include: - variables: RELEASE: 'unstable' # Make that build quicker DEB_BUILD_PROFILES: pkg.linux.quick # We have to bump the version in source preparation, not later SALSA_CI_DISABLE_VERSION_BUMP: 'true' # Currently broken in quick build DEBIAN_KERNEL_DISABLE_INSTALLER: 'true' # Output is limited to 4 MiB total, so use 'terse'. # Current runners have 2 CPUs but have slow I/O so 'parallel=4' is # a bit faster. DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS: 'terse parallel=4' DEBIAN_KERNEL_DISABLE_BUILD_PACKAGE_ARM64: 0 # Add stages for signed packages stages: - provisioning - build - publish - sign-code - build-signed - test # The common Salsa CI pipeline relies on keeping the unpacked source # as an artifact, but in our case this is far too large for the # current limits on Salsa (salsa-ci-team/pipeline#195). So we # redefine the source extraction and build steps to use packed source. # Our modified extract-source and build jobs extract-source: stage: provisioning image: $SALSA_CI_IMAGES_BASE cache: key: "orig-${RELEASE}" paths: - orig extends: - .artifacts-default-expire rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null when: never - when: always script: # Move cache to where and orig target want it - mkdir -p orig - rm -rf ../orig - mv orig ../orig # Install dependencies of,, and debian/rules orig - apt-get update - | eatmydata apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \ debhelper \ git \ gpg \ gpgv \ kernel-wedge \ python3 \ python3-dacite \ python3-debian \ python3-jinja2 \ quilt \ rsync - version=$(dpkg-parsechangelog -SVersion) - upstream_version=$(echo $version | sed 's/-[^-]*$//') # Merge upstream source. We could use origtargz to download a # tarball fom the archive if available or run uscan if not, but # uscan is currently excessively slow for us (bug #1003251). - | if [ -f ../orig/linux_${upstream_version}.orig.tar.xz ]; then ln -s orig/linux_${upstream_version}.orig.tar.xz .. else debian/bin/ fi - debian/rules orig # Fudge source version and distribution *before* - sed -i -e '1 s/) [^;]*/+salsaci) UNRELEASED/' debian/changelog - version=${version}+salsaci # Run # - create temporary log - log="$(mktemp)" # - invoke debian/control-real rule and log output - | rc=0; debian/rules debian/control-real >"$log" 2>&1 || rc=$? - cat "$log" # - check for success message and error code - test $rc = 2 - grep -q 'been generated SUCCESSFULLY' "$log" # Put packed source in artifacts - dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -S -sa -d - mkdir -p ${WORKING_DIR} - cp ../orig/linux_${upstream_version}.orig.tar.xz ${WORKING_DIR} - mv ../linux_${version}.dsc ../linux_${version}.debian.tar.xz ${WORKING_DIR} # Move cache back to where GitLab wants it. Only include # tarballs, not unpacked source. - mkdir orig - mv ../orig/*.tar.xz orig build: stage: build timeout: 3 hours image: $SALSA_CI_IMAGES_BASE cache: key: "build-${BUILD_ARCH}_${HOST_ARCH}" paths: - .ccache extends: - .artifacts-default-expire rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null when: never - when: always variables: CCACHE_TMP_DIR: ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/../.ccache CCACHE_WORK_DIR: ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/.ccache DB_BUILD_PARAM: ${SALSA_CI_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_ARGS} DB_BUILD_TYPE: full artifacts: exclude: - ${WORKING_DIR}/${SOURCE_DIR}/**/* script: # Unpack the source - | apt-get update && eatmydata apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \ dpkg-dev - dpkg-source -x ${WORKING_DIR}/*.dsc ${WORKING_DIR}/${SOURCE_DIR} # Do the same as the common .build-definition script - !reference [.build-before-script] - !reference [.build-script] - mv ${CCACHE_TMP_DIR} ${CCACHE_WORK_DIR} dependencies: - extract-source build-arm64: extends: build image: $SALSA_CI_IMAGES_BASE_ARM64 variables: BUILD_ARCH: 'arm64' tags: - arm64 rules: - if: $DEBIAN_KERNEL_DISABLE_BUILD_PACKAGE_ARM64 =~ /^(1|yes|true)$/ when: never # Make it possible to override the rules below. E.g. when a project fork # has an ARM64 runner available. - if: $DEBIAN_KERNEL_ENABLE_BUILD_PACKAGE_ARM64 =~ /^(1|yes|true)$/ when: always # While there isn't an ARM shared runner avilable, let's run this job # manually in forks of the kernel-team/linux project, and in branches other # than the default branch, and allow it to fail in that case - if: $CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE != "kernel-team" allow_failure: true when: manual - if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME != $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH allow_failure: true when: manual - when: always # The folllowing jobs are the standard tests, excluding any that # require building again lintian: extends: .test-lintian script: - lintian --suppress-tags "${SALSA_CI_LINTIAN_SUPPRESS_TAGS}" --display-info --pedantic --fail-on error --allow-root ${SALSA_CI_LINTIAN_SHOW_OVERRIDES_ARG} ${SALSA_CI_LINTIAN_ARGS} ${WORKING_DIR}/*.changes | tee lintian.output || ECODE=$? - --lintian-file lintian.output > ${WORKING_DIR}/lintian.xml - exit ${ECODE-0} needs: - job: build artifacts: true - job: build-signed artifacts: true autopkgtest: extends: .test-autopkgtest blhc: extends: .test-blhc piuparts: extends: .test-piuparts needs: - job: build artifacts: true - job: build-signed artifacts: true missing-breaks: extends: .test-missing-breaks rc-bugs: extends: .test-rc-bugs # Python static checkers python-static: stage: test image: $SALSA_CI_IMAGES_BASE rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null when: never - when: always script: - | apt-get update && eatmydata apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \ flake8 python3 python3-dacite python3-jinja2 python3-pytest # Run both checkers and coalesce their results rather than exiting # on first failure - pass=true - flake8 debian --max-line-length=100 || pass=false - py.test debian/lib/python || pass=false - $pass needs: [] # kconfig static check kconfig-static: stage: test image: $SALSA_CI_IMAGES_BASE rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null when: never - when: always script: # Unpack source and apply featureset patches - | apt-get update && eatmydata apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \ debhelper dpkg-dev git python3 python3-dacite quilt - dpkg-source -x ${WORKING_DIR}/*.dsc ${WORKING_DIR}/${SOURCE_DIR} - cd ${WORKING_DIR}/${SOURCE_DIR} - debian/rules source # Fetch kernel-team repository - kernel_team_dir="$(mktemp -d)" - | git clone --depth=1 \ "$kernel_team_dir" # Run and treat any error output as a failure - error_log="$(mktemp)" - | "$kernel_team_dir"/utils/kconfigeditor2/ . 2>"$error_log" \ || true - | if [ -s "$error_log" ]; then cat "$error_log"; false; fi needs: - job: extract-source artifacts: true # Sign code with the test key and certificate, build and test that sign-code: stage: sign-code image: $SALSA_CI_IMAGES_BASE extends: - .artifacts-default-expire rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null when: never - when: always script: - | apt-get update && eatmydata apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \ dpkg-dev git openssl python3 python3-debian sbsigntool # Fetch kernel-team repository - kernel_team_dir="$(mktemp -d)" - | git clone --depth=1 \ "$kernel_team_dir" # Sign the code and build a source package - | "$kernel_team_dir"/scripts/debian-test-sign \ ${WORKING_DIR}/linux_*_${BUILD_ARCH}.changes \ debian/certs/ci-test-sign/ci-test-sign-key.pem \ debian/certs/ci-test-sign/ci-test-sign.pem artifacts: paths: - ${WORKING_DIR}/linux-signed-${BUILD_ARCH}_* needs: - job: build artifacts: true build-signed: stage: build-signed image: $SALSA_CI_IMAGES_BASE extends: - .artifacts-default-expire rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null when: never - when: always variables: SALSA_CI_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_ARGS: '' CCACHE_TMP_DIR: ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/../.ccache CCACHE_WORK_DIR: ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/.ccache DB_BUILD_PARAM: ${SALSA_CI_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_ARGS} DB_BUILD_TYPE: full script: # Unpack the source - | apt-get update && eatmydata apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \ dpkg-dev - | dpkg-source -x ${WORKING_DIR}/linux-signed-${BUILD_ARCH}_*.dsc \ ${WORKING_DIR}/${SOURCE_DIR} # Install build-dependencies produced by build job - | apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \ ${WORKING_DIR}/linux-image-*-unsigned_*_${BUILD_ARCH}.deb # Do the same as the common .build-definition script - !reference [.build-before-script] - !reference [.build-script] - mv ${CCACHE_TMP_DIR} ${CCACHE_WORK_DIR} artifacts: # This should include the linux-signed source package, its binary # packages, and (for piuparts) the versioned dependencies produced # by the build job paths: - ${WORKING_DIR}/linux-signed-${BUILD_ARCH}_* - ${WORKING_DIR}/linux-headers-*_${BUILD_ARCH}.deb - ${WORKING_DIR}/linux-headers-*-common_*_all.deb - ${WORKING_DIR}/linux-image-*_${BUILD_ARCH}.deb - ${WORKING_DIR}/linux-kbuild-*_${BUILD_ARCH}.deb exclude: - ${WORKING_DIR}/linux-image-*-unsigned_*_${BUILD_ARCH}.deb needs: - job: build artifacts: true - job: sign-code artifacts: true