path: root/private
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'private')
17 files changed, 2801 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/TODO b/private/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb67a78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+This is a collection of work to do in Lintian that isn't a bug fix or a
+simple requested new check. Use the BTS for those since they're more
+public and so that other people know things have already been requested.
+This is intended for more internal use to track code restructurings,
+infrastructure work, needed cleanups, or larger tasks.
+Tasks here are sorted roughly by the directory structure of Lintian where
+that makes sense so that we don't just have one long list. Patches for
+any of this is welcome, but please discuss on the mailing list first
+before you do lots of work since the maintainers may have specific ways
+they want it to be done.
+If someone is actively working on something, note their name in square
+brackets at the beginning. If someone is noted, coordinate with them
+before working on this.
+- Move all static keyword lists into files in data.
+- Separate doc-base checks out of checks/menus (or, probably easier,
+ rename checks/menus to checks/doc-base and separate out the few bits
+ that are actually about menus).
+- Go through all tags and make sure that any that should have Policy
+ references have them, and more generally that appropriate references are
+ present. (Need some way to track this sort of regular tag maintenance.)
+- Check current tag severities against the results from lintian.d.o and
+ adjust.
+- Either update doc/CREDITS based on the changelog file or archive it
+ somewhere and say that it's not going to be updated.
+- Update the Lintian manual:
+ + document visibility
+ + document other output formats
+ + document the reporting framework
+ + developer documentation of the test suite, submitting patches, etc.
+- Nearly everything in frontend/lintian that isn't command-line parsing is
+ really begging to be a module. Move code out of here and into modules
+ as part of rewriting the non-namespace modules in lib, such as
+ which should acquire more the laboratory handling from frontend/lintian,
+ and, which should acquire most of the smarts of the main
+ frontend/lintian checking loop.
+- Finish documentation of Lintian::Output*.
+- Add collect function to return the sort of symlink information that's
+ currently gathered by checks/menus; we'll find other uses for it.
+- Provide a utility function to check a command as currently done in
+ checks/menu-format, after which we could split desktop checking and menu
+ checking into two separate check scripts.
+- Provide a general framework for updating metadata about the archive and
+ modify all of the private/refresh-* scripts to use it. Also set up
+ something in debian/rules that will run all of them and update data
+ accordingly which can be done routinely before every release.
+- Replace the template framework with template-toolkit.
+- Write new-style test cases for everything tested by the legacy test suite
+ and retire the "legacy" tests.
+- Go through t/tests/legacy-libbaz/debian/debian/rules and make sure
+ all TODO's are lintian-detected.
+- udebs are generally undertested right now and could use some general
+ tests, particularly for things that we don't care about with udebs but
+ do care about with regular packages.
+- Write a real parser for shell scripts that can at least tokenize them
+ half-way decently, do some basic analysis of whether code is conditional
+ or not, and provide reasonable answers to questions like "is this
+ command called in the script" without heinous regex matches. Replace
+ all the ugly, ad hoc script parsing code elsewhere in Lintian with that
+ parser. This is #629247.
+- Set up system for automatically filing bugs based on specific lintian
+ tags (the most reliable ones), with usertags to ensure the bugs aren't
+ repeatedly filed.
diff --git a/private/auto-reject-diff b/private/auto-reject-diff
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bb87fec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/auto-reject-diff
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2021 Felix Lechner
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, you can find it on the World Wide
+# Web at, or write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1301, USA.
+use v5.20;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use Cwd qw(realpath);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+# neither Path::This nor lib::relative are in Debian
+use constant THISFILE => realpath __FILE__;
+use constant THISDIR => dirname realpath __FILE__;
+# use Lintian modules that belong to this program
+use lib THISDIR . '/../lib';
+use Const::Fast;
+use List::Compare;
+use List::Util qw(uniq);
+use Unicode::UTF8 qw(encode_utf8);
+use Lintian::Archive;
+use Lintian::Profile;
+const my $SPACE => q{ };
+const my $INDENT => $SPACE x 4;
+const my $HYPHEN => q{-};
+$ENV{LINTIAN_BASE} = realpath(THISDIR . '/..')
+ // die encode_utf8('Cannot resolve LINTIAN_BASE');
+# reload
+my $profile = Lintian::Profile->new;
+my $data = $profile->data;
+my @want_certain = @{$data->auto_rejection->certain};
+my @want_preventable = @{$data->auto_rejection->preventable};
+# find all tags known to Lintian
+my @known_tags = $profile->known_tags;
+my %new_name;
+for my $tag_name (@known_tags) {
+ my $tag = $profile->get_tag($tag_name);
+ my @renamed_from = @{$tag->renamed_from};
+ my @taken = grep { exists $new_name{$_} } @renamed_from;
+ say encode_utf8(
+"Warning: Ignoring $_ as an alias for $new_name{$_} in favor of $tag_name."
+ )for @taken;
+ $new_name{$_} = $tag_name for @renamed_from;
+my $old_certain_lc= List::Compare->new(\@want_certain, [keys %new_name]);
+my $old_preventable_lc
+ = List::Compare->new(\@want_preventable, [keys %new_name]);
+my @old_certain_names = $old_certain_lc->get_intersection;
+my @old_preventable_names = $old_preventable_lc->get_intersection;
+say encode_utf8('FTP Master uses those old tag names for auto-rejection:')
+ if @old_certain_names || @old_preventable_names;
+say encode_utf8($INDENT . "- [certain] $_ => $new_name{$_}")
+ for @old_certain_names;
+say encode_utf8($INDENT . "- [preventable] $_ => $new_name{$_}")
+ for @old_preventable_names;
+my $new_certain_lc
+ = List::Compare->new(\@want_certain,
+ [map { $new_name{$_} } @old_certain_names]);
+my $new_preventable_lc
+ = List::Compare->new(\@want_preventable,
+ [map { $new_name{$_} } @old_preventable_names]);
+my @aware_certain_names = $new_certain_lc->get_intersection;
+my @aware_preventable_names = $new_preventable_lc->get_intersection;
+say encode_utf8('They already know about those tags:')
+ if @aware_certain_names || @aware_preventable_names;
+say encode_utf8($INDENT . "- [certain] $_") for @aware_certain_names;
+say encode_utf8($INDENT . "- [preventable] $_") for @aware_preventable_names;
+my @unaware_certain_names = $new_certain_lc->get_Ronly;
+my @unaware_preventable_names = $new_preventable_lc->get_Ronly;
+say encode_utf8('The following tags have to be added:')
+ if @unaware_certain_names || @unaware_preventable_names;
+say encode_utf8($INDENT . "- [certain] $_") for @unaware_certain_names;
+say encode_utf8($INDENT . "- [preventable] $_") for @unaware_preventable_names;
+# replace old names
+@want_certain = uniq map { $new_name{$_} // $_ } @want_certain;
+@want_preventable = uniq map { $new_name{$_} // $_ } @want_preventable;
+my $certain_lc = List::Compare->new(\@want_certain, \@known_tags);
+my @unknown_certain = $certain_lc->get_Lonly;
+my @certain = $certain_lc->get_intersection;
+my $preventable_lc = List::Compare->new(\@want_preventable, \@known_tags);
+my @unknown_preventable = $preventable_lc->get_Lonly;
+my @preventable = $preventable_lc->get_intersection;
+my @unknown = (@unknown_certain, @unknown_preventable);
+say encode_utf8(
+ 'Warning, disregarding unknown tags for FTP Master Auto-Rejects:')
+ if @unknown;
+say encode_utf8($INDENT . $HYPHEN . $SPACE . $_) for @unknown;
+say encode_utf8('Found '
+ . scalar @certain
+ . ' certain and '
+ . scalar @preventable
+ . ' preventable tags for FTP Master Auto-Rejects.');
+exit 0;
+sub refresh_auto_reject_data {
+ my $refresh_profile = Lintian::Profile->new;
+ $refresh_profile->load;
+ my $refresh_data = $refresh_profile->data;
+ my $archive = Lintian::Archive->new;
+ my $basedir = "$ENV{LINTIAN_BASE}/data";
+ # refresh data
+ $refresh_data->auto_rejection->refresh($archive, $basedir);
+ undef $refresh_profile;
+ undef $refresh_data;
+ return;
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# End:
+# vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et
diff --git a/private/gen-po4a-conf b/private/gen-po4a-conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6d534f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/gen-po4a-conf
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+cp -f "$CFG".in "$CFG"
+# Map a CHECK (e.g. python/depends or fields) to
+# [type: lintian] checks/CHECK.desc \$lang:l10n/checks/CHECK_\$lang.desc
+# sort is not strictly necessary, but it makes it easier to review.
