The following steps are taken to release a new version ====================================================== # Get the latest upstream version #gbp import-orig --uscan --sign-tags # --sign-tags does not work gbp import-orig --uscan # Do we need to do git tag this manually? export DEBFULLNAME="Dr. Helge Kreutzmann" dch -i # New upstream version # Check the following and after each dash commit (last line in block) # - Debian-BTS → Fix and dch -a # - → Fix and dch -a # - Check with Mario the set of supported languages, if changed → update "" (epoch needed?) and dch -a # - Check standards version: If changed → apply changes and update "" and dch -a # Update Standards-Version to 4.x.y, no changes needed # - Update copyright (1): if new committer or year changed: Update first two entries in "copyright" # Update copyright (2): and dch -a # Update d/copyright # Update control files: and dch -r git commit -a # Build (source?) package → better done plain with debuild and friends gbp buildpackage # If new man page sections are used (or previous removed): Update manpages-….install AND control (match description) gbp buildpackage --git-tag-only git push --tags # Test and upload The following steps are taken to backport a new version ======================================================= # Check that base version reached testing # If this is the first backport: git checkout -b bookworm-backports # Adjust debian/rules: # dh_auto_configure -- --enable-distribution=debian-bookworm # Update path to links file in d/*.links # Otherwise switch to existing backport branch git checkout bookworm-backports git fetch # Merge Master into it and resolve conflicts git merge master export DEBFULLNAME="Dr. Helge Kreutzmann" vim debian/changelog git commit -a # Turn all Breaks + Replaces (when l10n manpages moved to upstream and appeared there in Debian) to Conflicts # Prepare the changelog dch --bpo git commit -a # Build (source?) package gbp buildpackage --git-debian-branch=bookworm-backports # Test and upload Download the .tar.gz from testing used as base (apt-get source should suffice) Update the Checksums-Sha1, Checksums-Sha256 and the md5sum (in files) as well as the size to in the .dsc file to match the version from testing (before signing!)