path: root/upstream/opensuse-tumbleweed/man1/uustat.1
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+.\" $Id: uustat.1,v 1.14 2002/03/05 22:15:10 ian Rel $
+.TH uustat 1 "Taylor UUCP 1.07"
+uustat \- UUCP status inquiry and control
+.B uustat \-a
+.B uustat \-\-all
+.B uustat
+.B \-eKRiMNQ ] [
+.B \-sS
+system ] [
+.B \-uU
+user ] [
+.B \-cC
+command ] [
+.B \-oy
+hours ] [
+.B \-B
+lines ] [
+.B \-\-executions
+] [
+.B \-\-kill-all
+] [
+.B \-\-rejuvenate-all
+] [
+.B \-\-prompt
+] [
+.B \-\-mail
+] [
+.B \-\-notify
+] [
+.B \-\-no-list
+] [
+.B \-\-system
+system ] [
+.B \-\-not-system
+system ] [
+.B \-\-user
+user ] [
+.B \-\-not-user
+user ] [
+.B \-\-command
+command ] [
+.B \-\-not-command
+command ] [
+.B \-\-older-than
+hours ] [
+.B \-\-younger-than
+hours ] [
+.B \-\-mail-lines
+lines ]
+.B uustat
+.B \-kr
+jobid ] [
+.B \-\-kill
+jobid ] [
+.B \-\-rejuvenate
+jobid ]
+.B uustat \-q [
+.B \-sS
+system ] [
+.B \-oy
+hours ] [
+.B \-\-system
+system ] [
+.B \-\-not-system
+system ] [
+.B \-\-older-than
+hours ] [
+.B \-\-younger-than
+hours ]
+.B uustat \-\-list [
+.B \-sS
+system ] [
+.B \-oy
+hours ] [
+.B \-\-system
+system ] [
+.B \-\-not-system
+system ] [
+.B \-\-older-than
+hours ] [
+.B \-\-younger-than
+hours ]
+.B uustat \-m
+.B uustat \-\-status
+.B uustat \-p
+.B uustat \-\-ps
+.I uustat
+command can display various types of status information about the UUCP
+system. It can also be used to cancel or rejuvenate requests made by
+.I uucp
+(1) or
+.I uux
+By default
+.I uustat
+displays all jobs queued up for the invoking user, as if given the
+.B \-\-user
+option with the appropriate argument.
+If any of the
+.B \-a,
+.B \-\-all,
+.B \-e,
+.B \-\-executions,
+.B \-s,
+.B \-\-system,
+.B \-S,
+.B \-\-not-system,
+.B \-u,
+.B \-\-user,
+.B \-U,
+.B \-\-not-user,
+.B \-c,
+.B \-\-command,
+.B \-C,
+.B \-\-not-command,
+.B \-o,
+.B \-\-older-than,
+.B \-y,
+.B \-\-younger-than
+options are given, then all jobs which match the combined
+specifications are displayed.
+.B \-K
+.B \-\-kill-all
+option may be used to kill off a selected group of jobs, such as all
+jobs more than 7 days old.
+The following options may be given to
+.I uustat.
+.TP 5
+.B \-a, \-\-all
+List all queued file transfer requests.
+.TP 5
+.B \-e, \-\-executions
+List queued execution requests rather than queued file transfer
+requests. Queued execution requests are processed by
+.I uuxqt
+(8) rather than
+.I uucico
+(8). Queued execution requests may be waiting for some file to be
+transferred from a remote system. They are created by an invocation
+.I uux
+.TP 5
+.B \-s system, \-\-system system
+List all jobs queued up for the named system. These options may be
+specified multiple times, in which case all jobs for all the systems
+will be listed. If used with
+.B \-\-list
+only the systems named will be listed.
+.TP 5
+.B \-S system, \-\-not-system system
+List all jobs queued for systems other than the one named. These
+options may be specified multiple times, in which case no jobs from
+any of the specified systems will be listed. If used with
+.B \-\-list
+only the systems not named will be listed. These options may not be
+used with
+.B \-s
+.B \-\-system.
+.TP 5
+.B \-u user, \-\-user user
+List all jobs queued up for the named user. These options may be
+specified multiple times, in which case all jobs for all the users
+will be listed.
+.TP 5
+.B \-U user, \-\-not-user user
+List all jobs queued up for users other than the one named. These
+options may be specified multiple times, in which case no jobs from
+any of the specified users will be listed. These options may not be
+used with
+.B \-u
+.B \-\-user.
