+ $GRAPHS = 1;
+ print "Enabling graphs (gnuplot is in PATH)\n";
+ } else {
+ $GRAPHS = 0;
+ print "No graphs as \"gnuplot\" is not in PATH\n";
+ }
+ if ($GRAPHS) {
+ if (locate_executable('scour')) {
+ print "Minimizing generated SVG files (scour is in PATH)\n";
+ } else {
+ print 'No minimization of generated SVG files'
+ . " as \"scour\" is not in PATH\n";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $HISTORY = 0;
+ $GRAPHS = 0;
+ print "History tracking is disabled (${history_key} is unset)\n";
+ print "Without history tracking, there will be no graphs\n";
+ }
+ if (exists($CONFIG->{'template-variables'})) {
+ $TEMPLATE_CONFIG_VARS = $CONFIG->{'template-variables'};
+ } else {
+ }
+ # Provide a default URL for the source code. It might not be correct for
+ # the given installation, but it is better than nothing.
+ //= '';
+ my $profile = load_profile();
+ Lintian::Data->set_vendor($profile);
+ $timestamp = safe_qx(qw(date -u --rfc-822));
+ chomp($LINTIAN_VERSION, $timestamp);
+ = Lintian::Reporting::ResourceManager->new('html_dir' => $HTML_TMP_DIR,);
+ return $profile;
+sub load_templates {
+ my ($template_dir) = @_;
+ for my $template (
+ qw/head foot clean index maintainer maintainers packages tag
+ tags tags-severity tag-not-seen tags-all/
+ ) {
+ open(my $fd, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', "${template_dir}/$template.tmpl");
+ my %options = (TYPE => 'FILEHANDLE', SOURCE => $fd);
+ $templates{$template} = Text::Template->new(%options)
+ or die "cannot load template $template: $Text::Template::ERROR\n";
+ close($fd);
+ }
+ open(my $fd, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', "${template_dir}/lintian.css.tmpl");
+ $templates{'lintian.css'} = Text::Template->new(
+ SOURCE => $fd,
+ DELIMITERS => ['{{{', '}}}'],
+ )
+ or die("cannot load template for lintian.css: $Text::Template::ERROR\n");
+ close($fd);
+ return;
+sub process_data {
+ my ($profile, $state_cache) = @_;
+ my @maintainers = sort(uniq(keys(%by_maint), keys(%by_uploader)));
+ my $statistics_file = "$HARNESS_STATE_DIR/statistics";
+ my ($old_statistics, $archives, @archive_info);
+ {
+ # Scoped to allow memory to be re-purposed. The %qa and %sources
+ # structures are only used for a very few isolated items.
+ my (%qa, %sources);
+ print "Collecting statistics...\n";
+ $old_statistics
+ = collect_statistics($profile, $state_cache, $statistics_file,
+ \@maintainers,\%sources, \%qa);
+ generate_lookup_tables(\%sources);
+ write_qa_list(\%qa);
+ generate_package_index_packages(\%sources);
+ if ($HISTORY) {
+ update_history_and_make_graphs(\@attrs, \%statistics,
+ \%tag_statistics);
+ }
+ }
+ # Build a hash of all maintainers, not just those with Lintian tags. We
+ # use this later to generate stub pages for maintainers whose packages are
+ # all Lintian-clean.
+ my %clean;
+ for my $group_id (sort(keys(%{$state_cache->{'groups'}}))) {
+ my $maintainer
+ = $state_cache->{'groups'}{$group_id}{'mirror-metadata'}
+ {'maintainer'};
+ my $id;
+ next if not $maintainer;
+ $id = maintainer_url($maintainer);
+ $clean{$id} = $maintainer;
+ }
+ # Now, walk through the tags by source package (sorted by maintainer).
+ # Output a summary page of errors and warnings for each maintainer, output
+ # a full page that includes info, experimental, and overridden tags, and
+ # assemble the maintainer index and the QA package list as we go.
+ for my $maintainer (@maintainers) {
+ my $id = maintainer_url($maintainer);
+ delete $clean{$id};
+ # Determine if the maintainer's page is clean. Check all packages for
+ # which they're either maintainer or uploader and set $error_clean if
+ # they have no errors or warnings.
+ #
+ # Also take this opportunity to sort the tags so that all similar tags
+ # will be grouped, which produces better HTML output.
+ my $error_clean = 1;
+ for my $source (
+ keys %{ $by_maint{$maintainer} },
+ keys %{ $by_uploader{$maintainer} }
+ ) {
+ my $versions = $by_maint{$maintainer}{$source}
+ || $by_uploader{$maintainer}{$source};
+ for my $version (keys %$versions) {
+ $versions->{$version}
+ = [sort by_tag @{ $versions->{$version} }];
+ next if not $error_clean;
+ my $tags = $versions->{$version};
+ for my $tag (@$tags) {
+ if ($tag->{code} eq 'E' or $tag->{code} eq 'W') {
+ $error_clean = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Determine the parts of the maintainer and the file name for the
+ # maintainer page.