+find checks/ -name '*.desc' | LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 sort | \
+ perl -ne 'chomp; $file = $_; s{^checks/(.+)\.desc$}{$1}; print "[type: lintian] $file \$lang:l10n/checks/${_}_\$lang.desc\n";' >> "$CFG";
diff --git a/private/generate-html-docs b/private/generate-html-docs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5fed4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/generate-html-docs
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+use v5.20;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use Const::Fast;
+use IPC::Run3;
+use Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch;
+use Unicode::UTF8 qw(encode_utf8);
+const my $EMPTY => q{};
+my $destination = pop @ARGV;
+my @input = @ARGV;
+push @input, './lib', './doc/tutorial' unless @input;
+$destination //= './doc/api.html';
+my $lintian_version = guess_version();
+if (!-d $destination) {
+ mkdir $destination
+ or die encode_utf8("could not create directory: $!");
+my $convert = Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch->new;
+# No footer - it contains a "current time" and is thus unreproducible
+$convert->batch_convert(\@input, $destination);
+print encode_utf8("HTML version available at $destination/index.html\n");
+sub header {
+ return <<"EOF";
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+ "">
+ <title>Lintian (v$lintian_version) API doc</title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<body class='contentspage'>
+<h1>Lintian (v$lintian_version) API doc</h1>
+<p><em>Note: </em>This API is not stable between releases.</p>
+sub guess_version {
+ my $version;
+ my $dist;
+ my @dpkg_command = qw{dpkg-parsechangelog -c0};
+ my $output;
+ run3(\@dpkg_command, \undef, \$output);
+ my @lines = split(/\n/, $output);
+ while (defined(my $line = shift @lines)) {
+ $version = $1 if $line =~ m{\A Version: \s*+ (\S++) \s* \Z}xsm;
+ $dist = $1 if $line =~ m{\A Distribution: \s*+ (\S++) \s* \Z}xsm;
+ }
+ if ((not defined($dist) or $dist eq 'UNRELEASED') and -d '.git') {
+ delete $ENV{'GITDIR'};
+ # For unreleased versions, git describe is probably a better
+ # choice when available.
+ my @command = qw(git describe);
+ my $guess;
+ run3(\@command, \undef, \$guess);
+ chomp $guess;
+ $version = $guess
+ if $guess ne $EMPTY && $guess =~ m{\A \d+\. }xsm;
+ # Ignore git being missing (or even failing to work)
+ # - the version being incorrect for non-release cases is
+ # not a major issue.
+ }
+ return $version;
+package My::Pod::Simple::XHTML;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use parent qw(Pod::Simple::XHTML);
+# Skip the version tag (incl. a date) to get reproducible output
+sub version_tag_comment {
+ return q{};
+sub batch_mode_page_object_init {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->html_doctype(
+'<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">'
+ );
+ $self->html_charset('UTF-8');
+ return;
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# End:
+# vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et
diff --git a/private/generate-tag-summary b/private/generate-tag-summary
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d8c59b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/generate-tag-summary
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017, 2019 Chris Lamb <>
+use v5.20;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use Cwd qw(realpath);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use Unicode::UTF8 qw(decode_utf8 encode_utf8);
+# neither Path::This nor lib::relative are in Debian
+use constant THISFILE => realpath __FILE__;
+use constant THISDIR => dirname realpath __FILE__;
+# use Lintian modules that belong to this program
+use lib THISDIR . '/../lib';
+use Const::Fast;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use IPC::Run3;
+use Lintian::IPC::Run3 qw(safe_qx);
+const my $PLUS => q{+};
+const my $WAIT_STATUS_SHIFT => 8;
+my (%added, %removed, %opt);
+my %opthash = ('in-place|i' => \$opt{'in-place'},);
+# init commandline parser
+Getopt::Long::config('bundling', 'no_getopt_compat', 'no_auto_abbrev',
+ 'permute');
+# process commandline options
+ or die encode_utf8("error parsing options\n");
+my ($commit_range) = @ARGV;
+if (not $commit_range) {
+ my $bytes = safe_qx(qw(git describe --abbrev=0));
+ my $status = $? >> $WAIT_STATUS_SHIFT;
+ die encode_utf8("git describe failed with code $status\n")
+ if $status;
+ my $describe = $bytes;
+ chomp($describe);
+ if (not $describe) {
+ die encode_utf8("git describe did not return anything.\n");
+ }
+ $commit_range = "${describe}..HEAD";
+ print encode_utf8("Assuming commit range to be: ${commit_range}\n");
+my $output;
+my @command =(qw{git diff}, $commit_range, qw{-- tags/*/*.tag});
+run3(\@command, \undef, \$output);
+my @lines = split(/\n/, $output);
+while (defined(my $line = shift @lines)) {
+ next
+ unless $line =~ m{ \A ([\+-]) Tag: \s*+ ([^ ]++) \s*+ \Z}xsm;
+ my ($change, $tag) = ($1, $2);
+ if ($change eq $PLUS) {
+ $added{$tag} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $removed{$tag} = 1;
+ }
+for my $tag (keys(%added)) {
+ if (exists($removed{$tag})) {
+ # Added and removed? More likely, the tag was moved between
+ # two files.
+ delete($added{$tag});
+ delete($removed{$tag});
+ }
+if (not %added and not %removed) {
+ print {*STDERR} encode_utf8("No tags were added or removed\n");
+if ($opt{'in-place'}) {
+ my $matched = 0;
+ my $infile = 'debian/changelog';
+ open(my $in_fd, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $infile)
+ or die encode_utf8("Cannot open $infile");
+ my $outfile = 'debian/changelog.tmp';
+ open(my $out_fd, '>', $outfile)
+ or die encode_utf8("Cannot open $outfile");
+ while (my $line = <$in_fd>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ if ($line =~ m/^ \* WIP\b/) {
+ emit_tag_summary($out_fd);
+ $matched++;
+ } else {
+ print {$out_fd} encode_utf8($line . "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ close($out_fd);
+ close($in_fd);
+ if ($matched != 1) {
+ die encode_utf8(
+ "changelog did not match WIP placeholder exactly once\n");
+ }
+ rename($outfile, $infile)
+ or die encode_utf8("Cannot rename $outfile to $infile");
+ print encode_utf8("Updated $infile\n");
+} else {
+ emit_tag_summary(\*STDOUT);
+sub emit_tag_summary {
+ my ($fd) = @_;
+ if (%added or %removed) {
+ print {$fd} encode_utf8(" * Summary of tag changes:\n");
+ }
+ if (%added) {
+ print {$fd} encode_utf8(" + Added:\n");
+ for my $tag (sort(keys(%added))) {
+ print {$fd} encode_utf8(" - $tag\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (%removed) {
+ print {$fd} encode_utf8(" + Removed:\n");
+ for my $tag (sort(keys(%removed))) {
+ print {$fd} encode_utf8(" - $tag\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# End:
+# vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et
diff --git a/private/hintadjust b/private/hintadjust
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..66ce589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/hintadjust
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Felix Lechner
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, you can find it on the World Wide
+# Web at, or write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# The harness for Lintian's test suite. For detailed information on
+# the test suite layout and naming conventions, see t/tests/README.
+# For more information about running tests, see
+# doc/tutorial/Lintian/Tutorial/TestSuite.pod
+use v5.20;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use Const::Fast;
+use Cwd qw(realpath);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+# neither Path::This nor lib::relative are in Debian
+use constant THISFILE => realpath __FILE__;
+use constant THISDIR => dirname realpath __FILE__;
+# use Lintian modules that belong to this program
+use lib THISDIR . '/../lib';
+use Getopt::Long;
+use IO::Interactive qw(is_interactive);
+use IO::Prompt::Tiny qw(prompt);
+use List::Util qw(all);
+use Path::Tiny;
+use Term::ANSIColor;
+use Unicode::UTF8 qw(encode_utf8 decode_utf8);
+use Test::Lintian::Output::Universal qw(parse_line order);
+const my $EMPTY => q{};
+const my $NEWLINE => qq{\n};
+const my $PLUS => q{+};
+# options
+my $interactive;
+unless (
+ Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
+ 'i|interactive' => \$interactive,
+ 'help|h' => sub {usage(); exit;},
+ )
+) {
+ usage();
+ die;
+# check arguments and options
+die encode_utf8("Please use -h for usage information.\n")
+ if scalar @ARGV != 2;
+# get arguments
+my ($diffpath, $hintspath) = @ARGV;
+my @difflines = path($diffpath)->lines_utf8;
+chomp @difflines;
+my @hintslines = path($hintspath)->lines_utf8;
+chomp @hintslines;
+my $changed;
+foreach my $line (@difflines) {
+ my ($sign, $stripped) = $line =~ qr/^([+-])(.*)$/;
+ die encode_utf8("$diffpath is not a hintdiff file")
+ unless length $sign && defined $stripped;
+ if ($interactive) {
+ my $command;
+ my $color;
+ if ($sign eq $PLUS) {
+ $command = 'Add';
+ $color = 'bold bright_white on_green';
+ } else {
+ $command = 'Remove';
+ $color = 'bold bright_white on_red';
+ }
+ my $colored = $stripped;
+ $colored = colored($stripped, $color)
+ if is_interactive;
+ my $decision_bytes
+ = prompt(encode_utf8("$colored - $command (y/n/q)?"));
+ my $decision = decode_utf8($decision_bytes);
+ exit
+ if $decision eq 'q' || $decision eq $EMPTY;
+ next
+ unless $decision eq 'y';
+ }
+ if ($sign eq $PLUS) {
+ # say encode_utf8("Adding: $stripped");
+ push(@hintslines, $stripped);
+ } else {
+ # say encode_utf8("Removing: $stripped");
+ # remove the first match only
+ my $found = 0;
+ @hintslines = grep {$_ ne $stripped || $found++} @hintslines;
+ }
+ $changed = 1;
+exit unless $changed;
+# also sort output into preferred order
+my $joined = $EMPTY;
+$joined .= $_ . $NEWLINE
+ for reverse sort { order($a) cmp order($b) } @hintslines;
+sub usage {
+ my $message =<<"END";
+Usage: $0 -i <hintdiff-file> <hints-file>
+ --interactive, -i Apply <hintdiff-file> interactively
+ Applies <hintdiff-file> to <hintsfile> so that the new file represents the
+ changes. Please use hintdiff to create the file with the changes.
