path: root/Documentation/admin-guide/device-mapper
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3 files changed, 1041 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Documentation/admin-guide/device-mapper/index.rst b/Documentation/admin-guide/device-mapper/index.rst
index cde52cc096..cc5aec8615 100644
--- a/Documentation/admin-guide/device-mapper/index.rst
+++ b/Documentation/admin-guide/device-mapper/index.rst
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ Device Mapper
+ vdo-design
+ vdo
diff --git a/Documentation/admin-guide/device-mapper/vdo-design.rst b/Documentation/admin-guide/device-mapper/vdo-design.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3cd59decbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/admin-guide/device-mapper/vdo-design.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+Design of dm-vdo
+The dm-vdo (virtual data optimizer) target provides inline deduplication,
+compression, zero-block elimination, and thin provisioning. A dm-vdo target
+can be backed by up to 256TB of storage, and can present a logical size of
+up to 4PB. This target was originally developed at Permabit Technology
+Corp. starting in 2009. It was first released in 2013 and has been used in
+production environments ever since. It was made open-source in 2017 after
+Permabit was acquired by Red Hat. This document describes the design of
+dm-vdo. For usage, see vdo.rst in the same directory as this file.
+Because deduplication rates fall drastically as the block size increases, a
+vdo target has a maximum block size of 4K. However, it can achieve
+deduplication rates of 254:1, i.e. up to 254 copies of a given 4K block can
+reference a single 4K of actual storage. It can achieve compression rates
+of 14:1. All zero blocks consume no storage at all.
+Theory of Operation
+The design of dm-vdo is based on the idea that deduplication is a two-part
+problem. The first is to recognize duplicate data. The second is to avoid
+storing multiple copies of those duplicates. Therefore, dm-vdo has two main
+parts: a deduplication index (called UDS) that is used to discover
+duplicate data, and a data store with a reference counted block map that
+maps from logical block addresses to the actual storage location of the
+Zones and Threading
+Due to the complexity of data optimization, the number of metadata
+structures involved in a single write operation to a vdo target is larger
+than most other targets. Furthermore, because vdo must operate on small
+block sizes in order to achieve good deduplication rates, acceptable
+performance can only be achieved through parallelism. Therefore, vdo's
+design attempts to be lock-free.
+Most of a vdo's main data structures are designed to be easily divided into
+"zones" such that any given bio must only access a single zone of any zoned
+structure. Safety with minimal locking is achieved by ensuring that during
+normal operation, each zone is assigned to a specific thread, and only that
+thread will access the portion of the data structure in that zone.
+Associated with each thread is a work queue. Each bio is associated with a
+request object (the "data_vio") which will be added to a work queue when
+the next phase of its operation requires access to the structures in the
+zone associated with that queue.
+Another way of thinking about this arrangement is that the work queue for
+each zone has an implicit lock on the structures it manages for all its
+operations, because vdo guarantees that no other thread will alter those
+Although each structure is divided into zones, this division is not
+reflected in the on-disk representation of each data structure. Therefore,
+the number of zones for each structure, and hence the number of threads,
+can be reconfigured each time a vdo target is started.
+The Deduplication Index
+In order to identify duplicate data efficiently, vdo was designed to
+leverage some common characteristics of duplicate data. From empirical
+observations, we gathered two key insights. The first is that in most data
+sets with significant amounts of duplicate data, the duplicates tend to
+have temporal locality. When a duplicate appears, it is more likely that
+other duplicates will be detected, and that those duplicates will have been
+written at about the same time. This is why the index keeps records in
+temporal order. The second insight is that new data is more likely to
+duplicate recent data than it is to duplicate older data and in general,
+there are diminishing returns to looking further back in time. Therefore,
+when the index is full, it should cull its oldest records to make space for
+new ones. Another important idea behind the design of the index is that the
+ultimate goal of deduplication is to reduce storage costs. Since there is a
+trade-off between the storage saved and the resources expended to achieve
+those savings, vdo does not attempt to find every last duplicate block. It
+is sufficient to find and eliminate most of the redundancy.
+Each block of data is hashed to produce a 16-byte block name. An index
+record consists of this block name paired with the presumed location of
+that data on the underlying storage. However, it is not possible to
+guarantee that the index is accurate. In the most common case, this occurs
+because it is too costly to update the index when a block is over-written
+or discarded. Doing so would require either storing the block name along
+with the blocks, which is difficult to do efficiently in block-based
+storage, or reading and rehashing each block before overwriting it.
+Inaccuracy can also result from a hash collision where two different blocks
+have the same name. In practice, this is extremely unlikely, but because
+vdo does not use a cryptographic hash, a malicious workload could be
+constructed. Because of these inaccuracies, vdo treats the locations in the
+index as hints, and reads each indicated block to verify that it is indeed
+a duplicate before sharing the existing block with a new one.
+Records are collected into groups called chapters. New records are added to
+the newest chapter, called the open chapter. This chapter is stored in a
+format optimized for adding and modifying records, and the content of the
+open chapter is not finalized until it runs out of space for new records.
+When the open chapter fills up, it is closed and a new open chapter is
+created to collect new records.
