#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 """ tdc.py - Linux tc (Traffic Control) unit test driver Copyright (C) 2017 Lucas Bates <lucasb@mojatatu.com> """ import re import os import sys import argparse import importlib import json import subprocess import time import traceback import random from multiprocessing import Pool from collections import OrderedDict from string import Template from tdc_config import * from tdc_helper import * import TdcPlugin from TdcResults import * class PluginDependencyException(Exception): def __init__(self, missing_pg): self.missing_pg = missing_pg class PluginMgrTestFail(Exception): def __init__(self, stage, output, message): self.stage = stage self.output = output self.message = message class PluginMgr: def __init__(self, argparser): super().__init__() self.plugins = set() self.plugin_instances = [] self.failed_plugins = {} self.argparser = argparser plugindir = os.getenv('TDC_PLUGIN_DIR', './plugins') for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(plugindir): for fn in filenames: if (fn.endswith('.py') and not fn == '__init__.py' and not fn.startswith('#') and not fn.startswith('.#')): mn = fn[0:-3] foo = importlib.import_module('plugins.' + mn) self.plugins.add(mn) self.plugin_instances[mn] = foo.SubPlugin() def load_plugin(self, pgdir, pgname): pgname = pgname[0:-3] self.plugins.add(pgname) foo = importlib.import_module('{}.{}'.format(pgdir, pgname)) # nsPlugin must always be the first one if pgname == "nsPlugin": self.plugin_instances.insert(0, (pgname, foo.SubPlugin())) self.plugin_instances[0][1].check_args(self.args, None) else: self.plugin_instances.append((pgname, foo.SubPlugin())) self.plugin_instances[-1][1].check_args(self.args, None) def get_required_plugins(self, testlist): ''' Get all required plugins from the list of test cases and return all unique items. ''' reqs = set() for t in testlist: try: if 'requires' in t['plugins']: if isinstance(t['plugins']['requires'], list): reqs.update(set(t['plugins']['requires'])) else: reqs.add(t['plugins']['requires']) t['plugins'] = t['plugins']['requires'] else: t['plugins'] = [] except KeyError: t['plugins'] = [] continue return reqs def load_required_plugins(self, reqs, parser, args, remaining): ''' Get all required plugins from the list of test cases and load any plugin that is not already enabled. ''' pgd = ['plugin-lib', 'plugin-lib-custom'] pnf = [] for r in reqs: if r not in self.plugins: fname = '{}.py'.format(r) source_path = [] for d in pgd: pgpath = '{}/{}'.format(d, fname) if os.path.isfile(pgpath): source_path.append(pgpath) if len(source_path) == 0: print('ERROR: unable to find required plugin {}'.format(r)) pnf.append(fname) continue elif len(source_path) > 1: print('WARNING: multiple copies of plugin {} found, using version found') print('at {}'.format(source_path[0])) pgdir = source_path[0] pgdir = pgdir.split('/')[0] self.load_plugin(pgdir, fname) if len(pnf) > 0: raise PluginDependencyException(pnf) parser = self.call_add_args(parser) (args, remaining) = parser.parse_known_args(args=remaining, namespace=args) return args def call_pre_suite(self, testcount, testidlist): for (_, pgn_inst) in self.plugin_instances: pgn_inst.pre_suite(testcount, testidlist) def call_post_suite(self, index): for (_, pgn_inst) in reversed(self.plugin_instances): pgn_inst.post_suite(index) def call_pre_case(self, caseinfo, *, test_skip=False): for (pgn, pgn_inst) in self.plugin_instances: if pgn not in caseinfo['plugins']: continue try: pgn_inst.pre_case(caseinfo, test_skip) except Exception as ee: print('exception {} in call to pre_case for {} plugin'. format(ee, pgn_inst.