+ my ($name, $email) = extract_name_and_email($maintainer);
+ my $regular = "maintainer/$id";
+ my $full = "full/$id";
+ # Create the regular maintainer page (only errors and warnings) and the
+ # full maintainer page (all tags, including overrides and info tags).
+ print "Generating page for $id\n";
+ my $q_name = html_quote($name);
+ my %data = (
+ email => html_quote(uri_escape($email)),
+ errors => 1,
+ id => $id,
+ maintainer => html_quote($maintainer),
+ name => $q_name,
+ packages => $by_maint{$maintainer},
+ uploads => $by_uploader{$maintainer},
+ );
+ my $template;
+ if ($error_clean) {
+ $template = $templates{clean};
+ } else {
+ $template = $templates{maintainer};
+ }
+ output_template($regular, $template, \%data);
+ $template = $templates{maintainer};
+ $data{errors} = 0;
+ output_template($full, $template, \%data);
+ my %index_data = (url => $id, name => $q_name);
+ # Add this maintainer to the hash of maintainer to URL mappings.
+ $maintainer_table{$maintainer} = \%index_data;
+ }
+ undef(@maintainers);
+ # Write out the maintainer index.
+ my %data = (maintainers => \%maintainer_table,);
+ output_template('maintainers.html', $templates{maintainers}, \%data);
+ # Now, generate stub pages for every maintainer who has only clean
+ # packages.
+ for my $id (keys %clean) {
+ my $maintainer = $clean{$id};
+ my ($name, $email) = extract_name_and_email($maintainer);
+ my %maint_data = (
+ id => $id,
+ email => html_quote(uri_escape($email)),
+ maintainer => html_quote($maintainer),
+ name => html_quote($name),
+ clean => 1,
+ );
+ print "Generating clean page for $id\n";
+ output_template("maintainer/$id", $templates{clean}, \%maint_data);
+ output_template("full/$id", $templates{clean}, \%maint_data);
+ }
+ # Create the pages for each tag. Each page shows the extended description
+ # for the tag and all the packages for which that tag was issued.
+ for my $tag (sort $profile->known_tags) {
+ my $info = $profile->get_taginfo($tag);
+ my $description = $info->description('html', ' ');
+ my ($count, $overrides) = (0, 0);
+ my $tmpl = 'tag-not-seen';
+ my $shown_count = 0;
+ my $tag_list = $by_tag{$tag};
+ my $tag_limit_total = 1024;
+ my $tag_limit_per_package = 3;
+ if (exists $by_tag{$tag}) {
+ $tmpl = 'tag';
+ $count = $tag_statistics{$tag}{'count'};
+ $overrides = $tag_statistics{$tag}{'overrides'};
+ $shown_count = $count + $overrides;
+ }
+ if ($shown_count > $tag_limit_total) {
+ my (@replacement_list, %seen);
+ for my $orig_info (
+ sort { $a->{pkg_info}{package} cmp $b->{pkg_info}{package} }
+ @{$tag_list}) {
+ my $pkg_info = $orig_info->{pkg_info};
+ my $key
+ = "$pkg_info->{package} $pkg_info->{type} $pkg_info->{version}";
+ next if ++$seen{$key} > $tag_limit_per_package;
+ push(@replacement_list, $orig_info);
+ last if @replacement_list >= $tag_limit_total;
+ }
+ $tag_list = \@replacement_list;
+ $shown_count = scalar(@replacement_list);
+ }
+ my %maint_data = (
+ description => $description,
+ tag => $tag,
+ code => $info->code,
+ tags => $tag_list,
+ shown_count => $shown_count,
+ tag_limit_per_package => $tag_limit_per_package,
+ graphs => $GRAPHS,
+ graphs_days => $GRAPHS_RANGE_DAYS,
+ statistics => {
+ count => $count,
+ overrides => $overrides,
+ total => $count + $overrides,
+ },
+ );
+ output_template("tags/$tag.html", $templates{$tmpl}, \%maint_data);
+ }
+ # Create the general tag indices.
+ %data = (
+ tags => \%by_tag,
+ stats => \%tag_statistics,
+ profile => \$profile,
+ );
+ output_template('tags.html', $templates{tags}, \%data);
+ output_template('tags-severity.html', $templates{'tags-severity'}, \%data);
+ output_template('tags-all.html', $templates{'tags-all'}, \%data);
+ # Update the statistics file.