+Closing a chapter converts it to a different format which is optimized for
+reading. The records are written to a series of record pages based on the
+order in which they were received. This means that records with temporal
+locality should be on a small number of pages, reducing the I/O required to
+retrieve them. The chapter also compiles an index that indicates which
+record page contains any given name. This index means that a request for a
+name can determine exactly which record page may contain that record,
+without having to load the entire chapter from storage. This index uses
+only a subset of the block name as its key, so it cannot guarantee that an
+index entry refers to the desired block name. It can only guarantee that if
+there is a record for this name, it will be on the indicated page. Closed
+chapters are read-only structures and their contents are never altered in
+any way.
+Once enough records have been written to fill up all the available index
+space, the oldest chapter is removed to make space for new chapters. Any
+time a request finds a matching record in the index, that record is copied
+into the open chapter. This ensures that useful block names remain available
+in the index, while unreferenced block names are forgotten over time.
+In order to find records in older chapters, the index also maintains a
+higher level structure called the volume index, which contains entries
+mapping each block name to the chapter containing its newest record. This
+mapping is updated as records for the block name are copied or updated,
+ensuring that only the newest record for a given block name can be found.
+An older record for a block name will no longer be found even though it has
+not been deleted from its chapter. Like the chapter index, the volume index
+uses only a subset of the block name as its key and can not definitively
+say that a record exists for a name. It can only say which chapter would
+contain the record if a record exists. The volume index is stored entirely
+in memory and is saved to storage only when the vdo target is shut down.
+From the viewpoint of a request for a particular block name, it will first
+look up the name in the volume index. This search will either indicate that
+the name is new, or which chapter to search. If it returns a chapter, the
+request looks up its name in the chapter index. This will indicate either
+that the name is new, or which record page to search. Finally, if it is not
+new, the request will look for its name in the indicated record page.
+This process may require up to two page reads per request (one for the
+chapter index page and one for the request page). However, recently
+accessed pages are cached so that these page reads can be amortized across
+many block name requests.
+The volume index and the chapter indexes are implemented using a
+memory-efficient structure called a delta index. Instead of storing the
+entire block name (the key) for each entry, the entries are sorted by name
+and only the difference between adjacent keys (the delta) is stored.
+Because we expect the hashes to be randomly distributed, the size of the
+deltas follows an exponential distribution. Because of this distribution,
+the deltas are expressed using a Huffman code to take up even less space.
+The entire sorted list of keys is called a delta list. This structure
+allows the index to use many fewer bytes per entry than a traditional hash
+table, but it is slightly more expensive to look up entries, because a
+request must read every entry in a delta list to add up the deltas in order
+to find the record it needs. The delta index reduces this lookup cost by
+splitting its key space into many sub-lists, each starting at a fixed key
+value, so that each individual list is short.
+The default index size can hold 64 million records, corresponding to about
+256GB of data. This means that the index can identify duplicate data if the
+original data was written within the last 256GB of writes. This range is
+called the deduplication window. If new writes duplicate data that is older
+than that, the index will not be able to find it because the records of the
+older data have been removed. This means that if an application writes a
+200 GB file to a vdo target and then immediately writes it again, the two
+copies will deduplicate perfectly. Doing the same with a 500 GB file will
+result in no deduplication, because the beginning of the file will no
+longer be in the index by the time the second write begins (assuming there
+is no duplication within the file itself).
+If an application anticipates a data workload that will see useful
+deduplication beyond the 256GB threshold, vdo can be configured to use a
+larger index with a correspondingly larger deduplication window. (This
+configuration can only be set when the target is created, not altered
+later. It is important to consider the expected workload for a vdo target
+before configuring it.) There are two ways to do this.
+One way is to increase the memory size of the index, which also increases
+the amount of backing storage required. Doubling the size of the index will
+double the length of the deduplication window at the expense of doubling
+the storage size and the memory requirements.
+The other option is to enable sparse indexing. Sparse indexing increases
+the deduplication window by a factor of 10, at the expense of also
+increasing the storage size by a factor of 10. However with sparse
+indexing, the memory requirements do not increase. The trade-off is
+slightly more computation per request and a slight decrease in the amount
+of deduplication detected. For most workloads with significant amounts of
+duplicate data, sparse indexing will detect 97-99% of the deduplication
+that a standard index will detect.
+The vio and data_vio Structures
+A vio (short for Vdo I/O) is conceptually similar to a bio, with additional
+fields and data to track vdo-specific information. A struct vio maintains a
+pointer to a bio but also tracks other fields specific to the operation of
+vdo. The vio is kept separate from its related bio because there are many
+circumstances where vdo completes the bio but must continue to do work
+related to deduplication or compression.
+Metadata reads and writes, and other writes that originate within vdo, use
+a struct vio directly. Application reads and writes use a larger structure
+called a data_vio to track information about their progress. A struct
+data_vio contain a struct vio and also includes several other fields
+related to deduplication and other vdo features. The data_vio is the
+primary unit of application work in vdo. Each data_vio proceeds through a
+set of steps to handle the application data, after which it is reset and
+returned to a pool of data_vios for reuse.
+There is a fixed pool of 2048 data_vios. This number was chosen to bound
+the amount of work that is required to recover from a crash. In addition,
+benchmarks have indicated that increasing the size of the pool does not
+significantly improve performance.
+The Data Store
+The data store is implemented by three main data structures, all of which
+work in concert to reduce or amortize metadata updates across as many data
+writes as possible.