+ The hints are then sorted in the order preferred for universal hints.
+ print encode_utf8($message);
+ return;
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# End:
+# vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et
diff --git a/private/hintdiff b/private/hintdiff
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dc05422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/hintdiff
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Felix Lechner
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, you can find it on the World Wide
+# Web at, or write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# The harness for Lintian's test suite. For detailed information on
+# the test suite layout and naming conventions, see t/tests/README.
+# For more information about running tests, see
+# doc/tutorial/Lintian/Tutorial/TestSuite.pod
+use v5.20;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use Const::Fast;
+use Cwd qw(realpath);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+# neither Path::This nor lib::relative are in Debian
+use constant THISFILE => realpath __FILE__;
+use constant THISDIR => dirname realpath __FILE__;
+# use Lintian modules that belong to this program
+use lib THISDIR . '/../lib';
+use Getopt::Long;
+use IO::Interactive qw(is_interactive);
+use List::Util qw(all);
+use Path::Tiny;
+use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
+use Text::Diff;
+use Unicode::UTF8 qw(encode_utf8);
+use Test::Lintian::Output::Universal qw(order);
+const my $EMPTY => q{};
+const my $NEWLINE => qq{\n};
+no warnings 'redefine';
+sub Text::Diff::Unified::file_header { return $EMPTY; }
+sub Text::Diff::Unified::hunk_header { return $EMPTY; }
+# options
+unless (
+ Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
+ 'help|h' => sub {usage(); exit;},
+ )
+) {
+ usage();
+ die;
+# check arguments and options
+die encode_utf8("Please use -h for usage information.\n")
+ if scalar @ARGV != 2;
+# get arguments
+my ($expectedpath, $actualpath) = @ARGV;
+my @expected
+ = reverse sort { order($a) cmp order($b) } (path($expectedpath)->lines_utf8);
+my @actual
+ = reverse sort { order($a) cmp order($b) }(path($actualpath)->lines_utf8);
+my $diff = diff(\@expected, \@actual, { CONTEXT => 0 });
+my @lines = split(/$NEWLINE/, $diff);
+chomp @lines;
+# sort before applying color
+@lines = reverse sort @lines;
+# apply color when on a terminal
+if (is_interactive) {
+ my $green = GREEN;
+ my $red = RED;
+ my $reset = RESET;
+ s/^(\+.*)$/$green$1$reset/ for @lines;
+ s/^(\-.*)$/$red$1$reset/ for @lines;
+print encode_utf8($_ . $NEWLINE) for @lines;
+sub usage {
+ my $message =<<"END";
+Usage: $0 <expected-hint-file> <actual-hint-file>
+ Print differences between the hint information in the two files. The files
+ must in a CSV format delimited by '|'. The easiest way to obtain such a
+ file is to use hintextract.
+ The output is sorted lexigraphically in reverse order. If the arguments
+ are reversed, the new output can also be generated from the old one by
+ reversing the signs and sorting again in reverse order (under LC_ALL=C).
+ It only works with uncolored output.
+ Returns with a zero exit code under normal conditions, even when the hints
+ do not match.
+ print encode_utf8($message);
+ return;
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# End:
+# vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et
diff --git a/private/hintextract b/private/hintextract
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dae8518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/hintextract
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Felix Lechner
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, you can find it on the World Wide
+# Web at, or write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# The harness for Lintian's test suite. For detailed information on
+# the test suite layout and naming conventions, see t/tests/README.
+# For more information about running tests, see
+# doc/tutorial/Lintian/Tutorial/TestSuite.pod
+use v5.20;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use Cwd qw(realpath);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+# neither Path::This nor lib::relative are in Debian
+use constant THISFILE => realpath __FILE__;
+use constant THISDIR => dirname realpath __FILE__;
+# use Lintian modules that belong to this program
+use lib THISDIR . '/../lib';
+use Getopt::Long;
+use List::Util qw(all);
+use Path::Tiny;
+use Unicode::UTF8 qw(encode_utf8);
+use Test::Lintian::Output::EWI;
+# options
+my $target_format;
+unless (
+ Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
+ 'f|format=s' => \$target_format,
+ 'help|h' => sub {usage(); exit;},
+ )
+) {
+ usage();
+ die;
+# check arguments and options
+die encode_utf8("Please use -h for usage information.\n")
+ if scalar @ARGV < 1 || scalar @ARGV > 2;
+# get arguments
+my ($inpath, $outpath) = @ARGV;
+die encode_utf8("File $inpath does not exist.\n")
+ unless -e $inpath;
+my $original_text = path($inpath)->slurp_utf8;
+my $converted = to_universal($target_format, $original_text);
+if (defined $outpath) {
+ path($outpath)->spew_utf8($converted);
+}else {
+ print encode_utf8($converted);
+sub to_universal {
+ my ($format, $text) = @_;
+ if ($format eq 'EWI') {
+ return Test::Lintian::Output::EWI::to_universal($text);
+ }
+ die encode_utf8("Unknown format: $format\n");
+sub usage {
+ my $message =<<"END";
+Usage: $0 -f <format> <in-file> <out-file>
+ --format, -f <format> Format of Lintian output file <in-file>
+ Extracts hint information from a variety of Lintian output formats. The
+ output format is a simplified EWI format without letter code. Other
+ notable differences are that the binary package type is always displayed.
+ The hints are sorted in a reverse order, but with the package type pulled
+ to the front. That way package types are grouped. Source packages are at
+ the top.
+ Prints to stdout when no <out-file> is given.
+ print encode_utf8($message);
+ return;
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# End:
+# vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et
diff --git a/private/hintsort b/private/hintsort
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4392cc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/hintsort
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Felix Lechner
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, you can find it on the World Wide
+# Web at, or write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# The harness for Lintian's test suite. For detailed information on
+# the test suite layout and naming conventions, see t/tests/README.
+# For more information about running tests, see
+# doc/tutorial/Lintian/Tutorial/TestSuite.pod
+use v5.20;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use Const::Fast;
+use Cwd qw(realpath);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+# neither Path::This nor lib::relative are in Debian
+use constant THISFILE => realpath __FILE__;
+use constant THISDIR => dirname realpath __FILE__;
+# use Lintian modules that belong to this program
+use lib THISDIR . '/../lib';
+use Getopt::Long;
+use List::Util qw(all);
+use Path::Tiny;
+use Term::ANSIColor;
+use Unicode::UTF8 qw(encode_utf8);
+use Test::Lintian::Output::Universal qw(parse_line order);
+const my $EMPTY => q{};
+const my $NEWLINE => qq{\n};
+unless (
+ Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
+ 'help|h' => sub {usage(); exit;},
+ )
+) {
+ usage();
+ die;
+# check arguments and options
+die encode_utf8("Please use -h for usage information.\n")
+ if scalar @ARGV != 1;
+# get arguments
+my ($hintspath) = @ARGV;
+my @hintslines = path($hintspath)->lines_utf8;
+chomp @hintslines;
+my $joined = $EMPTY;
+$joined .= $_ . $NEWLINE
+ for reverse sort { order($a) cmp order($b) } @hintslines;
+sub usage {
+ my $message =<<"END";
+Usage: $0 <hintfile>
+ Sorts hintfile in the order preferred for universal hints.
+ print encode_utf8($message);
+ return;
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# End:
+# vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et
diff --git a/private/latest-policy-version b/private/latest-policy-version
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8143a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/latest-policy-version
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Felix Lechner
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, you can find it on the World Wide
+# Web at, or write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# The package libconfig-model-dpkg-perl is the only known and intended
+# user of this script. It was written in an attempt to further the
+# resolution of Bug#968011 and Bug#968000 an will go away soon.
+use v5.20;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use Cwd qw(realpath);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use Unicode::UTF8 qw(encode_utf8);
+# neither Path::This nor lib::relative are in Debian
+use constant THISFILE => realpath __FILE__;
+use constant THISDIR => dirname realpath __FILE__;
+# use Lintian modules that belong to this program
+use lib THISDIR . '/../lib';
+use Lintian::Profile;
+$ENV{LINTIAN_BASE} = realpath(THISDIR . '/..');
+my $profile = Lintian::Profile->new;
+my $releases = $profile->data->policy_releases;
+my $version = $releases->latest_version;
+die encode_utf8('Could not get latest policy version.')
+ unless defined $version;
+say encode_utf8($version);
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# End:
+# vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et
diff --git a/private/post-release-version-bump b/private/post-release-version-bump
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1f5556a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/post-release-version-bump
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Post-release version bump script. Not really lintian-specific, but needed here.
+set -e
+if head -1 debian/changelog | grep -Fq 'UNRELEASED' ; then
+ echo 'Most recent debian/changelog entry already sports an "UNRELEASED", doing nothing.'
+ exit 1;
+dch --increment 'WIP (generated at release time: please do not add entries below.)'
+sed -e '1 s/)/~git)/' -i debian/changelog
+git add debian/changelog
+git commit -m "Post-release version bump" -m "Gbp-Dch: Ignore"
diff --git a/private/refresh-data b/private/refresh-data
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f9f95df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/refresh-data
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008 by Raphael Geissert <>
+# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Chris Lamb <>
+# Copyright (C) 2021 Felix Lechner
+# This program is free software. It is distributed under the terms of
+# the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, you can find it on the World Wide
+# Web at, or write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1301, USA.
