/** * Copyright (c) 2015, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include "readline_possibilities.hh" #include "base/isc.hh" #include "base/opt_util.hh" #include "config.h" #include "data_parser.hh" #include "lnav.hh" #include "lnav_config.hh" #include "service_tags.hh" #include "session_data.hh" #include "sql_help.hh" #include "sql_util.hh" #include "sqlite-extension-func.hh" #include "sysclip.hh" #include "tailer/tailer.looper.hh" #include "yajlpp/yajlpp_def.hh" static int handle_collation_list(void* ptr, int ncols, char** colvalues, char** colnames) { if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != nullptr) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->add_possibility( ln_mode_t::SQL, "*", colvalues[1]); } return 0; } static int handle_db_list(void* ptr, int ncols, char** colvalues, char** colnames) { if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != nullptr) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->add_possibility( ln_mode_t::SQL, "*", colvalues[1]); } return 0; } static int handle_table_list(void* ptr, int ncols, char** colvalues, char** colnames) { if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != nullptr) { std::string table_name = colvalues[0]; if (sqlite_function_help.count(table_name) == 0) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->add_possibility( ln_mode_t::SQL, "*", colvalues[0]); } lnav_data.ld_table_ddl[colvalues[0]] = colvalues[1]; } return 0; } static int handle_table_info(void* ptr, int ncols, char** colvalues, char** colnames) { if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != nullptr) { auto_mem quoted_name; quoted_name = sql_quote_ident(colvalues[1]); lnav_data.ld_rl_view->add_possibility( ln_mode_t::SQL, "*", std::string(quoted_name)); } if (strcmp(colvalues[5], "1") == 0) { lnav_data.ld_db_key_names.emplace_back(colvalues[1]); } return 0; } static int handle_foreign_key_list(void* ptr, int ncols, char** colvalues, char** colnames) { lnav_data.ld_db_key_names.emplace_back(colvalues[3]); lnav_data.ld_db_key_names.emplace_back(colvalues[4]); return 0; } struct sqlite_metadata_callbacks lnav_sql_meta_callbacks = { handle_collation_list, handle_db_list, handle_table_list, handle_table_info, handle_foreign_key_list, }; static void add_text_possibilities(readline_curses* rlc, int context, const std::string& type, const std::string& str, text_quoting tq) { static const std::regex re_escape(R"(([.\^$*+?()\[\]{}\\|]))"); static const std::regex re_escape_no_dot(R"(([\^$*+?()\[\]{}\\|]))"); data_scanner ds(str); while (true) { auto tok_res = ds.tokenize2(); if (!tok_res) { break; } if (tok_res->tr_capture.length() < 4) { continue; } switch (tok_res->tr_token) { case DT_DATE: case DT_TIME: case DT_WHITE: continue; default: break; } switch (tq) { case text_quoting::sql: { auto token_value = tok_res->to_string(); auto_mem quoted_token; quoted_token = sqlite3_mprintf("%Q", token_value.c_str()); rlc->add_possibility(context, type, std::string(quoted_token)); break; } default: { auto token_value_no_dot = tok_res->to_string(); auto token_value = std::regex_replace( token_value_no_dot, re_escape, R"(\\\1)"); token_value_no_dot = std::regex_replace( token_value_no_dot, re_escape_no_dot, R"(\\\1)"); rlc->add_possibility(context, type, token_value); if (token_value != token_value_no_dot) { rlc->add_possibility(context, type, token_value_no_dot); } break; } } switch (tok_res->tr_token) { case DT_QUOTED_STRING: add_text_possibilities( rlc, context, type, ds.to_string_fragment(tok_res->tr_inner_capture) .to_string(), tq); break; default: break; } } } void add_view_text_possibilities(readline_curses* rlc, int context, const std::string& type, textview_curses* tc, text_quoting tq) { text_sub_source* tss = tc->get_sub_source(); rlc->clear_possibilities(context, type); if (tc->get_inner_height() > 0_vl) { for (vis_line_t curr_line = tc->get_top(); curr_line <= tc->get_bottom(); ++curr_line) { std::string line; tss->text_value_for_line( *tc, curr_line, line, text_sub_source::RF_RAW); add_text_possibilities(rlc, context, type, line, tq); } } rlc->add_possibility(context, type, bookmark_metadata::KNOWN_TAGS); } void