+*The Slab Depot*
+Most of the vdo volume belongs to the slab depot. The depot contains a
+collection of slabs. The slabs can be up to 32GB, and are divided into
+three sections. Most of a slab consists of a linear sequence of 4K blocks.
+These blocks are used either to store data, or to hold portions of the
+block map (see below). In addition to the data blocks, each slab has a set
+of reference counters, using 1 byte for each data block. Finally each slab
+has a journal.
+Reference updates are written to the slab journal. Slab journal blocks are
+written out either when they are full, or when the recovery journal
+requests they do so in order to allow the main recovery journal (see below)
+to free up space. The slab journal is used both to ensure that the main
+recovery journal can regularly free up space, and also to amortize the cost
+of updating individual reference blocks. The reference counters are kept in
+memory and are written out, a block at a time in oldest-dirtied-order, only
+when there is a need to reclaim slab journal space. The write operations
+are performed in the background as needed so they do not add latency to
+particular I/O operations.
+Each slab is independent of every other. They are assigned to "physical
+zones" in round-robin fashion. If there are P physical zones, then slab n
+is assigned to zone n mod P.
+The slab depot maintains an additional small data structure, the "slab
+summary," which is used to reduce the amount of work needed to come back
+online after a crash. The slab summary maintains an entry for each slab
+indicating whether or not the slab has ever been used, whether all of its
+reference count updates have been persisted to storage, and approximately
+how full it is. During recovery, each physical zone will attempt to recover
+at least one slab, stopping whenever it has recovered a slab which has some
+free blocks. Once each zone has some space, or has determined that none is
+available, the target can resume normal operation in a degraded mode. Read
+and write requests can be serviced, perhaps with degraded performance,
+while the remainder of the dirty slabs are recovered.
+*The Block Map*
+The block map contains the logical to physical mapping. It can be thought
+of as an array with one entry per logical address. Each entry is 5 bytes,
+36 bits of which contain the physical block number which holds the data for
+the given logical address. The other 4 bits are used to indicate the nature
+of the mapping. Of the 16 possible states, one represents a logical address
+which is unmapped (i.e. it has never been written, or has been discarded),
+one represents an uncompressed block, and the other 14 states are used to
+indicate that the mapped data is compressed, and which of the compression
+slots in the compressed block contains the data for this logical address.
+In practice, the array of mapping entries is divided into "block map
+pages," each of which fits in a single 4K block. Each block map page
+consists of a header and 812 mapping entries. Each mapping page is actually
+a leaf of a radix tree which consists of block map pages at each level.
+There are 60 radix trees which are assigned to "logical zones" in round
+robin fashion. (If there are L logical zones, tree n will belong to zone n
+mod L.) At each level, the trees are interleaved, so logical addresses
+0-811 belong to tree 0, logical addresses 812-1623 belong to tree 1, and so
+on. The interleaving is maintained all the way up to the 60 root nodes.
+Choosing 60 trees results in an evenly distributed number of trees per zone
+for a large number of possible logical zone counts. The storage for the 60
+tree roots is allocated at format time. All other block map pages are
+allocated out of the slabs as needed. This flexible allocation avoids the
+need to pre-allocate space for the entire set of logical mappings and also
+makes growing the logical size of a vdo relatively easy.
+In operation, the block map maintains two caches. It is prohibitive to keep
+the entire leaf level of the trees in memory, so each logical zone
+maintains its own cache of leaf pages. The size of this cache is
+configurable at target start time. The second cache is allocated at start
+time, and is large enough to hold all the non-leaf pages of the entire
+block map. This cache is populated as pages are needed.
+*The Recovery Journal*
+The recovery journal is used to amortize updates across the block map and
+slab depot. Each write request causes an entry to be made in the journal.
+Entries are either "data remappings" or "block map remappings." For a data
+remapping, the journal records the logical address affected and its old and
+new physical mappings. For a block map remapping, the journal records the
+block map page number and the physical block allocated for it. Block map
+pages are never reclaimed or repurposed, so the old mapping is always 0.
+Each journal entry is an intent record summarizing the metadata updates
+that are required for a data_vio. The recovery journal issues a flush
+before each journal block write to ensure that the physical data for the
+new block mappings in that block are stable on storage, and journal block
+writes are all issued with the FUA bit set to ensure the recovery journal
+entries themselves are stable. The journal entry and the data write it
+represents must be stable on disk before the other metadata structures may
+be updated to reflect the operation. These entries allow the vdo device to
+reconstruct the logical to physical mappings after an unexpected
+interruption such as a loss of power.
+*Write Path*
+All write I/O to vdo is asynchronous. Each bio will be acknowledged as soon
+as vdo has done enough work to guarantee that it can complete the write
+eventually. Generally, the data for acknowledged but unflushed write I/O
+can be treated as though it is cached in memory. If an application
+requires data to be stable on storage, it must issue a flush or write the
+data with the FUA bit set like any other asynchronous I/O. Shutting down
+the vdo target will also flush any remaining I/O.
+Application write bios follow the steps outlined below.
+1. A data_vio is obtained from the data_vio pool and associated with the
+ application bio. If there are no data_vios available, the incoming bio
+ will block until a data_vio is available. This provides back pressure
+ to the application. The data_vio pool is protected by a spin lock.
