#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2023 Collabora Ltd # # This script tests whether the rust sample modules can # be added and removed correctly. # DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" KTAP_HELPERS="${DIR}/../kselftest/ktap_helpers.sh" if [ -e "$KTAP_HELPERS" ]; then source "$KTAP_HELPERS" else echo "$KTAP_HELPERS file not found [SKIP]" exit 4 fi rust_sample_modules=("rust_minimal" "rust_print") ktap_print_header for sample in "${rust_sample_modules[@]}"; do if ! /sbin/modprobe -n -q "$sample"; then ktap_skip_all "module $sample is not found in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)" exit "$KSFT_SKIP" fi done ktap_set_plan "${#rust_sample_modules[@]}" for sample in "${rust_sample_modules[@]}"; do if /sbin/modprobe -q "$sample"; then /sbin/modprobe -q -r "$sample" ktap_test_pass "$sample" else ktap_test_fail "$sample" fi done ktap_finished