__class__)) print('test_ordinal is {}'.format(test_ordinal)) print('testid is {}'.format(caseinfo['id'])) raise def call_post_case(self, caseinfo): for (pgn, pgn_inst) in reversed(self.plugin_instances): if pgn not in caseinfo['plugins']: continue pgn_inst.post_case() def call_pre_execute(self, caseinfo): for (pgn, pgn_inst) in self.plugin_instances: if pgn not in caseinfo['plugins']: continue pgn_inst.pre_execute() def call_post_execute(self, caseinfo): for (pgn, pgn_inst) in reversed(self.plugin_instances): if pgn not in caseinfo['plugins']: continue pgn_inst.post_execute() def call_add_args(self, parser): for (pgn, pgn_inst) in self.plugin_instances: parser = pgn_inst.add_args(parser) return parser def call_check_args(self, args, remaining): for (pgn, pgn_inst) in self.plugin_instances: pgn_inst.check_args(args, remaining) def call_adjust_command(self, caseinfo, stage, command): for (pgn, pgn_inst) in self.plugin_instances: if pgn not in caseinfo['plugins']: continue command = pgn_inst.adjust_command(stage, command) return command def set_args(self, args): self.args = args @staticmethod def _make_argparser(args): self.argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Linux TC unit tests') def replace_keywords(cmd): """ For a given executable command, substitute any known variables contained within NAMES with the correct values """ tcmd = Template(cmd) subcmd = tcmd.safe_substitute(NAMES) return subcmd def exec_cmd(caseinfo, args, pm, stage, command): """ Perform any required modifications on an executable command, then run it in a subprocess and return the results. """ if len(command.strip()) == 0: return None, None if '$' in command: command = replace_keywords(command) command = pm.call_adjust_command(caseinfo, stage, command) if args.verbose > 0: print('command "{}"'.format(command)) proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=ENVIR) try: (rawout, serr) = proc.communicate(timeout=NAMES['TIMEOUT']) if proc.returncode != 0 and len(serr) > 0: foutput = serr.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore") else: foutput = rawout.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore") except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: foutput = "Command \"{}\" timed out\n".format(command) proc.returncode = 255 proc.stdout.close() proc.stderr.close() return proc, foutput def prepare_env(caseinfo, args, pm, stage, prefix, cmdlist, output = None): """ Execute the setup/teardown commands for a test case. Optionally terminate test execution if the command fails. """ if args.verbose > 0: print('{}'.format(prefix)) for cmdinfo in cmdlist: if isinstance(cmdinfo, list): exit_codes = cmdinfo[1:] cmd = cmdinfo[0] else: exit_codes = [0] cmd = cmdinfo if not cmd: continue (proc, foutput) = exec_cmd(caseinfo, args, pm, stage, cmd) if proc and (proc.returncode not in exit_codes): print('', file=sys.stderr) print("{} *** Could not execute: \"{}\"".format(prefix, cmd), file=sys.stderr) print("\n{} *** Error message: \"{}\"".format(prefix, foutput), file=sys.stderr) print("returncode {}; expected {}".format(proc.returncode, exit_codes)) print("\n{} *** Aborting test run.".format(prefix), file=sys.stderr) print("\n\n{} *** stdout ***".format(proc.stdout), file=sys.stderr) print("\n\n{} *** stderr ***".format(proc.stderr), file=sys.stderr) raise PluginMgrTestFail( stage, output, '"{}" did not complete successfully'.format(prefix)) def verify_by_json(procout, res, tidx, args, pm): try: outputJSON = json.loads(procout) except json.JSONDecodeError: res.set_result(ResultState.fail) res.set_failmsg('Cannot decode verify command\'s output. Is it JSON?') return res matchJSON = json.loads(json.dumps(tidx['matchJSON'])) if type(outputJSON) != type(matchJSON): failmsg = 'Original output and matchJSON value are not the same type: output: {} != matchJSON: {} ' failmsg = failmsg.format(type(outputJSON).__name__, type(matchJSON).