+use v5.20;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use Cwd qw(realpath);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+# neither Path::This nor lib::relative are in Debian
+use constant THISFILE => realpath __FILE__;
+use constant THISDIR => dirname realpath __FILE__;
+# use Lintian modules that belong to this program
+use lib THISDIR . '/../lib';
+use Const::Fast;
+use MCE::Loop;
+use List::SomeUtils qw(true);
+use Syntax::Keyword::Try;
+use Unicode::UTF8 qw(encode_utf8);
+use Lintian::Archive;
+use Lintian::Profile;
+const my $EMPTY => q{};
+const my $REFRESH_SUCCESSFUL => 1;
+const my $REFRESH_INCAPABLE => 0;
+const my $REFRESH_FAILED => -1;
+$ENV{LINTIAN_BASE} = realpath(THISDIR . '/..')
+ // die encode_utf8('Cannot resolve LINTIAN_BASE');
+my $basedir = "$ENV{LINTIAN_BASE}/data";
+die encode_utf8("Basedir does not exist at $basedir\n")
+ unless -e $basedir;
+my $profile = Lintian::Profile->new;
+my @data_sources = $profile->data->all_sources;
+my @selected;
+if (@ARGV) {
+ my $pattern = $ARGV[0];
+ @selected = grep { $_->title =~ m{\Q$pattern\E}i } @data_sources;
+} else {
+ @selected = @data_sources;
+my $total = scalar @selected;
+say "Refreshing $total data sources.";
+ max_workers => 'auto',
+ chunk_size => 1
+my $archive = Lintian::Archive->new;
+my @results = mce_loop {
+ my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
+ my $data_source = $_;
+ my $title = $data_source->title;
+ my $counter = sprintf('%*d/%d', length($total), $chunk_id, $total);
+ if (!$data_source->can('refresh')) {
+ $mce->say(encode_utf8("[$counter] $title not implemented."));
+ $mce->gather($REFRESH_INCAPABLE);
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ $data_source->refresh($archive, $basedir);
+ } catch {
+ $mce->say(encode_utf8("[$counter] $title had error: $@"));
+ $mce->gather($REFRESH_FAILED);
+ return;
+ }
+ $mce->gather($REFRESH_SUCCESSFUL);
+ $mce->say(encode_utf8("[$counter] $title"));
+my $errors = true { $_ == $REFRESH_FAILED } @results;
+if ($errors) {
+ say $EMPTY;
+ warn encode_utf8(
+ "WARNING: $errors data source(s) failed to refresh (out of $total).");
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# End:
+# vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et
diff --git a/private/refresh-hwcap b/private/refresh-hwcap
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..62668bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/refresh-hwcap
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+use v5.20;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use IPC::Run3;
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+use Unicode::UTF8 qw(encode_utf8);
+my $datadir = shift;
+my $man = shift // '/usr/share/man/man8/';
+my (%caps, @keeps);
+die encode_utf8("Usage: $0 path/to/lintian/data.\n")
+ unless $datadir;
+my @command = ('zcat', $man);
+my $output;
+run3(\@command, \undef, \$output);
+my @lines = split(/\n/, $output);
+while (defined(my $line = shift @lines)) {
+ next
+ unless $line =~ /^\.S[SH] HARDWARE CAPABILITIES/i;
+ last;
+while (defined(my $line = shift @lines)) {
+ next
+ unless $line =~ /^\.B/;
+ last;
+while (defined(my $line = shift @lines)) {
+ last
+ if $line =~ /^\.S[SH] /;
+ next
+ if $line =~ /^\./;
+ $caps{$_} = 1 for split(/,\s*/, $line);
+my $path = "$datadir/shared-libs/hwcap-dirs";
+my $date = strftime '%Y-%m-%d', gmtime;
+open(my $orig, '<', $path)
+ or die encode_utf8("Cannot open $path");
+while (my $line = <$orig>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ next
+ unless $line =~ m/^#\s*Keep:\s*(.*\S)\s*$/;
+ my $keep = $1;
+ push @keeps, $keep;
+ foreach my $val (split /\s*,\s*/, $keep) {
+ $caps{$val} = 1;
+ }
+open(my $fp, '>', $path)
+ or die encode_utf8("Cannot open $path");
+print {$fp} encode_utf8(<<"EOF");
+# List of all known hwcap.
+# Last updated: $date
+# Generated by $0
+# Lines to always be included:
+foreach my $keep (@keeps) {
+ print {$fp} encode_utf8("# Keep: $keep\n");
+print {$fp} encode_utf8("\n");
+foreach (sort keys %caps) {
+ print {$fp} encode_utf8("$_\n");
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# End:
+# vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et
diff --git a/private/refresh-perl-provides b/private/refresh-perl-provides
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4d70eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/refresh-perl-provides
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+use v5.20;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+# Generate a list of packages that are provided by the Perl core packages
+# and also packaged separately at a (hopefully) newer version.
+# The list will have the package name and the upstream version of the
+# corresponding module integrated in the currently installed Perl version.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Niko Tyni
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+# more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program. If not, see <>.
+use Const::Fast;
+use List::SomeUtils qw(none);
+use Unicode::UTF8 qw(encode_utf8);
+# from /usr/share/doc/libapt-pkg-perl/examples/apt-cache
+use AptPkg::Config '$_config';
+use AptPkg::System '$_system';
+use AptPkg::Cache;
+const my $EMPTY => q{};
+const my $LAST_ITEM => -1;
+(my $self = $0) =~ s{.*/}{};
+# initialise the global config object with the default values and
+# setup the $_system object
+$_system = $_config->system;
+# suppress cache building messages
+$_config->{quiet} = 2;
+# set up the cache
+my $cache = AptPkg::Cache->new;
+# end from /usr/share/doc/libapt-pkg-perl/examples/apt-cache
+# special cases when libfoo-bar-perl => Foo::Bar doesn't work
+my %module_name = (
+ 'libio-compress-perl' => 'IO::Compress::Gzip',
+ 'libio-compress-zlib-perl' => 'IO::Compress::Gzip',
+# special cases for where the code gets the prefix wrong
+my %manual_split
+ = ('libautodie-perl' => qr/\A (\d++\.) (\d{2}) (\d{2})? \Z/xsmo,);
+use Module::CoreList;
+my $versioning = $_system->versioning;
+my $perl_version = $];
+# Map 5.022002 into 5.22
+$perl_version =~ s/^(5)\.0*([1-9][0-9])\d+/$1.$2/;
+# we look at packages provided by these
+my @core_packages = (qw(perl-base perl), "perl-modules-$perl_version");
+# check we have a cache of Debian sid packages available
+warn encode_utf8(
+ join(q{ },
+ 'Warning: this list should only be updated on a system',
+ 'with an up to date APT cache of the Debian unstable distribution')
+ )
+ if (
+ none {
+ defined $_->{Origin}
+ && defined $_->{Archive}
+ && $_->{Origin} eq 'Debian'
+ && $_->{Archive} eq 'unstable';
+ }@{$cache->files}
+ );
+print encode_utf8(<<"EOF");
+# virtual packages provided by the Perl core packages that also have a
+# separate binary package available
+# the listed version is the one included in the Perl core
+# regenerate by running
+# debian/rules refresh-perl-provides
+# in the lintian source tree
+# last updated for PERL_VERSION=$]
+for my $pkg (@core_packages) {
+ my $cached_versions = $cache->{$pkg}
+ or
+ die encode_utf8("no such binary package found in the APT cache: $pkg");
+ my $latest = bin_latest($cached_versions);
+ for my $provides (@{$latest->{ProvidesList}}) {
+ my $name = $provides->{Name};
+ # skip virtual-only packages
+ next if (!$cache->{$name}{VersionList});
+ my $cpan_version = find_core_version($name);
+ next if !$cpan_version;
+ # the number of digits is a pain
+ # we use the current version in the Debian archive to determine
+ # how many we need
+ # the epoch is easier, we just copy it
+ my ($epoch, $digits) = epoch_and_digits($name);
+ my $debian_version
+ = cpan_version_to_deb($name, $cpan_version, $epoch, $digits);
+ next if !$debian_version;
+ print encode_utf8("$name $debian_version\n");
+ }
+# look up the CPAN version of a package in the core
+sub find_core_version {
+ my $module = shift;
+ my $ret;
+ return undef
+ if $module =~ /^perl(5|api)/;
+ if (exists $module_name{$module}) {
+ $module = $module_name{$module};
+ } else {
+ # mangle the package name into the module name
+ $module =~ s/^lib//;
+ $module =~ s/-perl$//;
+ $module =~ s/-/::/g;
+ }
+ for (Module::CoreList->find_modules(qr/^\Q$module\E$/i, 0+$])) {
+ $ret = $Module::CoreList::version{0+$]}{$_};
+ last;
+ }
+ return $ret;
+sub cpan_version_to_deb {
+ my ($pkg, $cpan_version, $epoch, $digits) = @_;
+ $epoch ||= $EMPTY;
+ # cpan_version
+ # digits
+ # result
+ # 1.15_02, 2 => 1.15.02
+ # 1.15_02, 4 => 1.1502
+ # 1.15_02, 0 => 1.15.02
+ #
+ # 1.15_021, 2 => 1.15.021
+ # 1.15_021, 4 => 1.1500.021
+ # 1.15_021, 0 => 1.15.021
+ #
+ # 1.15, 1 => 1.15
+ # 1.15, 2 => 1.15
+ # 1.15, 4 => 1.1500
+ # 1.15, 0 => 1.15
+ # split 1.15_02 to (1, 15, 02)
+ my $regex = qr/^(\d+\.)(\d+)(?:_(\d+))?$/;
+ $regex = $manual_split{$pkg} if exists $manual_split{$pkg};
+ my ($major, $prefix, $suffix) = ($cpan_version =~ $regex);
+ die encode_utf8("no match with $cpan_version?") if !$major;
+ $suffix ||= $EMPTY;
+ if (length($suffix) + length($prefix) == $digits) {
+ $prefix .= $suffix;
+ $suffix = $EMPTY;
+ }
+ if (length($suffix) + length($prefix) < $digits) {
+ $prefix .= '0' while length($prefix) < $digits;
+ }
+ $suffix = ".$suffix" if $suffix ne $EMPTY;
+ return $epoch.$major.$prefix.$suffix;
+# Given a Debian binary package name, look up its latest version
+# and return its epoch (including the colon) if available, and
+# the number of digits in its decimal part
+sub epoch_and_digits {
+ my $p = shift;
+ return (0, 0) if !exists $cache->{$p};
+ return (0, 0) if !exists $cache->{$p}{VersionList}; # virtual package
+ my $latest = bin_latest($cache->{$p});
+ my $v = $latest->{VerStr};
+ $v =~ s/\+dfsg//;
+ my ($epoch, $major, $prefix, $suffix, $revision)
+ = ($v =~ /^(?:(\d+:))?((?:\d+\.))+(\d+)(?:_(\d+))?(-[^-]+)$/);
+ return ($epoch, length $prefix);
+sub bin_latest {
+ my $p = shift;
+ return (sort bin_byversion @{$p->{VersionList}})[$LAST_ITEM];
+sub bin_byversion {
+ return $versioning->compare($a->{VerStr}, $b->{VerStr});
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# End:
+# vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et
diff --git a/private/refresh-virtual-packages-data b/private/refresh-virtual-packages-data
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d301373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/refresh-virtual-packages-data
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# refresh-virtual-packages-data -- Refresh data about font packages in Debian
+# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Raphael Geissert <>
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Chris Lamb <>
+# This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this file. If not, see <>.
