[ { "id": "5124", "name": "Add mirred mirror to egress action", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred egress mirror index 1 dev lo", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mirred", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(Egress Mirror to device lo\\).*index 1 ref", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "6fb4", "name": "Add mirred redirect to egress action", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred egress redirect index 2 dev lo action pipe", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mirred", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(Egress Redirect to device lo\\).*index 2 ref", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", "$TC actions flush action gact" ] }, { "id": "ba38", "name": "Get mirred actions", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ], "$TC actions add action mirred egress mirror index 1 dev lo", "$TC actions add action mirred egress redirect index 2 dev lo" ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions show action mirred", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mirred", "matchPattern": "[Mirror|Redirect] to device lo", "matchCount": "2", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "d7c0", "name": "Add invalid mirred direction", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred inbound mirror index 20 dev lo", "expExitCode": "255", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mirred", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(.*to device lo\\).*index 20 ref", "matchCount": "0", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "e213", "name": "Add invalid mirred action", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred egress remirror index 20 dev lo", "expExitCode": "255", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mirred", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(Egress.*to device lo\\).*index 20 ref", "matchCount": "0", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "2d89", "name": "Add mirred action with invalid device", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred egress mirror index 20 dev eltoh", "expExitCode": "255", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mirred", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(.*to device eltoh\\).*index 20 ref", "matchCount": "0", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "300b", "name": "Add mirred action with duplicate index", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ], "$TC actions add action mirred egress redirect index 15 dev lo" ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred egress mirror index 15 dev lo", "expExitCode": "255", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mirred", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(.*to device lo\\).*index 15 ref", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "8917", "name": "Add mirred mirror action with control pass", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred ingress mirror dev lo pass index 1", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions get action mirred index 1", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(Ingress Mirror to device lo\\) pass.*index 1 ref", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "1054", "name": "Add mirred mirror action with control pipe", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred ingress mirror dev lo pipe index 15", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions get action mirred index 15", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(Ingress Mirror to device lo\\) pipe.*index 15 ref", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "9887", "name": "Add mirred mirror action with control continue", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred ingress mirror dev lo continue index 15", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions get action mirred index 15", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(Ingress Mirror to device lo\\) continue.*index 15 ref", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "e4aa", "name": "Add mirred mirror action with control reclassify", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred ingress mirror dev lo reclassify index 150", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions get action mirred index 150", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(Ingress Mirror to device lo\\) reclassify.*index 150 ref", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "ece9", "name": "Add mirred mirror action with control drop", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred ingress mirror dev lo drop index 99", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions get action mirred index 99", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(Ingress Mirror to device lo\\) drop.*index 99 ref", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "0031", "name": "Add mirred mirror action with control jump", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred ingress mirror dev lo jump 10 index 99", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions get action mirred index 99", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(Ingress Mirror to device lo\\) jump 10.*index 99 ref", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "407c", "name": "Add mirred mirror action with cookie", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred ingress mirror dev lo reclassify cookie aa11bb22cc33dd44ee55", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions ls action mirred", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(Ingress Mirror to device lo\\) reclassify.