+ open(my $stats_fd, '>', $statistics_file);
+ print {$stats_fd} "last-updated: $timestamp\n";
+ for my $attr (@attrs) {
+ print {$stats_fd} "$attr: $statistics{$attr}\n";
+ }
+ print {$stats_fd} "lintian-version: $LINTIAN_VERSION\n";
+ close($stats_fd);
+ $archives = required_cfg_value('archives');
+ for my $archive (sort(keys(%{$archives}))) {
+ my $architectures
+ = required_cfg_non_empty_list_value('archives', $archive,
+ 'architectures');
+ my $components
+ = required_cfg_non_empty_list_value('archives', $archive,
+ 'components');
+ my $distributions
+ = required_cfg_non_empty_list_value('archives', $archive,
+ 'distributions');
+ my $path = required_cfg_value('archives', $archive, 'base-dir');
+ my $trace_basename
+ = required_cfg_value('archives', $archive, 'tracefile');
+ # The path to the mirror timestamp.
+ my $trace_file= "${path}/project/trace/${trace_basename}";
+ my $mirror_timestamp = path($trace_file)->slurp;
+ $mirror_timestamp =~ s/\n.*//s;
+ $mirror_timestamp
+ = safe_qx('date', '-u', '--rfc-822', '-d', $mirror_timestamp);
+ my %info = (
+ 'name' => $archive,
+ 'architectures' => $architectures,
+ 'components' => $components,
+ 'distributions' => $distributions,
+ 'timestamp' => $mirror_timestamp,
+ );
+ push(@archive_info, \%info);
+ }
+ # Finally, we can start creating the index page.
+ %data = (
+ delta => \%delta,
+ archives => \@archive_info,
+ previous => $old_statistics->{'last-updated'},
+ graphs => $GRAPHS,
+ graphs_days => $GRAPHS_RANGE_DAYS,
+ );
+ output_template('index.html', $templates{index}, \%data);
+ return;
+sub setup_output_dir {
+ my (%args) = @_;
+ my $output_dir = $args{'output_dir'};
+ my $lintian_manual = $args{'lintian_manual'};
+ my $lintian_api = $args{'lintian_api_docs'};
+ my $resource_dirs = $args{'resource_dirs'} // [];
+ my $lintian_log_file = $args{'lintian_log_file'};
+ # Create output directories.
+ mkdir($output_dir, 0777);
+ mkdir("$output_dir/full", 0777);
+ mkdir("$output_dir/maintainer", 0777);
+ mkdir("$output_dir/tags", 0777);
+ symlink('.', "$output_dir/reports");
+ copy_dir($lintian_manual, "$output_dir/manual");
+ copy_dir($lintian_api, "$output_dir/library-api");
+ if ($lintian_log_file) {
+ my %opts = (
+ 'in' => $lintian_log_file,
+ 'out' => "$output_dir/lintian.log.gz",
+ );
+ run_cmd(\%opts, 'gzip', '-9nc');
+ $RESOURCE_MANAGER->install_resource("$output_dir/lintian.log.gz");
+ symlink($RESOURCE_MANAGER->resource_URL('lintian.log.gz'),
+ "$output_dir/lintian.log.gz");
+ }
+ for my $dir (@{$resource_dirs}) {
+ next if not -d $dir;
+ opendir(my $dirfd, $dir);
+ for my $resname (readdir($dirfd)) {
+ next if $resname eq '.' or $resname eq '..';
+ $RESOURCE_MANAGER->install_resource("$dir/$resname",
+ { install_method => 'copy' });
+ }
+ closedir($dirfd);
+ }
+ return;
+sub collect_statistics {
+ my ($profile, $state_cache, $statistics_file, $maintainers_ref,
+ $sources_ref, $qa_list_ref)
+ = @_;
+ my $old_statistics;
+ # For each of this maintainer's packages, add statistical information
+ # about the number of each type of tag to the QA data and build the
+ # packages hash used for the package index. We only do this for the
+ # maintainer packages, not the uploader packages, to avoid
+ # double-counting.
+ for my $maintainer (@{$maintainers_ref}) {
+ for my $source (keys %{ $by_maint{$maintainer} }) {
+ my %count;
+ for my $version (
+ sort versions_comparator
+ keys %{ $by_maint{$maintainer}{$source} }){
+ my $tags = $by_maint{$maintainer}{$source}{$version};
+ for my $tag (@{$tags}) {
+ $count{$tag->{code}}++;
+ }
+ if (@$tags) {
+ $sources_ref->{$source}{$version}
+ = $tags->[0]{pkg_info}{xref};
+ }
+ }
+ $qa_list_ref->{$source} = \%count;
+ }
+ }
+ for my $tag ($profile->known_tags) {
+ my ($count, $overrides) = (0, 0);
+ my %seen_tags;
+ next if (not exists($by_tag{$tag}));
+ foreach (@{$by_tag{$tag}}) {
+ if ($_->{code} ne 'O') {
+ $count++;
+ $seen_tags{$_->{pkg_info}{xref}}++;
+ } else {
+ $overrides++;
+ }
+ }
+ $tag_statistics{$tag}{'count'} = $count;
+ $tag_statistics{$tag}{'overrides'} = $overrides;
+ $tag_statistics{$tag}{'packages'} = scalar(keys(%seen_tags));
+ }
+ # Read in the old statistics file so that we can calculate deltas for
+ # all of our statistics.