+set -e
+# Ensure the sort order is stable.
+LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL
+if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ printf "Usage: %s <path-to-data> [<packages>]\n" "$(basename "$0")"
+ cat <<INFO
+If <packages> is specified, it should be the path to the Packages file
+from the current unstable distribution. It will be used to find all
+font files already packaged for Debian and update the list of known
+font files and the packages that contain them. <path-to-data> should
+be the path to the root of the Lintian data directory to update.
+If the Packages file is not specified, the script will download the
+following files from a mirror. The mirror can be specified with the
+DEB_MIRROR environment variable. If it is not set, the default is
+* main/binary-i386/Packages.gz
+Any necessary special parameters for wget can be set via the
+environment variable WGET_ARGS. The default arguments are -nv.
+To set additional virtual packages to be added to the list as Keep entries
+list them in the VIRTUAL_PACKAGES environment variable.
+ exit
+readonly lintian_data="$(readlink -f "$1")"
+if [ -n "$2" ] ; then
+ packages="$(readlink -f "$2")"
+[ -d "$lintian_data" ] || {
+ printf "%s is not a directory, aborting" "$lintian_data" >&2
+ exit 1
+readonly workdir="$(mktemp -d)"
+cleanup () {
+ [ ! -d "$workdir" ] || rm -rf "$workdir"
+}; trap cleanup EXIT
+wget() {
+ echo wget "$mirror"/"$1"
+ /usr/bin/wget $WGET_ARGS -O "$workdir/$(basename "$1")" "$mirror"/"$1"
+mkdir -p "$lintian_data/fields"
+cat > "$workdir/virtual-packages" <<EOF
+# The list of virtual packages in Debian that are provided by two or more
+# packages.
+# Packages that should be listed but are not found by this script can be
+# listed in a special comment in this file. They will then be preserved when
+# the list is regenerated. Such packages must be listed in a comment line
+# staring with "Keep:". Multiple packages can be specified in the same line,
+# separated by comma and/or white space. Multiple "Keep: " lines can be used
+# as well.
+# Last updated: $(date -u +'%Y-%m-%d')
+[ -f "$lintian_data/fields/virtual-packages" ] && {
+ grep -E '^#\s*Keep:\s*.+$' "$lintian_data/fields/virtual-packages" \
+ >> "$workdir/virtual-packages" || true
+[ -z "$VIRTUAL_PACKAGES" ] || {
+ printf "# Keep: %s\n" "$VIRTUAL_PACKAGES" >> "$workdir/virtual-packages"
+echo >> "$workdir/virtual-packages"
+if [ -z "$packages" ] ; then
+ wget dists/sid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz
+ packages="$workdir/Packages.gz"
+case "$packages" in
+ *.gz)
+ CAT=zcat
+ ;;
+ *)
+ CAT=cat
+ ;;
+# We have to repeat all the Keep packages twice, since we filter out any
+# virtual packages that are only used once in the archive.
+{ $CAT "$packages"
+ sed -rn 's/^#\s*Keep:\s*/Provides: /;T;s/([^,:])\s+([^,])/\1, \2/g;p' \
+ "$workdir/virtual-packages"
+ sed -rn 's/^#\s*Keep:\s*/Provides: /;T;s/([^,:])\s+([^,])/\1, \2/g;p' \
+ "$workdir/virtual-packages"
+} |
+ perl -w -E 'my (%seen, %pkgs);
+ while (<>) {
+ chomp;
+ if (m/^Package:\s*(.+)$/) {
+ $pkgs{$1} = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ next unless (s/^Provides:\s*//);
+ for my $pkg (split /\s*,\s*/) {
+ $seen{$pkg}++;
+ }
+ }
+ for my $pkg (keys %seen) {
+ print "$pkg\n"
+ unless ($seen{$pkg} == 1 or exists($pkgs{$pkg}));
+ }' \
+ | sort -u >> "$workdir/virtual-packages"
+mv "$workdir/virtual-packages" "$lintian_data/fields/"
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
+# vim: syntax=sh sw=4 sts=4 sr et
diff --git a/private/runtests b/private/runtests
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0b27fd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/runtests
@@ -0,0 +1,972 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1998 Richard Braakman
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Frank Lichtenheld
+# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Russ Allbery
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Niels Thykier
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Felix Lechner
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, you can find it on the World Wide
+# Web at, or write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# The harness for Lintian's test suite. For detailed information on
+# the test suite layout and naming conventions, see t/tests/README.
+# For more information about running tests, see
+# doc/tutorial/Lintian/Tutorial/TestSuite.pod
+use v5.20;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use Const::Fast;
+use Cwd qw(realpath);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+# neither Path::This nor lib::relative are in Debian
+use constant THISFILE => realpath __FILE__;
+use constant THISDIR => dirname realpath __FILE__;
+# use Lintian modules that belong to this program
+use lib THISDIR . '/../lib';
+use Capture::Tiny qw(capture_merged);
+use Cwd qw(getcwd);
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Find::Rule;
+use File::Path qw(make_path);
+use File::Spec::Functions qw(abs2rel rel2abs splitpath splitdir);
+use File::stat;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use IPC::Run3;
+use List::Compare;
+use List::SomeUtils qw(any uniq);
+use List::Util qw(max);
+use IO::Interactive qw(is_interactive);
+use IO::Prompt::Tiny qw(prompt);
+use MCE::Loop;
+use Path::Tiny;
+use Syntax::Keyword::Try;
+use TAP::Formatter::Console;
+use TAP::Formatter::File;
+use TAP::Harness;
+use TAP::Parser::Aggregator;
+use Term::ANSIColor;
+use Time::Duration;
+use Time::Moment;
+use Time::Piece;
+use Unicode::UTF8 qw(encode_utf8 decode_utf8);
+use Lintian::IPC::Run3 qw(safe_qx);
+use Test::Lintian::Build qw(build_subject);
+use Test::Lintian::ConfigFile qw(read_config);
+use Test::Lintian::Filter
+ qw(find_selected_scripts find_selected_lintian_testpaths);
+use Test::Lintian::Helper
+ qw(rfc822date cache_dpkg_architecture_values get_latest_policy get_recommended_debhelper_version);
+use Test::Lintian::Hooks qw(sed_hook sort_lines calibrate);
+use Test::Lintian::Prepare qw(filleval prepare);
+use Test::Lintian::Run qw(logged_runner);
+use Test::ScriptAge qw(perl_modification_epoch our_modification_epoch);
+const my $EMPTY => q{};
+const my $SPACE => q{ };
+const my $INDENT => $SPACE x 4;
+const my $NEWLINE => qq{\n};
+const my $SLASH => q{/};
+const my $COMMA => q{,};
+const my $COLON => q{:};
+const my $ARROW => q{>>>};
+const my $YES => q{yes};
+const my $NO => q{no};
+const my $WIDELY_READABLE => oct(22);
+# display output immediately
+# something changes the default handler, see Bug#974575
+# see
+my $processing_start = Time::Moment->from_string(gmtime->datetime . 'Z');
+# whitelist the environment we permit to avoid things that mess up
+my %PRESERVE_ENV = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
+my @disallowed = grep { !exists $PRESERVE_ENV{$_} } keys %ENV;
+delete $ENV{$_} for @disallowed;
+if (($ENV{LINTIAN_TEST_INSTALLED} // 'no') eq 'yes') {
+ $ENV{LINTIAN_UNDER_TEST} = realpath('/usr/bin/lintian')
+ // die encode_utf8('Lintian is not installed');
+} else {
+ $ENV{LINTIAN_UNDER_TEST} = realpath(THISDIR . '/../bin/lintian');
+$ENV{LINTIAN_BASE}= realpath(dirname(dirname($ENV{LINTIAN_UNDER_TEST})))
+ // die encode_utf8('Cannot resolve LINTIAN_BASE');
+# options
+my $coverage;
+my $debug;
+my $dump_logs = 1;
+my $force_rebuild;
+my $numjobs;
+my $keep_going;
+my $onlyrun;
+my $outpath;
+my $unattended;
+my $verbose = 0;
+unless (
+ Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
+ 'B|force-rebuild' => \$force_rebuild,
+ 'c|coverage:s' => \$coverage,
+ 'd|debug+' => \$debug,
+ 'j|jobs:i' => \$numjobs,
+ 'k|keep-going' => \$keep_going,
+ 'L|dump-logs!' => \$dump_logs,
+ 'o|onlyrun:s' => \$onlyrun,
+ 'u|unattended' => \$unattended,
+ 'v|verbose' => \$verbose,
+ 'w|work-dir:s' => \$outpath,
+ 'h|help' => sub {usage(); exit;},
+ )
+) {
+ usage();
+ die;
+# check number of arguments
+die encode_utf8('Please use -h for usage information.')
