# Copyright (C) 2011 Niels Thykier # Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Felix Lechner # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, you can find it on the World Wide # Web at https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html, or write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. package Lintian::Group; use v5.20; use warnings; use utf8; use Carp qw(croak); use Const::Fast; use Cwd; use Devel::Size qw(total_size); use Email::Address::XS; use File::Spec; use List::Compare; use List::SomeUtils qw(any none uniq firstval true); use List::UtilsBy qw(sort_by); use POSIX qw(ENOENT); use Syntax::Keyword::Try; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); use Time::Piece; use Unicode::UTF8 qw(encode_utf8); use Lintian::Hint::Pointed; use Lintian::Mask; use Lintian::Util qw(human_bytes match_glob); const my $EMPTY => q{}; const my $SPACE => q{ }; const my $UNDERSCORE => q{_}; const my $EXTRA_VERBOSE => 3; # A private table of supported types. const my %SUPPORTED_TYPES => ( 'binary' => 1, 'buildinfo' => 1, 'changes' => 1, 'source' => 1, 'udeb' => 1, ); use Moo; use namespace::clean; =head1 NAME Lintian::Group -- A group of objects that Lintian can process =head1 SYNOPSIS use Lintian::Group; my $group = Lintian::Group->new('lintian_2.5.0_i386.changes'); =head1 DESCRIPTION Instances of this perl class are sets of L. It allows at most one source and one changes or buildinfo package per set, but multiple binary packages (provided that the binary is not already in the set). =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item $group->pooldir Returns or sets the pool directory used by this group. =item $group->source_name =item $group->source_version =item $group->binary Returns a hash reference to the binary processables in this group. =item $group->buildinfo Returns the buildinfo processable in this group. =item $group->changes Returns the changes processable in this group. =item $group->source Returns the source processable in this group. =item $group->udeb Returns a hash reference to the udeb processables in this group. =item jobs Returns or sets the max number of jobs to be processed in parallel. If the limit is 0, then there is no limit for the number of parallel jobs. =item processing_start =item processing_end =item cache Cache for some items. =item profile Hash with active jobs. =item C =item C =cut has pooldir => (is => 'rw', default => $EMPTY); has source_name => (is => 'rw', default => $EMPTY); has source_version => (is => 'rw', default => $EMPTY); has binary => (is => 'rw', default => sub{ {} }); has buildinfo => (is => 'rw'); has changes => (is => 'rw'); has source => (is => 'rw'); has udeb => (is => 'rw', default => sub{ {} }); has jobs => (is => 'rw', default => 1); has processing_start => (is => 'rw', default => $EMPTY); has processing_end => (is => 'rw', default => $EMPTY); has cache => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} }); has profile => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} }); =item $group->name Returns a unique identifier for the group based on source and version. =cut sub name { my ($self) = @_; return $EMPTY unless length $self->source_name && length $self->source_version; return $self->source_name . $UNDERSCORE . $self->source_version; } =item process Process group. =cut sub process { my ($self, $ignored_overrides, $option)= @_; my $groupname = $self->name; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn encode_utf8("Warning in group $groupname: $_[0]") }; my $savedir = getcwd; $self->processing_start(gmtime->datetime . 'Z'); say {*STDERR} encode_utf8('Starting on group ' . $self->name) if $option->{debug}; my $group_timer = [gettimeofday]; my $success = 1; for my $processable ($self->get_processables){ my $path = $processable->path; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn encode_utf8("Warning in processable $path: $_[0]") }; my @hints; my %enabled_overrides; say {*STDERR} encode_utf8( 'Base directory for processable: '. $processable->basedir) if $option->{debug}; unless ($option->{'no-override'}) { say {*STDERR} encode_utf8('Loading overrides file (if any) ...') if $option->{debug}; for my $override (@{$processable->overrides}) { my $pattern = $override->pattern; # catch renames my $tag_name = $self->profile->get_current_name($override->tag_name); # catches unknown tags next unless length $tag_name; next unless $self->profile->tag_is_enabled($tag_name); my @architectures = @{$override->architectures}; # count negations my $negations = true { /^!