+ if (-f $statistics_file) {
+ ($old_statistics) = read_dpkg_control_lc($statistics_file);
+ }
+ $statistics{'groups-known'} = scalar(keys(%{$state_cache->{'groups'}}));
+ $statistics{'groups-backlog'}
+ = scalar(find_backlog($LINTIAN_VERSION,$state_cache));
+ my $pkgs_w_errors = 0;
+ for my $group_data (values(%{$state_cache->{'groups'}})) {
+ $pkgs_w_errors++
+ if exists($group_data->{'processing-errors'})
+ and $group_data->{'processing-errors'};
+ }
+ $statistics{'groups-with-errors'} = $pkgs_w_errors;
+ for my $attr (@attrs) {
+ my $old = $old_statistics->{$attr} || 0;
+ $statistics{$attr} ||= 0;
+ $delta{$attr}
+ = sprintf('%d (%+d)', $statistics{$attr},$statistics{$attr} - $old);
+ }
+ return $old_statistics;
+sub extract_name_and_email {
+ my ($maintainer) = @_;
+ my ($name, $email) = ($maintainer =~ /^(.*) <([^>]+)>/);
+ $name = 'Unknown Maintainer' unless $name;
+ $email = 'unknown' unless $email;
+ return ($name, $email);
+# Generate the package lists. These are huge, so we break them into four
+# separate pages.
+# FIXME: Does anyone actually use these pages? They're basically unreadable.
+sub generate_package_index_packages {
+ my ($sources_ref) = @_;
+ my %list = (
+ '0-9, A-F' => [],
+ 'G-L' => [],
+ 'M-R' => [],
+ 'S-Z' => [],
+ );
+ for my $package (sort(keys(%{$sources_ref}))) {
+ my $first = uc(substr($package, 0, 1));
+ if ($first le 'F') { push(@{ $list{'0-9, A-F'} }, $package) }
+ elsif ($first le 'L') { push(@{ $list{'G-L'} }, $package) }
+ elsif ($first le 'R') { push(@{ $list{'M-R'} }, $package) }
+ else { push(@{ $list{'S-Z'} }, $package) }
+ }
+ my %data = (sources => $sources_ref);
+ my $i = 1;
+ for my $section (sort(keys(%list))) {
+ $data{section} = $section;
+ $data{list} = $list{$section};
+ output_template("packages_$i.html", $templates{packages}, \%data);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return;
+sub run_scour {
+ my ($input_file, $output_file) = @_;
+ run_cmd('scour', '-i',$input_file, '-o',$output_file, '-q',
+ '--enable-id-stripping', '--enable-comment-stripping',
+ '--shorten-ids', '--indent=none');
+ return 1;
+sub update_history_and_make_graphs {
+ my ($attrs_ref, $statistics_ref, $tag_statistics_ref) = @_;
+ # Update history.
+ my %versions;
+ my $graph_dir = "$HTML_TMP_DIR/graphs";
+ my $commonf = "$graph_dir/common.gpi";
+ my $unix_time = time();
+ mkdir("$HISTORY_DIR")
+ if (not -d "$HISTORY_DIR");
+ mkdir("$HISTORY_DIR/tags")
+ if (not -d "$HISTORY_DIR/tags");
+ my $history_file = "$HISTORY_DIR/statistics.dat";
+ my $stats = '';
+ for my $attr (@{$attrs_ref}) {
+ $stats .= ' ' . $statistics_ref->{$attr};
+ }
+ open(my $hist_fd, '+>>', $history_file);
+ print {$hist_fd} "$unix_time $LINTIAN_VERSION$stats\n";
+ if ($GRAPHS) {
+ seek($hist_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ while (<$hist_fd>) {
+ my @fields = split();
+ $versions{$fields[1]} = $fields[0]
+ if not exists $versions{$fields[1]};
+ }
+ }
+ close($hist_fd);
+ if ($GRAPHS) {
+ mkdir("$graph_dir", 0777);
+ mkdir("$graph_dir/tags", 0777);
+ my $date_min
+ = strftime('%s',
+ localtime($unix_time - 3600 * 24 * $GRAPHS_RANGE_DAYS));
+ my $date_max = strftime('%s', localtime($unix_time));
+ # Generate loadable Gnuplot file with common variables and labels/arrows
+ # for Lintian versions.
