#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 ALL_TESTS=" rmon_rx_histogram rmon_tx_histogram " NUM_NETIFS=2 source lib.sh ETH_FCS_LEN=4 ETH_HLEN=$((6+6+2)) declare -A netif_mtu ensure_mtu() { local iface=$1; shift local len=$1; shift local current=$(ip -j link show dev $iface | jq -r '.[0].mtu') local required=$((len - ETH_HLEN - ETH_FCS_LEN)) if [ $current -lt $required ]; then ip link set dev $iface mtu $required || return 1 fi } bucket_test() { local iface=$1; shift local neigh=$1; shift local set=$1; shift local bucket=$1; shift local len=$1; shift local num_rx=10000 local num_tx=20000 local expected= local before= local after= local delta= # Mausezahn does not include FCS bytes in its length - but the # histogram counters do len=$((len - ETH_FCS_LEN)) before=$(ethtool --json -S $iface --groups rmon | \ jq -r ".[0].rmon[\"${set}-pktsNtoM\"][$bucket].val") # Send 10k one way and 20k in the other, to detect counters # mapped to the wrong direction $MZ $neigh -q -c $num_rx -p $len -a own -b bcast -d 10us $MZ $iface -q -c $num_tx -p $len -a own -b bcast -d 10us after=$(ethtool --json -S $iface --groups rmon | \ jq -r ".[0].rmon[\"${set}-pktsNtoM\"][$bucket].val") delta=$((after - before)) expected=$([ $set = rx ] && echo $num_rx || echo $num_tx) # Allow some extra tolerance for other packets sent by the stack [ $delta -ge $expected ] && [ $delta -le $((expected + 100)) ] } rmon_histogram() { local iface=$1; shift local neigh=$1; shift local set=$1; shift local nbuckets=0 local step= RET=0 while read -r -a bucket; do step="$set-pkts${bucket[0]}to${bucket[1]} on $iface" for if in $iface $neigh; do if ! ensure_mtu $if ${bucket[0]}; then log_test_skip "$if does not support the required MTU for $step" return fi done if ! bucket_test $iface $neigh $set $nbuckets ${bucket[0]}; then check_err 1 "$step failed" return 1 fi log_test "$step" nbuckets=$((nbuckets + 1)) done < <(ethtool --json -S $iface --groups rmon | \ jq -r ".[0].rmon[\"${set}-pktsNtoM\"][]|[.low, .high]|@tsv" 2>/dev/null) if [ $nbuckets -eq 0 ]; then log_test_skip "$iface does not support $set histogram counters" return fi } rmon_rx_histogram() { rmon_histogram $h1 $h2 rx rmon_histogram $h2 $h1 rx } rmon_tx_histogram() { rmon_histogram $h1 $h2 tx rmon_histogram $h2 $h1 tx } setup_prepare() { h1=${NETIFS[p1]} h2=${NETIFS[p2]} for iface in $h1 $h2; do netif_mtu[$iface]=$(ip -j link show dev $iface | jq -r '.[0].mtu') ip link set dev $iface up done } cleanup() { pre_cleanup for iface in $h2 $h1; do ip link set dev $iface \ mtu ${netif_mtu[$iface]} \ down done } check_ethtool_counter_group_support trap cleanup EXIT setup_prepare setup_wait tests_run exit $EXIT_STATUS