import os import signal from string import Template import subprocess import time from multiprocessing import Pool from functools import cached_property from TdcPlugin import TdcPlugin from tdc_config import * try: from pyroute2 import netns from pyroute2 import IPRoute netlink = True except ImportError: netlink = False print("!!! Consider installing pyroute2 !!!") class SubPlugin(TdcPlugin): def __init__(self): self.sub_class = 'ns/SubPlugin' super().__init__() def pre_suite(self, testcount, testlist): super().pre_suite(testcount, testlist) def prepare_test(self, test): if 'skip' in test and test['skip'] == 'yes': return if 'nsPlugin' not in test['plugins']: return if netlink == True: self._nl_ns_create() else: self._ipr2_ns_create() # Make sure the netns is visible in the fs ticks = 20 while True: if ticks == 0: raise TimeoutError self._proc_check() try: ns = self.args.NAMES['NS'] f = open('/run/netns/{}'.format(ns)) f.close() break except: time.sleep(0.1) ticks -= 1 continue def pre_case(self, test, test_skip): if self.args.verbose: print('{}.pre_case'.format(self.sub_class)) if test_skip: return self.prepare_test(test) def post_case(self): if self.args.verbose: print('{}.post_case'.format(self.sub_class)) if netlink == True: self._nl_ns_destroy() else: self._ipr2_ns_destroy() def post_suite(self, index): if self.args.verbose: print('{}.post_suite'.format(self.sub_class)) # Make sure we don't leak resources cmd = self._replace_keywords("$IP -a netns del") if self.args.verbose > 3: print('_exec_cmd: command "{}"'.format(cmd)), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) def adjust_command(self, stage, command): super().adjust_command(stage, command) cmdform = 'list' cmdlist = list() if self.args.verbose: print('{}.adjust_command'.format(self.sub_class)) if not isinstance(command, list): cmdform = 'str' cmdlist = command.split() else: cmdlist = command if stage == 'setup' or stage == 'execute' or stage == 'verify' or stage == 'teardown': if self.args.verbose: print('adjust_command: stage is {}; inserting netns stuff in command [{}] list [{}]'.format(stage, command, cmdlist)) cmdlist.insert(0, self.args.NAMES['NS']) cmdlist.insert(0, 'exec') cmdlist.insert(0, 'netns') cmdlist.insert(0, self.args.NAMES['IP']) else: pass if cmdform == 'str': command = ' '.join(cmdlist) else: command = cmdlist if self.args.verbose: print('adjust_command: return command [{}]'.format(command)) return command def _nl_ns_create(self): ns = self.args.NAMES["NS"]; dev0 = self.args.NAMES["DEV0"]; dev1 = self.args.NAMES["DEV1"]; dummy = self.args.NAMES["DUMMY"]; if self.args.verbose: print('{}._nl_ns_create'.format(self.sub_class)) netns.create(ns) netns.pushns(newns=ns) with IPRoute() as ip:'add', ifname=dev1, kind='veth', peer={'ifname': dev0, 'net_ns_fd':'/proc/1/ns/net'})'add', ifname=dummy, kind='dummy') ticks = 20 while True: if ticks == 0: raise TimeoutError try: dev1_idx = ip.link_lookup(ifname=dev1)[0] dummy_idx = ip.link_lookup(ifname=dummy)[0]'set', index=dev1_idx, state='up')'set', index=dummy_idx, state='up') break except: time.sleep(0.1) ticks -= 1 continue netns.popns() with IPRoute() as ip: ticks = 20 while True: if ticks == 0: raise TimeoutError try: dev0_idx = ip.link_lookup(ifname=dev0)[0]'set', index=dev0_idx, state='up') break except: time.sleep(0.1) ticks -= 1 continue def _ipr2_ns_create_cmds(self): cmds = [] ns = self.args.NAMES['NS'] cmds.append(self._replace_keywords('netns add {}'.format(ns))) cmds.append(self._replace_keywords('link add $DEV1 type veth peer name $DEV0')) cmds.append(self._replace_keywords('link set $DEV1 netns {}'.format(ns))) cmds.append(self._replace_keywords('link add $DUMMY type dummy'.format(ns))) cmds.append(self._replace_keywords('link set $DUMMY netns {}'.format(ns))) cmds.append(self._replace_keywords('netns exec {} $IP link set $DEV1 up'.format(ns))) cmds.append(self._replace_keywords('netns exec {} $IP link set $DUMMY up'.format(ns))) cmds.append(self._replace_keywords('link set $DEV0 up'.format(ns))) if self.args.device: cmds.append(self._replace_keywords('link set $DEV2 netns {}'.format(ns))) cmds.append(self._replace_keywords('netns exec {} $IP link set $DEV2 up'.format(ns))) return cmds def _ipr2_ns_create(self): ''' Create the network namespace in which the tests will be run and set up the required network devices for it. ''' self._exec_cmd_batched('pre', self._ipr2_ns_create_cmds()) def _nl_ns_destroy(self): ns = self.args.NAMES['NS'] netns.remove(ns) def _ipr2_ns_destroy_cmd(self): return self._replace_keywords('netns delete {}'.format(self.args.NAMES['NS'])) def _ipr2_ns_destroy(self): ''' Destroy the network namespace for testing (and any associated network devices as well) ''' self._exec_cmd('post', self._ipr2_ns_destroy_cmd()) @cached_property def _proc(self): ip = self._replace_keywords("$IP -b -") proc = subprocess.Popen(ip, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, env=ENVIR) return proc def _proc_check(self): proc = self._proc proc.poll() if proc.returncode is not None and proc.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError("iproute2 exited with an error code") def _exec_cmd(self, stage, command): ''' Perform any required modifications on an executable command, then run it in a subprocess and return the results. ''' if self.args.verbose > 3: print('_exec_cmd: command "{}"'.format(command)) proc = self._proc proc.stdin.write((command + '\n').encode()) proc.stdin.flush() if self.args.verbose > 3: print('_exec_cmd proc: {}'.format(proc)) self._proc_check() def _exec_cmd_batched(self, stage, commands): for cmd in commands: self._exec_cmd(stage, cmd) def _replace_keywords(self, cmd): """ For a given executable command, substitute any known variables contained within NAMES with the correct values """ tcmd = Template(cmd) subcmd = tcmd.safe_substitute(self.args.NAMES) return subcmd