+ open(my $common, '>', $commonf);
+ print {$common} "history_dir='$HISTORY_DIR'\n";
+ print {$common} "graph_dir='$graph_dir'\n";
+ print {$common} "date_min='$date_min'\n";
+ print {$common} "date_max='$date_max'\n";
+ my $last_version = 0;
+ for my $v (sort { $versions{$a} <=> $versions{$b} } keys %versions) {
+ next unless $versions{$v} > $date_min;
+ print {$common} "set arrow from '$versions{$v}',graph 0 to ",
+ "'$versions{$v}',graph 1 nohead lw 0.4\n";
+ # Skip label if previous release is too close; graphs can't display
+ # more than ~32 labels.
+ my $min_spacing = 3600 * 24 * $GRAPHS_RANGE_DAYS / 32;
+ if ($versions{$v} - $last_version > $min_spacing) {
+ (my $label = $v) =~ s/\-[\w\d]+$//;
+ print {$common} "set label '$label' at '$versions{$v}',graph ",
+ "1.04 rotate by 90 font ',8'\n";
+ $last_version = $versions{$v};
+ }
+ }
+ close($common);
+ print "Plotting global statistics...\n";
+ run_cmd({ 'chdir' => $graph_dir},
+ 'gnuplot',"$LINTIAN_BASE/reporting/graphs/statistics.gpi");
+ # Do a little "rename" dance to ensure that we keep the
+ # "statistics.svg"-basename without having to use a
+ # subdirectory.
+ rename(
+ "${graph_dir}/statistics.svg",
+ "${graph_dir}/_statistics-orig.svg"
+ );
+ run_scour(
+ "${graph_dir}/_statistics-orig.svg",
+ "${graph_dir}/statistics.svg"
+ );
+ }
+ $RESOURCE_MANAGER->install_resource("${graph_dir}/statistics.svg");
+ }
+ my $gnuplot_fd;
+ if ($GRAPHS) {
+ open($gnuplot_fd, '>', "$graph_dir/call.gpi");
+ }
+ for my $tag (sort(keys(%{$tag_statistics_ref}))) {
+ $history_file = "$HISTORY_DIR/tags/$tag.dat";
+ $stats = $tag_statistics_ref->{$tag};
+ open(my $tag_fd, '>>', $history_file);
+ print {$tag_fd} "$unix_time $stats->{'count'} $stats->{'overrides'} "
+ ."$stats->{'packages'}\n";
+ close($tag_fd);
+ if ($GRAPHS) {
+ print {$gnuplot_fd} qq{print 'Plotting $tag statistics...'\n};
+ print {$gnuplot_fd}
+ qq{call '$LINTIAN_BASE/reporting/graphs/tags.gpi' '$tag'\n};
+ print {$gnuplot_fd} qq{reset\n};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($GRAPHS) {
+ my $svg_dir = "${graph_dir}/tags";
+ close($gnuplot_fd);
+ run_cmd({'chdir' => $graph_dir}, 'gnuplot', 'call.gpi');
+ unlink($commonf);
+ # Obvious optimization potential; run scour in parallel
+ my $optimized_dir = "${graph_dir}/tags-optimized";
+ mkdir($optimized_dir);
+ print "Minimizing tag graphs; this may take a while ...\n";
+ for my $tag (sort(keys(%{$tag_statistics_ref}))) {
+ run_scour("${svg_dir}/${tag}.svg",
+ "${optimized_dir}/${tag}.svg");
+ }
+ $svg_dir = $optimized_dir;
+ }
+ for my $tag (sort(keys(%{$tag_statistics_ref}))) {
+ my $graph_file = "${svg_dir}/${tag}.svg";
+ $RESOURCE_MANAGER->install_resource($graph_file);
+ }
+ path($graph_dir)->remove_tree
+ if -d $graph_dir;
+ }
+ return;
+# Write out the QA package list. This is a space-delimited file that contains
+# the package name and then the error count, warning count, info count,
+# pedantic count, experimental count, and overridden tag count.
+sub write_qa_list {
+ my ($qa_data) = @_;
+ open(my $qa_fd, '>', "$HTML_TMP_DIR/qa-list.txt");
+ for my $source (sort(keys(%{$qa_data}))) {
+ print {$qa_fd} $source;
+ for my $code (qw/E W I P X O/) {
+ my $count = $qa_data->{$source}{$code} || 0;
+ print {$qa_fd} " $count";
+ }
+ print {$qa_fd} "\n";
+ }
+ close($qa_fd);
+ return;
+# Generate a "redirect" lookup table for the webserver to power the
+# "<site>/source/<source>[/<version>]" redirects.
