#!/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 """ This script helps generate fragmented UDP packets. While it is technically possible to dynamically generate fragmented packets in C, it is much harder to read and write said code. `scapy` is relatively industry standard and really easy to read / write. So we choose to write this script that generates a valid C header. Rerun script and commit generated file after any modifications. """ import argparse import os from scapy.all import * # These constants must stay in sync with `ip_check_defrag.c` VETH1_ADDR = "" VETH0_ADDR6 = "fc00::100" VETH1_ADDR6 = "fc00::200" CLIENT_PORT = 48878 SERVER_PORT = 48879 MAGIC_MESSAGE = "THIS IS THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE, PLEASE REASSEMBLE ME" def print_header(f): f.write("// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0\n") f.write("/* DO NOT EDIT -- this file is generated */\n") f.write("\n") f.write("#ifndef _IP_CHECK_DEFRAG_FRAGS_H\n") f.write("#define _IP_CHECK_DEFRAG_FRAGS_H\n") f.write("\n") f.write("#include \n") f.write("\n") def print_frags(f, frags, v6): for idx, frag in enumerate(frags): # 10 bytes per line to keep width in check chunks = [frag[i : i + 10] for i in range(0, len(frag), 10)] chunks_fmted = [", ".join([str(hex(b)) for b in chunk]) for chunk in chunks] suffix = "6" if v6 else "" f.write(f"static uint8_t frag{suffix}_{idx}[] = {{\n") for chunk in chunks_fmted: f.write(f"\t{chunk},\n") f.write(f"}};\n") def print_trailer(f): f.write("\n") f.write("#endif /* _IP_CHECK_DEFRAG_FRAGS_H */\n") def main(f): # srcip of 0 is filled in by IP_HDRINCL sip = "" sip6 = VETH0_ADDR6 dip = VETH1_ADDR dip6 = VETH1_ADDR6 sport = CLIENT_PORT dport = SERVER_PORT payload = MAGIC_MESSAGE.encode() # Disable UDPv4 checksums to keep code simpler pkt = IP(src=sip,dst=dip) / UDP(sport=sport,dport=dport,chksum=0) / Raw(load=payload) # UDPv6 requires a checksum # Also pin the ipv6 fragment header ID, otherwise it's a random value pkt6 = IPv6(src=sip6,dst=dip6) / IPv6ExtHdrFragment(id=0xBEEF) / UDP(sport=sport,dport=dport) / Raw(load=payload) frags = [f.build() for f in pkt.fragment(24)] frags6 = [f.build() for f in fragment6(pkt6, 72)] print_header(f) print_frags(f, frags, False) print_frags(f, frags6, True) print_trailer(f) if __name__ == "__main__": dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) header = f"{dir}/ip_check_defrag_frags.h" with open(header, "w") as f: main(f)