#!/bin/sh # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 tenths=date\ +%s%1N # Wait for PID $1 to have $2 number of threads started # Time out after $3 tenths of a second or 5 seconds if $3 is "" wait_for_threads() { tm_out=$3 ; [ -n "${tm_out}" ] || tm_out=50 start_time=$($tenths) while [ -e "/proc/$1/task" ] ; do th_cnt=$(find "/proc/$1/task" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -printf x | wc -c) if [ "${th_cnt}" -ge "$2" ] ; then return 0 fi # Wait at most tm_out tenths of a second if [ $(($($tenths) - start_time)) -ge $tm_out ] ; then echo "PID $1 does not have $2 threads" return 1 fi done return 1 } # Wait for perf record -vvv 2>$2 with PID $1 to start by looking at file $2 # It depends on capturing perf record debug message "perf record has started" # Time out after $3 tenths of a second or 5 seconds if $3 is "" wait_for_perf_to_start() { tm_out=$3 ; [ -n "${tm_out}" ] || tm_out=50 echo "Waiting for \"perf record has started\" message" start_time=$($tenths) while [ -e "/proc/$1" ] ; do if grep -q "perf record has started" "$2" ; then echo OK break fi # Wait at most tm_out tenths of a second if [ $(($($tenths) - start_time)) -ge $tm_out ] ; then echo "perf recording did not start" return 1 fi done return 0 } # Wait for process PID %1 to exit # Time out after $2 tenths of a second or 5 seconds if $2 is "" wait_for_process_to_exit() { tm_out=$2 ; [ -n "${tm_out}" ] || tm_out=50 start_time=$($tenths) while [ -e "/proc/$1" ] ; do # Wait at most tm_out tenths of a second if [ $(($($tenths) - start_time)) -ge $tm_out ] ; then echo "PID $1 did not exit as expected" return 1 fi done return 0 } # Check if PID $1 is still running after $2 tenths of a second # or 0.3 seconds if $2 is "" is_running() { tm_out=$2 ; [ -n "${tm_out}" ] || tm_out=3 start_time=$($tenths) while [ -e "/proc/$1" ] ; do # Check for at least tm_out tenths of a second if [ $(($($tenths) - start_time)) -gt $tm_out ] ; then return 0 fi done echo "PID $1 exited prematurely" return 1 }