Tag: portable-executable-missing-security-features Severity: pedantic Check: pe Experimental: yes Explanation: A portable executable (PE32+) file lacks security features. . Due to changes in binutils-mingw-w64 the historical advice is incorrect. Current tools do not create safe binaries, and advertising such settings with genpeimg is pointless. . In short, the flags alone do nothing unless a binary is built specifically to support a missing flag. Merely setting the flag, as recommended below, can actually make a file less secure. . More information can be found via the link in the references. . The following advice is historical. PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW IT. . The package ships a Microsoft Windows Portable Executable (PE) file that appears to be lacking security hardening features. You can see which are missing using the pesec tool from the pev package. . EFI binaries also often trigger this tag. The security flags are probably meaningless for them, but the flags are easily changed using the genpeimg tool from the mingw-w64-tools package. . $ genpeimg -d +d -d +n -d +s $file . Then, to verify that it worked: . $ genpeimg -x $file ... Optional Characteristics: dynamic-base nx-compatible no-SEH . Please change the flags, if possible, instead of overriding the tag. . See-Also: https://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/307144/, Bug#953212