add_filter_expr_possibilities(readline_curses* rlc, int context, const std::string& type) { static const char* BUILTIN_VARS[] = { ":log_level", ":log_time", ":log_time_msecs", ":log_mark", ":log_comment", ":log_tags", ":log_opid", ":log_format", ":log_path", ":log_unique_path", ":log_text", ":log_body", ":log_raw_text", }; auto* tc = &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]; auto& lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; auto bottom = tc->get_bottom(); rlc->clear_possibilities(context, type); rlc->add_possibility( context, type, std::begin(BUILTIN_VARS), std::end(BUILTIN_VARS)); for (auto curr_line = tc->get_top(); curr_line < bottom; ++curr_line) { auto cl = lss.at(curr_line); auto lf = lss.find(cl); auto ll = lf->begin() + cl; if (!ll->is_message()) { continue; } auto format = lf->get_format(); string_attrs_t sa; logline_value_vector values; lf->read_full_message(ll, values.lvv_sbr); values.lvv_sbr.erase_ansi(); format->annotate(cl, sa, values); for (auto& lv : values.lvv_values) { if (!lv.lv_meta.lvm_struct_name.empty()) { continue; } auto_mem ident(sqlite3_free); ident = sql_quote_ident(lv.lv_meta.lvm_name.get()); auto bound_name = fmt::format(FMT_STRING(":{}"), ident.in()); rlc->add_possibility(context, type, bound_name); switch (lv.lv_meta.lvm_kind) { case value_kind_t::VALUE_BOOLEAN: case value_kind_t::VALUE_FLOAT: case value_kind_t::VALUE_NULL: break; case value_kind_t::VALUE_INTEGER: rlc->add_possibility( context, type, std::to_string(lv.lv_value.i)); break; default: { auto_mem str; str = sqlite3_mprintf( "%.*Q", lv.text_length(), lv.text_value()); rlc->add_possibility(context, type, std::string(str.in())); break; } } } } rlc->add_possibility( context, type, std::begin(sql_keywords), std::end(sql_keywords)); rlc->add_possibility(context, type, sql_function_names); for (int lpc = 0; sqlite_registration_funcs[lpc]; lpc++) { struct FuncDef* basic_funcs; struct FuncDefAgg* agg_funcs; sqlite_registration_funcs[lpc](&basic_funcs, &agg_funcs); for (int lpc2 = 0; basic_funcs && basic_funcs[lpc2].zName; lpc2++) { const FuncDef& func_def = basic_funcs[lpc2]; rlc->add_possibility( context, type, std::string(func_def.zName) + (func_def.nArg ? "(" : "()")); } for (int lpc2 = 0; agg_funcs && agg_funcs[lpc2].zName; lpc2++) { const FuncDefAgg& func_def = agg_funcs[lpc2]; rlc->add_possibility( context, type, std::string(func_def.zName) + (func_def.nArg ? "(" : "()")); } } } void add_env_possibilities(ln_mode_t context) { extern char** environ; readline_curses* rlc = lnav_data.ld_rl_view; for (char** var = environ; *var != nullptr; var++) { rlc->add_possibility( context, "*", "$" + std::string(*var, strchr(*var, '='))); } exec_context& ec = lnav_data.ld_exec_context; if (!ec.ec_local_vars.empty()) { for (const auto& iter : ec.ec_local_vars.top()) { rlc->add_possibility(context, "*", "$" + iter.first); } } for (const auto& iter : ec.ec_global_vars) { rlc->add_possibility(context, "*", "$" + iter.first); } if (lnav_data.ld_window) { rlc->add_possibility(context, "*", "$LINES"); rlc->add_possibility(context, "*", "$COLS"); } } void add_filter_possibilities(textview_curses* tc) { readline_curses* rc = lnav_data.ld_rl_view; text_sub_source* tss = tc->get_sub_source(); filter_stack& fs = tss->get_filters(); rc->clear_possibilities(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "all-filters"); rc->clear_possibilities(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "disabled-filter"); rc->clear_possibilities(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "enabled-filter"); for (const auto& tf : fs) { rc->add_possibility(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "all-filters", tf->get_id()); if (tf->is_enabled()) { rc->add_possibility( ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "enabled-filter", tf->get_id()); } else { rc->add_possibility( ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "disabled-filter", tf->get_id()); } } } void add_file_possibilities() { static