+ The newly acquired data_vio is reset and the bio's data is copied into
+ the data_vio if it is a write and the data is not all zeroes. The data
+ must be copied because the application bio can be acknowledged before
+ the data_vio processing is complete, which means later processing steps
+ will no longer have access to the application bio. The application bio
+ may also be smaller than 4K, in which case the data_vio will have
+ already read the underlying block and the data is instead copied over
+ the relevant portion of the larger block.
+2. The data_vio places a claim (the "logical lock") on the logical address
+ of the bio. It is vital to prevent simultaneous modifications of the
+ same logical address, because deduplication involves sharing blocks.
+ This claim is implemented as an entry in a hashtable where the key is
+ the logical address and the value is a pointer to the data_vio
+ currently handling that address.
+ If a data_vio looks in the hashtable and finds that another data_vio is
+ already operating on that logical address, it waits until the previous
+ operation finishes. It also sends a message to inform the current
+ lock holder that it is waiting. Most notably, a new data_vio waiting
+ for a logical lock will flush the previous lock holder out of the
+ compression packer (step 8d) rather than allowing it to continue
+ waiting to be packed.
+ This stage requires the data_vio to get an implicit lock on the
+ appropriate logical zone to prevent concurrent modifications of the
+ hashtable. This implicit locking is handled by the zone divisions
+ described above.
+3. The data_vio traverses the block map tree to ensure that all the
+ necessary internal tree nodes have been allocated, by trying to find
+ the leaf page for its logical address. If any interior tree page is
+ missing, it is allocated at this time out of the same physical storage
+ pool used to store application data.
+ a. If any page-node in the tree has not yet been allocated, it must be
+ allocated before the write can continue. This step requires the
+ data_vio to lock the page-node that needs to be allocated. This
+ lock, like the logical block lock in step 2, is a hashtable entry
+ that causes other data_vios to wait for the allocation process to
+ complete.
+ The implicit logical zone lock is released while the allocation is
+ happening, in order to allow other operations in the same logical
+ zone to proceed. The details of allocation are the same as in
+ step 4. Once a new node has been allocated, that node is added to
+ the tree using a similar process to adding a new data block mapping.
+ The data_vio journals the intent to add the new node to the block
+ map tree (step 10), updates the reference count of the new block
+ (step 11), and reacquires the implicit logical zone lock to add the
+ new mapping to the parent tree node (step 12). Once the tree is
+ updated, the data_vio proceeds down the tree. Any other data_vios
+ waiting on this allocation also proceed.
+ b. In the steady-state case, the block map tree nodes will already be
+ allocated, so the data_vio just traverses the tree until it finds
+ the required leaf node. The location of the mapping (the "block map
+ slot") is recorded in the data_vio so that later steps do not need
+ to traverse the tree again. The data_vio then releases the implicit
+ logical zone lock.
+4. If the block is a zero block, skip to step 9. Otherwise, an attempt is
+ made to allocate a free data block. This allocation ensures that the
+ data_vio can write its data somewhere even if deduplication and
+ compression are not possible. This stage gets an implicit lock on a
+ physical zone to search for free space within that zone.
+ The data_vio will search each slab in a zone until it finds a free
+ block or decides there are none. If the first zone has no free space,
+ it will proceed to search the next physical zone by taking the implicit
+ lock for that zone and releasing the previous one until it finds a
+ free block or runs out of zones to search. The data_vio will acquire a
+ struct pbn_lock (the "physical block lock") on the free block. The
+ struct pbn_lock also has several fields to record the various kinds of
+ claims that data_vios can have on physical blocks. The pbn_lock is
+ added to a hashtable like the logical block locks in step 2. This
+ hashtable is also covered by the implicit physical zone lock. The
+ reference count of the free block is updated to prevent any other
+ data_vio from considering it free. The reference counters are a
+ sub-component of the slab and are thus also covered by the implicit
+ physical zone lock.
+5. If an allocation was obtained, the data_vio has all the resources it
+ needs to complete the write. The application bio can safely be
+ acknowledged at this point. The acknowledgment happens on a separate
+ thread to prevent the application callback from blocking other data_vio
+ operations.
+ If an allocation could not be obtained, the data_vio continues to
+ attempt to deduplicate or compress the data, but the bio is not
+ acknowledged because the vdo device may be out of space.
+6. At this point vdo must determine where to store the application data.
+ The data_vio's data is hashed and the hash (the "record name") is
+ recorded in the data_vio.
+7. The data_vio reserves or joins a struct hash_lock, which manages all of
+ the data_vios currently writing the same data. Active hash locks are
+ tracked in a hashtable similar to the way logical block locks are
+ tracked in step 2. This hashtable is covered by the implicit lock on
+ the hash zone.
+ If there is no existing hash lock for this data_vio's record_name, the
+ data_vio obtains a hash lock from the pool, adds it to the hashtable,
+ and sets itself as the new hash lock's "agent." The hash_lock pool is
+ also covered by the implicit hash zone lock. The hash lock agent will
+ do all the work to decide where the application data will be
+ written. If a hash lock for the data_vio's record_name already exists,
+ and the data_vio's data is the same as the agent's data, the new
+ data_vio will wait for the agent to complete its work and then share
+ its result.
+ In the rare case that a hash lock exists for the data_vio's hash but
+ the data does not match the hash lock's agent, the data_vio skips to
+ step 8h and attempts to write its data directly. This can happen if two
+ different data blocks produce the same hash, for example.
+8. The hash lock agent attempts to deduplicate or compress its data with
+ the following steps.