*cookie aa11bb22cc33dd44ee55", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "8b69", "name": "Add mirred mirror action with index at 32-bit maximum", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred ingress mirror dev lo pipe index 4294967295", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions get action mirred index 4294967295", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(Ingress Mirror to device lo\\) pipe.*index 4294967295", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "3f66", "name": "Add mirred mirror action with index exceeding 32-bit maximum", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred ingress mirror dev lo pipe index 429496729555", "expExitCode": "255", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions get action mirred index 429496729555", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(Ingress Mirror to device lo\\) pipe.*index 429496729555", "matchCount": "0", "teardown": [] }, { "id": "a70e", "name": "Delete mirred mirror action", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ], "$TC actions add action mirred egress mirror index 5 dev lo" ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions del action mirred index 5", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mirred", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(Egress Mirror to device lo\\).*index 5 ref", "matchCount": "0", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "3fb3", "name": "Delete mirred redirect action", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ], "$TC actions add action mirred egress redirect index 5 dev lo" ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions del action mirred index 5", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mirred", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(Egress Redirect to device lo\\).*index 5 ref", "matchCount": "0", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "2a9a", "name": "Replace mirred action with invalid goto chain control", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ], "$TC actions add action mirred ingress mirror dev lo drop index 90" ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions replace action mirred ingress mirror dev lo goto chain 42 index 90 cookie c1a0c1a0", "expExitCode": "255", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions get action mirred index 90", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(Ingress Mirror to device lo\\) drop.*index 90 ref", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "4749", "name": "Add batch of 32 mirred redirect egress actions with cookie", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "bash -c \"for i in \\`seq 1 32\\`; do cmd=\\\"action mirred egress redirect dev lo index \\$i cookie aabbccddeeff112233445566778800a1 \\\"; args=\"\\$args\\$cmd\"; done && $TC actions add \\$args\"", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mirred", "matchPattern": "^[ \t]+index [0-9]+ ref", "matchCount": "32", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "5c69", "name": "Delete batch of 32 mirred redirect egress actions", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ], "bash -c \"for i in \\`seq 1 32\\`; do cmd=\\\"action mirred egress redirect dev lo index \\$i \\\"; args=\\\"\\$args\\$cmd\\\"; done && $TC actions add \\$args\"" ], "cmdUnderTest": "bash -c \"for i in \\`seq 1 32\\`; do cmd=\\\"action mirred index \\$i \\\"; args=\"\\$args\\$cmd\"; done && $TC actions del \\$args\"", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mirred", "matchPattern": "^[ \t]+index [0-9]+ ref", "matchCount": "0", "teardown": [] }, { "id": "d3c0", "name": "Add batch of 32 mirred mirror ingress actions with cookie", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "bash -c \"for i in \\`seq 1 32\\`; do cmd=\\\"action mirred ingress mirror dev lo index \\$i cookie aabbccddeeff112233445566778800a1 \\\"; args=\"\\$args\\$cmd\"; done && $TC actions add \\$args\"", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mirred", "matchPattern": "^[ \t]+index [0-9]+ ref", "matchCount": "32", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "e684", "name": "Delete batch of 32 mirred mirror ingress actions", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ], "bash -c \"for i in \\`seq 1 32\\`; do cmd=\\\"action mirred ingress mirror dev lo index \\$i \\\"; args=\\\"\\$args\\$cmd\\\"; done && $TC actions add \\$args\"" ], "cmdUnderTest": "bash -c \"for i in \\`seq 1 32\\`; do cmd=\\\"action mirred index \\$i \\\"; args=\"\\$args\\$cmd\"; done && $TC actions del \\$args\"", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mirred", "matchPattern": "^[ \t]+index [0-9]+ ref", "matchCount": "0", "teardown": [] }, { "id": "31e3", "name": "Add mirred mirror to egress action with no_percpu flag", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred egress mirror dev lo no_percpu", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mirred", "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]*: mirred \\(Egress Mirror to device lo\\).*no_percpu", "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "456d", "name": "Add mirred mirror to egress block action", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "dependsOn": "$TC actions add action mirred help 2>&1 | grep -q blockid", "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ], [ "$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 egress_block 21 clsact", 0 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred egress mirror index 1 blockid 21", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC -j actions get action mirred index 1", "matchJSON": [ { "total acts": 0 }, { "actions": [ { "order": 1, "kind": "mirred", "mirred_action": "mirror", "direction": "egress", "to_blockid": 21, "control_action": { "type": "pipe" }, "index": 1, "ref": 1, "bind": 0, "not_in_hw": true } ] } ], "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 egress_block 21 clsact", "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "2358", "name": "Add mirred mirror to ingress block action", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "dependsOn": "$TC actions add action mirred help 2>&1 | grep -q blockid", "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ], [ "$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress_block 21 clsact", 0 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred ingress mirror index 1 blockid 21", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC -j actions get action mirred index 1", "matchJSON": [ { "total acts": 0 }, { "actions": [ { "order": 1, "kind": "mirred", "mirred_action": "mirror", "direction": "ingress", "to_blockid": 21, "control_action": { "type": "pipe" }, "index": 1, "ref": 1, "bind": 0, "not_in_hw": true } ] } ], "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress_block 21 clsact", "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "fdb1", "name": "Add mirred redirect to egress block action", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "dependsOn": "$TC actions add action mirred help 2>&1 | grep -q blockid", "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ], [ "$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress_block 21 clsact", 0 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred egress redirect index 1 blockid 21", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC -j actions get action mirred index 1", "matchJSON": [ { "total acts": 0 }, { "actions": [ { "order": 1, "kind": "mirred", "mirred_action": "redirect", "direction": "egress", "to_blockid": 21, "control_action": { "type": "stolen" }, "index": 1, "ref": 1, "bind": 0, "not_in_hw": true } ] } ], "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress_block 21 clsact", "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "20cc", "name": "Add mirred redirect to ingress block action", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "dependsOn": "$TC actions add action mirred help 2>&1 | grep -q blockid", "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ], [ "$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress_block 21 clsact", 0 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred ingress redirect index 1 blockid 21", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC -j actions get action mirred index 1", "matchJSON": [ { "total acts": 0 }, { "actions": [ { "order": 1, "kind": "mirred", "mirred_action": "redirect", "direction": "ingress", "to_blockid": 21, "control_action": { "type": "stolen" }, "index": 1, "ref": 1, "bind": 0, "not_in_hw": true } ] } ], "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress_block 21 clsact", "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "e739", "name": "Try to add mirred action with both dev and block", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "dependsOn": "$TC actions add action mirred help 2>&1 | grep -q blockid", "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ], [ "$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress_block 21 clsact", 0 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred ingress redirect index 1 blockid 21 dev $DEV1", "expExitCode": "255", "verifyCmd": "$TC -j actions list action mirred", "matchJSON": [], "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress_block 21 clsact", "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "2f47", "name": "Try to add mirred action without specifying neither dev nor block", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ], [ "$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress_block 21 clsact", 0 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mirred ingress redirect index 1", "expExitCode": "255", "verifyCmd": "$TC -j actions list action mirred", "matchJSON": [], "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress_block 21 clsact", "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "3188", "name": "Replace mirred redirect to dev action with redirect to block", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "dependsOn": "$TC actions add action mirred help 2>&1 | grep -q blockid", "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ], [ "$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress_block 21 clsact", 0 ], [ "$TC actions add action mirred ingress redirect index 1 dev $DEV1", 0 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions replace action mirred egress redirect index 1 blockid 21", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC -j actions get action mirred index 1", "matchJSON": [ { "total acts": 0 }, { "actions": [ { "order": 1, "kind": "mirred", "mirred_action": "redirect", "direction": "egress", "to_blockid": 21, "control_action": { "type": "stolen" }, "index": 1, "ref": 1, "bind": 0, "not_in_hw": true } ] } ], "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress_block 21 clsact", "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] }, { "id": "83cc", "name": "Replace mirred redirect to block action with mirror to dev", "category": [ "actions", "mirred" ], "dependsOn": "$TC actions add action mirred help 2>&1 | grep -q blockid", "plugins": { "requires": "nsPlugin" }, "setup": [ [ "$TC actions flush action mirred", 0, 1, 255 ], [ "$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress_block 21 clsact", 0 ], [ "$TC actions add action mirred egress redirect index 1 blockid 21", 0 ] ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions replace action mirred ingress mirror index 1 dev lo", "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC -j actions get action mirred index 1", "matchJSON": [ { "total acts": 0 }, { "actions": [ { "order": 1, "kind": "mirred", "mirred_action": "mirror", "direction": "ingress", "to_dev": "lo", "control_action": { "type": "pipe" }, "index": 1, "ref": 1, "bind": 0, "not_in_hw": true } ] } ], "matchCount": "1", "teardown": [ "$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress_block 21 clsact", "$TC actions flush action mirred" ] } ]