+ if @ARGV > 1;
+# get arguments
+my ($testset) = @ARGV;
+# default test set
+$testset ||= 't';
+# check test set directory
+die encode_utf8("Cannot find testset directory $testset")
+ unless -d $testset;
+# make sure testset is an absolute path
+$testset = rel2abs($testset);
+# calculate a default test work directory if none given
+$outpath ||= dirname($testset) . '/debian/test-out';
+# create test work directory unless it exists
+ unless -e $outpath;
+# make sure test work path is a directory
+die encode_utf8("Test work directory $outpath is not a directory")
+ unless -d $outpath;
+# make sure outpath is absolute
+$outpath = rel2abs($outpath);
+my $ACTIVE_JOBS = 0;
+# get lintian modification date
+my @lintianparts
+ = ('checks', 'commands', 'data','bin', 'profiles', 'vendors', 'lib/Lintian');
+my @lintianfiles
+ = map { File::Find::Rule->file->in("$ENV{'LINTIAN_BASE'}/$_") }@lintianparts;
+push(@lintianfiles, Cwd::realpath($ENV{'LINTIAN_UNDER_TEST'}));
+ = max(map { -e ? path($_)->stat->mtime : time } @lintianfiles);
+say encode_utf8('Lintian modified on '. rfc822date($ENV{'LINTIAN_EPOCH'}));
+my $lintian_error;
+my $bytes = capture_merged {
+ my @command = ($ENV{'LINTIAN_UNDER_TEST'}, '--version');
+ system(@command) == 0
+ or $lintian_error = "system @command failed: $?";
+my $string = decode_utf8($bytes);
+die encode_utf8($string . $lintian_error)
+ if length $lintian_error;
+chomp $string;
+my ($version) = $string =~ qr/^\S+\s+v(.+)$/;
+die encode_utf8('Cannot get Lintian version') unless length $version;
+say encode_utf8("Version under test is $version.");
+say encode_utf8($EMPTY);
+# set environment for coverage
+if (defined $coverage) {
+ # Only collect coverage for stuff that D::NYTProf and
+ # Test::Pod::Coverage cannot do for us. This makes cover use less
+ # RAM in the other end.
+ my @criteria = qw(statement branch condition path subroutine);
+ my $args= '-MDevel::Cover=-silent,1,+ignore,^(.*/)?t/scripts/.+';
+ $args .= ',+ignore,/usr/bin/.*,+ignore,(.*/)?Dpkg';
+ $args .= ',-coverage,' . join(',-coverage,', @criteria);
+ $args .= $COMMA . $coverage if $coverage ne $EMPTY;
+# Devel::Cover + one cover_db + multiple processes is a recipe
+# for corruptions. Force $numjobs to 1 if we are running under
+# coverage.
+$numjobs = 1 if exists $ENV{'LINTIAN_COVERAGE'};
+# tie verbosity to debug
+$verbose = 1 + $debug if $debug;
+# can be 0 without value ("-j") or undef if option was not specified at all
+$numjobs ||= default_parallel();
+say encode_utf8("Running up to $numjobs tests concurrently")
+ if $numjobs > 1 && $verbose >= 2;
+$ENV{'DUMP_LOGS'} = $dump_logs//$NO ? $YES : $NO;
+# Disable translation support in dpkg as it is a considerable
+# unnecessary overhead.
+$ENV{'DPKG_NLS'} = 0;
+my $helperpath = "$testset/../private";
+if (-d $helperpath) {
+ my $helpers = rel2abs($helperpath)
+ // die encode_utf8("Cannot resolve $helperpath: $!");
+ $ENV{'PATH'} = "$helpers:$ENV{'PATH'}";
+# get architecture
+say encode_utf8("Host architecture is $ENV{'DEB_HOST_ARCH'}.");
+# get latest policy version and date
+($ENV{'POLICY_VERSION'}, $ENV{'POLICY_EPOCH'}) = get_latest_policy();
+say encode_utf8("Latest policy version is $ENV{'POLICY_VERSION'} from "
+ . rfc822date($ENV{'POLICY_EPOCH'}));
+# get current debhelper compat level; do not name DH_COMPAT; causes conflict
+$ENV{'DEFAULT_DEBHELPER_COMPAT'} = get_recommended_debhelper_version();
+say encode_utf8(
+"Using compat level $ENV{'DEFAULT_DEBHELPER_COMPAT'} as a default for packages built with debhelper."
+# get harness date, including templates, skeletons and whitelists
+my @harnessparts
+ = ('bin', 't/defaults', 't/templates', 't/skeletons', 't/whitelists');
+my @harnessfiles
+ = map { File::Find::Rule->file->in("$ENV{'LINTIAN_BASE'}/$_") }@harnessparts;
+my $harness_files_epoch
+ = max(map { -e ? path($_)->stat->mtime : time } @harnessfiles);
+ = max(our_modification_epoch, perl_modification_epoch, $harness_files_epoch);
+say encode_utf8('Harness modified on '. rfc822date($ENV{'HARNESS_EPOCH'}));
+say encode_utf8($EMPTY);
+# print environment
+my @vars = sort keys %ENV;
+say encode_utf8('Environment:') if @vars;
+for my $var (@vars) { say encode_utf8($INDENT . "$var=$ENV{$var}") }
+say encode_utf8($EMPTY);
+my $status = 0;
+my $formatter = TAP::Formatter::File->new(
+ {
+ errors => 1,
+ jobs => $numjobs,
+ }
+$formatter = TAP::Formatter::Console->new(
+ {
+ errors => 1,
+ jobs => $numjobs,
+ color => 1,
+ }
+) if is_interactive;
+my $harness = TAP::Harness->new(
+ {
+ formatter => $formatter,
+ jobs => $numjobs,
+ lib => ["$ENV{'LINTIAN_BASE'}/lib"],
+ }
+my $aggregator = TAP::Parser::Aggregator->new;
+my @runscripts;
+my $allscripts_path = "$testset/scripts";
+# add selected scripts
+push(@runscripts, find_selected_scripts($allscripts_path, $onlyrun));
+# always add internal harness tests
+my @requiredscripts;
+ = sort File::Find::Rule->file()->name('*.t')->in("$allscripts_path/harness")
+ unless length $onlyrun;
+push(@runscripts, @requiredscripts);
+# remove any duplicates
+@runscripts = uniq @runscripts;
+# make all paths relative
+@runscripts = map { abs2rel($_) } @runscripts;
+say encode_utf8('Running selected and required Perl test scripts.');
+say encode_utf8($EMPTY);
+# run scripts through harness
+$harness->aggregate_tests($aggregator, sort @runscripts);
+if (@runscripts && !$aggregator->all_passed && !$keep_going) {
+ $aggregator->stop;
+ $formatter->summary($aggregator);
+ exit 1;
+say encode_utf8($EMPTY);
+my @testpaths = find_selected_lintian_testpaths($testset, $onlyrun);
+my $recipe_root = "$testset/recipes";
+# find test paths
+my @recipes = map { path($_)->relative($recipe_root)->stringify }@testpaths;
+# prepare output directories
+say encode_utf8(
+ 'Preparing the sources for '. scalar @recipes. ' test packages.')