/ } @architectures; # strip negations if present s/^!// for @architectures; # enable overrides for this architecture # proceed when none specified my $data = $self->profile->data; next if @architectures && ( $negations xor none { $data->architectures->restriction_matches($_, $processable->architecture) }@architectures ); if ($self->profile->is_durable($tag_name)) { ++$ignored_overrides->{$tag_name}; next; } $enabled_overrides{$tag_name}{$pattern} = $override; } } my @check_names = sort $self->profile->enabled_checks; my @from_checks; for my $name (@check_names) { my $absolute = $self->profile->check_path_by_name->{$name}; require $absolute; my $module = $self->profile->check_module_by_name->{$name}; my $check = $module->new; $check->name($name); $check->processable($processable); $check->group($self); $check->profile($self->profile); my $timer = [gettimeofday]; my $procid = $processable->identifier; say {*STDERR} encode_utf8("Running check: $name on $procid ...") if $option->{debug}; try { my @found_here = $check->run; push(@from_checks, @found_here); } catch { my $message = $@; $message .= "warning: cannot run $name check on package $procid\n"; $message .= "skipping check of $procid\n"; warn encode_utf8($message); $success = 0; next; } my $raw_res = tv_interval($timer); my $tres = sprintf('%.3fs', $raw_res); say {*STDERR} encode_utf8("Check $name for $procid done ($tres)") if $option->{debug}; say {*STDERR} encode_utf8("$procid,check/$name,$raw_res") if $option->{'perf-output'}; } my %context_tracker; my %used_overrides; for my $hint (@from_checks) { my $as_issued = $hint->tag_name; croak encode_utf8('No tag name') unless length $as_issued; my $issuer = $hint->issued_by; # try local name space my $tag = $self->profile->get_tag("$issuer/$as_issued"); warn encode_utf8( "Using tag $as_issued as name spaced while not so declared (in check $issuer)." )if defined $tag && !$tag->name_spaced; # try global name space $tag ||= $self->profile->get_tag($as_issued); unless (defined $tag) { warn encode_utf8( "Tried to issue unknown tag $as_issued in check $issuer."); next; } if ( !$tag->name_spaced && $tag->name ne $as_issued || $tag->name_spaced && $tag->name ne "$issuer/$as_issued") { my $current_name = $tag->name; warn encode_utf8( "Tried to issue renamed tag $as_issued (current name $current_name) in check $issuer." ); next; } my $owner = $tag->check; if ($issuer ne $owner) { warn encode_utf8( "Check $issuer has no tag $as_issued (but $owner does)."); next; } # pull name from tag; could be name-spaced $hint->tag_name($tag->name); my $tag_name = $hint->tag_name; # skip disabled tags next unless $self->profile->tag_is_enabled($tag_name); my $context = $hint->context; if (exists $context_tracker{$tag_name}{$context}) { warn encode_utf8( "Tried to issue duplicate hint in check $issuer: $tag_name $context\n" ); next; } $context_tracker{$tag_name}{$context} = 1; my @masks; for my $screen (@{$tag->screens}) { next unless $screen->suppress($processable, $hint); my $mask = Lintian::Mask->new; $mask->screen($screen->name); push(@masks, $mask); } my @screen_names = map { $_->screen } @masks; my $screen_list = join($SPACE, (sort @screen_names)); warn encode_utf8("Crossing screens for $tag_name ($screen_list)") if @masks > 1; $hint->masks(\@masks) if !$tag->show_always; if (exists $enabled_overrides{$tag_name}) { my $for_tag = $enabled_overrides{$tag_name}; if (exists $for_tag->{$EMPTY}) { $hint->override($for_tag->{$EMPTY}); } else { # overrides without context handled above my @patterns = grep { length } keys %{$for_tag}; # try short ones first my @by_length = sort_by { length } @patterns; my $match = firstval { match_glob($_, $hint->context) } @by_length; $hint->override($for_tag->{$match}) if defined $match; } } # new hash values autovivify to 0 ++$used_overrides{$tag_name}{$hint->override->pattern} if defined $hint->override; push(@hints, $hint); } # look for unused overrides for my $tag_name (keys %enabled_overrides) { my @declared_patterns = keys %{$enabled_overrides{$tag_name}}; my @used_patterns = keys %{$used_overrides{$tag_name} // {}}; my $pattern_lc = List::Compare->new(\@declared_patterns, \@used_patterns); my @unused_patterns = $pattern_lc->get_Lonly; for my $pattern (@unused_patterns) { my $override = $enabled_overrides{$tag_name}{$pattern}; my $override_item = $processable->override_file; my $position = $override->position; my $pointer = $override_item->pointer($position); my $unused = Lintian::Hint::Pointed->new; $unused->issued_by('lintian'); $unused->tag_name('unused-override'); $unused->tag_name('mismatched-override') if exists $context_tracker{$tag_name}; # use the original name, in case the tag was renamed my $original_name = $override->tag_name; $unused->note($original_name . $SPACE . $pattern); $unused->pointer($pointer); # cannot be overridden or suppressed push(@hints, $unused); } } # carry hints into the output modules $processable->hints(\@hints); } $self->processing_end(gmtime->datetime . 'Z'); my $raw_res = tv_interval($group_timer); my $tres = sprintf('%.3fs', $raw_res); say {*STDERR} encode_utf8('Checking all of group ' . $self->name . " done ($tres)") if $option->{debug}; say {*STDERR} encode_utf8($self->name . ",total-group-check,$raw_res") if $option->{'perf-output'}; if ($option->{'debug'} > 2) { # suppress warnings without reliable sizes local $Devel::Size::warn = 0; my @processables = $self->get_processables; my $pivot = shift @processables; my $group_id = $pivot->source_name . $UNDERSCORE . $pivot->source_version; my $group_usage = human_bytes(total_size([map { $_ } $self->get_processables])); say {*STDERR} encode_utf8("Memory usage [group:$group_id]: $group_usage") if $option->{debug} >= $EXTRA_VERBOSE; for my $processable ($self->get_processables) { my $id = $processable->identifier; my $usage = human_bytes(total_size($processable)); say {*STDERR} encode_utf8("Memory usage [$id]: $usage") if $option->{debug} >= $EXTRA_VERBOSE; } } # change to known folder; ealier failures could prevent removal below chdir $savedir or warn encode_utf8("Cannot change to directory $savedir"); return $success; } =item $group->add_processable($proc) Adds $proc to $group. At most one source and one changes $proc can be in a $group. There can be multiple binary $proc's, as long as they are all unique. Successive buildinfo $proc's are silently ignored. This will error out if an additional source or changes $proc is added to the group. Otherwise it will return a truth value if $proc was added. =cut sub add_processable { my ($self, $processable) = @_; if ($processable->tainted) { warn encode_utf8( sprintf( "warning: tainted %1\$s package '%2\$s', skipping\n", $processable->type, $processable->name ) ); return 0; } $self->source_name($processable->source_name) unless length $self->source_name; $self->source_version($processable->source_version) unless length $self->source_version; return 0 if $self->source_name ne $processable->source_name || $self->source_version ne $processable->source_version; croak encode_utf8('Please set pool directory first.') unless $self->pooldir; $processable->pooldir($self->pooldir); croak encode_utf8('Not a supported type (' . $processable->type . ')') unless exists $SUPPORTED_TYPES{$processable->type}; if ($processable->type eq 'changes') { die encode_utf8('Cannot add another ' . $processable->type . ' file') if $self->changes; $self->changes($processable); } elsif ($processable->type eq 'buildinfo') { # Ignore multiple .buildinfo files; use the first one $self->buildinfo($processable) unless $self->buildinfo; } elsif ($processable->type eq 'source'){ die encode_utf8('Cannot add another source package') if $self->source; $self->source($processable); } else { my $type = $processable->type; die encode_utf8('Unknown type ' . $type) unless $type eq 'binary' || $type eq 'udeb'; # check for duplicate; should be rewritten with arrays my $id = $processable->identifier; return 0 if exists $self->$type->{$id}; $self->$type->{$id} = $processable; } return 1; } =item get_processables Returns an array of all processables in $group. =cut sub get_processables { my ($self) = @_; my @processables; push(@processables, $self->changes) if defined $self->changes; push(@processables, $self->source) if defined $self->source; push(@processables, $self->buildinfo) if defined $self->buildinfo; push(@processables, $self->get_installables); return @processables; } =item get_installables Returns all binary (and udeb) processables in $group. If $group does not have any binary processables then an empty list is returned. =cut sub get_installables { my ($self) = @_; my @installables; push(@installables, values %{$self->binary}); push(@installables, values %{$self->udeb}); return @installables; } =item direct_dependencies (PROC) If PROC is a part of the underlying processable group, this method returns a listref containing all the direct dependencies of PROC. If PROC is not a part of the group, this returns undef. Note: Only strong dependencies (Pre-Depends and Depends) are considered. Note: Self-dependencies (if any) are I included in the result. =cut has saved_direct_dependencies => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} }); sub direct_dependencies { my ($self, $processable) = @_; unless (keys %{$self->saved_direct_dependencies}) { my @processables = $self->get_installables; my %dependencies; for my $that (@processables) { my $relation = $that->relation('strong'); my @specific; for my $this (@processables) { # Ignore self deps - we have checks for that and it # will just end up complicating "correctness" of # otherwise simple checks. next if $this->name eq $that->name; push @specific, $this if $relation->satisfies($this->name); } $dependencies{$that->name} = \@specific; } $self->saved_direct_dependencies(\%dependencies); } return $self->saved_direct_dependencies->{$processable->name} if $processable; return $self->saved_direct_dependencies; } =item direct_reliants (PROC) If PROC is a part of the underlying processable group, this method returns a listref containing all the packages in the group that rely on PROC. If PROC is not a part of the group, this returns undef. Note: Only strong dependencies (Pre-Depends and Depends) are considered. Note: Self-dependencies (if any) are I included in the result. =cut has saved_direct_reliants => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} }); sub direct_reliants { my ($self, $processable) = @_; unless (keys %{$self->saved_direct_reliants}) { my @processables = $self->get_installables; my %reliants; foreach my $that (@processables) { my @specific; foreach my $this (@processables) { # Ignore self deps - we have checks for that and it # will just end up complicating "correctness" of # otherwise simple checks. next if $this->name eq $that->name; my $relation = $this->relation('strong'); push @specific, $this if $relation->satisfies($that->name); } $reliants{$that->name} = \@specific; } $self->saved_direct_reliants(\%reliants); } return $self->saved_direct_reliants->{$processable->name} if $processable; return $self->saved_direct_reliants; } =item spelling_exceptions Returns a hashref of words, which the spell checker should ignore. These words are generally based on the package names in the group to avoid false-positive "spelling error" when packages have "fun" names. Example: Package alot-doc (#687464) =cut has spelling_exceptions => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub { my ($self) = @_; my @acceptable; # this run may not have all types for my $processable ($self->get_processables) { # all processables have those my @package_names= ($processable->name, $processable->source_name); # for sources we have d/control push(@package_names, $processable->debian_control->installables) if $processable->type eq 'source'; push(@acceptable, @package_names); # exempt pieces, too my @package_pieces = map { split(m{-}) } @package_names; push(@acceptable, @package_pieces); my @people_names; for my $role (qw(Maintainer Uploaders Changed-By)) { my $value = $processable->fields->value($role); for my $parsed (Email::Address::XS->parse($value)) { push(@people_names, $parsed->phrase) if length $parsed->phrase; } } push(@acceptable, @people_names); # exempt first and last name separately, too my @people_pieces = map { split($SPACE) } @people_names; push(@acceptable, @people_pieces); } return [uniq @acceptable]; } ); =back =head1 AUTHOR Originally written by Niels Thykier for Lintian. =head1 SEE ALSO lintian(1) L =cut 1; # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # cperl-indent-level: 4 # End: # vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et