.IX Title "TEST 1" .TH TEST 1P "2004-12-18" "Debian Project" "Debian GNU/Linux manual" .SH "NAME" \&\fBTEST\fR \- A test manpage with a .1P extension. .SH "DESCRIPTION" .IX Header "DESCRIPTION" \&\fBTEST\fR tests lintian. .PP Use more up-level tools like human brains to understand lintian. Here's a bad undefined macro. Here's a serious syntax error. .SH "FILES" This program does not use /var/catman/do or any other FSSTND location. .dep .PP .nh http://example.org/really/long/url/that/cannot/be/wrapped/and/will/produce/errors/from/man .\" Copied from caff(1) .SH "POD ERRORS" .IX Header "POD ERRORS" Hey! \fBThe above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:\fR .IP "Around line 138:" 4 .IX Item "Around line 138:" You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'