/** * Copyright (c) 2015, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include "command_executor.hh" #include "base/ansi_scrubber.hh" #include "base/fs_util.hh" #include "base/injector.hh" #include "base/itertools.hh" #include "base/string_util.hh" #include "bound_tags.hh" #include "config.h" #include "db_sub_source.hh" #include "help_text_formatter.hh" #include "lnav.hh" #include "lnav.indexing.hh" #include "lnav_config.hh" #include "lnav_util.hh" #include "log_format_loader.hh" #include "readline_highlighters.hh" #include "service_tags.hh" #include "shlex.hh" #include "sql_util.hh" #include "vtab_module.hh" #include "yajlpp/json_ptr.hh" using namespace lnav::roles::literals; exec_context INIT_EXEC_CONTEXT; static const std::string MSG_FORMAT_STMT = R"( SELECT count(*) AS total, min(log_line) AS log_line, log_msg_format FROM all_logs GROUP BY log_msg_format ORDER BY total DESC )"; int sql_progress(const struct log_cursor& lc) { ssize_t total = lnav_data.ld_log_source.text_line_count(); off_t off = lc.lc_curr_line; if (off < 0 || off >= total) { return 0; } if (lnav_data.ld_window == nullptr) { return 0; } if (!lnav_data.ld_looping) { return 1; } static sig_atomic_t sql_counter = 0; if (ui_periodic_timer::singleton().time_to_update(sql_counter)) { lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.update_loading(off, total); lnav_data.ld_status_refresher(); } return 0; } void sql_progress_finished() { if (lnav_data.ld_window == nullptr) { return; } lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.update_loading(0, 0); lnav_data.ld_status_refresher(); lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_DB].redo_search(); } static Result execute_from_file( exec_context& ec, const ghc::filesystem::path& path, int line_number, const std::string& cmdline); Result execute_command(exec_context& ec, const std::string& cmdline) { std::vector args; log_info("Executing: %s", cmdline.c_str()); split_ws(cmdline, args); if (!args.empty()) { readline_context::command_map_t::iterator iter; if ((iter = lnav_commands.find(args[0])) == lnav_commands.end()) { return ec.make_error("unknown command - {}", args[0]); } ec.ec_current_help = &iter->second->c_help; auto retval = iter->second->c_func(ec, cmdline, args); if (retval.isErr()) { auto um = retval.unwrapErr(); ec.add_error_context(um); ec.ec_current_help = nullptr; return Err(um); } ec.ec_current_help = nullptr; return retval; } return ec.make_error("no command to execute"); } static Result, lnav::console::user_message> bind_sql_parameters(exec_context& ec, sqlite3_stmt* stmt) { std::map retval; auto param_count = sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(stmt); for (int lpc = 0; lpc < param_count; lpc++) { std::map::iterator ov_iter; const auto* name = sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(stmt, lpc + 1); if (name == nullptr) { auto um = lnav::console::user_message::error("invalid SQL statement") .with_reason( "using a question-mark (?) for bound variables " "is not supported, only named bound parameters " "are supported") .with_help( "named parameters start with a dollar-sign " "($) or colon (:) followed by the variable name"); ec.add_error_context(um); return Err(um); } ov_iter = ec.ec_override.find(name); if (ov_iter != ec.ec_override.end()) { sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, lpc, ov_iter->second.c_str(), ov_iter->second.length(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } else if (name[0] == '$') { const auto& lvars = ec.ec_local_vars.top(); const auto& gvars = ec.ec_global_vars; std::map::const_iterator local_var, global_var; const char* env_value; if (lnav_data.ld_window) { char buf[32]; int lines, cols; getmaxyx(lnav_data.ld_window, lines, cols); if (strcmp(name, "$LINES") == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", lines); sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, lpc + 1, buf, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } else if (strcmp(name, "$COLS") == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", cols); sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, lpc + 1, buf, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } } if ((local_var = lvars.find(&name[1])) != lvars.end()) { mapbox::util::apply_visitor( sqlitepp::bind_visitor(stmt, lpc + 1), local_var->second); retval[name] = local_var->second; } else if ((global_var = gvars.find(&name[1])) != gvars.end()) { mapbox::util::apply_visitor( sqlitepp::bind_visitor(stmt, lpc + 1), global_var->second); retval[name] = global_var->second; } else if ((env_value = getenv(&name[1])) != nullptr) { sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, lpc + 1, env_value, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); retval[name] = env_value; } } else if (name[0] == ':' && ec.ec_line_values != nullptr) { for (auto& lv : ec.ec_line_values->lvv_values) { if (lv.lv_meta.lvm_name != &name[1]) { continue; } switch (lv.lv_meta.lvm_kind) { case value_kind_t::VALUE_BOOLEAN: sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, lpc + 1, lv.lv_value.i); retval[name] = fmt::to_string(lv.lv_value.i); break; case value_kind_t::VALUE_FLOAT: sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, lpc + 1, lv.lv_value.d); retval[name] = fmt::to_string(lv.lv_value.d); break; case value_kind_t::VALUE_INTEGER: sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, lpc + 1, lv.lv_value.i); retval[name] = fmt::to_string(lv.lv_value.i); break; case value_kind_t::VALUE_NULL: sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, lpc + 1); retval[name] = db_label_source::NULL_STR; break; default: sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, lpc + 1, lv.text_value(), lv.text_length(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); retval[name] = lv.to_string(); break; } } } else { sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, lpc + 1); log_warning("Could not bind variable: %s", name); retval[name] = db_label_source::NULL_STR; } } return Ok(retval); } static void execute_search(const std::string& search_cmd) { lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top() | [&search_cmd](auto tc) { auto search_term = string_fragment(search_cmd) .find_right_boundary(0, string_fragment::tag1{'\n'}) .to_string(); tc->execute_search(search_term); }; } Result execute_sql(exec_context& ec, const std::string& sql, std::string& alt_msg) { db_label_source& dls = lnav_data.ld_db_row_source; auto_mem stmt(sqlite3_finalize); struct timeval start_tv, end_tv; std::string stmt_str = trim(sql); std::string retval; int retcode = SQLITE_OK; log_info("Executing SQL: %s", sql.c_str()); auto old_mode = lnav_data.ld_mode; lnav_data.ld_mode = ln_mode_t::BUSY; auto mode_fin = finally([old_mode]() { lnav_data.ld_mode = old_mode; }); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.grep_error(""); if (startswith(stmt_str, ".")) { std::vector args; split_ws(stmt_str, args); auto* sql_cmd_map = injector::get(); auto cmd_iter = sql_cmd_map->find(args[0]); if (cmd_iter != sql_cmd_map->end()) { ec.ec_current_help = &cmd_iter->second->c_help; auto retval = cmd_iter->second->c_func(ec, stmt_str, args); ec.ec_current_help = nullptr; return retval; } } if (stmt_str == ".msgformats") { stmt_str = MSG_FORMAT_STMT; } ec.ec_accumulator->clear(); const auto& source = ec.ec_source.back(); sql_progress_guard progress_guard(sql_progress, sql_progress_finished, source.s_location, source.s_content); gettimeofday(&start_tv, nullptr); const auto* curr_stmt = stmt_str.c_str(); auto last_is_readonly = false; while (curr_stmt != nullptr) { const char* tail = nullptr; while (isspace(*curr_stmt)) { curr_stmt += 1; } retcode = sqlite3_prepare_v2( lnav_data.ld_db.in(), curr_stmt, -1, stmt.out(), &tail); if (retcode != SQLITE_OK) { const char* errmsg = sqlite3_errmsg(lnav_data.ld_db); alt_msg = ""; auto um = lnav::console::user_message::error( "failed to compile SQL statement") .with_reason(errmsg) .with_snippets(ec.ec_source); auto annotated_sql = annotate_sql_with_error( lnav_data.ld_db.in(), curr_stmt, tail); auto loc = um.um_snippets.back().s_location; if (curr_stmt == stmt_str.c_str()) { um.um_snippets.pop_back(); } else { auto tail_iter = stmt_str.begin(); std::advance(tail_iter, (curr_stmt - stmt_str.c_str())); loc.sl_line_number += std::count(stmt_str.begin(), tail_iter, '\n'); } um.with_snippet(lnav::console::snippet::from(loc, annotated_sql)); return Err(um); } if (stmt == nullptr) { retcode = SQLITE_DONE; break; } #ifdef HAVE_SQLITE3_STMT_READONLY last_is_readonly = sqlite3_stmt_readonly(stmt.in()); if (ec.is_read_only() && !last_is_readonly) { return ec.make_error( "modifying statements are not allowed in this context: {}", sql); } #endif bool done = false; auto bound_values = TRY(bind_sql_parameters(ec, stmt.in())); if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != nullptr) { if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->set_attr_value( lnav::console::user_message::info( attr_line_t("executing SQL statement, press ") .append("CTRL+]"_hotkey) .append(" to cancel")) .to_attr_line()); lnav_data.ld_rl_view->do_update(); } } ec.ec_sql_callback(ec, stmt.in()); while (!done) { retcode = sqlite3_step(stmt.in()); switch (retcode) { case SQLITE_OK: case SQLITE_DONE: done = true; break; case SQLITE_ROW: ec.ec_sql_callback(ec, stmt.in()); break; default: { attr_line_t bound_note; if (!bound_values.empty()) { bound_note.append( "the bound parameters are set as follows:\n"); for (const auto& bval : bound_values) { auto val_as_str = fmt::to_string(bval.second); auto sql_type = bval.second.match( [](const std::string&) { return SQLITE_TEXT; }, [](const string_fragment&) { return SQLITE_TEXT; }, [](int64_t) { return SQLITE_INTEGER; }, [](null_value_t) { return SQLITE_NULL; }, [](double) { return SQLITE_FLOAT; }); auto scrubbed_val = scrub_ws(val_as_str.c_str()); truncate_to(scrubbed_val, 40); bound_note.append(" ") .append(lnav::roles::variable(bval.first)) .append(":") .append(sqlite3_type_to_string(sql_type)) .append(" = ") .append_quoted(scrubbed_val) .append("\n"); } } log_error("sqlite3_step error code: %d", retcode); auto um = sqlite3_error_to_user_message(lnav_data.ld_db) .with_snippets(ec.ec_source) .with_note(bound_note); return Err(um); } } } curr_stmt = tail; } if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != nullptr) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->clear_value(); } gettimeofday(&end_tv, nullptr); if (retcode == SQLITE_DONE) { if (lnav_data.ld_log_source.is_line_meta_changed()) { lnav_data.ld_log_source.text_filters_changed(); lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG].reload_data(); } lnav_data.ld_filter_view.reload_data(); lnav_data.ld_files_view.reload_data(); lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_DB].reload_data(); lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_DB].set_left(0); lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_files | lnav::itertools::for_each(&logfile::dump_stats); if (ec.ec_sql_callback != sql_callback) { retval = ec.ec_accumulator->get_string(); } else if (!dls.dls_rows.empty()) { if (lnav_data.ld_flags & LNF_HEADLESS) { if (ec.ec_local_vars.size() == 1) { ensure_view(&lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_DB]); } retval = ""; alt_msg = ""; } else if (dls.dls_rows.size() == 1) { auto& row = dls.dls_rows[0]; if (dls.dls_headers.size() == 1) { retval = row[0]; } else { for (unsigned int lpc = 0; lpc < dls.dls_headers.size(); lpc++) { if (lpc > 0) { retval.append("; "); } retval.append(dls.dls_headers[lpc].hm_name); retval.push_back('='); retval.append(row[lpc]); } } } else { int row_count = dls.dls_rows.size(); char row_count_buf[128]; struct timeval diff_tv; timersub(&end_tv, &start_tv, &diff_tv); snprintf(row_count_buf, sizeof(row_count_buf), ANSI_BOLD("%'d") " row%s matched in " ANSI_BOLD( "%ld.