+sub generate_lookup_tables {
+ my ($sources_ref) = @_;
+ mkdir("$HTML_TMP_DIR/lookup-tables");
+ open(my $table, '>', "$HTML_TMP_DIR/lookup-tables/source-packages");
+ foreach my $source (sort(keys(%{$sources_ref}))) {
+ my $first = 1;
+ for my $version (
+ sort versions_comparator keys %{ $sources_ref->{$source} }) {
+ my $xref = $sources_ref->{$source}{$version};
+ print {$table} "$source full/$xref\n" if $first;
+ print {$table} "$source/$version full/$xref\n";
+ $first = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ close($table);
+ return;
+# Determine the file name for the maintainer page given a maintainer. It
+# should be <email>.html where <email> is their email address with all
+# characters other than a-z A-Z 0-9 - _ . @ = + replaced with _. Don't change
+# this without coordinating with QA.
+sub maintainer_url {
+ my ($maintainer) = @_;
+ if ($maintainer =~ m/<([^>]+)>/) {
+ my $id = $1;
+ $id =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9_.@=+-/_/c;
+ return "$id.html";
+ } else {
+ return 'unsorted.html';
+ }
+sub parse_lintian_log {
+ my ($profile, $state_cache) = @_;
+ # We take a lintian log file on either standard input or as the
+ # first argument. This log file contains all the tags lintian
+ # found, plus N: tags with informational messages. Ignore all the
+ # N: tags and load everything else into the hashes we use for all
+ # web page generation.
+ #
+ # We keep track of a hash from maintainer page URLs to maintainer
+ # values so that we don't have two maintainers who map to the same
+ # page and overwrite each other's pages. If we find two
+ # maintainers who map to the same URL, just assume that the second
+ # maintainer is the same as the first (but warn about it).
+ #
+ # The "last_*" are optimizations to avoid computing the same
+ # things over and over again when a package have multiple tags.
+ my (%seen, $last_info, $last_maintainer, %unknown_member_id, $info,
+ $last_pi, %map_maint, %arch_map);
+ my %expanded_code = (
+ E => 'errors',
+ W => 'warnings',
+ I => 'info',
+ X => 'experimental',
+ O => 'overridden',
+ P => 'pedantic',
+ C => 'classifications',
+ );
+ while (<>) {
+ my @parts;
+ chomp;
+ @parts = split_tag($_);
+ next unless @parts;
+ my ($code, $package, $type, $version, $arch, $tag, $extra) = @parts;
+ $type = 'binary' unless (defined $type);
+ next
+ unless ($type eq 'source' || $type eq 'binary' || $type eq 'udeb');
+ # Ignore unknown tags - happens if we removed a tag that is
+ # still present in the log file.
+ my $tag_info = $profile->get_taginfo($tag);
+ next
+ if not $tag_info
+ or $tag_info->effective_severity eq 'classification';
+ # Update statistics.
+ my $key = $expanded_code{$code};
+ $statistics{$key}++;
+ unless ($seen{"$package $type"}) {
+ $statistics{"$type-packages"}++;
+ $seen{"$package $type"} = 1;
+ }
+ # Determine the source package for this package and warn if
+ # there appears to be no source package in the archive.
+ # Determine the maintainer, version, and archive component. Work
+ # around a missing source package by pulling information from
+ # a binary package or udeb of the same name if there is any.
+ my ($source, $component, $source_version, $maintainer, $uploaders);
+ my $member_id
+ = "${type}:${package}/${version}"
+ . ($type ne 'source' ? "/$arch" : q{});
+ my $state_data = $state_cache->{'members-to-groups'}{$member_id};
+ next if exists($unknown_member_id{$member_id});
+ if ($type eq 'source') {
+ $source = $package;
+ $source_version = $version;
+ if (not defined($state_data)) {
+ warn "Source package ${member_id} not found in state-cache!\n";
+ $unknown_member_id{$member_id} = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif (defined($state_data)) {
+ my $src_member
+ = first { s/^source:// } keys(%{$state_data->{'members'}});
+ if ($src_member) {
+ ($source, $source_version) = split(m{/}, $src_member, 2);
+ }
+ } elsif (not defined($state_data)) {
+ warn "Package ${member_id} not found in state-cache!\n";
+ $unknown_member_id{$member_id} = 1;
+ }
+ $state_data //= {};
+ $component = $state_data->{'mirror-metadata'}{'component'} ||= 'main';
+ $maintainer = $state_data->{'mirror-metadata'}{'maintainer'}
+ ||= '(unknown)';
+ $uploaders = $state_data->{'mirror-metadata'}{'uploaders'};
+ $source ||= '';
+ $version = 'unknown'
+ unless (defined($version) and length($version) > 0);
+ $source_version = $version
+ unless (defined($source_version) and length($source_version) > 0);
+ # Sanitize, just out of paranoia.
