{ "$schema": "https://lnav.org/schemas/format-v1.schema.json", "sssd_log": { "title": "SSSD log format", "description": "Log format used by the System Security Services Daemon", "url": "http://fedorahosted.org/sssd", "regex": { "core": { "pattern": "^\\((?\\S{3,8} \\S{3,8} ( \\d|\\d{2}) \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}(?:(?:\\.|:)\\d{6})? \\d{4})\\) \\[(?\\w+)\\] \\[(?\\w+)\\] \\((?0x[0-9a-fA-F]{4})\\): (?.*)$" }, "module": { "pattern": "^\\((?\\S{3,8} \\S{3,8} ( \\d|\\d{2}) \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}(?:(?:\\.|:)\\d{6})? \\d{4})\\) \\[(?\\w+)(?\\[.*?\\])\\] \\[(?\\w+)\\] \\((?0x[0-9a-fA-F]{4})\\): (?.*)$" }, "new-ts": { "pattern": "^\\((?\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} [ 0-9]{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}(?:(?:\\.|:)\\d{6})?)\\): \\[(?\\w+)(?\\[.*?\\])?\\] \\[(?\\w+)\\] \\((?0x[0-9a-fA-F]{4})\\): (?.*)$" } }, "level-field": "debug_level", "level": { "fatal": "0x0010", "critical": "0x0020", "error": "0x0040", "warning": "0x0080", "debug": "0x0200", "debug2": "0x0400", "debug3": "0x1000", "debug4": "0x2000", "trace": "0x4000" }, "value": { "service": { "kind": "string", "identifier": true }, "module": { "kind": "string", "identifier": true }, "function": { "kind": "string", "identifier": true }, "debug_level": { "kind": "string" }, "body": { "kind": "string" } }, "sample": [ { "line": "(Tue Mar 31 06:03:46 2015) [sssd[be[default]]] [sysdb_search_by_name] (0x0400): No such entry" }, { "line": "(Tue Mar 31 05:58:38 2015) [sssd] [start_service] (0x0100): Queueing service LDAP for startup" }, { "line": "(Tue Jul 14 11:01:17:259149 2020) [sssd] [sss_ini_call_validators] (0x0020): [rule/allowed_sections]: Section [prompting/password] is not allowed. Check for typos." }, { "line": "(2022-06-08 8:52:40): [be[ipa.example.com]] [sysdb_add_user] (0x0040): [RID#3] Group named aduser@example.com already exists in an MPG domain <-----", "level": "error" }, { "line": "(2022-06-14 0:31:43): [pam] [sss_process_init] (0x0010): fatal error setting up backend connector" }, { "line": "(2022-06-14 0:31:47): [nss] [sbus_reconnect_attempt] (0x0020): Unable to connect to D-Bus" } ] } }