%03ld") " seconds", row_count, row_count == 1 ? "" : "s", diff_tv.tv_sec, std::max((long) diff_tv.tv_usec / 1000, 1L)); retval = row_count_buf; if (dls.has_log_time_column()) { alt_msg = HELP_MSG_1(Q, "to switch back to the previous view " "at the matching 'log_time' value"); } else { alt_msg = ""; } } } #ifdef HAVE_SQLITE3_STMT_READONLY else if (last_is_readonly) { retval = "info: No rows matched"; alt_msg = ""; if (lnav_data.ld_flags & LNF_HEADLESS) { if (ec.ec_local_vars.size() == 1) { ensure_view(&lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_DB]); } } } #endif } return Ok(retval); } static Result execute_file_contents(exec_context& ec, const ghc::filesystem::path& path, bool multiline) { static ghc::filesystem::path stdin_path("-"); static ghc::filesystem::path dev_stdin_path("/dev/stdin"); std::string retval; FILE* file; if (path == stdin_path || path == dev_stdin_path) { if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) { return ec.make_error("stdin has already been consumed"); } file = stdin; } else if ((file = fopen(path.c_str(), "r")) == nullptr) { return ec.make_error("unable to open file"); } int line_number = 0, starting_line_number = 0; auto_mem line; size_t line_max_size; ssize_t line_size; nonstd::optional cmdline; ec.ec_path_stack.emplace_back(path.parent_path()); exec_context::output_guard og(ec); while ((line_size = getline(line.out(), &line_max_size, file)) != -1) { line_number += 1; if (trim(line.in()).empty()) { if (multiline && cmdline) { cmdline = cmdline.value() + "\n"; } continue; } if (line[0] == '#') { continue; } switch (line[0]) { case ':': case '/': case ';': case '|': if (cmdline) { retval = TRY(execute_from_file( ec, path, starting_line_number, trim(cmdline.value()))); } starting_line_number = line_number; cmdline = std::string(line); break; default: if (multiline) { cmdline = fmt::format("{}{}", cmdline.value(), line.in()); } else { retval = TRY(execute_from_file( ec, path, line_number, fmt::format(":{}", line.in()))); } break; } } if (cmdline) { retval = TRY(execute_from_file( ec, path, starting_line_number, trim(cmdline.value()))); } if (file == stdin) { if (isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)) { log_perror(dup2(STDOUT_FILENO, STDIN_FILENO)); } } else { fclose(file); } ec.ec_path_stack.pop_back(); return Ok(retval); } Result execute_file(exec_context& ec, const std::string& path_and_args, bool multiline) { available_scripts scripts; std::vector split_args; std::string retval, msg; shlex lexer(path_and_args); log_info("Executing file: %s", path_and_args.c_str()); if (!lexer.split(split_args, ec.ec_local_vars.top())) { return ec.make_error("unable to parse path"); } if (split_args.empty()) { return ec.make_error("no script specified"); } ec.ec_local_vars.push({}); auto script_name = split_args[0]; auto& vars = ec.ec_local_vars.top(); char env_arg_name[32]; std::string star, open_error = "file not found"; add_ansi_vars(vars); snprintf( env_arg_name, sizeof(env_arg_name), "%d", (int) split_args.size() - 1); vars["#"] = env_arg_name; for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < split_args.size(); lpc++) { snprintf(env_arg_name, sizeof(env_arg_name), "%lu", lpc); vars[env_arg_name] = split_args[lpc]; } for (size_t lpc = 1; lpc < split_args.size(); lpc++) { if (lpc > 1) { star.append(" "); } star.append(split_args[lpc]); } vars["__all__"] = star; std::vector