Exit without error: =================== scripts/format-po.sh: exit 0 Help output Name of man page missing: [1] ============================= create-new-translation.sh: exit 1 Name of man page missing show-stats.sh: exit 1 Name of man page missing scripts/create-new-translation.sh: exit 1 Name of man page missing No compendium specified: [2] ============================ scripts/generate-compendium.sh: exit 1 No compendium specified Language not found: [11] ======================== scripts/update-translations.sh: exit 1 Language not found scripts/generate-manpage.sh: exit 1 Language not found scripts/create-new-translation.sh: exit 1 Language not found scripts/show-needed-updates.sh: exit 1 Language not found scripts/format-po.sh: exit 1 Language not found scripts/update-po.sh: exit 1 Language not found scripts/generate-all-manpages.sh: exit 1 Language not found scripts/l10n_test: exit 1 Language not found Target directory not found: [12] ================================ scripts/update-translations.sh: exit 2 Target directory not found scripts/generate-manpage.sh: exit 2 Target directory not found scripts/create-new-translation.sh: exit 2 Target directory not found scripts/show-needed-updates.sh: exit 2 Target directory not found scripts/format-po.sh: exit 2 Target directory not found scripts/update-po.sh: exit 2 Target directory not found scripts/generate-all-manpages.sh: exit 2 Target directory not found scripts/l10n_test: exit 2 Target directory not found File not found: [13] ==================== scripts/generate-compendium.sh: exit 1 File not found scripts/update-po.sh: exit 1 File not found scripts/use-for-compendium.sh: exit 1 File not found update-po.sh: exit 1 File not found use-for-compendium.sh: exit 1 File not found POT file not found: [14] ======================== scripts/update-po.sh: exit 1 POT file not found update-po.sh: exit 1 POT file not found Configuration file not found: [15] ================================== scripts/l10n_set: exit 2 Configuration file not found Original man page not found: [16] // This exit codes seems to confuse automake, currently changed back to empty ================================= scripts/generate-manpage.sh: exit Original man page not found Could not determine distribution: [17] ====================================== generate-all-manpages.sh: exit 1 Could not determine distribution scripts/generate-all-manpages.sh: exit 1 Could not determine distribution pt_BR/list-manpages.sh: exit 1