[[flavour]] name = "armmp" [flavour.defs] is_default = true [flavour.description] hardware = 'ARMv7 multiplatform compatible SoCs' hardware_long = 'ARMv7 multiplatform kernel. See https://wiki.debian.org/DebianKernel/ARMMP for details of supported platforms' [flavour.packages] installer = true [[flavour]] name = "armmp-lpae" [flavour.description] hardware = 'ARMv7 multiplatform compatible SoCs supporting LPAE' hardware_long = 'ARMv7 multiplatform kernel supporting LPAE. See https://wiki.debian.org/DebianKernel/ARMMP for details of supported platforms.' [[featureset]] name = 'none' [[featureset]] name = 'rt' # Override available flavours in rt featureset [[featureset.flavour]] name = 'armmp' [build] enable_vdso = true kernel_file = 'arch/arm/boot/zImage' kernel_stem = 'vmlinuz'