+.TP 5
+.B \-c command, \-\-command command
+List all jobs requesting the execution of the named command. If
+.B command
+this will list all jobs requesting the execution of some command (as
+opposed to simply requesting a file transfer). These options may be
+specified multiple times, in which case all jobs requesting any of the
+commands will be listed.
+.TP 5
+.B \-C command, \-\-not-command command
+List all jobs requesting execution of some command other than the
+named command, or, if
+.B command
+.I ALL,
+list all jobs that simply request a file transfer (as opposed to
+requesting the execution of some command). These options may be
+specified multiple times, in which case no job requesting one of the
+specified commands will be listed. These options may not be used with
+.B \-c
+.B \-\-command.
+.TP 5
+.B \-o hours, \-\-older-than hours
+List all queued jobs older than the given number of hours. If used
+.B \-\-list
+only systems whose oldest job is older than the given number of hours
+will be listed.
+.TP 5
+.B \-y hours, \-\-younger-than hours
+List all queued jobs younger than the given number of hours. If used
+.B \-\-list
+only systems whose oldest job is younger than the given number of
+hours will be listed.
+.TP 5
+.B \-k jobid, \-\-kill jobid
+Kill the named job. The job id is shown by the default output format,
+as well as by the
+.B \-j
+.B \-\-jobid
+option to
+.I uucp
+(1) or
+.I uux
+(1). A job may only be killed by the user who created the job, or by
+the UUCP administrator or the superuser. The
+.B \-k
+.B \-\-kill
+options may be used multiple times on the command line to kill several
+.TP 5
+.B \-r jobid, \-\-rejuvenate jobid
+Rejuvenate the named job. This will mark it as having been invoked at
+the current time, affecting the output of the
+.B \-o,
+.B \-\-older-than,
+.B \-y,
+.B \-\-younger-than
+options and preserving it from any automated cleanup daemon. The job
+id is shown by the default output format, as well as by the
+.B \-j
+.B \-\-jobid
+options to
+.I uucp
+(1) or
+.I uux
+(1). A job may only be rejuvenated by the user who created the job,
+or by the UUCP administrator or the superuser. The
+.B \-r
+.B \-\-rejuvenate
+options may be used multiple times on the command line to rejuvenate
+several jobs.
+.TP 5
+.B \-q, \-\-list
+Display the status of commands, executions and conversations for all
+remote systems for which commands or executions are queued. The
+.B \-s,
+.B \-\-system,
+.B \-S,
+.B \-\-not-system,
+.B \-o,
+.B \-\-older-than,
+.B \-y,
+.B \-\-younger-than
+options may be used to restrict the systems which are listed. Systems
+for which no commands or executions are queued will never be listed.
+.TP 5
+.B \-m, \-\-status
+Display the status of conversations for all remote systems.
+.TP 5
+.B \-p, \-\-ps
+Display the status of all processes holding UUCP locks on systems or
+.TP 5
+.B \-i, \-\-prompt
+For each listed job, prompt whether to kill the job or not. If the
+first character of the input line is
+.I y
+.I Y
+the job will be killed.
+.TP 5
+.B \-K, \-\-kill-all
+Automatically kill each listed job. This can be useful for automatic
+cleanup scripts, in conjunction with the
+.B \-\-mail
+.B \-\-notify
+.TP 5
+.B \-R, \-\-rejuvenate-all
+Automatically rejuvenate each listed job. This may not be used with
+.B \-\-kill-all.
+.TP 5
+.B \-M, \-\-mail
+For each listed job, send mail to the UUCP administrator. If the job
+is killed (due to
+.B \-\-kill-all
+.B \-\-prompt
+with an affirmative response) the mail will indicate that. A comment
+specified by the
+.B \-\-comment
+option may be included. If the job is an execution, the initial
+portion of its standard input will be included in the mail message;
+the number of lines to include may be set with the
+.B \-\-mail-lines
+option (the default is 100). If the standard input contains null
+characters, it is assumed to be a binary file and is not included.
+.TP 5
+.B \-N, \-\-notify
+For each listed job, send mail to the user who requested the job. The
+mail is identical to that sent by the
+.B \-M
+.B \-\-mail
+.TP 5
+.B \-W comment, \-\-comment comment
+Specify a comment to be included in mail sent with the
+.B \-M,
+.B \-\-mail,
+.B \-N,
+.B \-\-notify
+.TP 5
+.B \-B lines, \-\-mail-lines lines
+When the
+.B \-M,
+.B \-\-mail,
+.B \-N,
+.B \-\-notify
+options are used to send mail about an execution with standard input,
+this option controls the number of lines of standard input to include
+in the message. The default is 100.
