#!/usr/bin/perl # Attempt to break the GFDL so that the "redeeming" part of the # license gets in the window /after/ the triggering part. c/cruft # handles this case correctly now and we don't want to mess that up # later. use strict; use warnings; # Keep in sync with checks/cruft use constant BLOCK_SIZE => 16_384; my ($rootdir) = @ARGV; my $dir = "$rootdir/debian/src"; my $file = "$dir/good.texi"; unless (-d $dir) { mkdir $dir or die "mkdir $dir: $!"; } my $slash = '/'; my $gfdl_start = <', $file or die "open $file: $!"; print {$fd} $prefix, "\n"; print {$fd} $gfdl_start; print {$fd} $gfdl_end; close $fd or die "close $file: $!";