__name__) res.set_result(ResultState.fail) res.set_failmsg(failmsg) return res if len(matchJSON) > len(outputJSON): failmsg = "Your matchJSON value is an array, and it contains more elements than the command under test\'s output:\ncommand output (length: {}):\n{}\nmatchJSON value (length: {}):\n{}" failmsg = failmsg.format(len(outputJSON), outputJSON, len(matchJSON), matchJSON) res.set_result(ResultState.fail) res.set_failmsg(failmsg) return res res = find_in_json(res, outputJSON, matchJSON, 0) return res def find_in_json(res, outputJSONVal, matchJSONVal, matchJSONKey=None): if res.get_result() == ResultState.fail: return res if type(matchJSONVal) == list: res = find_in_json_list(res, outputJSONVal, matchJSONVal, matchJSONKey) elif type(matchJSONVal) == dict: res = find_in_json_dict(res, outputJSONVal, matchJSONVal) else: res = find_in_json_other(res, outputJSONVal, matchJSONVal, matchJSONKey) if res.get_result() != ResultState.fail: res.set_result(ResultState.success) return res return res def find_in_json_list(res, outputJSONVal, matchJSONVal, matchJSONKey=None): if (type(matchJSONVal) != type(outputJSONVal)): failmsg = 'Original output and matchJSON value are not the same type: output: {} != matchJSON: {}' failmsg = failmsg.format(outputJSONVal, matchJSONVal) res.set_result(ResultState.fail) res.set_failmsg(failmsg) return res if len(matchJSONVal) > len(outputJSONVal): failmsg = "Your matchJSON value is an array, and it contains more elements than the command under test\'s output:\ncommand output (length: {}):\n{}\nmatchJSON value (length: {}):\n{}" failmsg = failmsg.format(len(outputJSONVal), outputJSONVal, len(matchJSONVal), matchJSONVal) res.set_result(ResultState.fail) res.set_failmsg(failmsg) return res for matchJSONIdx, matchJSONVal in enumerate(matchJSONVal): res = find_in_json(res, outputJSONVal[matchJSONIdx], matchJSONVal, matchJSONKey) return res def find_in_json_dict(res, outputJSONVal, matchJSONVal): for matchJSONKey, matchJSONVal in matchJSONVal.items(): if type(outputJSONVal) == dict: if matchJSONKey not in outputJSONVal: failmsg = 'Key not found in json output: {}: {}\nMatching against output: {}' failmsg = failmsg.format(matchJSONKey, matchJSONVal, outputJSONVal) res.set_result(ResultState.fail) res.set_failmsg(failmsg) return res else: failmsg = 'Original output and matchJSON value are not the same type: output: {} != matchJSON: {}' failmsg = failmsg.format(type(outputJSON).__name__, type(matchJSON).__name__) res.set_result(ResultState.fail) res.set_failmsg(failmsg) return rest if type(outputJSONVal) == dict and (type(outputJSONVal[matchJSONKey]) == dict or type(outputJSONVal[matchJSONKey]) == list): if len(matchJSONVal) > 0: res = find_in_json(res, outputJSONVal[matchJSONKey], matchJSONVal, matchJSONKey) # handling corner case where matchJSONVal == [] or matchJSONVal == {} else: res = find_in_json_other(res, outputJSONVal, matchJSONVal, matchJSONKey) else: res = find_in_json(res, outputJSONVal, matchJSONVal, matchJSONKey) return res def find_in_json_other(res, outputJSONVal, matchJSONVal, matchJSONKey=None): if matchJSONKey in outputJSONVal: if matchJSONVal != outputJSONVal[matchJSONKey]: failmsg = 'Value doesn\'t match: {}: {} != {}\nMatching against output: {}' failmsg = failmsg.format(matchJSONKey, matchJSONVal, outputJSONVal[matchJSONKey], outputJSONVal) res.set_result(ResultState.fail) res.set_failmsg(failmsg) return res return res def run_one_test(pm, args, index, tidx): global NAMES ns = NAMES['NS'] dev0 = NAMES['DEV0'] dev1 = NAMES['DEV1'] dummy = NAMES['DUMMY'] result = True tresult = "" tap = "" res = TestResult(tidx['id'], tidx['name']) if args.verbose > 0: print("\t====================\n=====> ", end="") print("Test " + tidx["id"] + ": " + tidx["name"]) if 'skip' in tidx: if tidx['skip'] == 'yes': res = TestResult(tidx['id'], tidx['name']) res.set_result(ResultState.skip) res.set_errormsg('Test case designated as skipped.') pm.call_pre_case(tidx, test_skip=True) pm.call_post_execute(tidx) return res if 'dependsOn' in tidx: if (args.verbose > 0): print('probe command for test skip') (p, procout) = exec_cmd(tidx, args, pm, 'execute', tidx['dependsOn']) if p: if (p.returncode != 0): res = TestResult(tidx['id'], tidx['name']) res.set_result(ResultState.skip) res.set_errormsg('probe command: test skipped.') pm.call_pre_case(tidx, test_skip=True) pm.call_post_execute(tidx) return res # populate NAMES with TESTID for this test