+ a. The agent initializes and sends its embedded deduplication request
+ (struct uds_request) to the deduplication index. This does not
+ require the data_vio to get any locks because the index components
+ manage their own locking. The data_vio waits until it either gets a
+ response from the index or times out.
+ b. If the deduplication index returns advice, the data_vio attempts to
+ obtain a physical block lock on the indicated physical address, in
+ order to read the data and verify that it is the same as the
+ data_vio's data, and that it can accept more references. If the
+ physical address is already locked by another data_vio, the data at
+ that address may soon be overwritten so it is not safe to use the
+ address for deduplication.
+ c. If the data matches and the physical block can add references, the
+ agent and any other data_vios waiting on it will record this
+ physical block as their new physical address and proceed to step 9
+ to record their new mapping. If there are more data_vios in the hash
+ lock than there are references available, one of the remaining
+ data_vios becomes the new agent and continues to step 8d as if no
+ valid advice was returned.
+ d. If no usable duplicate block was found, the agent first checks that
+ it has an allocated physical block (from step 3) that it can write
+ to. If the agent does not have an allocation, some other data_vio in
+ the hash lock that does have an allocation takes over as agent. If
+ none of the data_vios have an allocated physical block, these writes
+ are out of space, so they proceed to step 13 for cleanup.
+ e. The agent attempts to compress its data. If the data does not
+ compress, the data_vio will continue to step 8h to write its data
+ directly.
+ If the compressed size is small enough, the agent will release the
+ implicit hash zone lock and go to the packer (struct packer) where
+ it will be placed in a bin (struct packer_bin) along with other
+ data_vios. All compression operations require the implicit lock on
+ the packer zone.
+ The packer can combine up to 14 compressed blocks in a single 4k
+ data block. Compression is only helpful if vdo can pack at least 2
+ data_vios into a single data block. This means that a data_vio may
+ wait in the packer for an arbitrarily long time for other data_vios
+ to fill out the compressed block. There is a mechanism for vdo to
+ evict waiting data_vios when continuing to wait would cause
+ problems. Circumstances causing an eviction include an application
+ flush, device shutdown, or a subsequent data_vio trying to overwrite
+ the same logical block address. A data_vio may also be evicted from
+ the packer if it cannot be paired with any other compressed block
+ before more compressible blocks need to use its bin. An evicted
+ data_vio will proceed to step 8h to write its data directly.
+ f. If the agent fills a packer bin, either because all 14 of its slots
+ are used or because it has no remaining space, it is written out
+ using the allocated physical block from one of its data_vios. Step
+ 8d has already ensured that an allocation is available.
+ g. Each data_vio sets the compressed block as its new physical address.
+ The data_vio obtains an implicit lock on the physical zone and
+ acquires the struct pbn_lock for the compressed block, which is
+ modified to be a shared lock. Then it releases the implicit physical
+ zone lock and proceeds to step 8i.
+ h. Any data_vio evicted from the packer will have an allocation from
+ step 3. It will write its data to that allocated physical block.
+ i. After the data is written, if the data_vio is the agent of a hash
+ lock, it will reacquire the implicit hash zone lock and share its
+ physical address with as many other data_vios in the hash lock as
+ possible. Each data_vio will then proceed to step 9 to record its
+ new mapping.
+ j. If the agent actually wrote new data (whether compressed or not),
+ the deduplication index is updated to reflect the location of the
+ new data. The agent then releases the implicit hash zone lock.
+9. The data_vio determines the previous mapping of the logical address.
+ There is a cache for block map leaf pages (the "block map cache"),
+ because there are usually too many block map leaf nodes to store
+ entirely in memory. If the desired leaf page is not in the cache, the
+ data_vio will reserve a slot in the cache and load the desired page
+ into it, possibly evicting an older cached page. The data_vio then
+ finds the current physical address for this logical address (the "old
+ physical mapping"), if any, and records it. This step requires a lock
+ on the block map cache structures, covered by the implicit logical zone
+ lock.
+10. The data_vio makes an entry in the recovery journal containing the
+ logical block address, the old physical mapping, and the new physical
+ mapping. Making this journal entry requires holding the implicit
+ recovery journal lock. The data_vio will wait in the journal until all
+ recovery blocks up to the one containing its entry have been written
+ and flushed to ensure the transaction is stable on storage.
+11. Once the recovery journal entry is stable, the data_vio makes two slab
+ journal entries: an increment entry for the new mapping, and a
+ decrement entry for the old mapping. These two operations each require
+ holding a lock on the affected physical slab, covered by its implicit
+ physical zone lock. For correctness during recovery, the slab journal
+ entries in any given slab journal must be in the same order as the
+ corresponding recovery journal entries. Therefore, if the two entries
+ are in different zones, they are made concurrently, and if they are in
+ the same zone, the increment is always made before the decrement in
+ order to avoid underflow. After each slab journal entry is made in
+ memory, the associated reference count is also updated in memory.
+12. Once both of the reference count updates are done, the data_vio
+ acquires the implicit logical zone lock and updates the
+ logical-to-physical mapping in the block map to point to the new
+ physical block. At this point the write operation is complete.
+13. If the data_vio has a hash lock, it acquires the implicit hash zone
+ lock and releases its hash lock to the pool.