+ if @recipes;
+# for filled templates
+my $source_root = "$outpath/package-sources";
+# for built test packages
+my $build_root = "$outpath/packages";
+# find build specifications
+my @all_recipes = map { path($_)->parent->stringify }
+ sort File::Find::Rule->relative->name('build-spec')->in($recipe_root);
+my @source_paths
+ = map { path($_)->absolute($source_root)->stringify } @all_recipes;
+my @build_paths
+ = map { path($_)->absolute($build_root)->stringify } @all_recipes;
+# remove obsolete package sources
+my @found_sources = map { path($_)->parent->absolute->stringify; }
+ File::Find::Rule->file->name('fill-values')->in($source_root);
+my $sourcelc = List::Compare->new(\@found_sources, \@source_paths);
+my @obsolete_sources = $sourcelc->get_Lonly;
+path($_)->remove_tree for @obsolete_sources;
+# remove obsolete built packages
+my @found_builds = map { path($_)->parent->absolute->stringify; }
+ File::Find::Rule->file->name('source-files.sha1sums')->in($build_root);
+my $packagelc= List::Compare->new(\@found_builds, \@build_paths);
+my @obsolete_builds = $packagelc->get_Lonly;
+path($_)->remove_tree for @obsolete_builds;
+# remove empty directories
+for my $folder (@obsolete_sources, @obsolete_builds) {
+ my $candidate = path($folder)->parent;
+ while ($candidate->exists && !$candidate->children) {
+ rmdir $candidate->stringify;
+ $candidate = $candidate->parent;
+ }
+$SIG{INT} = sub { MCE::Loop->finish; die encode_utf8("Caught a sigint $!") };
+my $mce_loop = MCE::Loop->init(
+ max_workers => $numjobs,
+ chunk_size => 1,
+ flush_stdout => 1,
+ flush_stderr => 1,
+my %failedprep = mce_loop {
+ my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
+ prepare_build($mce, $_);
+if (%failedprep) {
+ say encode_utf8($EMPTY);
+ say encode_utf8('Failed preparation tasks:');
+ for my $recipe (sort keys %failedprep) {
+ say encode_utf8($EMPTY);
+ say encode_utf8($ARROW
+ . $SPACE
+ . path("$recipe_root/$recipe")->relative->stringify
+ . $COLON);
+ print encode_utf8($failedprep{$recipe});
+ }
+ MCE::Loop->finish;
+ exit 1;
+} else {
+ say encode_utf8('Package sources are ready.');
+say encode_utf8($EMPTY);
+my %failedbuilds = mce_loop {
+ my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
+ build_package($mce, $_, $chunk_id, scalar @recipes);
+if (%failedbuilds) {
+ say encode_utf8($EMPTY);
+ say encode_utf8('Failed build tasks:');
+ for my $recipe (sort keys %failedbuilds) {
+ say encode_utf8($EMPTY);
+ say encode_utf8($ARROW
+ . $SPACE
+ . path("$recipe_root/$recipe")->relative->stringify
+ . $COLON);
+ print encode_utf8($failedbuilds{$recipe});
+ }
+ exit 1;
+} else {
+ say encode_utf8('All test packages are up to date.');
+say encode_utf8($EMPTY);
+my $build_end = Time::Moment->from_string(gmtime->datetime . 'Z');
+my $build_duration = duration($processing_start->delta_seconds($build_end));
+say encode_utf8("Building the test packages took $build_duration.");
+say encode_utf8($EMPTY);
+# for built test packages
+my $buildroot = "$outpath/packages";
+# for built test packages
+my $evalroot = "$outpath/eval";
+$SIG{INT} = sub { MCE::Loop->finish; die encode_utf8("Caught a sigint $!") };
+mce_loop {
+ my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
+ prepare_test($mce, $_);
+sort @testpaths;
+# remap paths from testset to outpath to get work directories
+my @workpaths
+ = map { rel2abs(abs2rel($_, "$testset/recipes"), "$outpath/eval") }
+ @testpaths;
+# if ($platforms ne 'any') {
+# my @wildcards = split(/$SPACE/, $platforms);
+# my @matches= map {
+# decode_utf8(qx{dpkg-architecture -a $ENV{'DEB_HOST_ARCH'} -i $_; echo -n \$?})
+# } @wildcards;
+# unless (any { $_ == 0 } @matches) {
+# say encode_utf8('Architecture mismatch');
+# return;
+# }
+# }
+# make all paths relative to current directory
+@workpaths = map { path($_)->relative } @workpaths;
+# add the scripts in generated tests to be run
+my @workscripts;
+for my $path (@workpaths) {
+ my @runners = File::Find::Rule->file->name('*.t')->in($path);
+ die encode_utf8("No runner in $path")
+ unless scalar @runners;
+ die encode_utf8("More than one runner in $path")
+ if scalar @runners > 1;
+ push(@workscripts, @runners);
+# run scripts through harness
+$harness->aggregate_tests($aggregator, sort @workscripts);
+say encode_utf8($EMPTY);
+my $test_end = Time::Moment->from_string(gmtime->datetime . 'Z');
+my $test_duration = duration($processing_start->delta_seconds($test_end));
+say encode_utf8("The test suite ran for $test_duration.");
+$status = 1
+ unless $aggregator->all_passed;
+if (is_interactive && !$unattended) {
+ my @failed = $aggregator->failed;
+ say encode_utf8(
+ 'Offering to re-calibrate the hints expected in tests that failed.')
+ if @failed;
+ my $accept_all;
+ for my $scriptpath (@failed) {
+ my $workpath = dirname($scriptpath);
+ my $descpath = "$workpath/desc";
+ my $testcase = read_config($descpath);
+ my $relative = abs2rel($workpath, $evalroot);
+ my $testpath = abs2rel(rel2abs($relative, "$testset/recipes"));
+ say encode_utf8($EMPTY);
+ say encode_utf8(
+ 'Failed test: ' . colored($testpath, 'bold white on_blue'));
+ my $match_strategy = $testcase->unfolded_value('Match-Strategy');
+ if ($match_strategy eq 'hints') {
+ my $diffpath = "$workpath/hintdiff";
+ next
+ unless -r $diffpath;
+ my $diff = path($diffpath)->slurp_utf8;
+ print encode_utf8($diff);
+ } elsif ($match_strategy eq 'literal') {
+ my $actualpath = "$workpath/literal.actual.parsed";
+ next
+ unless -r $actualpath;
+ my @command
+ = ('diff', '-uN', "$testpath/eval/literal", $actualpath);
+ say encode_utf8(join($SPACE, @command));
+ system(@command);
+ } else {
+ say encode_utf8(
+"Do not know how to fix tests using matching strategy $match_strategy."
+ );
+ next;
+ }
+ unless ($accept_all) {
+ my $decision_bytes = prompt(
+ encode_utf8(
+'>>> Fix test (y), accept all (a), do not fix (n), quit (q/default)?'
+ )
+ );
+ my $decision = decode_utf8($decision_bytes);
+ last
+ if $decision eq 'q' || $decision eq $EMPTY;
+ next
+ unless $decision eq 'y' || $decision eq 'a';
+ $accept_all = 1
+ if $decision eq 'a';
+ }
+ if ($match_strategy eq 'hints') {
+ # create hints if needed; helps when writing new tests
+ my $hintspath = "$testpath/eval/hints";
+ path($hintspath)->touch
+ unless -e $hintspath;
+ my $diffpath = "$workpath/hintdiff";
+ next
+ unless -r $diffpath;
+ my @adjustargs = ($diffpath, $hintspath);
+ unshift(@adjustargs, '-i')
+ unless $accept_all;
+ die encode_utf8("Cannot run hintadjust for $testpath")
+ if system('hintadjust', @adjustargs);
+ # also copy the new hints to workpath; no need to rebuild
+ die encode_utf8("Cannot copy updated hints to $workpath")
+ if system('cp', $hintspath, "$workpath/hints");
+ } elsif ($match_strategy eq 'literal') {
+ my $actualpath = "$workpath/literal.actual.parsed";
+ next
+ unless -r $actualpath;
+ die encode_utf8(
+ "Cannot copy to accept literal output for $testpath")
+ if system('cp', $actualpath, "$testpath/eval/literal");
+ }
+ }
+ say encode_utf8($NEWLINE . 'Accepted all remaining hint changes.')
+ if $accept_all;
+} else {
+ my @crashed = $aggregator->parse_errors;
+ say encode_utf8('Showing full logs for tests with parse errors.')