+ $package =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9.+-/_/c;
+ $source =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9.+-/_/c;
+ $version =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9.+:~-/_/c;
+ $source_version =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9.+:~-/_/c;
+ # Conditionally call html_quote if needed. On average, 11-13% of
+ # all tags (emitted on lintian.d.o) have no "extra". That would be
+ # tags like "no-upstream-changelog" (now removed)
+ if (defined($extra)) {
+ $extra = html_quote($extra);
+ } else {
+ $extra = '';
+ }
+ # Store binary architectures
+ my $arch_key = join(':', $package, $type, $version, $tag, $extra);
+ $arch_map{$arch_key}{$arch} = 1
+ unless $arch eq 'all' or $arch eq 'source';
+ # Don't duplicate entries if they only differ on architecture
+ next if scalar(keys %{$arch_map{$arch_key}}) > 1;
+ # Add the tag information to our hashes. Share the data
+ # between the hashes to save space (which means we can't later
+ # do destructive tricks with it).
+ if ( $last_info
+ && $last_pi->{type} eq $type
+ && $last_pi->{package} eq $package
+ && $last_pi->{version} eq $version) {
+ # There are something like 622k tags emitted on lintian.d.o,
+ # but only "some" 90k unique package+version(+arch) pairs.
+ # Therefore, we can conclude that the average package will
+ # have ~6 tags and optimise for that case. Indeed, this path
+ # seems to be taken about 90% of the time (561k/624k).
+ # - In fact, we see less than "90k" package+version(+arch)
+ # pairs here, since entries without tags never this far down
+ # in this loop (i.e. they are filtered out by split_tag
+ # above).
+ # Copy the last info and then change the bits that can change
+ $info = {%{$last_info}};
+ # Code depends on whether the given tag was overridden or not
+ $info->{code} = $code;
+ $info->{extra} = $extra;
+ if ($info->{tag_info}->name ne $tag) {
+ $info->{tag_info} = $tag_info;
+ }
+ # saves a map_maintainer call
+ $maintainer = $last_maintainer;
+ } else {
+ my $anchor = "${source}_${source_version}";
+ # Apparently "+" are not allowed in ids and I am guessing
+ # ":" is not either
+ if (index($anchor, '+') > -1 or index($anchor, ':') > -1) {
+ $anchor =~ s/[+]/_x2b/g;
+ $anchor =~ s/[:]/_x3a/g;
+ }
+ if (substr($maintainer, 0, 1) eq q{"}) {
+ # Strip out ""-quotes, which is required in d/control for some
+ # maintainers.
+ $maintainer =~ s/^"(.*)" <(.*)>$/$1 <$2>/;
+ }
+ # Check if we've seen the URL for this maintainer before
+ # and, if so, map them to the same person as the previous
+ # one.
+ $last_maintainer = $maintainer
+ = map_maintainer(\%map_maint, $maintainer);
+ # Update maintainer statistics.
+ $statistics{maintainers}++ unless defined $by_maint{$maintainer};
+ $last_info = $info = {
+ # Tag instance specific data
+ # split_tags ensures that $code is a single upper case letter
+ code => $code,
+ tag_info => $tag_info,
+ # extra is unsafe in general, but we already quote it above.
+ extra => $extra,
+ archs => $arch_map{$arch_key},
+ # Shareable data
+ pkg_info => {
+ package => $package,
+ version => $version,
+ # There is a check for type being in a fixed whitelist of
+ # HTML-safe keywords in the start of the loop.,
+ type => $type,
+ component => html_quote($component),
+ # should be safe
+ anchor => $anchor,
+ xref => maintainer_url($maintainer). "#${anchor}",
+ 'state_data' => $state_data,
+ maintainer => html_quote($maintainer),
+ },
+ };
+ $last_pi = $info->{pkg_info};
+ if (!$by_maint{$maintainer}{$source}{$source_version}) {
+ my $list_ref = [];
+ $by_maint{$maintainer}{$source}{$source_version} = $list_ref;
+ # If the package had uploaders listed, also add the
+ # information to %by_uploaders (still sharing the data
+ # between hashes).
+ if ($uploaders) {
+ for my $uploader (@{$uploaders}) {
+ if (substr($uploader, 0, 1) eq q{"}) {
+ # Strip out ""-quotes, which is required in
+ # d/control for some uploaders.
+ $uploader =~ s/^"(.*)" <(.*)>$/$1 <$2>/;
+ }
+ $uploader = map_maintainer(\%map_maint, $uploader);
+ next if $uploader eq $maintainer;
+ $by_uploader{$uploader}{$source}{$source_version}
+ = $list_ref;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ push(@{ $by_maint{$maintainer}{$source}{$source_version} }, $info);
+ $by_tag{$tag} ||= [];
+ push(@{ $by_tag{$tag} }, $info);
+ }
+ return;
+# Deduplicate maintainers. Maintains a cache of the maintainers we've seen
+# with a given e-mail address and returns the maintainer string that we
+# should use (which is whatever maintainer we saw first with that e-mail).