+ The data_vio then acquires the implicit physical zone lock and releases
+ the struct pbn_lock it holds for its allocated block. If it had an
+ allocation that it did not use, it also sets the reference count for
+ that block back to zero to free it for use by subsequent data_vios.
+ The data_vio then acquires the implicit logical zone lock and releases
+ the logical block lock acquired in step 2.
+ The application bio is then acknowledged if it has not previously been
+ acknowledged, and the data_vio is returned to the pool.
+*Read Path*
+An application read bio follows a much simpler set of steps. It does steps
+1 and 2 in the write path to obtain a data_vio and lock its logical
+address. If there is already a write data_vio in progress for that logical
+address that is guaranteed to complete, the read data_vio will copy the
+data from the write data_vio and return it. Otherwise, it will look up the
+logical-to-physical mapping by traversing the block map tree as in step 3,
+and then read and possibly decompress the indicated data at the indicated
+physical block address. A read data_vio will not allocate block map tree
+nodes if they are missing. If the interior block map nodes do not exist
+yet, the logical block map address must still be unmapped and the read
+data_vio will return all zeroes. A read data_vio handles cleanup and
+acknowledgment as in step 13, although it only needs to release the logical
+lock and return itself to the pool.
+*Small Writes*
+All storage within vdo is managed as 4KB blocks, but it can accept writes
+as small as 512 bytes. Processing a write that is smaller than 4K requires
+a read-modify-write operation that reads the relevant 4K block, copies the
+new data over the approriate sectors of the block, and then launches a
+write operation for the modified data block. The read and write stages of
+this operation are nearly identical to the normal read and write
+operations, and a single data_vio is used throughout this operation.
+When a vdo is restarted after a crash, it will attempt to recover from the
+recovery journal. During the pre-resume phase of the next start, the
+recovery journal is read. The increment portion of valid entries are played
+into the block map. Next, valid entries are played, in order as required,
+into the slab journals. Finally, each physical zone attempts to replay at
+least one slab journal to reconstruct the reference counts of one slab.
+Once each zone has some free space (or has determined that it has none),
+the vdo comes back online, while the remainder of the slab journals are
+used to reconstruct the rest of the reference counts in the background.
+*Read-only Rebuild*
+If a vdo encounters an unrecoverable error, it will enter read-only mode.
+This mode indicates that some previously acknowledged data may have been
+lost. The vdo may be instructed to rebuild as best it can in order to
+return to a writable state. However, this is never done automatically due
+to the possibility that data has been lost. During a read-only rebuild, the
+block map is recovered from the recovery journal as before. However, the
+reference counts are not rebuilt from the slab journals. Instead, the
+reference counts are zeroed, the entire block map is traversed, and the
+reference counts are updated from the block mappings. While this may lose
+some data, it ensures that the block map and reference counts are
+consistent with each other. This allows vdo to resume normal operation and
+accept further writes.
diff --git a/Documentation/admin-guide/device-mapper/vdo.rst b/Documentation/admin-guide/device-mapper/vdo.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e1ecafdf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/admin-guide/device-mapper/vdo.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+The dm-vdo (virtual data optimizer) device mapper target provides
+block-level deduplication, compression, and thin provisioning. As a device
+mapper target, it can add these features to the storage stack, compatible
+with any file system. The vdo target does not protect against data
+corruption, relying instead on integrity protection of the storage below
+it. It is strongly recommended that lvm be used to manage vdo volumes. See
+Userspace component
+Formatting a vdo volume requires the use of the 'vdoformat' tool, available
+In most cases, a vdo target will recover from a crash automatically the
+next time it is started. In cases where it encountered an unrecoverable
+error (either during normal operation or crash recovery) the target will
+enter or come up in read-only mode. Because read-only mode is indicative of
+data-loss, a positive action must be taken to bring vdo out of read-only
+mode. The 'vdoforcerebuild' tool, available from the same repo, is used to
+prepare a read-only vdo to exit read-only mode. After running this tool,
+the vdo target will rebuild its metadata the next time it is
+started. Although some data may be lost, the rebuilt vdo's metadata will be
+internally consistent and the target will be writable again.
+The repo also contains additional userspace tools which can be used to
+inspect a vdo target's on-disk metadata. Fortunately, these tools are
+rarely needed except by dm-vdo developers.
+Metadata requirements
+Each vdo volume reserves 3GB of space for metadata, or more depending on
+its configuration. It is helpful to check that the space saved by
+deduplication and compression is not cancelled out by the metadata
+requirements. An estimation of the space saved for a specific dataset can
+be computed with the vdo estimator tool, which is available at:
+Target interface
+Table line
+ <offset> <logical device size> vdo V4 <storage device>
+ <storage device size> <minimum I/O size> <block map cache size>
+ <block map era length> [optional arguments]
+Required parameters:
+ offset:
+ The offset, in sectors, at which the vdo volume's logical
+ space begins.
+ logical device size:
+ The size of the device which the vdo volume will service,
+ in sectors. Must match the current logical size of the vdo
+ volume.
+ storage device:
+ The device holding the vdo volume's data and metadata.
+ storage device size:
+ The size of the device holding the vdo volume, as a number
+ of 4096-byte blocks. Must match the current size of the vdo
+ volume.
+ minimum I/O size:
+ The minimum I/O size for this vdo volume to accept, in
+ bytes. Valid values are 512 or 4096. The recommended value
+ is 4096.