paths_to_exec; find_format_scripts(lnav_data.ld_config_paths, scripts); auto iter = scripts.as_scripts.find(script_name); if (iter != scripts.as_scripts.end()) { paths_to_exec = iter->second; } if (script_name == "-" || script_name == "/dev/stdin") { paths_to_exec.push_back({script_name, "", "", ""}); } else if (access(script_name.c_str(), R_OK) == 0) { struct script_metadata meta; meta.sm_path = script_name; extract_metadata_from_file(meta); paths_to_exec.push_back(meta); } else if (errno != ENOENT) { open_error = strerror(errno); } else { auto script_path = ghc::filesystem::path(script_name); if (!script_path.is_absolute()) { script_path = ec.ec_path_stack.back() / script_path; } if (ghc::filesystem::is_regular_file(script_path)) { struct script_metadata meta; meta.sm_path = script_path; extract_metadata_from_file(meta); paths_to_exec.push_back(meta); } else if (errno != ENOENT) { open_error = strerror(errno); } } if (!paths_to_exec.empty()) { for (auto& path_iter : paths_to_exec) { retval = TRY(execute_file_contents(ec, path_iter.sm_path, multiline)); } } ec.ec_local_vars.pop(); if (paths_to_exec.empty()) { return ec.make_error( "unknown script -- {} -- {}", script_name, open_error); } return Ok(retval); } Result execute_from_file(exec_context& ec, const ghc::filesystem::path& path, int line_number, const std::string& cmdline) { std::string retval, alt_msg; auto _sg = ec.enter_source( intern_string::lookup(path.string()), line_number, cmdline); switch (cmdline[0]) { case ':': retval = TRY(execute_command(ec, cmdline.substr(1))); break; case '/': execute_search(cmdline.substr(1)); break; case ';': setup_logline_table(ec); retval = TRY(execute_sql(ec, cmdline.substr(1), alt_msg)); break; case '|': retval = TRY(execute_file(ec, cmdline.substr(1))); break; default: retval = TRY(execute_command(ec, cmdline)); break; } log_info("%s:%d:execute result -- %s", path.c_str(), line_number, retval.c_str()); return Ok(retval); } Result execute_any(exec_context& ec, const std::string& cmdline_with_mode) { std::string retval, alt_msg, cmdline = cmdline_with_mode.substr(1); auto _cleanup = finally([&ec] { if (ec.is_read_write() && // only rebuild in a script or non-interactive mode so we don't // block the UI. (lnav_data.ld_flags & LNF_HEADLESS || ec.ec_path_stack.size() > 1)) { rescan_files(); rebuild_indexes_repeatedly(); } }); switch (cmdline_with_mode[0]) { case ':': retval = TRY(execute_command(ec, cmdline)); break; case '/': execute_search(cmdline); break; case ';': setup_logline_table(ec); retval = TRY(execute_sql(ec, cmdline, alt_msg)); break; case '|': { retval = TRY(execute_file(ec, cmdline)); break; } default: retval = TRY(execute_command(ec, cmdline)); break; } return Ok(retval); } void execute_init_commands( exec_context& ec, std::vector, std::string>>& msgs) { if (lnav_data.ld_cmd_init_done) { return; } nonstd::optional ec_out; auto_fd fd_copy; if (!(lnav_data.ld_flags & LNF_HEADLESS)) { auto_mem tmpout(fclose); tmpout = std::tmpfile(); if (!tmpout) { msgs.emplace_back(Err(lnav::console::user_message::error( "Unable to open temporary output file") .with_errno_reason()), ""); return; } fd_copy = auto_fd::dup_of(fileno(tmpout)); ec_out = std::make_pair(tmpout.release(), fclose); } auto& dls = lnav_data.ld_db_row_source; int option_index = 1; { log_info("Executing initial commands"); exec_context::output_guard og(ec, "tmp", ec_out); for (auto& cmd : lnav_data.ld_commands) { static const auto COMMAND_OPTION_SRC = intern_string::lookup("command-option"); std::string alt_msg; wait_for_children(); log_debug("init cmd: %s", cmd.c_str()); { auto _sg = ec.enter_source(COMMAND_OPTION_SRC, option_index++, cmd); switch (cmd.at(0)) { case ':': msgs.emplace_back(execute_command(ec, cmd.substr(1)), alt_msg); break; case '/': execute_search(cmd.substr(1)); break; case ';': setup_logline_table(ec); msgs.emplace_back( execute_sql(ec, cmd.substr(1), alt_msg), alt_msg); break; case '|': msgs.emplace_back(execute_file(ec, cmd.substr(1)), alt_msg); break; } rescan_files(); rebuild_indexes_repeatedly(); } if (dls.dls_rows.size() > 1) { ensure_view(LNV_DB); } } } lnav_data.ld_commands.clear(); struct stat st; if (ec_out && fstat(fd_copy, &st) != -1 && st.st_size > 0) { static const auto OUTPUT_NAME = std::string("Initial command output"); lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_file_names[OUTPUT_NAME] .with_fd(std::move(fd_copy)) .with_include_in_session(false) .with_detect_format(false); lnav_data.ld_files_to_front.emplace_back(OUTPUT_NAME, 0_vl); if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != nullptr) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->set_alt_value( HELP_MSG_1(X, "to close the file")); } } lnav_data.ld_cmd_init_done = true; } int sql_callback(exec_context& ec, sqlite3_stmt* stmt) { auto& dls = lnav_data.ld_db_row_source; if (!sqlite3_stmt_busy(stmt)) { dls.clear(); return 0; } auto& chart = dls.dls_chart; auto& vc = view_colors::singleton(); int ncols = sqlite3_column_count(stmt); int row_number; int lpc, retval = 0; auto set_vars = false; row_number = dls.dls_rows.size(); dls.dls_rows.resize(row_number + 1); if (dls.dls_headers.empty()) { for (lpc = 0; lpc < ncols; lpc++) { int type = sqlite3_column_type(stmt, lpc); std::string colname = sqlite3_column_name(stmt, lpc); bool graphable; graphable = ((type == SQLITE_INTEGER || type == SQLITE_FLOAT) && !binary_search(lnav_data.ld_db_key_names.begin(), lnav_data.ld_db_key_names.end(), colname)); dls.push_header(colname, type, graphable); if (graphable) { auto name_for_ident_attrs = colname; auto attrs = vc.attrs_for_ident(name_for_ident_attrs); for (size_t attempt = 0; chart.attrs_in_use(attrs) && attempt < 3; attempt++) { name_for_ident_attrs += " "; attrs = vc.attrs_for_ident(name_for_ident_attrs); } chart.with_attrs_for_ident(colname, attrs); dls.dls_headers.back().hm_title_attrs = attrs; } } set_vars = true; } for (lpc = 0; lpc < ncols; lpc++) { auto* raw_value = sqlite3_column_value(stmt, lpc); auto value_type = sqlite3_value_type(raw_value); scoped_value_t value; auto& hm = dls.dls_headers[lpc]; switch (value_type) { case SQLITE_INTEGER: value = (int64_t) sqlite3_value_int64(raw_value); break; case SQLITE_FLOAT: value = sqlite3_value_double(raw_value); break; case SQLITE_NULL: value = null_value_t{}; break; default: value = string_fragment::from_bytes( sqlite3_value_text(raw_value), sqlite3_value_bytes(raw_value)); break; } dls.push_column(value); if ((hm.hm_column_type == SQLITE_TEXT || hm.hm_column_type == SQLITE_NULL) && hm.hm_sub_type == 0) { switch (value_type) { case SQLITE_TEXT: hm.hm_column_type = SQLITE_TEXT; hm.hm_sub_type = sqlite3_value_subtype(raw_value); break; } } if (set_vars && !ec.ec_local_vars.empty() && !ec.ec_dry_run) { if (sql_ident_needs_quote(hm.hm_name.c_str())) { continue; } auto& vars = ec.ec_local_vars.top(); if (value.is()) { value = value.get().to_string(); } vars[hm.hm_name] = value; } } return retval; } std::future pipe_callback(exec_context& ec, const std::string& cmdline, auto_fd& fd) { auto out = ec.get_output(); if (out) { FILE* file = *out; return std::async(std::launch::async, [&fd, file]() { char buffer[1024]; ssize_t rc; if (file == stdout) { lnav_data.ld_stdout_used = true; } while ((rc = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { fwrite(buffer, rc, 1, file); } return std::string(); }); } auto tmp_fd = lnav::filesystem::open_temp_file( ghc::filesystem::temp_directory_path() / "lnav.out.XXXXXX") .map([](auto pair) { ghc::filesystem::remove(pair.first); return std::move(pair.second); }) .expect("Cannot create temporary file for callback"); auto pp = std::make_shared(std::move(fd), false, std::move(tmp_fd)); static int exec_count = 0; lnav_data.ld_pipers.push_back(pp); auto desc = fmt::format(FMT_STRING("[{}] Output of {}"), exec_count++, cmdline); lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_file_names[desc] .with_fd(pp->get_fd()) .with_include_in_session(false) .with_detect_format(false); lnav_data.ld_files_to_front.emplace_back(desc, 0_vl); if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != nullptr) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->set_alt_value(HELP_MSG_1(X, "to close the file")); } return lnav::futures::make_ready_future(std::string()); } void add_global_vars(exec_context& ec) { for (const auto& iter : lnav_config.lc_global_vars) { shlex subber(iter.second); std::string str; if (!subber.eval(str, ec.ec_global_vars)) { log_error("Unable to evaluate global variable value: %s", iter.second.c_str()); continue; } ec.ec_global_vars[iter.first] = str; } } void exec_context::set_output(const std::string& name, FILE* file, int (*closer)(FILE*)) { log_info("redirecting command output to: %s", name.c_str()); this->ec_output_stack.back().second | [](auto out) { if (out.second != nullptr) { out.second(out.first); } }; this->ec_output_stack.back() = std::make_pair(name, std::make_pair(file, closer)); } void exec_context::clear_output() { log_info("redirecting command output to screen"); this->ec_output_stack.back().second | [](auto out) { if (out.second != nullptr) { out.second(out.first); } }; this->ec_output_stack.back() = std::make_pair("default", nonstd::nullopt); } exec_context::exec_context(logline_value_vector* line_values, sql_callback_t sql_callback, pipe_callback_t pipe_callback) : ec_line_values(line_values), ec_accumulator(std::make_unique()), ec_sql_callback(sql_callback), ec_pipe_callback(pipe_callback) { static const auto COMMAND_SRC = intern_string::lookup("command"); this->ec_local_vars.push(std::map()); this->ec_path_stack.emplace_back("."); this->ec_source.emplace_back( lnav::console::snippet::from(COMMAND_SRC, "").with_line(1)); this->ec_output_stack.emplace_back("screen", nonstd::nullopt); this->ec_error_callback_stack.emplace_back( [](const auto& um) { lnav::console::print(stderr, um); }); } void exec_context::execute(const std::string& cmdline) { auto exec_res = execute_any(*this, cmdline); if (exec_res.isErr()) { this->ec_error_callback_stack.back()(exec_res.unwrapErr()); } } void exec_context::add_error_context(lnav::console::user_message& um) { switch (um.um_level) { case lnav::console::user_message::level::raw: case lnav::console::user_message::level::info: case lnav::console::user_message::level::ok: return; default: break; } if (um.um_snippets.empty()) { um.with_snippets(this->ec_source); } if (this->ec_current_help != nullptr && um.um_help.empty()) { attr_line_t help; format_help_text_for_term(*this->ec_current_help, 70, help, help_text_content::synopsis_and_summary); um.with_help(help); } } exec_context::source_guard exec_context::enter_source(intern_string_t path, int line_number, const std::string& content) { attr_line_t content_al{content}; content_al.with_attr_for_all(VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_QUOTED_CODE)); readline_lnav_highlighter(content_al, -1); this->ec_source.emplace_back( lnav::console::snippet::from(path, content_al).with_line(line_number)); return {this}; } exec_context::output_guard::output_guard(exec_context& context, std::string name, const nonstd::optional& file) : sg_context(context) { if (file) { log_info("redirecting command output to: %s", name.c_str()); } context.ec_output_stack.emplace_back(std::move(name), file); } exec_context::output_guard::~output_guard() { this->sg_context.clear_output(); this->sg_context.ec_output_stack.pop_back(); }