+.TP 5
+.B \-Q, \-\-no-list
+Do not actually list the job, but only take any actions indicated by
+.B \-i,
+.B \-\-prompt,
+.B \-K,
+.B \-\-kill-all,
+.B \-M,
+.B \-\-mail,
+.B \-N
+.B \-\-notify
+.TP 5
+.B \-x type, \-\-debug type
+Turn on particular debugging types. The following types are
+recognized: abnormal, chat, handshake, uucp-proto, proto, port,
+config, spooldir, execute, incoming, outgoing. Only abnormal, config,
+spooldir and execute are meaningful for
+.I uustat.
+Multiple types may be given, separated by commas, and the
+.B \-\-debug
+option may appear multiple times. A number may also be given, which
+will turn on that many types from the foregoing list; for example,
+.B \-\-debug 2
+is equivalent to
+.B \-\-debug abnormal,chat.
+.TP 5
+.B \-I file, \-\-config file
+Set configuration file to use. This option may not be available,
+depending upon how
+.I uustat
+was compiled.
+.TP 5
+.B \-v, \-\-version
+Report version information and exit.
+.TP 5
+.B \-\-help
+Print a help message and exit.
+uustat \-\-all
+Display status of all jobs. A sample output line is as follows: +0.5i
+bugsA027h bugs ian 04-01 13:50 Executing rmail (sending 1283 bytes) -0.5i
+The format is +0.5i
+jobid system user queue-date command (size) -0.5i
+The jobid may be passed to the
+.B \-\-kill
+.B \-\-rejuvenate
+The size indicates how much data is to be transferred to the remote
+system, and is absent for a file receive request.
+.B \-\-system,
+.B \-\-not-system,
+.B \-\-user,
+.B \-\-not-user,
+.B \-\-command,
+.B \-\-not-command,
+.B \-\-older-than,
+.B \-\-younger-than
+options may be used to control which jobs are listed.
+uustat \-\-executions
+Display status of queued up execution requests. A sample output line
+is as follows: +0.5i
+bugs bugs!ian 05-20 12:51 rmail ian -0.5i
+The format is +0.5i
+system requestor queue-date command -0.5i
+.B \-\-system,
+.B \-\-not-system,
+.B \-\-user,
+.B \-\-not-user,
+.B \-\-command,
+.B \-\-not-command,
+.B \-\-older-than,
+.B \-\-younger-than
+options may be used to control which requests are listed.
+uustat \-\-list
+Display status for all systems with queued up commands. A sample
+output line is as follows: +0.5i
+bugs 4C (1 hour) 0X (0 secs) 04-01 14:45 Dial failed -0.5i
+This indicates the system, the number of queued commands, the age of
+the oldest queued command, the number of queued local executions, the
+age of the oldest queued execution, the date of the last conversation,
+and the status of that conversation.
+uustat \-\-status
+Display conversation status for all remote systems. A sample output
+line is as follows: +0.5i
+bugs 04-01 15:51 Conversation complete -0.5i
+This indicates the system, the date of the last conversation, and the
+status of that conversation. If the last conversation failed,
+.I uustat
+will indicate how many attempts have been made to call the system. If
+the retry period is currently preventing calls to that system,
+.I uustat
+also displays the time when the next call will be permitted.
+uustat \-\-ps
+Display the status of all processes holding UUCP locks. The output
+format is system dependent, as
+.I uustat
+simply invokes
+.I ps
+(1) on each process holding a lock.
+ +0.5i
+uustat \-\-command rmail \-\-older\-than 168 \-\-kill\-all \-\-no\-list \-\-mail \-\-notify \-\-comment "Queued for over 1 week" -0.5i
+This will kill all
+.I rmail
+commands that have been queued up waiting for delivery for over 1 week
+(168 hours). For each such command, mail will be sent both to the
+UUCP administrator and to the user who requested the rmail execution.
+The mail message sent will include the string given by the
+.B \-\-comment
+option. The
+.B \-\-no-list
+option prevents any of the jobs from being listed on the terminal, so
+any output from the program will be error messages.
+ps(1), rmail(1), uucp(1), uux(1), uucico(8), uuxqt(8)
+Ian Lance Taylor