+ block map cache size:
+ The size of the block map cache, as a number of 4096-byte
+ blocks. The minimum and recommended value is 32768 blocks.
+ If the logical thread count is non-zero, the cache size
+ must be at least 4096 blocks per logical thread.
+ block map era length:
+ The speed with which the block map cache writes out
+ modified block map pages. A smaller era length is likely to
+ reduce the amount of time spent rebuilding, at the cost of
+ increased block map writes during normal operation. The
+ maximum and recommended value is 16380; the minimum value
+ is 1.
+Optional parameters:
+Some or all of these parameters may be specified as <key> <value> pairs.
+Thread related parameters:
+Different categories of work are assigned to separate thread groups, and
+the number of threads in each group can be configured separately.
+If <hash>, <logical>, and <physical> are all set to 0, the work handled by
+all three thread types will be handled by a single thread. If any of these
+values are non-zero, all of them must be non-zero.
+ ack:
+ The number of threads used to complete bios. Since
+ completing a bio calls an arbitrary completion function
+ outside the vdo volume, threads of this type allow the vdo
+ volume to continue processing requests even when bio
+ completion is slow. The default is 1.
+ bio:
+ The number of threads used to issue bios to the underlying
+ storage. Threads of this type allow the vdo volume to
+ continue processing requests even when bio submission is
+ slow. The default is 4.
+ bioRotationInterval:
+ The number of bios to enqueue on each bio thread before
+ switching to the next thread. The value must be greater
+ than 0 and not more than 1024; the default is 64.
+ cpu:
+ The number of threads used to do CPU-intensive work, such
+ as hashing and compression. The default is 1.
+ hash:
+ The number of threads used to manage data comparisons for
+ deduplication based on the hash value of data blocks. The
+ default is 0.
+ logical:
+ The number of threads used to manage caching and locking
+ based on the logical address of incoming bios. The default
+ is 0; the maximum is 60.
+ physical:
+ The number of threads used to manage administration of the
+ underlying storage device. At format time, a slab size for
+ the vdo is chosen; the vdo storage device must be large
+ enough to have at least 1 slab per physical thread. The
+ default is 0; the maximum is 16.
+Miscellaneous parameters:
+ maxDiscard:
+ The maximum size of discard bio accepted, in 4096-byte
+ blocks. I/O requests to a vdo volume are normally split
+ into 4096-byte blocks, and processed up to 2048 at a time.
+ However, discard requests to a vdo volume can be
+ automatically split to a larger size, up to <maxDiscard>
+ 4096-byte blocks in a single bio, and are limited to 1500
+ at a time. Increasing this value may provide better overall
+ performance, at the cost of increased latency for the
+ individual discard requests. The default and minimum is 1;
+ the maximum is UINT_MAX / 4096.
+ deduplication:
+ Whether deduplication is enabled. The default is 'on'; the
+ acceptable values are 'on' and 'off'.
+ compression:
+ Whether compression is enabled. The default is 'off'; the
+ acceptable values are 'on' and 'off'.
+Device modification
+A modified table may be loaded into a running, non-suspended vdo volume.
+The modifications will take effect when the device is next resumed. The
+modifiable parameters are <logical device size>, <physical device size>,
+<maxDiscard>, <compression>, and <deduplication>.
+If the logical device size or physical device size are changed, upon
+successful resume vdo will store the new values and require them on future
+startups. These two parameters may not be decreased. The logical device
+size may not exceed 4 PB. The physical device size must increase by at
+least 32832 4096-byte blocks if at all, and must not exceed the size of the
+underlying storage device. Additionally, when formatting the vdo device, a
+slab size is chosen: the physical device size may never increase above the
+size which provides 8192 slabs, and each increase must be large enough to
+add at least one new slab.
+Start a previously-formatted vdo volume with 1 GB logical space and 1 GB
+physical space, storing to /dev/dm-1 which has more than 1 GB of space.
+ dmsetup create vdo0 --table \
+ "0 2097152 vdo V4 /dev/dm-1 262144 4096 32768 16380"
+Grow the logical size to 4 GB.
+ dmsetup reload vdo0 --table \
+ "0 8388608 vdo V4 /dev/dm-1 262144 4096 32768 16380"
+ dmsetup resume vdo0
+Grow the physical size to 2 GB.
+ dmsetup reload vdo0 --table \
+ "0 8388608 vdo V4 /dev/dm-1 524288 4096 32768 16380"
+ dmsetup resume vdo0
+Grow the physical size by 1 GB more and increase max discard sectors.
+ dmsetup reload vdo0 --table \
+ "0 10485760 vdo V4 /dev/dm-1 786432 4096 32768 16380 maxDiscard 8"
+ dmsetup resume vdo0
+Stop the vdo volume.
+ dmsetup remove vdo0
+Start the vdo volume again. Note that the logical and physical device sizes
+must still match, but other parameters can change.
+ dmsetup create vdo1 --table \
+ "0 10485760 vdo V4 /dev/dm-1 786432 512 65550 5000 hash 1 logical 3 physical 2"
+All vdo devices accept messages in the form:
+ dmsetup message <target-name> 0 <message-name> <message-parameters>
+The messages are:
+ stats:
+ Outputs the current view of the vdo statistics. Mostly used
+ by the vdostats userspace program to interpret the output
+ buffer.