NAMES['TESTID'] = tidx['id'] NAMES['NS'] = '{}-{}'.format(NAMES['NS'], tidx['random']) NAMES['DEV0'] = '{}id{}'.format(NAMES['DEV0'], tidx['id']) NAMES['DEV1'] = '{}id{}'.format(NAMES['DEV1'], tidx['id']) NAMES['DUMMY'] = '{}id{}'.format(NAMES['DUMMY'], tidx['id']) pm.call_pre_case(tidx) prepare_env(tidx, args, pm, 'setup', "-----> prepare stage", tidx["setup"]) if (args.verbose > 0): print('-----> execute stage') pm.call_pre_execute(tidx) (p, procout) = exec_cmd(tidx, args, pm, 'execute', tidx["cmdUnderTest"]) if p: exit_code = p.returncode else: exit_code = None pm.call_post_execute(tidx) if (exit_code is None or exit_code != int(tidx["expExitCode"])): print("exit: {!r}".format(exit_code)) print("exit: {}".format(int(tidx["expExitCode"]))) #print("exit: {!r} {}".format(exit_code, int(tidx["expExitCode"]))) res.set_result(ResultState.fail) res.set_failmsg('Command exited with {}, expected {}\n{}'.format(exit_code, tidx["expExitCode"], procout)) print(procout) else: if args.verbose > 0: print('-----> verify stage') (p, procout) = exec_cmd(tidx, args, pm, 'verify', tidx["verifyCmd"]) if procout: if 'matchJSON' in tidx: verify_by_json(procout, res, tidx, args, pm) elif 'matchPattern' in tidx: match_pattern = re.compile( str(tidx["matchPattern"]), re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) match_index = re.findall(match_pattern, procout) if len(match_index) != int(tidx["matchCount"]): res.set_result(ResultState.fail) res.set_failmsg('Could not match regex pattern. Verify command output:\n{}'.format(procout)) else: res.set_result(ResultState.success) else: res.set_result(ResultState.fail) res.set_failmsg('Must specify a match option: matchJSON or matchPattern\n{}'.format(procout)) elif int(tidx["matchCount"]) != 0: res.set_result(ResultState.fail) res.set_failmsg('No output generated by verify command.') else: res.set_result(ResultState.success) prepare_env(tidx, args, pm, 'teardown', '-----> teardown stage', tidx['teardown'], procout) pm.call_post_case(tidx) index += 1 # remove TESTID from NAMES del(NAMES['TESTID']) # Restore names NAMES['NS'] = ns NAMES['DEV0'] = dev0 NAMES['DEV1'] = dev1 NAMES['DUMMY'] = dummy return res def prepare_run(pm, args, testlist): tcount = len(testlist) emergency_exit = False emergency_exit_message = '' try: pm.call_pre_suite(tcount, testlist) except Exception as ee: ex_type, ex, ex_tb = sys.exc_info() print('Exception {} {} (caught in pre_suite).'. format(ex_type, ex)) traceback.print_tb(ex_tb) emergency_exit_message = 'EMERGENCY EXIT, call_pre_suite failed with exception {} {}\n'.format(ex_type, ex) emergency_exit = True if emergency_exit: pm.call_post_suite(1) return emergency_exit_message def purge_run(pm, index): pm.call_post_suite(index) def test_runner(pm, args, filtered_tests): """ Driver function for the unit tests. Prints information about the tests being run, executes the setup and teardown commands and the command under test itself. Also determines success/failure based on the information in the test case and generates TAP output accordingly. """ testlist = filtered_tests tcount = len(testlist) index = 1 tap = '' badtest = None stage = None tsr = TestSuiteReport() for tidx in testlist: if "flower" in tidx["category"] and args.device == None: errmsg = "Tests using the DEV2 variable must define the name of a " errmsg += "physical NIC with the -d option when running tdc.\n" errmsg += "Test has been skipped." if args.verbose > 1: print(errmsg) res = TestResult(tidx['id'], tidx['name']) res.set_result(ResultState.skip) res.set_errormsg(errmsg) tsr.add_resultdata(res) index += 1 continue try: badtest = tidx # in case it goes bad res = run_one_test(pm, args, index, tidx) tsr.add_resultdata(res) except PluginMgrTestFail as pmtf: ex_type, ex, ex_tb = sys.exc_info() stage = pmtf.stage message = pmtf.message output = pmtf.output res = TestResult(tidx['id'], tidx['name']) res.set_result(ResultState.fail) res.set_errormsg(pmtf.message) res.set_failmsg(pmtf.output) tsr.add_resultdata(res) index += 1 print(message) print('Exception {} {} (caught in test_runner, running test {} {} {} stage {})'. format(ex_type, ex, index, tidx['id'], tidx['name'], stage)) print('---------------') print('traceback') traceback.print_tb(ex_tb) print('---------------') if stage == 'teardown': print('accumulated output for this test:') if pmtf.output: print(pmtf.output) print('---------------') break index += 1 # if we failed in setup or teardown, # fill in the remaining tests with ok-skipped count = index if tcount + 1 != count: for tidx in testlist[count - 1:]: res = TestResult(tidx['id'], tidx['name']) res.set_result(ResultState.skip) msg = 'skipped - previous {} failed {} {}'.format(stage, index, badtest.get('id', '--Unknown--')) res.set_errormsg(msg) tsr.add_resultdata(res) count += 1 if args.pause: print('Want to pause\nPress enter to continue ...') if input(sys.stdin): print('got something on stdin') return (index, tsr) def mp_bins(alltests): serial = [] parallel = [] for test in alltests: if 'nsPlugin' not in test['plugins']: serial.append(test) else: # We can only create one netdevsim device at a time if 'netdevsim/new_device' in str(test['setup']): serial.append(test) else: parallel.append(test) return (serial, parallel) def __mp_runner(tests): (_, tsr) = test_runner(mp_pm, mp_args, tests) return tsr._testsuite def test_runner_mp(pm, args, alltests): prepare_run(pm, args, alltests) (serial, parallel) = mp_bins(alltests) batches = [parallel[n : n + 32] for n in range(0, len(parallel), 32)] batches.insert(0, serial) print("Executing {} tests in parallel and {} in serial".format(len(parallel), len(serial))) print("Using {} batches and {} workers".format(len(batches), args.mp)) # We can't pickle these objects so workaround them global mp_pm mp_pm = pm global mp_args mp_args = args with Pool(args.mp) as p: pres = p.map(__mp_runner, batches) tsr = TestSuiteReport() for trs in pres: for res in trs: tsr.add_resultdata(res) # Passing an index is not useful in MP purge_run(pm, None) return tsr def test_runner_serial(pm, args, alltests): prepare_run(pm, args, alltests) if args.verbose: print("Executing {} tests in serial".format(len(alltests))) (index, tsr) = test_runner(pm, args, alltests) purge_run(pm, index) return tsr def has_blank_ids(idlist): """ Search the list for empty ID fields and return true/false accordingly. """ return not(all(k for k in idlist)) def load_from_file(filename): """ Open the JSON file containing the test cases and return them as list of ordered dictionary objects. """ try: with open(filename) as test_data: testlist = json.load(test_data, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) except json.JSONDecodeError as jde: print('IGNORING test case file {}\n\tBECAUSE: {}'.format(filename, jde)) testlist = list() else: idlist = get_id_list(testlist) if (has_blank_ids(idlist)): for k in testlist: k['filename'] = filename return testlist def identity(string): return string def args_parse(): """ Create the argument parser. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Linux TC unit tests') parser.register('type', None, identity) return parser def set_args(parser): """ Set the command line arguments for tdc. """ parser.add_argument( '--outfile', type=str, help='Path to the file in which results should be saved. ' + 'Default target is the current directory.') parser.add_argument( '-p', '--path', type=str, help='The full path to the tc executable to use') sg = parser.add_argument_group( 'selection', 'select which test cases: ' + 'files plus directories; filtered by categories plus testids') ag = parser.add_argument_group( 'action', 'select action to perform on selected test cases') sg.add_argument( '-D', '--directory', nargs='+', metavar='DIR', help='Collect tests from the specified directory(ies) ' + '(default [tc-tests])') sg.add_argument( '-f', '--file', nargs='+', metavar='FILE', help='Run tests from the specified file(s)') sg.add_argument( '-c', '--category', nargs='*', metavar='CATG', default=['+c'], help='Run tests only from the specified category/ies, ' + 'or if no category/ies is/are specified, list known categories.') sg.add_argument( '-e', '--execute', nargs='+', metavar='ID', help='Execute