+sub map_maintainer {
+ my ($urlmap, $maintainer) = @_;
+ my $url = maintainer_url($maintainer);
+ if (defined(my $res = $urlmap->{$url})) {
+ $maintainer = $res;
+ } else {
+ $urlmap->{$url} = $maintainer;
+ }
+ return $maintainer;
+# Quote special characters for HTML output.
+sub html_quote {
+ my ($text) = @_;
+ $text ||= '';
+ # Use index to do a quick check before we bother requesting a
+ # subst. On average, this is cheaper than blindly s///'ing, since
+ # we rarely subst (all) of the characters below.
+ if (index($text, '&') > -1) {
+ $text =~ s/&/\&amp;/g;
+ }
+ if (index($text, '<') > -1) {
+ $text =~ s/</\&lt;/g;
+ }
+ if (index($text, '>') > -1) {
+ $text =~ s/>/\&gt;/g;
+ }
+ if (index($text, '/') > -1) {
+ $text =~ s/\//\&#x2f;/g;
+ }
+ return $text;
+# Given a file name, a template, and a data hash, fill out the template with
+# that data hash and output the results to the file.
+sub output_template {
+ my ($file, $template, $data) = @_;
+ my $path_prefix = $data->{path_prefix};
+ if (not defined($path_prefix)) {
+ $path_prefix = '';
+ if (index($file, '/') > -1) {
+ $path_prefix = '../' x ($file =~ tr|/||);
+ }
+ }
+ $data->{version} ||= $LINTIAN_VERSION;
+ $data->{timestamp} ||= $timestamp;
+ $data->{by_version} ||= \&versions_comparator;
+ $data->{path_prefix} ||= $path_prefix;
+ $data->{html_quote} ||= \&html_quote;
+ $data->{resource_path} ||= sub {
+ return $path_prefix . $RESOURCE_MANAGER->resource_URL($_[0]);
+ };
+ $data->{resource_integrity} ||= sub {
+ return $RESOURCE_MANAGER->resource_integrity_value($_[0]);
+ };
+ $data->{head} ||= sub {
+ $templates{head}->fill_in(
+ HASH => {
+ page_title => $_[0],
+ config_vars => $TEMPLATE_CONFIG_VARS,
+ %{$data},
+ }) or die "Filling out head of $file: $Text::Template::ERROR\n";
+ };
+ $data->{foot} ||= sub {
+ $templates{foot}->fill_in(
+ HASH => {
+ config_vars => $TEMPLATE_CONFIG_VARS,
+ %{$data},
+ }) or die "Filling out footer of $file: $Text::Template::ERROR\n";
+ };
+ $data->{config_vars} ||= $TEMPLATE_CONFIG_VARS;
+ open(my $fd, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', "$HTML_TMP_DIR/$file");
+ $template->fill_in(OUTPUT => $fd, HASH => $data)
+ or die "filling out $file failed: $Text::Template::ERROR\n";
+ close($fd);
+ return;
+# Sort function for sorting lists of tags. Sort by package, version, component,
+# type, tag, and then any extra data. This will produce the best HTML output.
+# Note that source tags must come before all other tags, hence the "unfair"
+# priority for those. This is because the first tags listed are assumed to
+# be source package tags.
+sub by_tag {
+ my $a_pi = $a->{pkg_info};
+ my $b_pi = $b->{pkg_info};
+ if ($a_pi->{type} ne $b_pi->{type}) {
+ return -1 if $a_pi->{type} eq 'source';
+ return 1 if $b_pi->{type} eq 'source';
+ }
+ return
+ $a_pi->{package} cmp $b_pi->{package}
+ || $a_pi->{version} cmp $b_pi->{version}
+ || $a_pi->{component} cmp $b_pi->{component}
+ || $a_pi->{type} cmp $b_pi->{type}
+ || $a->{tag_info}->name cmp $b->{tag_info}->name
+ || $a->{extra} cmp $b->{extra};
+=item split_tag
+ # Matches something like: (1:2.0-3) [arch1 arch2]
+ # - captures the version and the architectures
+ my $verarchre = qr,(?: \s* \(( [^)]++ )\) \s* \[ ( [^]]++ ) \]),xo;
+ # ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ # ( version ) [architecture ]
+ # matches the full deal:
+ # 1 222 3333 4444444 5555 666 777
+ # - T: pkg type (version) [arch]: tag [...]
+ # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ # Where the marked part(s) are optional values. The numbers above
+ # the example are the capture groups.
+ = qr/([EWIXOPC]): (\S+)(?: (\S+)(?:$verarchre)?)?: (\S+)(?:\s+(.*))?/;
+ sub split_tag {
+ my ($tag_input) = @_;
+ my $pkg_type;
+ return unless $tag_input =~ /^${TAG_REGEX}$/;
+ # default value...
+ $pkg_type = $3//'binary';
+ return ($1, $2, $pkg_type, $4, $5, $6, $7);
+ }
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# End:
+# vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et