+ if @crashed;
+ for my $absolutepath (@crashed) {
+ my $scriptpath = abs2rel($absolutepath);
+ my $workpath = dirname($scriptpath);
+ my $logpath = "$workpath/log";
+ next
+ unless -e $logpath;
+ say encode_utf8($EMPTY);
+ say encode_utf8("Log for test $scriptpath:");
+ my $log = path($logpath)->slurp_utf8;
+ print encode_utf8($log);
+ }
+# give a hint if not enough tests were run
+unless (scalar @runscripts - scalar @requiredscripts + scalar @workscripts
+ || $onlyrun eq 'minimal:') {
+ quick_hint($onlyrun);
+ exit 1;
+say encode_utf8($EMPTY);
+exit $status;
+# program is done
+sub prepare_build {
+ my ($mce, $recipe) = @_;
+ # label process
+ $0 = "Lintian prepare test: $recipe";
+ # destination
+ my $source_path = "$source_root/$recipe";
+ my $error;
+ # capture output
+ my $log_bytes =capture_merged {
+ try {
+ # remove destination
+ path($source_path)->remove_tree
+ if -e $source_path;
+ # prepare
+ prepare("$recipe_root/$recipe/build-spec",
+ $source_path, $testset, $force_rebuild);
+ } catch {
+ # catch any error
+ $error = $@;
+ }
+ };
+ my $log = decode_utf8($log_bytes);
+ # save log;
+ my $logfile = "$source_path.log";
+ path($logfile)->spew_utf8($log) if $log;
+ $mce->gather($recipe, $error)
+ if length $error;
+ return;
+sub build_package {
+ my ($mce, $recipe, $position, $total) = @_;
+ # set a predictable locale
+ $ENV{'LC_ALL'} = 'C';
+ # many tests create files via debian/rules
+ # get destination
+ my $source_path = "$source_root/$recipe";
+ my $build_path = "$build_root/$recipe";
+ my $savedir = getcwd;
+ chdir $source_path
+ or die encode_utf8("Cannot change to directory $source_path");
+ my $sha1sums_bytes;
+ run3('find . -type f -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 sha1sum',
+ \undef, \$sha1sums_bytes);
+ chdir $savedir
+ or die encode_utf8("Cannot change to directory $savedir");
+ my $sha1sums = decode_utf8($sha1sums_bytes);
+ my $checksum_path = "$build_path/source-files.sha1sums";
+ if (-r $checksum_path) {
+ my $previous = path($checksum_path)->slurp_utf8;
+ # only rebuild if needed
+ # also need to look for build subject
+ return
+ if $sha1sums eq $previous;
+ }
+ $0 = "Lintian build test: $recipe [$position/$total]";
+ say encode_utf8('Building in '
+ . path($build_path)->relative->stringify
+ . " [$position/$total]");
+ path($build_path)->remove_tree
+ if -e $build_path;
+ path($build_path)->mkpath;
+ # read dynamic file names
+ my $runfiles = "$source_path/files";
+ my $files = read_config($runfiles);
+ my $error;
+ my $log_bytes = capture_merged {
+ try {
+ # call runner
+ build_subject($source_path, $build_path);
+ } catch {
+ # catch any error
+ $error = $@;
+ }
+ };
+ my $log = decode_utf8($log_bytes);
+ # delete old runner log
+ my $betterlogpath= $build_path . $SLASH . $files->unfolded_value('Log');
+ if (-e $betterlogpath) {
+ unlink $betterlogpath
+ or die encode_utf8("Cannot unlink $betterlogpath");
+ }
+ # move the early log for directory preparation to position of runner log
+ my $earlylogpath = "$source_path.log";
+ move($earlylogpath, $betterlogpath) if -e $earlylogpath;
+ # append runner log to population log
+ path($betterlogpath)->append_utf8($log) if length $log;
+ # add error if there was one
+ path($betterlogpath)->append_utf8($error) if length $error;
+ path($checksum_path)->spew_utf8($sha1sums)
+ unless length $error;
+ $mce->gather(path($build_path)->relative->stringify, $error . $log)
+ if length $error;
+ return;
+sub prepare_test {
+ my ($mce, $specpath) = @_;
+ # label process
+ $0 = "Lintian prepare test: $specpath";
+ # calculate destination
+ my $relative = path($specpath)->relative("$testset/recipes");
+ my $buildpath = $relative->absolute($buildroot)->stringify;
+ my $evalpath = $relative->absolute($evalroot)->relative->stringify;
+ my $error;
+ # capture output
+ my $log_bytes = capture_merged {
+ try {
+ # remove destination
+ path($evalpath)->remove_tree
+ if -e $evalpath;
+ path($evalpath)->mkpath;
+ # prepare
+ filleval("$specpath/eval", $evalpath, $testset);
+ my $traversal = Cwd::realpath("$buildpath/subject");
+ if (length $traversal) {
+ die encode_utf8("Cannot link to subject in $buildpath")
+ if system("cd $evalpath; ln -s $traversal subject");
+ }
+ }catch {
+ # catch any error
+ $error = $@;
+ }
+ };
+ my $log = decode_utf8($log_bytes);
+ # save log;
+ my $logfile = "$evalpath/log";
+ path($logfile)->spew_utf8($log) if $log;
+ # print something if there was an error
+ die encode_utf8(
+ ($log // $EMPTY) . "Preparation failed for $specpath: $error")
+ if $error;
+ return $specpath;
+=item default_parallel
+# Return the default number of parallelization to be used
+sub default_parallel {
+ # check cpuinfo for the number of cores...
+ my $cpus = decode_utf8(safe_qx('nproc'));
+ if ($cpus =~ m/^\d+$/) {
+ # Running up to twice the number of cores usually gets the most out
+ # of the CPUs and disks but it might be too aggressive to be the
+ # default for -j. Only use <cores>+1 then.
+ return $cpus + 1;
+ }
+ # No decent number of jobs? Just use 2 as a default
+ return 2;
+sub usage {
+ my $message =<<"END";
+Usage: $0 [options] [-j [<jobs>]] <testset-directory>
+ --onlyrun Select only some tests for a quick check
+ --coverage Run Lintian under Devel::Cover (Warning: painfully slow)
+ -d Display additional debugging information
+ --dump-logs Print build log to STDOUT, if a build fails.
+ -j [<jobs>] Run up to <jobs> jobs in parallel.
+ If -j is passed without specifying <jobs>, the number
+ of jobs started is <nproc>+1.
+ -k Do not stop after one failed test
+ -v Be more verbose
+ --help, -h Print this help and exit
+ The option --onlyrun causes runtests to only run tests that match
+ the particular selection. This parameter can be a list of selectors:
+ what:<which>[,<what:...>]
+ * test:<testname>
+ - Run the named test. Please note that testnames may not be
+ unique, so it may run more than one test.
+ * script:(<script-name> || <dir-in-scripts-suite>)
+ - Run the named code quality script or all in the named directory.
+ E.g. "01-critic" will run all tests in "t/scripts/01-critic/".
+ * check:<check-name>
+ - Run all tests related to the given check.
+ * suite:<suite>
+ - Run all tests in the named suite.
+ * tag:<tag-name>
+ - Run any test that lists <tag-name> in "Test-For" or
+ "Test-Against".
+Test artifacts are cached in --work-dir [default: debian/test-out] and
+will generally be reused to save time. To recreate the test packages,
+run 'private/build-test-packages'.
+ print encode_utf8($message);
+ return;
+sub quick_hint {
+ my ($selection) = @_;
+ my $message =<<"END";
+No tests were selected by your filter:
+ $selection
+To select your tests, please use an appropriate argument with a
+selector like:
+ 'suite:', 'test:', 'check:', 'tag:', or 'script:'
+You can also use 'minimal:', which runs only the tests that cannot
+be turned off, such as the internal tests for the harness.
+ print encode_utf8($message);
+ return;
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# End:
+# vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et
diff --git a/private/tag-stats b/private/tag-stats
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9aa6696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/tag-stats
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# tag-stats - tag classification statistics
+# This script displays statistics and data for tag classification based on
+# Severity fields and their mapping to a E/W/I code.
+# The verbose options (-v, -vv, -vvv) can be used to display a detailed list
+# of which tags are assigned to each category.
+use v5.20;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use autodie qw(opendir closedir);
+use Const::Fast;
+use Cwd qw(realpath);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+use Unicode::UTF8 qw(encode_utf8);
+# neither Path::This nor lib::relative are in Debian
+use constant THISFILE => realpath __FILE__;
+use constant THISDIR => dirname realpath __FILE__;
+# use Lintian modules that belong to this program
+use lib THISDIR . '/../lib';
+use Lintian::Profile;
+use Lintian::Tag;
+const my $SPACE => q{ };
+const my $INDENT => $SPACE x 4;
+const my $EXTRA_VERBOSE => 3;
+$ENV{LINTIAN_BASE} = realpath(THISDIR . '/..')
+ // die encode_utf8('Cannot resolve LINTIAN_BASE');
+my @severities = reverse qw(pedantic info warning error);
+my @types = qw(E W I P);
+my %stats;
+my $num_tags = 0;
+my $num_ok = 0;
+my $percent = 0;
+my $verbose = $ARGV[0] ? ($ARGV[0] =~ s/v/v/g) : 0;
+my $profile = Lintian::Profile->new;
+for my $tag_name ($profile->known_tags) {
+ my $tag = $profile->get_tag($tag_name);
+ my $name = $tag->name;
+ my $severity = $tag->visibility;
+ my $code = $tag->code;
+ $severity = 'unclassified'
+ unless length $severity;
+ push(@{$stats{severity}{$severity}}, $name);
+ push(@{$stats{type}{severity}{$code}{$severity}}, $name);
+ $num_tags++;
+print encode_utf8("Severity\n");
+foreach my $s (@severities) {
+ my $tags = $stats{severity}{$s} // [];
+ print encode_utf8(" $s: " . @{$tags} . "\n");
+ print encode_utf8($INDENT . join("\n ", sort @{$tags}) . "\n")
+ if $verbose >= $EXTRA_VERBOSE;
+foreach my $t (@types) {
+ print encode_utf8("\nType $t Severity\n");
+ foreach my $s (@severities) {
+ if (my $tags = $stats{type}{severity}{$t}{$s}) {
+ print encode_utf8(" $s: " . @{$tags} . "\n");
+ print encode_utf8($INDENT . join("\n ", sort @{$tags}) . "\n")
+ if $verbose >= 2;
+ }
+ }
+print encode_utf8("\nCollections\n");
+foreach my $s (@severities) {
+ if (my $needs = $stats{needs}{$s}) {
+ my $size = scalar keys %{$needs};
+ my @list = sort keys %{$needs};
+ print encode_utf8(" $s: $size\n");
+ print encode_utf8($INDENT . join("\n ", @list) . "\n")
+ if $verbose >= 2;
+ }
+if ($verbose >= 1 and exists $stats{severity}{unclassified}) {
+ print encode_utf8("\nUnclassified tags\n");
+ print encode_utf8(
+ $SPACE x 2 . join("\n ", @{$stats{severity}{unclassified}}) . "\n");
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# End:
+# vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et