const std::regex sh_escape(R"(([\s\'\"]+))"); readline_curses* rc = lnav_data.ld_rl_view; rc->clear_possibilities(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "visible-files"); rc->clear_possibilities(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "hidden-files"); for (const auto& lf : lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_files) { if (lf.get() == nullptr) { continue; } lnav_data.ld_log_source.find_data(lf) | [&lf, rc](auto ld) { auto escaped_fn = std::regex_replace(lf->get_filename(), sh_escape, R"(\\\1)"); rc->add_possibility( ln_mode_t::COMMAND, ld->is_visible() ? "visible-files" : "hidden-files", escaped_fn); }; } } void add_mark_possibilities() { readline_curses* rc = lnav_data.ld_rl_view; rc->clear_possibilities(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "mark-type"); for (auto iter = bookmark_type_t::type_begin(); iter != bookmark_type_t::type_end(); ++iter) { bookmark_type_t* bt = (*iter); if (bt->get_name().empty()) { continue; } rc->add_possibility(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "mark-type", bt->get_name()); } } void add_config_possibilities() { readline_curses* rc = lnav_data.ld_rl_view; std::set visited; auto cb = [rc, &visited](const json_path_handler_base& jph, const std::string& path, void* mem) { if (jph.jph_children) { const auto named_caps = jph.jph_regex->get_named_captures(); if (named_caps.empty()) { rc->add_possibility(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "config-option", path); } for (const auto& named_cap : named_caps) { if (visited.count(named_cap.get_name().to_string()) == 0) { rc->clear_possibilities(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, named_cap.get_name().to_string()); visited.insert(named_cap.get_name().to_string()); } ghc::filesystem::path path_obj(path); rc->add_possibility(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, named_cap.get_name().to_string(), path_obj.parent_path().filename().string()); } } else { rc->add_possibility(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "config-option", path); if (jph.jph_synopsis) { if (jph.jph_enum_values) { rc->add_prefix(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, std::vector{"config", path}, path); for (size_t lpc = 0; jph.jph_enum_values[lpc].first != nullptr; lpc++) { rc->add_possibility(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, path, jph.jph_enum_values[lpc].first); } } else { rc->add_prefix(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, std::vector{"config", path}, jph.jph_synopsis); } } } }; rc->clear_possibilities(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "config-option"); for (const auto& jph : lnav_config_handlers.jpc_children) { jph.walk(cb, &lnav_config); } } void add_tag_possibilities() { readline_curses* rc = lnav_data.ld_rl_view; rc->clear_possibilities(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "tag"); rc->clear_possibilities(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "line-tags"); rc->add_possibility( ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "tag", bookmark_metadata::KNOWN_TAGS); if (lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top().value_or(nullptr) == &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { logfile_sub_source& lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; if (lss.text_line_count() > 0) { auto line_meta_opt = lss.find_bookmark_metadata( lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG].get_top()); if (line_meta_opt) { rc->add_possibility(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "line-tags", line_meta_opt.value()->bm_tags); } } } } void add_recent_netlocs_possibilities() { readline_curses* rc = lnav_data.ld_rl_view; rc->clear_possibilities(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "recent-netlocs"); std::set netlocs; isc::to().send_and_wait( [&netlocs](auto& tlooper) { netlocs = tlooper.active_netlocs(); }); netlocs.insert(session_data.sd_recent_netlocs.begin(), session_data.sd_recent_netlocs.end()); rc->add_possibility(ln_mode_t::COMMAND, "recent-netlocs", netlocs); }