the specified test cases with specified IDs') ag.add_argument( '-l', '--list', action='store_true', help='List all test cases, or those only within the specified category') ag.add_argument( '-s', '--show', action='store_true', dest='showID', help='Display the selected test cases') ag.add_argument( '-i', '--id', action='store_true', dest='gen_id', help='Generate ID numbers for new test cases') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0, help='Show the commands that are being run') parser.add_argument( '--format', default='tap', const='tap', nargs='?', choices=['none', 'xunit', 'tap'], help='Specify the format for test results. (Default: TAP)') parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', help='Execute test cases that use a physical device, ' + 'where DEVICE is its name. (If not defined, tests ' + 'that require a physical device will be skipped)') parser.add_argument( '-P', '--pause', action='store_true', help='Pause execution just before post-suite stage') parser.add_argument( '-J', '--multiprocess', type=int, default=1, dest='mp', help='Run tests in parallel whenever possible') return parser def check_default_settings(args, remaining, pm): """ Process any arguments overriding the default settings, and ensure the settings are correct. """ # Allow for overriding specific settings global NAMES if args.path != None: NAMES['TC'] = args.path if args.device != None: NAMES['DEV2'] = args.device if 'TIMEOUT' not in NAMES: NAMES['TIMEOUT'] = None if not os.path.isfile(NAMES['TC']): print("The specified tc path " + NAMES['TC'] + " does not exist.") exit(1) pm.call_check_args(args, remaining) def get_id_list(alltests): """ Generate a list of all IDs in the test cases. """ return [x["id"] for x in alltests] def check_case_id(alltests): """ Check for duplicate test case IDs. """ idl = get_id_list(alltests) return [x for x in idl if idl.count(x) > 1] def does_id_exist(alltests, newid): """ Check if a given ID already exists in the list of test cases. """ idl = get_id_list(alltests) return (any(newid == x for x in idl)) def generate_case_ids(alltests): """ If a test case has a blank ID field, generate a random hex ID for it and then write the test cases back to disk. """ for c in alltests: if (c["id"] == ""): while True: newid = str('{:04x}'.format(random.randrange(16**4))) if (does_id_exist(alltests, newid)): continue else: c['id'] = newid break ufilename = [] for c in alltests: if ('filename' in c): ufilename.append(c['filename']) ufilename = get_unique_item(ufilename) for f in ufilename: testlist = [] for t in alltests: if 'filename' in t: if t['filename'] == f: del t['filename'] testlist.append(t) outfile = open(f, "w") json.dump(testlist, outfile, indent=4) outfile.write("\n") outfile.close() def filter_tests_by_id(args, testlist): ''' Remove tests from testlist that are not in the named id list. If id list is empty, return empty list. ''' newlist = list() if testlist and args.execute: target_ids = args.execute if isinstance(target_ids, list) and (len(target_ids) > 0): newlist = list(filter(lambda x: x['id'] in target_ids, testlist)) return newlist def filter_tests_by_category(args, testlist): ''' Remove tests from testlist that are not in a named category. ''' answer = list() if args.category and testlist: test_ids = list() for catg in set(args.category): if catg == '+c': continue print('considering category {}'.format(catg)) for tc in testlist: if catg in tc['category'] and tc['id'] not in test_ids: answer.append(tc) test_ids.append(tc['id']) return answer def set_random(alltests): for tidx in alltests: tidx['random'] = random.getrandbits(32) def get_test_cases(args): """ If a test case file is specified, retrieve tests from that file. Otherwise, glob for all json files in subdirectories and load from each one. Also, if requested, filter by category, and add tests matching certain ids. """ import fnmatch flist = [] testdirs = ['tc-tests'] if args.file: # at least one file was specified - remove the default directory testdirs = [] for ff in args.file: if not os.path.isfile(ff): print("IGNORING file " + ff + "\n\tBECAUSE does not exist.") else: flist.append(os.path.abspath(ff)) if args.directory: testdirs = args.directory for testdir in testdirs: for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(testdir): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.json'): candidate = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, filename)) if candidate not in testdirs: flist.append(candidate) alltestcases = list() for casefile in flist: alltestcases = alltestcases + (load_from_file(casefile)) allcatlist = get_test_categories(alltestcases) allidlist = get_id_list(alltestcases) testcases_by_cats = get_categorized_testlist(alltestcases, allcatlist) idtestcases = filter_tests_by_id(args, alltestcases) cattestcases = filter_tests_by_category(args, alltestcases) cat_ids = [x['id'] for x in cattestcases] if args.execute: if args.category: alltestcases = cattestcases + [x for x in idtestcases if x['id'] not in cat_ids] else: alltestcases = idtestcases else: if cat_ids: alltestcases = cattestcases else: # just accept the existing value of alltestcases, # which has been filtered by file/directory pass return allcatlist, allidlist, testcases_by_cats, alltestcases def set_operation_mode(pm, parser, args, remaining): """ Load the test case data and process remaining arguments to determine what the script should do for this run, and call the appropriate function. """ ucat, idlist, testcases, alltests = get_test_cases(args) if args.gen_id: if (has_blank_ids(idlist)): alltests = generate_case_ids(alltests) else: print("No empty ID fields found in test files.") exit(0) duplicate_ids = check_case_id(alltests) if (len(duplicate_ids) > 0): print("The following test case IDs are not unique:") print(str(set(duplicate_ids))) print("Please correct them before continuing.") exit(1) if args.showID: for atest in alltests: print_test_case(atest) exit(0) if isinstance(args.category, list) and (len(args.category) == 0): print("Available categories:") print_sll(ucat) exit(0) if args.list: list_test_cases(alltests) exit(0) set_random(alltests) exit_code = 0 # KSFT_PASS if len(alltests): req_plugins = pm.get_required_plugins(alltests) try: args = pm.load_required_plugins(req_plugins, parser, args, remaining) except PluginDependencyException as pde: print('The following plugins were not found:') print('{}'.format(pde.missing_pg)) if args.mp > 1: catresults = test_runner_mp(pm, args, alltests) else: catresults = test_runner_serial(pm, args, alltests) if catresults.count_failures() != 0: exit_code = 1 # KSFT_FAIL if args.format == 'none': print('Test results output suppression requested\n') else: print('\nAll test results: \n') if args.format == 'xunit': suffix = 'xml' res = catresults.format_xunit() elif args.format == 'tap': suffix = 'tap' res = catresults.format_tap() print(res) print('\n\n') if not args.outfile: fname = 'test-results.{}'.format(suffix) else: fname = args.outfile with open(fname, 'w') as fh: fh.write(res) fh.close() if os.getenv('SUDO_UID') is not None: os.chown(fname, uid=int(os.getenv('SUDO_UID')), gid=int(os.getenv('SUDO_GID'))) else: print('No tests found\n') exit_code = 4 # KSFT_SKIP exit(exit_code) def main(): """ Start of execution; set up argument parser and get the arguments, and start operations. """ import resource if sys.version_info.major < 3 or sys.version_info.minor < 8: sys.exit("tdc requires at least python 3.8") resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (1048576, 1048576)) parser = args_parse() parser = set_args(parser) pm = PluginMgr(parser) parser = pm.call_add_args(parser) (args, remaining) = parser.parse_known_args() args.NAMES = NAMES args.mp = min(args.mp, 4) pm.set_args(args) check_default_settings(args, remaining, pm) if args.verbose > 2: print('args is {}'.format(args)) try: set_operation_mode(pm, parser, args, remaining) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Cleanup on Ctrl-C pm.call_post_suite(None) if __name__ == "__main__": main()