+ dump:
+ Dumps many internal structures to the system log. This is
+ not always safe to run, so it should only be used to debug
+ a hung vdo. Optional parameters to specify structures to
+ dump are:
+ viopool: The pool of I/O requests incoming bios
+ pools: A synonym of 'viopool'
+ vdo: Most of the structures managing on-disk data
+ queues: Basic information about each vdo thread
+ threads: A synonym of 'queues'
+ default: Equivalent to 'queues vdo'
+ all: All of the above.
+ dump-on-shutdown:
+ Perform a default dump next time vdo shuts down.
+ <device> <operating mode> <in recovery> <index state>
+ <compression state> <physical blocks used> <total physical blocks>
+ device:
+ The name of the vdo volume.
+ operating mode:
+ The current operating mode of the vdo volume; values may be
+ 'normal', 'recovering' (the volume has detected an issue
+ with its metadata and is attempting to repair itself), and
+ 'read-only' (an error has occurred that forces the vdo
+ volume to only support read operations and not writes).
+ in recovery:
+ Whether the vdo volume is currently in recovery mode;
+ values may be 'recovering' or '-' which indicates not
+ recovering.
+ index state:
+ The current state of the deduplication index in the vdo
+ volume; values may be 'closed', 'closing', 'error',
+ 'offline', 'online', 'opening', and 'unknown'.
+ compression state:
+ The current state of compression in the vdo volume; values
+ may be 'offline' and 'online'.
+ used physical blocks:
+ The number of physical blocks in use by the vdo volume.
+ total physical blocks:
+ The total number of physical blocks the vdo volume may use;
+ the difference between this value and the
+ <used physical blocks> is the number of blocks the vdo
+ volume has left before being full.
+Memory Requirements
+A vdo target requires a fixed 38 MB of RAM along with the following amounts
+that scale with the target:
+- 1.15 MB of RAM for each 1 MB of configured block map cache size. The
+ block map cache requires a minimum of 150 MB.
+- 1.6 MB of RAM for each 1 TB of logical space.
+- 268 MB of RAM for each 1 TB of physical storage managed by the volume.
+The deduplication index requires additional memory which scales with the
+size of the deduplication window. For dense indexes, the index requires 1
+GB of RAM per 1 TB of window. For sparse indexes, the index requires 1 GB
+of RAM per 10 TB of window. The index configuration is set when the target
+is formatted and may not be modified.
+Module Parameters
+The vdo driver has a numeric parameter 'log_level' which controls the
+verbosity of logging from the driver. The default setting is 6
+(LOGLEVEL_INFO and more severe messages).
+Run-time Usage
+When using dm-vdo, it is important to be aware of the ways in which its
+behavior differs from other storage targets.
+- There is no guarantee that over-writes of existing blocks will succeed.
+ Because the underlying storage may be multiply referenced, over-writing
+ an existing block generally requires a vdo to have a free block
+ available.
+- When blocks are no longer in use, sending a discard request for those
+ blocks lets the vdo release references for those blocks. If the vdo is
+ thinly provisioned, discarding unused blocks is essential to prevent the
+ target from running out of space. However, due to the sharing of
+ duplicate blocks, no discard request for any given logical block is
+ guaranteed to reclaim space.
+- Assuming the underlying storage properly implements flush requests, vdo
+ is resilient against crashes, however, unflushed writes may or may not
+ persist after a crash.
+- Each write to a vdo target entails a significant amount of processing.
+ However, much of the work is paralellizable. Therefore, vdo targets
+ achieve better throughput at higher I/O depths, and can support up 2048
+ requests in parallel.
+The vdo device has many options, and it can be difficult to make optimal
+choices without perfect knowledge of the workload. Additionally, most
+configuration options must be set when a vdo target is started, and cannot
+be changed without shutting it down completely; the configuration cannot be
+changed while the target is active. Ideally, tuning with simulated
+workloads should be performed before deploying vdo in production
+The most important value to adjust is the block map cache size. In order to
+service a request for any logical address, a vdo must load the portion of
+the block map which holds the relevant mapping. These mappings are cached.
+Performance will suffer when the working set does not fit in the cache. By
+default, a vdo allocates 128 MB of metadata cache in RAM to support
+efficient access to 100 GB of logical space at a time. It should be scaled
+up proportionally for larger working sets.
+The logical and physical thread counts should also be adjusted. A logical
+thread controls a disjoint section of the block map, so additional logical
+threads increase parallelism and can increase throughput. Physical threads
+control a disjoint section of the data blocks, so additional physical
+threads can also increase throughput. However, excess threads can waste
+resources and increase contention.
+Bio submission threads control the parallelism involved in sending I/O to
+the underlying storage; fewer threads mean there is more opportunity to
+reorder I/O requests for performance benefit, but also that each I/O
+request has to wait longer before being submitted.
+Bio acknowledgment threads are used for finishing I/O requests. This is
+done on dedicated threads since the amount of work required to execute a
+bio's callback can not be controlled by the vdo itself. Usually one thread
+is sufficient but additional threads may be beneficial, particularly when
+bios have CPU-heavy callbacks.
+CPU threads are used for hashing and for compression; in workloads with
+compression enabled, more threads may result in higher throughput.
+Hash threads are used to sort active requests by hash and determine whether
+they should deduplicate; the most CPU intensive actions done by these
+threads are comparison of 4096-byte data blocks. In most cases, a single
+hash thread is sufficient.